
Just a little left

- SerB states that the teamkill/teamdamage punishment system principle is to “not ban a player after shooting an ally by accident, but a player systematically breaking rules gets banned” and adds that “a series of “random” teamdamage shots is not considered random”
- developer Yurko2F states that class bonus for tank destroyers will not be cancelled as a whole – it consists of several components and only some of the components (SS: for example, camo bonus after shooting) will be reduced. Premium tank destroyers will have no changes at all, or really small ones, so it’s too early to worry
- for now there is no final decision on T-44-85′s fate, but in general, developers don’t see removing it as a problem, because the tank was not introduced, only tested
- the T110E3 and T110E4 changes are final according to Storm
- apparently, teamkill punishments on the test server were made much stricter (a day of ban for a teamkill apparently), Storm confirms that – this change will apparently appear on live server too (“it will be in the final patchnotes”)

28 thoughts on “24.1.2014

  1. How about teamkillers on the test servers have the ban transferred to their ‘live’ servers too? I’d like to see that. TBH though, not been teamkilled on the TS yet…

    • They do get ban on real servers too sad those russian didn’t notes before they got ban lol

  2. “a day of ban for a teamkill”
    even for accidental TK? Or the situation when an ally LT runs into my HT and dies (have seen it a few days ago)?
    Hope they will not do this system too strict now.

      • When if T50 is just camping behind arty and our team getting raped by invisible team, i just had to kill him, by accident.

    • You get a 24h ban for shooting the 3rd guy. That is you kill one, then another and if you shoot one more guy, you get the ban. khem, done that couple of times, that is why I know

  3. “- apparently, teamkill punishments on the test server were made much stricter (a day of ban for a teamkill apparently), Storm confirms that – this change will apparently appear on live server too”

    What if someone with a Tier IV tank accidentally goes into my line of fire and I oneshot it with my KV-2?

    • or my S-51
      I mean a day ban for a teamkill is too much. especially when there are tanks where one accident or coincidence may cause a teamkill.

      What about pushing allies into water ? how is that considered..
      this whole system is a mess… they shouldnt change it…

      I mean… if Im grinding some mission and suddenly get a whole day ban because some LT run into my shot, I would ragequit rageuninstall and never touch this game again …

      • WG does have a system for attempting to figure out if the TK was accidental. It is automatic so it is bound to make mistakes. IF you do get banned for an accidental TK submit the replay to support and they can unban you.

        Also: I am betting a single shot to get a TK would not ban, more likely if you turn blue its an auto ban. Or something along those lines.

        • By the time support answers you, your ban will expire.

          Yesterday I was in cap and scout who got into my line of fire (and previously was afk in our cap) while I was sniping, got shot and killed. I turned blue immediately. And now I should get ban? Automatic TK dmg control ftw!

    • I had 2 people drive in front of me as I fired yesterday,1 of them I 1 shot, I hope we don’t get banned for accidental TK’s to do it intentionally is one thing but you shouldn’t get penalized if it’s not your fault. :(

      • @Bugii@ Then either stop playing that fag class(tank) or learn to play it. Why the fuck would you shoot enemy tank who is in a dogfight with your teammate risking hitting your own tank? Typical retarty dumbfuck pubbie.

  4. - apparently, teamkill punishments on the test server were made much stricter (a day of ban for a teamkill apparently), Storm confirms that – this change will apparently appear on live server too (“it will be in the final patchnotes”)

    why cant they leave it alone? why not put it back to how it was in 8.9 I think?
    now both wespe999 and colonel_kurt_von_strohm have been banned until next month.

  5. like today, i just shot a red tank with my obj.261, and in the moment of the shot an AT-7 crossed in-front of me, i fully destroyed his tank with a premium shell, for a moment i was like a noob saying for my self: where my shell landed ?
    i realized then that i killed a teammate, lost the shell price and paid for his repair too

  6. Storm better be talking trash about the T110E4. The DPM loss of the change is over 100 and with my current setup(Rammer&Vents) its actually over 150. It needs to either be buffed from the current RoF of 3.08 to 3.24 or alternatively buff the MG turret as its 85mm less armored than the T110E3 for no apparent reason as its not in its original state in which it was implemented and was massively OP.

    I like the new T110E4 on the test server but losing 150dpm is quite a loss but I would prefer a minor buff to the MG turret as its unnecessarily weak and any tank that has 240+ pen goes for the turret front as its a bigger target.

  7. Premium tank destroyers will have no changes at all, or really small ones, so it’s too early to worry
    Ofcourse they won’t. Why would they nerf the E-25′s camo or SU-122-44′s and decrease the selling of those TDs like that, when they can leave them OP as they are and make tons of cash by selling them to pubbies. Same shit with JT an JT88 when JT got lower plate nerfed to 100mm while JT88 kept the 120mm because we all know premium tanks can’t get buffed/nerferd because they are premium tanks. When did you saw WG rebalanced premium tanks!!!111

    • ok well first off most of what you said was true, but when they stopped selling is6′s they nerfed them cause noobs cant learn where to shoot. Now they want to nerf ur prem tanks and bring out a new one so you buy that just like the is6 and 112. They are so money greedy they are ruining the game…

  8. I think half a day ban for 2 teamkills would be the right choice…the chance of killing somebody accidentally is just too big.

  9. Hopefully it will need at least 2 shots to be classed as a deliberate TK or huge a damage shot from arty.
    I am ok with 1 shot from arty counting as it would make people think before they shoot near friendly’s making them better arty players or stop them playing arty altogether.
    last time they messed with the team damage and bans they did a U turn within a week, too many people getting banned for pushing heavy’s up hills, too many people start crying WG lose their bottle.

  10. “- developer Yurko2F states that class bonus for tank destroyers will not be cancelled as a whole – it consists of several components and only some of the components (SS: for example, camo bonus after shooting) will be reduced. Premium tank destroyers will have no changes at all, or really small ones, so it’s too early to worry”

    Awesome. I can keep my OP SU-122-44 and abuse its OPness!

  11. Thats crazy, they cant do that. Just the other day i was in my Fv 183 and some noob decides that his shot was more important than mine, so soon as i fired all i saw was the back of his turret i hit him for 1400 and tkd him. It was a complete accident. If they implement that rule ill be banned at least once maybe 2 times a week just because of noobs. Then id be playing WT and wargaming wouldnt be happy abt that

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