- new US medium branch (T25E1 – T42 – T54E2 – T95E6)? SerB: “No comment on leaks and rumors as usual” (SS: yea, it’s BS)
- Q: “Will it be possible to appear with a Tiger in a national battle Soviet team?” A: “You consider us to be retards or something…”
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
- Q: “Why don’t you implement the option to disable 2-3 maps you don’t want to play?” A: “For the same reason as before” (SS: the official reason if I remember correctly was the fact that it would mess with MM too much)
- +/-1 MM for historical battles is not planned, SerB considers it fine for a Tiger to meet a T-34 (or for a Panzer IV to meet IS)
- the Japanese and Chinese tanks are not named in Japanese or Chinese simply because most players can’t read Japanese and Chinese
- SerB “will have a look”, whether the Chinese map “Empire’s Border” will appear on RU/EU/US too
- apparently, it’s pointless to angle your mantlet (by moving the gun up or down) in order to bounce more shots, as mantlet angling doesn’t increase the mantlet effective armor
- Q: “How do I know which tank will I able to use in historical battles?” A: “Use common sense”
- lists for specific tanks available for historical battles will exist apparently for each respective battle
- Japanese tanks too weak? “Don’t play Japanese tanks”
- apparently, historical battles (as shown before in one Russian video) will “make” you buy an entire pre-set ammo composition (SS: for example 30 AP, 5 APCR, 30 HE) for a price of the complete set
- national battles will use the same MM rules as regular battles
- SerB thinks that what Veider said about the T23 premium tank (SS: it was historically able to go backward as fast as forward) is garbage, a player later argues it was historical, but SerB states that it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game and that he will specifically tell Veider not to do such a thing
- Storm states that the information that he said the arty would be buffed was a hoax
“You consider us to be retards or something…”
Well, when you phrase it that way…
He said it, not us.
thats WG for u….
Both Q and A – made my day :rofl:
Working as intended… nothing new.
- Q: “Will it be possible to appear with a Tiger in a national battle Soviet team?” A: “You consider us to be retards or something…”
WG Community – always asking the most important questions >_>
People do ask the most stupid questions if they believe something is going to effect them in a negative way.
Actually it was another failed translation from SS. Player asked about using mixed nation platoons in national battles.
Not really. He was asking about means to appear in a Tiger amongst the Soviet team (platoon being the means). Be so kind and stop trolling, I always said this blog is about interpretation, not literal translation of everything said.
Doesn’t your interpretation makes the question looking more stupid than it is?
Not really. The requirements for national battles that the tanks are the same nation so if a guy in a tiger platoons with an IS match making will not put them in a national battle even WG isn’t that idiotic.
Seems rather obvious to me.
Yeah, so many “obvious” things had passed through beta testers straight into release patches. One more, one less, who cares?
It was an obvious troll answer, to a question that was also blatantly dumb (what would be the point of national battles if other nations’ tanks could join via platoons). Sure, a bug may pass, but the guy definitely was not asking “is it possible that the national battle mode bug can be exploited”?
I mean… come on. So yes, a well deserved troll answer, but that was not the point of my reaction. It’s about interpretation really, if you are looking for some reason why I interpret that thing the way I do – it’s simple: obvious dumb questions and troll answers I post the way so they sound funny, which is the entire point of the thing.
The Pasholok’s case was not that funny, whatever I think about him. You see, sometimes you have to polish your translation and be careful with attributing to people some words which they did not say or with omitting the context.
I like your blog, it’s a place with concentrated information about the game, but way too often I have to check the sources after reading news here.
It is how it is. I never said I am all-knowing or that I never ever make a mistake. Everything I do is a compromise between quality and speed of translation – and I’ve been doing it for quite a long time already, so I think I found the “golden middle”. If you feel like my interpretations (!) are not satisfactory, please – feel free not to read it. But I don’t want to see arguments like this one under every post, if that’s okay.
Feel free to notice me via mail, if you really feel there is something wrong, but since I don’t have time or strength to “defend” my translations every time, I will delete such stuff from now on. I hope you understand.
have you ever contacted the support?:D
“…we try not to hire morons as employees”
Then please explain the NA Forum Moderators >_>
Don’t forget the WG EU staff..
