- historical battles will actually resemble portal events: there will be 2-3-4 available at the same time and over time, they will change (SerB later states that the battles will return again), they will also have their unique medals
- Q: “Will there be a gift for the 1,1 mil accounts active at the same time milestone?” A: “You can give one to us, we don’t mind”
- the MM mechanism will work in national battles the same way it does in other random modes
- currently, the StuG III is too light compared to how much it weighed in real life (SS: Ausf.G that is), SerB states that if the later modification becomes an alternative hull, it will be made heavier
- Hetzer engines unhistorical? “How terrible”
- T-46, BT-7 and T-50 tanks didn’t have 57mm guns in real life, according to Russian author Svirin
- SerB states that the first real main battle tank would be the T26 Pershing, because Panther is basically a vehicle with the gun and armor of a medium tank and weight and cost of a heavy tank
- E-10 suspension was more complicated than the one of Jagdpanzer 38(t)
- the Recon skill damaged device bonus stops working once the device repairs itself (or is repaired) from red status to yellow, yellow device allows you to see with full viewrange
- (regarding the T23 possibility to go backwards with the same speed as forwards and SerB’s unwillingness to see it in the game) Q: “But what about the british Crusader arty? That can do the same thing?” A: “Thanks for letting me know, I’ll nerf it”
- Q: “Will you nerf TDs by removing their class camo bonus and removing some bushes and trees from maps?” A: “We will definitely not remove bushes”
- regarding the Soviet shells, SerB states that WG doesn’t have any data about high penetration shells for 76mm, 85mm, 100mm and 122mm guns, as the relevant archives have not yet been declassified. The only data they found were incomplete data about 85mm UBR-367 shells
- six months later, SerB is “completely satisfied” with the result of the big arty nerf
- arty will be changed “if necessery”
- SerB doesn’t thinks that any classes in current situation are bad
- SerB’s idea of ideal balance situation? “When player’s skill decides more than his vehicle”
- A-44 project historically had 3 guns – 76mm, 57mm and 107mm
- the “stored” camouflage in 8.11 will be available only for the vehicle it was bought for
- the developers consider battles with 23 TD’s and 7 tanks normal
- “national” battles will have the same rewards (medals etc) as random battles
- Q: “Why doesn’t Conqueror and FV215b have HESH shells?” A: “So it doesn’t suffer”
- during the development process, there were many ideas and models of bases considered, in the end, the developers picked the most universal one, that can be set up everywhere
- there was apparently developer controversy with all the branches implemented at one point
- in 2014, WG mapmakers will focus on reworking the existing maps, as there are many maps in the game already
- the decision for historical battles to use existing maps is final
- SerB, when asked what battles are the most balanced (on which tier), states that all of them are
And from LJ:
- Storm states that we shouldn’t expect a new tier 8 premium tank for at least 2-3 patches
- there is a good candidate for the tier 8 prem – it’s Soviet medium premium, but no more comments (SS: I suspect it’s the “light” T-54 – anyway, the player was asking whether that “nice tier 8 candidate” is British, Storm said it’s Soviet)
- T-44-85 has been delayed and maybe it won’t appear at all
- no plans for British premiums
- it’s “not yet sure” whether Action X Centurion would fit in the game
- the Recon skill damaged device bonus stops working once the device repairs itself (or is repaired) from red status to yellow, yellow device allows you to see with full viewrange
I am quite sure, that a damaged (yellow) view-thingy (whatever it is called) gives a penalty to your current viewrange, until it is fully repaired again
I think not.
I’ve tested this myself in the training room. Yellow optics give 100% viewrange.
So you’re telling me that I’ve wasted over a million credits for useless repairs? Oh, great. That damaged modules functionality is really weird. :/ :/ :/
“I am quite sure, that a damaged (yellow) view-thingy (whatever it is called) gives a penalty to your current viewrange, until it is fully repaired again”
Regarding this, I seem to recall statements to this effect in the wiki about mechanics ages ago.
But I also remember 1 or 2 statements on FTR Q&A articles over the past don’t know how long where it was stated that it has no effect (other than a penalty when it’s red). I’m inclined to accept that as more likely until I get a chance to test it adequately in a training battle scenario.
Damaged modules:
Tracks and optics work at 100%, but
engine, gun and radio only work at 50(?)%.
Very confusing for new players.