Are they directly hired by WG main office?
Im think that the WG Main Office still hires them. I am not sure, however, you’d have to talk to WG HQ.
“we try not to hire any more morons as employees”
dont think so. we need more smart people in EU. at this rate the whole world will be run by a not-idiot
Sooooooo who hired SerB?
SerB is one of the founders of Wargaming.
If memory serves me correctly, didn’t they originally do a hard cap on arty SS? Something like no more than 5 in a game? Wonder who the morons were that came up with that, eh Serb?
Yes, there was a hard cap, and when it was introduced it was said that it is only a temporary thing, because it is stupid!
tried and failed miserably…
“- SerB “will have a look”, whether the Chinese map “Empire’s Border” will appear on RU/EU/US too”
I hope he can make it appear on EU.
Me too.Looks good and something different from most maps. Lots of routes to approach.
Really hopeing for it on the US server.
- Q: “How do I know which tank will I able to use in historical battles?” A: “Use common sense”
- SerB thinks that what Veider said about the T23 premium tank (SS: it was historically able to go backward as fast as forward) is garbage, a player later argues it was historical, but SerB states that it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game and that he will specifically tell Veider not to do such a thing
If OP-1s can’t go 40kmph backwards, then T23 can’t go 56kmph backwards. Let’s hope Veider actually does implement it, that would make for a VERY fun tank, no matter how crap the gun.
We, here at Wargaming, will decide on what is or isn’t history. Tovarisch Veider will soon learn this valuable lesson at our precious Gul- “Summer Camp”.
Forward speed: INF.
Reverse speed: INF.
- Q: “Will it be possible to appear with a Tiger in a national battle Soviet team?” A: “You consider us to be retards or something…”
Yes, yes you are
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
So, then 90% of WG employees have to be fired, or at least all guys in Paris :)
That answer wasn’t even trolling, it was as if the developers just realized that the truth was spoken and didn’t bother giving a good answer.
“Idiotic solutions like a hardcap”
I bet everyone except WG accepts that a hardcap of 3 would be 100 times better than nerfing all artys
(and 1000 times less work)
Nope. It would give arty a mm waiting time nerf, and still keep them as the main damage dealers, not indirect support as they were supposed to be.
Most people would wait for great MM..and for classic, indirect fire, the way the arty nerf went was in a completely different approach.
I don’t think it’s a better option and I don’t work for WG. There.
Jesus Christ people, you think retards would make such good game like WoT ?
There’s no real reason for you to rip on them just because they don’t want to buff tank X or sometimes they truthfully answer that the question is just dumb.
WoT has many flaws, that for some weird reason, havent been fixed/changed yet.
Even the Devs KNOW about the odd ball flaws… Even then, they sometimes cant do much about it.
Yeah because in real life Pz IVs had so much chance against a piece of crap russian tanks with a 122mm…if it hits you basically nothing remains from a Pz IV,like in WoT…it will be so fun.
I’m certain playing a T-34 vs. a Tiger will be equally fun. Or, if they have historical matchmaking instead of actual +/-2 matchmaking, you know that cute little Tier II Soviet light tank, the T-60?
Yeah, that saw Panthers and Tigers in real life, whereas the Panzer IV with brains, as rare as that will be, could hurt an IS from the sides and ass. Good luck hurting a Tiger or Panther pretty much anywhere with a 20mm autocannon or 12.7mm MG.
well if you’re russian enough (in the sense of the tankers and not the wot players), i think T-60s are already “doing it chuck norris” style :D
what i hate is the fact you hav to purchase gold shells. guess that means im not gonna do historicals :T
That will probably change. But I’d sooner be in a T-70 with a 45mm cannon than a T-40 with a 12.7mm machine gun.
To be fair I’d also rather be in an ISU-152.
I have seen Pz III’s kill ISU-152′s when the Pz III’s get in behind them… It is kind of funny.
It’ll also be fun for T-34-76′s to fight Tiger’s eh?
Also there is the IS-1 tank (IS-85) armed with 85mm gun, not only IS-2 (IS-122) in game.
when in doubt, zerg
IS-1 vs Panther: Panther win!
“we try not to hire morons as employees”
So thers a second US med line(better repurchase my sherman)
- Japanese tanks too weak? “Don’t play Japanese tanks”
my a> well for WW2 jap veh ther armor is crap but the guns are good.
- apparently, historical battles (as shown before in one Russian video) will “make” you buy an entire pre-set ammo composition (SS: for example 30 AP, 5 APCR, 30 HE) for a price of the complete set
Oh thats just bullshit and you know it. Ok lets pick IS-1 then wtf will i do with 30 HE round. Only premium ammo should be limited not the normal ones. There is no damn infantry if wot so it doesnt make any sense to have half the ammo as HE shells. It makes sense only with some tanks to have full/half HE like with SU-152 or ISU-152 but not with all the tanks in this game.
don’t like it?
don’t play historical battles.
You can use HE for Pz. IV, u can hit Panther’ side very badly.
HE shells are fine. When u cant penetrate someone’s turret, use cfukin HE, like two days ago, me in IS-2 vs E-75, using HE. The results = 248dmg+destroyed optics.
How many shots?
“SS” Said ” FOR EXAMPLE not its going to be like that try reading
Most if not ALL tanks in the 1930s and 1940s were out fitted with near 50% AP rounds of some variety and 50% HE rounds.
There were a few odd balls that stuffed in smoke and APCR but for the most part it was nothing special. APC, APCBC, AP-HE and HE.
If WG wanted to go full on historical they could remove the tank out line and remove the other team from your map… and make it actually difficult.
Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees” I beg to differ.
If people buy vanilla ice cream and not strawberry because they happen to like how vanilla tastes, but not strawberry. That doesnt mean that the vanilla ice cream is better in any way or that you need to put shit in to the vanilla ice cream so that noone wants to buy it anymore. (Even if to fiew people buy strawberry ice cream so that it goes bad before you can sell it)
Some people will just stop buying ice cream if you do that, since they might not like strawberry at all.
Oooor…just fuck it and buy the company. Then you can have all the vanillas you want =D
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
Tried and failed.
““Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
SerB is much more intelligent than average WoT player, and what he said here is 100% correct. Hardcap is indeed an idiotic solution that some people keep suggesting although they haven’t really thought it out. The only thing hardcap does is prevent diversity and getting Burda’s medal, while not solving the real problem which is balance and design of SPG’s. Hardcap is artificial limit that communist countries used back in the day. But these price limits did not work in real life and were abandoned. SerB, coming from an ex-communist country, is well familiar with hardcaps, and instead of criticizing him many wannabe WoT economists could learn a lot from him.
That may be, but not all the arties were too good, only some were. They just over nerf them. Currently arty is one hell of RNG. Skills matter far less only the luck with RNG decides will you hit it or not.
Arties were goddamn drone strikes before nerf. Even now they are very effective (annoying for others), but you need good player to make them work – like in other tanks.
the nerf is uncalled for though. i mean, the accuracy nerf is WAY TOO MUCH. and you needed the TD mode in tier 2…..
Accuracy is technically still the same.
It is the aim time that kills you.
- SerB thinks that what Veider said about the T23 premium tank (SS: it was historically able to go backward as fast as forward) is garbage, a player later argues it was historical, but SerB states that it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game and that he will specifically tell Veider not to do such a thing
god complex much?
Another infighting, I think they need a spokesman.
That, and I think someone pissed off SerB too much today. Just look at his “comments” above. It’s brimming with pure rage.
Makes me wanna lemming >=D
“- apparently, it’s pointless to angle your mantlet (by moving the gun up or down) in order to bounce more shots, as mantlet angling doesn’t increase the mantlet effective armor”
I should maybe revise penetration mechanics, but does inclinaison works with spaced armor ?
If so, why shouldn’t it works with mantlet ?
EDIT : I didn’t saw the “up and down” part, I thought he was talking about left and right..
This is still a problem. For instance, Tiger-style flat mantlet: does up-down angling not work?
“You consider us to be retards or something…”, “we try not to hire morons as employees”
I’d say yes and yes.
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
There should be a Hall of Shame for stupid answers from WG. This would take the cake for a while. They already hardcapped arty to 5 or less, so I guess this makes them the “idiots and moron” employees they’re trying not to hire *more* of. Now… if only they’d make the cap more reliable so the max is 3 instead of 5, and do the same with tank destroyers, the volume of whine complaints on the forums would taper off dramatically.