‘no plans for british premium’ !! fuck you WG
“Why doesn’t Conqueror and FV215b have HESH shells?” A: “So it doesn’t suffer” eh?? conqueror already has HESH – that doesn’t work!
So no british 2nd med line in 2014?
No french lines
No british 2nd MT line
No soviet lines
No chinese lines
Americans dont get else than MTs and its not sure for 2014
Germans gets only sturmtiger line
SO THERE IS POSSIBILITY FOR JAPANESE HTS IN 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wouldnt expect much from Jap HTs tbh, after Jap meds being total garbage excluding tier 10 only …
maybe but I WANT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
have been waited for them SINCE WHEN I HEARD ABOUT THEM
Every day.
When they come? When they come? When they come? When they…
also when Reddit answers comes to FTR?
Total garbage, you say? Then you must be a pretty bad player.
I agree, I get two to 3 times my HP in the Ke-Ni and Ke-Ho…
havent played much Chi-Nu yet though..
Lets us pray that the force is strong with the Japanese.
Hope they come equipped with Wave Motion Guns
LOL… they should totally come with that. :)
120 pen for a HESH shell isnt actually that bad, considering that it fires regular not derp ammo and all other t10 heavies have 60-80 pen on their he shells. Definately enough to finish double-digit heavy tanks.
- it’s “not yet sure” whether Action X Centurion would fit in the game
Well they best get reading then:
=) is all I can say.
“But what about the british Crusader arty? That can do the same thing?”
Can it, when i used it, it went alot faster in reverse than forwards, as the gun is mounted backwards.
Has this changed?
that arty sucks balls
hardly. and the reversed mobility is annoying, trust me
Oh i know, i suffered through it.
Just wondered if things had changed after reading that comment about them being able to go same speed in both directions.
SerB states that the first real main battle tank would be the T26 Pershing, because Panther is basically a vehicle with the gun and armor of a medium tank and weight and cost of a heavy tank
My A> so Serb stated that the first true MBT is the Pershing, but other historians(Operation Think Tank) said that Panther is the true MBT???
I think a guy who makes vedja games knows far more about history than a room full of historians
pre-emptive buttmad defense shield: http://astro.temple.edu/~tud07455/images/Classic_S3.jpg
You would be surprised what a room full of Tank Historians know.
People have different opinions? Oh no!
I dont know who in their right mind would call the Panther a MBT.
Zaloga, though he didn’t explain why in OTT
First MBT is t-34-85 imo. Meets all the requirments
Not in armament…
The 75mm l/70 was actually an upgrade compared to the 88mm on the Tiger. Just as accurate (hit range larger than typical engagement range at least) and more penetration.
In real tank battles, the penetration was what mattered, not the caliber. I’d say it meets requirements, though the concept still wasn’t there, so it really wasn’t designed that way.
Though neither was the Pershing
- SerB states that the first real main battle tank would be the T26 Pershing, because Panther is basically a vehicle with the gun and armor of a medium tank and weight and cost of a heavy tank
First MBT, lets see:
Type 97 Chi-Ha: 1938
Panther: April 1942
Centurion: 1943
M26: 1943
You decide which is first…
- (regarding the T23 possibility to go backwards with the same speed as forwards and SerB’s unwillingness to see it in the game) Q: “But what about the british Crusader arty? That can do the same thing?” A: “Thanks for letting me know, I’ll nerf it”
Actually the Crusader arty drives forward, its just the front and back are reversed in game.
You forgot the German MBT called the Pz III from 1940.
You forgot the French MBT that was better than the pz3, somua S35, from 1935.
S35 is actually later then that.
IT HAS 35 IN THE NAME MAN! France doesn’t simply put random numbers in the names, it was built in 1935 and designed in years prior.
So please, actually read about what you are talking before talking to someone who regularly trawls the french archives.
- SerB’s idea of ideal balance situation? “When player’s skill decides more than his vehicle”
*cough* T57, Foch-155, WTE E-100, T-54, Borsig, Hellcat, T-18, T-49, KV1S, E-25….should we continue?:)
- in 2014, WG mapmakers will focus on reworking the existing maps, as there are many maps in the game already
No need to rework them, more then half of the maps are totaly unplayble…
T-54 and the e-25 are not op. Ill give you the rest, but a bad t-54 player will die fast, just like a bad e-25 player. The majority (if not all) medium tanks require some sort of basic ability to play.