Well yeah and it’s called For The Record.
- the Japanese and Chinese tanks are not named in Japanese or Chinese simply because most players can’t read Japanese and Chinese
Nevermind that the Russian and Chinese and Japanese Inscriptions are true-to-form even though we don’t speak or read those languages (well, at least some of you all don’t) …. they took the time to translate it when you hover over those in your “Exterior” purchase options, but I guess doing so in the tech tree was “too hard” to do like their hardcap vs. nerfing decisions.
Nevermind that the mouseover descriptions of each of those inscriptions translates them into the client’s language, thus drawing the line that HUD is kept in a language that is readable to the player while writing on the vehicles themselves is in the tank’s nation’s language.
- Q: “Will it be possible to appear with a Tiger in a national battle Soviet team?” A: “You consider us to be retards or something…”
Umm… yes?
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
Funny how it became “idiotic” right after they stopped using it. Also not hiring idiots must be some new WG policy, I doubt it was there when they recruited WG EU staff
I think they got most of the WG EU staff (excluding the mods, including Idahou the mod) by giving them Vodka and Shawarma…
Test server tomorrow? I want to continue Object 263 & SU-122-54 funz
and want to try the 121 and wz-120
I can(t understand such answer:
- Japanese tanks too weak? “Don’t play Japanese tanks”
WTF is wrong with this guy, WT comes, it looks cool, can be an hard counter to WoT, and they stills treat people like shit… I think they will pay that soon or later :/.
WarThunder will never be a hard-counter to WoT. Ever.
It may have pixeltanks like WoT, but the gameplay is so different that most people won’t migrate.
WarThunder as a game has gotten steadily worse over it’s patch history. I for one won’t take the time to even piss on it, let alone play it..
Also, Japanese tanks are fine. Some are arguably OP. Like the Chi-To. It’s hilariously good for a tier 6..
Chi-To OP? you gotta be kidding me
I was constantly at the top of my team–or both teams–in damage with the Chi-To. And that was without the upgraded radios or engines. Excellent soft stats with great pen and DPM for it’s tier made it great for a tier 6. I would say it gives the Cromwell–which is clearly OP–a good run for it’s money for the title of best tier 6 medium..
Then again, you could almost consider the M18 the best tier 6 medium..
Chi-To OP? but how…? i play that tank and i don’t think so. Good tank : yes. OP: no. Every german tier 6 has that gun and they have armor or speed or mobility. And Chi To? Armor: no exist. Every derp gun can pen you frontal. Speed: No. Only reach top speed when go downhill and on flat ,solid surface. When you meet a small hill, it go down to 10. PTW ratio is terrible. Camo: no. You’re as high as a heavy. Soft stats? Can’t hit anything on move, slow acceleration, sluggish in soft surface, decent turn rate, driver and gunner and loader are easy killer. If you doing good in this tank, that’s great. But that don’t mean this tank is OP.
Did you really say that Chi-To is OP…
It’s a running inside joke on RU forums actually. SerB is “collecting” the whine about all the nations, now he has a full set with the Japanese.
Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
They already have hardcap on arties. It’s 5 max. I know it’s not 3, but it’s still a hardcap therefore, idiotic solution. What was he saying about morons?
- SerB “will have a look”, whether the Chinese map “Empire’s Border” will appear on RU/EU/US too
Yes please!! This map is awesome while Komarin even after rebalance is still quite shitty. I would say trade it for Empire’s Border.
- SerB thinks that what Veider said about the T23 premium tank (SS: it was historically able to go backward as fast as forward) is garbage, a player later argues it was historical, but SerB states that it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game and that he will specifically tell Veider not to do such a thing
Once again Veider proved to be a fuckwit. And i liked the part where SerB says: “…it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game…” Hilarious. Victor writes history. In this case soviet maggots decides what’s “realistic” because it’s their game.
Cherry-picked T-54 is very realistic.
US cannot have M47 because hull too strong for tier 9, despite the fact that cherry-picked T-54 gets an even better glacis.
Then, Type 59 gets the same glacis M47 would get. A tier lower.