No kidding. You have no idea how many times I’ve seen some idiot in an E-25 rush off on a suiscouting run, only to be killed 90 seconds later, or even shorter time, by an AMX 12t or something else of that sort.
Any bad player will get killed easily in any tank, op or not.
The T-54 is better than most t9 mediums, I must say.
- currently, the StuG III is too light compared to how much it weighed in real life (SS: Ausf.G that is), SerB states that if the later modification becomes an alternative hull, it will be made heavier
okey lets talk about kv-4 and kv-5 which they buff its armor a LOT how about making those heavier too
Nope. They have hammer and sickle on them. Also we will make them super fast so they can ram tanks for 500 damage, but guess what, their weight won’t affect their speed neither.
1. not super fast.
2. more like 7-800 damage on T-54.
3. weight affects acceleration.
Sounds like someone can’t detect sarcasm.
Technically they have a red star on them, but point taken.
- the “stored” camouflage in 8.11 will be available only for the vehicle it was bought for.
That’s actually quite bad….
Why? Its pretty much logical. It doesnt make much sense, if i buy camo for IS-7, but i can also use it with IS-4.
Why bad ? :O
IT saves you money when you want to switch camo on your tier X
C’mon, you’re not buying camo with gold on anything below tier X, do you ?
Lest see , my Pz Ic got his camo , my Fv304 got his camo , my ELC got his camo , my 59-16 got his camo , my E25 got his camo , my Type59 got his camo , my Wz132 got his camo … I like to do that :v
Yes, WG bad, dirty comunists give is an option to save camo, but only on one tank!1!11!!
- SerB states that the first real main battle tank would be the T26 Pershing, because Panther is basically a vehicle with the gun and armor of a medium tank and weight and cost of a heavy tank
Zaloga has stated more than once that he considers the Panther the first MBT, or at least a forerunner to it. While he’s never exactly explained why, I think I can see his logic. Really though, I find SerB’s opinion on this better, although I still disagree because while the T26 could easily have been the first modern MBT, its fail engines prevented this.
Be that as it may, the M46 Patton 1 was literally just a renamed M26 Pershing with an upgraded engine, transmission and gun that entered service in 1949, while the Pershing was available in early 1945, around the time of the Battle of the Bulge. If one considers the M46 Patton 1 to be an MBT, and the T26/M26 to just be an earlier model of the M46, then yes, the Pershing would count.
However, the first tank to be referred to as an MBT (or Universal Tank, which is another term that means basically the same thing), was the A41, which eventually entered service with the British Army as the Centurion Mk.I in 1945, being dubbed a “Universal Tank” because it had the mobility of a cruiser tank and the armor (and weight) of an infantry tank, giving it unrivaled flexibility for the time.
The T-54 is sometimes referred to as an MBT as well (often by people who claim that MBT and Universal Tank have different meanings), even though the Russians themselves explicitly refer to it to this day as a medium tank, and consider their first true MBT to be the T-64A, which could be considered the first tank to be referred to as a main battle tank since the term didn’t exist until the 1960s (iirc it was coined when the T-64A had just entered service with the USSR).
The main issue is what does MBT even mean? It’s largely a buzzword in my opinion, because it’s hard to get a proper definition of it. Is it an MBT because we call it such? Then the T-54 isn’t an MBT, nor are the early Pattons. Is it an MBT because of its weight profile? Then AMX-30 isn’t an MBT. Is it an MBT because it blends armour, firepower, and mobility? Then Chieftain, AMX-30, and Leopard I aren’t MBTs. Is it an MBT because it can do everything? Well, for quite some time, the 120mm gun on Leo II and Abrams had no effective anti-infantry round, so…..
- in 2014, WG mapmakers will focus on reworking the existing maps, as there are many maps in the game already
Ο really????then why i get only komarin redshire el haluf most of the times???
i have been sick of komarin geting spammed
i wish maps like himmseldorf and stuff appear more often and not that giant feast of campers and 15 minutes loss of you time in that camping shit map
The rotaTion system on maps suck hard In my opinion
Play tier 1 battles: Himmelsdorf, Malinovka, Province, Mines.
The thing is i dont like playing low tiers so i can get these maps
so yeah not a solution there
Here’s how i understand map rotation.
First 4-6 maps you play within one hour will be rotating next 2-3 hours. Then, and only then, new maps will start appearing. Therefor map rotation is changed every few hours with already defined maps for certain period, so we get stuck with few repeating maps.
You can ofc change server or take a break if map rotation is bad. I think thats why they wont implement option to “uncheck maps” that you dont like. Because that would break MM algorithm and greatly increase waiting time.
Thats just my oppinion …
Well, I play 2-3 hours in one session max, no possibility to take a break, because I need to sleep also (i have a life and family IRL). So tanking 22:00++ after all others sleeps.
Only hope is to switch to EU1 and perhaps get better maps and a definedly get a 20-30ms higher ping and serious lag spikes in every 15mins.
Had to check how wide is the map rotation for me.
I was so wrong. Here is my maps (latest 20) from wednesdey night. I got only Siegfried Line, Pearl River and Tundra twice. Played: Leo PT A, Nashorn and T-34-1.
Fisherman’s Bay
Siegfried Line
Pearl River
El Halluf
Siegfried Line
Pearl River
South Coast
So maybe it just feels that I get all the same maps all over the time…
from what i have seen happening is
you start the first battle with 1 map then you play the second battle another map and on 3rd map here is the thing it will either throw again the 1rst map you played or just changed it the thing is if you play certain tiers for grinding them you just gonna get the same maps over and over again
and you start with komarin or el halouf??then o man you are screwed
the fact that i am complaining is that is ok to get some maps multiple times but if these maps tend to be something like komarin el halouf redshire or erleberg then it becomes a dull and full of bad mood gaminng cause you know you are not gonna finish them under 10 minutes
- (regarding the T23 possibility to go backwards with the same speed as forwards and SerB’s unwillingness to see it in the game) Q: “But what about the british Crusader arty? That can do the same thing?” A: “Thanks for letting me know, I’ll nerf it”
No, the Crusader arty can’t go the same speed backwards as forward, it’s hull is simply reversed (originally it has the gun pointed backwards, but it would be unplayable, so WG simply reversed its controls)
- six months later, SerB is “completely satisfied” with the result of the big arty nerf
F*** You SerB
- arty will be changed “if necessery”
It’s necessery since 8.6
- SerB doesn’t thinks that any classes in current situation are bad
And what exactly is rustling your jimmies? The fact your retarty is not ruining other people’s games anymore like it used to? Don’t play the fag class and grow a pair and play direct fire vehicles you dumb fegot.
Working as intended.
How terrible.
This game isn’t made for whiners and retards; especially one who complains it’s too hard to play a vehicle that only requires one hand.
Like TDs you mean?
what happened to the HUGE 10km by 10km maps with 25v25-30v30…….. that would just be too epic or what?
10^2km? Never seen a dev claim those were on the books
2^2km or something to that effect was being worked on, along with larger teams. Though they’ve been working on keeping the game client stable while they do it, their initial attempts that SS reported about months ago kept crashing.
- the developers consider battles with 23 TD’s and 7 tanks normal
How can they be so dense as not to see how toxic this is to tier X gameplay?
- SerB states that the first real main battle tank would be the T26 Pershing, because Panther is basically a vehicle with the gun and armor of a medium tank and weight and cost of a heavy tank
Hmm…interesting choice; I mean, I’ve heard other people refer to the Pershing as the first true MBT, but not many; most people I’ve met point to either the Centurion Mk.I or the T-54.
True, the Pershing was a medium tank that was referred to as a heavy tank for morale reasons, but if you think about it the Pershing’s all-purpose role, as well as having a 90 mm gun (comparable in performance to the guns on their German opponents), could allow it to be described as an MBT, the only thing it lacked (initially) being speed because its engine was underpowered.
“A: “We will definitely not remove bushes””
Funny, half of map changes in 8.11 is “we reduced the number of bushes”.
“- it’s “not yet sure” whether Action X Centurion would fit in the game”
Yeah, better keep that purely fictional version of FV4202 as tier 10 instead of real (and better looking) vehicle.
Tier 8 soviet medium PREMIUM?
Better be something like Type 59.
“- T-44-85 has been delayed and maybe it won’t appear at all”
:grinding teeth: How are they so …. I can never …. Why ….
FFS !!! Just give it that impotent gun already and leave it’s mobility the way it was. We didn’t get any real med tank in ages. The Manther is a joke, the SPershing is a tragic joke while the chinese thingy is just …. damn it, nobody needs to train chinese crews.
Can I make it so it’s National Battles only? Turn off everything else, just test and spam it?
You can’t turn off standard battles.
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