Meanwhile, at Wargaming..
A capped limit on premium shells for historic battles sounds interesting, I’d like to see them explain that a little more.
Sad part is, now you’re going to get HEAT-derping Shermans, which was a historical outfitting on the M4, with 5 free chances to do retarded amounts of damage.
Who likes goldshell fags? (except said goldshell fags)
It’s not actually a capped limit. They force you to change the setup loadout of your tank for a template one with a fixed number of gold shells in order to participate in historical battles. You won’t have that for standard randoms because then you wouldn’t be able to customize your loadout pre battle. You can’t have a “cap” on gold shells without having a cap on every other type of shell, and nobody would want that.
how’s your surgery?
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
Meanwhile at EU office…
the waiting time of T8 is a bad jocke ..I.. WG
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
What an absolutely silly response to a good question! This by far illustrates how out of touch Serb is from his customers/fans of this game.
Truly if I were his boss I would fire him for making such a stupid comment!
A hard cap on arty was a perfect solution to the arty issue – in fact it still is!
There must be a reason why you aren’t, and never shall you be the boss of SerB or any other game developer.
You just can’t see the bigger picture in which hard capping ONE vehicle type affects ALL vehicle types in ways it is almost impossible to consider.
If you were to risk screwing the entire MM mechanism just for the sake of a retarded argument then your hypothetical game would flop really fast.
We deserve a better class of troll :|
The ones at this joint are very blunt and try too hard.
WG are faggots/retards for their obviously fail trolling answers.
Is there any information on how national battles will handle platoons? I assume you simply won’t get into one if you choose like 2 IS-3 and one Tiger II. Would you be able to get into one if all tanks are from the same nation?
Likely you will not be able to do that.
I am sure it will be tried in super-testing to make sure it cant be done at all in the normal common testserver test run.
Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?”
A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”
Try harder, boys.
The only reason it might be considered “idiotic” is because the RU server LOVES arty, and would be really pissed off if a hardcap were implemented, and because RU is the only server that WG listens to, they get their way.
- SerB thinks that what Veider said about the T23 premium tank (SS: it was historically able to go backward as fast as forward) is garbage, a player later argues it was historical, but SerB states that it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game and that he will specifically tell Veider not to do such a thing
“We try not to hire morons as employees”
~Nice try.
On the Historical battles issue of M4 vs Tiger…
Kelly: Well Oddball, what do you think?
Oddball: It’s a wasted trip baby. Nobody said nothing about locking horns with no Tigers.
Big Joe: Hey look, you just keep them Tigers busy and we’ll take care of the rest.
Oddball: The only way I got to keep them Tigers busy is to LET THEM SHOOT HOLES IN ME!
Crapgame: Hey, Oddball, this is your hour of glory. And you’re chickening out!
Oddball: To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers.
Kelly: Nobody’s asking you to be a hero.
Oddball: No? Then YOU sit up in that turret baby.
Kelly: No, because you’re gonna be up there, baby, and I’ll be right outside showing you which way to go.
Oddball: Yeah?
Kelly: Yeah.
Oddball: Crazy… I mean like, so many positive waves… maybe we can’t lose, you’re on!
Silent Stalker, i have IV tier medium japanese tank, and it’s gun is awful. Cant penetrate any V tier heavy (even T1…) , armor and other things are not bad. But a little more penetration for this tank should be done. Now it’s a only ding dong cannon.
- SerB thinks that what Veider said about the T23 premium tank (SS: it was historically able to go backward as fast as forward) is garbage, a player later argues it was historical, but SerB states that it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game and that he will specifically tell Veider not to do such a thing
KV-1S with great gun depression realistic? Your employees are retards until this is fixed.
- Q: “Will it be possible to appear with a Tiger in a national battle Soviet team?” A: “You consider us to be retards or something…”
Why not? The Germans and Soviets routinely pulled false-flag operations on each other (the Battle of Kursk comes to mind as an example, where captured T-34s were used to harrass Soviet tank columns), and it wasn’t unheard-of for captured vehicles to be repainted and placed into front line service – for example, the Germans had the Panzerkampfwagen 735 (r): a captured KV-1, and the Soviets had the T-4: a captured Panzer IV.
- Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees”