8.11 Test 1 – vehicle changes

Hello everyone,

you already know about the tier 10 TD changes. So, what else changed?

Well, the biggest news probably is that according to Edrard, who was digging up XML files, all vehicles (including TD’s) lost the camo “bonus” when shooting (“invisibility factor at shot”) in test 1 – the value was simply deleted. It can be a bug or a XML glitch, but if it’s true, it effectively means that TD’s just lost their class bonus of being less visible when shooting than other classes. That’s potentially a pretty big change. Whether this is intentional or permanent is not known.

Other changes:

- Object 140′s repair costs increased by 27 percent
- SU-85i (the premium that is not out yet) apparently lost a crewmember (unclear)
- Sexton I repair costs reduced by 25 percent

72 thoughts on “8.11 Test 1 – vehicle changes

  1. ” – SU-85i (the premium that is not out yet) apparently lost a crewmember (unclear)”

    Where can i send flowers?

  2. So if I understood correctly, and I think I did, no tank has now any camo bonus. Basically, if you are sitting behind a bush shooting, or if you are right next to the bush shooting, it doesn’t make any difference?

    • No. Every tank had a manually set (I assume) value, that was deducted from your camouflage upon firing a gun (this value was tied to a gun, not turret or tank). By removing this value (if it indeed happened), all the tanks now either don’t lose any camo factor when firing (unlikely), OR they all lose equal amount of camo when firing the gun, which would basically cancel any TD advantage.

      I myself am not sure how this works.

      • So right now it’s either, you lose your camo bonus no matter if you are a TD or not, or no tank loses it’s camo bonus upon shooting, again, no matter if you are a TD or not.

        • TDs have a better rating when shooting a gun than normal tanks. Nothing to the scale of the Light tanks keeping their full camo while moving, but something.

      • If this is true, I need a refund for my E-25. The vehicle lives on the fact that it still has a certain amount of camo when shooting. If it constantly gets spotted after one shot, then the vehicle is utter sh*t compared to SU-122-44.

        • Learn to stay out of view range. My Bat Chat is perfectly capable of shooting from behind bushes without being detected…

    • It’s a complex thing. In short, you will lose any natural ability of the tank to deny enemy view range after you’ve shot. You can still use bushes. Right now, it’s not that much, but for some tanks, Hellcat in particular, keeping stealthed when shooting is vital.

        • Stop whining. You can play well in a hellcat and you can play bad in a hellcat. The stats are good, but it requires the player to know the game. If you have a good knowledge of the tank you can use it’s advantages which is its good camo to remain hidden even while firing. It does not have any armor so it relies on his good camoflage. If you are just getting raped by Hellcats, that means that you need to find a way to counter it, and not put others to find ways to counter it.

          • first of all, hellcat is OP because average and good players do better in hellcat then any other tank, and that’s what the stats are saying!

            second of all, camo is not the only thing hellcat got, it also has very good gun and very good view range, on top of it it has good top speed and acceleration, a turret that is useful for staying hidden (you don’t have to turn your hull) and a trollish mantlet. so basically an idiot with a camo net and binocs can just camp in a bush and start playing whack-a-mouse without being detected.. and that’s the reason why it is OP, it has nothing to do with hull armor.

            and that’s the reason why people defend it, same as T18 drivers defend it, because they have one.
            on the other hand I have an SU-85B and I think it should get a nerf!

            • I’m not defending the Hellcat because, it is OP, but the fact you stated that average/poor player can do good in Hellcat is utter and epic bullshit. First of all players like that have shit knowledge of maps and just sitting in a random bush with camo net and binocs will not win a battle if the enemy as a sligthest clue what are they doing. Good player will definitely overperform in a Hellcat while poor or average players will most likely die because of the lack of map knowledge and situational awareness.

              • I didn’t say poor, I said good and average. poor wouldn’t make any tank good, and a unicum wouldn’t make any tank bad (so there’s no need mentioning them anyway)
                imo it’s the stats of the average-good players (that are neither red nor purple, but in the yellow/green/blue area) that makes the majority of playerbase that should decide if a tank OP or not!

                and what is exactly wrong with players with 50-55% winrate players and 1000-1500 efficiency?

              • the fact you stated that average/poor player can do good in Hellcat is utter and epic bullshit.

                Incorrect. You need only look at the following graph to see that any player with a 47% or better win rate will, on average, do better than his overall win rate in the Hellcat.


  3. Most of the lights and mediums I use I have to hump a hill to get dmg numbers. Moving into cover after every shot was necessary, unless 6th sense didn’t activate. This was really rare, but enjoyable. Now it is gone completely.

    The game was a lot of fun before 8.6. It now seems very important to stay informed of nerfs and changes, which for the most part seem to be removing features of the game and removing defining characteristics of tanks.

    If the trend continues, we’ll all end up unable to be penetrated or be able to penetrate anyone, and to win a match teams will need to try and reset faster than the enemy can cap, and the reverse of course…unless you are in a russian tank of course which will allow you to win easily, even if all other team members are afk, as long as the enemy team has no russians tanks…which will be 1 in 10 matches for standard, 1 in 9 for premium, and 1 in 50 once you are beyond a 55% WR.

    Anybody else think Yuri has an underbite that rivals Trollface?

  4. all vehicles (including TD’s) lost the camo “bonus” when shooting
    I hope this will be only a bug or I will be selling my Hellcat.

        • well if it didn’t that makes it a failure of a tank don’t you think? but then again, that’s how hellcat owners respond in defense: “hellcat penetrated you hard i guess”.

            • There is a slight difference. KV-1S is pure retard easy mode tank that can be driven even by biggest moron and perform OK, while Hellcat needs to be driven by a good player who will abuse it’s OPness.

            • polls don’t nerf tanks, statistics do, and when you play hellcat, you actually help, so please, keep up the good work ;)

              • Exactly. But the only bad thing is that the devs only look at the russian statistics. So if they suck in a tank and the EU or NA players are really good in the tank, almost to the point of OPness, the devs won’t do anything.

              • So instead of pixel models when playing you see statistic diagrams?
                Ok, i have really good win rate with T20, and m5a1 stuart, tell me how op they are.

                @Emperor. Of course i’m happy, should interwebz arguments fuck up my mood? I leave that to others ;)

                • millions of players play the game, why should only your stats matter?
                  by statistics, I meant the entire playerbase, not just yours bigshot.
                  check SS article about the new method of deciding if the tank OP is or not.. you’ll understand.

                • Teach me stats master. :P
                  Is the stuart OP or not. What about the arl v39. I’m average player. I perform good in them. Do your math and enlighten me.

                • I repeat:

                  millions of players play the game, why should only your stats matter?
                  by statistics, I meant the entire playerbase, not just yours bigshot.
                  check SS article about the new method of deciding if the tank OP is or not.. you’ll understand.

                  so you have 52% winrate, 54% in ARL and 65% in hellcat
                  you tell me!

                • And 68 with t1e6.
                  What do your stats say about that.
                  You are obviously obsessed with hellcat.

  5. Removing the TD Class Camo bonus when firing is a mistake.

    It’s what makes a TD a TD. Would you remove the LT’s move-with-camo ability?

    Otherwise it’s a slow, often turret-less tank that has very little armor.

    You say the Hellcat deserves a nerf, but what about the ARL V39? It’s very slow, not well armored, low vis range, no turret, etc. There are other ways to balance OP tanks rather than punishing an entire class of vehicles.

    • same thing happened with arty, some needed a nerf, some didn’t, yet they all got nerfed anyway. and now the same thing happening with TD, some need a nerf, some don’t. let’s see how the devs handle it this time!

      • They can’t handle it. And this just proves it. Nerfing the whole class because of few broken vehicles is a retard move by WG. Just to stop few tanks from overperforming they will fuck up dozens of other tanks who are shitty anyway and with this change will become literally unplayable. But maybe that is their plan. To force people skip them by converting exp.

        • It is actually better for SPGs to hit higher tiers. They then get more XP per damage done.

          As it is they only get half the xp for the damage because they do not spot their own targets. So if you drag a lower SPG into an higher tier it is usually a good thing for the SPG.

          • Here is the fun fact of the week. Not a single person here considered that information is bullshit and nothing has been nerfed with regards to camo. Everyone just jumps on it.

            Your intelligence. None. How Terrible.

      • When they nerfed the arty the clan I was in had half of our players leave the game, and we disbanded. The clan I am in right now most of our players are not happy with this upcoming TD nerf. But my guess is that WOT wants to get rid of people who have played the game for very long because they stop buying gold when they figure out that the whole game is rigged against them. By nerfing the whole TD line they will get people to move to other tank type lines forcing us to buy more gold to outfit our new tanks. I think WOT should have to pay you back the credits and ex you had to spend to get the tanks if they are going to nerf them in to useless piles of crap.

  6. excellent news!
    GJ WG for balancing the game, these Tier 10 are horrible, insta win for Noobs.
    I hope WG will not listen to players whining and keep Nerfing TDS & Arties untill we will see 1-2 at most per battle.

    • And when that day comes maybe you will learn to drive your dumbfuck noobie heavy tonk so you don’t suck dicks like you do know. But you know it’s easier to whine and QQ instead of learning who to deal with it. And interesting how you said Tier 10 (which btw is the biggest problem with all this TD issue) and here we are, reading how fuckwits from WG nerfed the whole class because high tier TDs(and only few of low-mid tier) eventhough it was uneccesary.

    • Warning: Troll droppings above.

      Obvious typical heavy driver that has no idea how to drive a heavy tank and thinks its everyone driving aTD is why he sucks. Just like the KV-1S I saw today camping El Haluf. Dude has a gun with 0.46 accuracy and he’s going to sit and snipe from miles away. Meantime heavies than know what to do are driving over the TDs that were forced to cover the pass.

      Yeah this sounds just like you. Clueless. Heavy. Driver.

      Well when the game does ruins what people grind the tech tree for months to get and then gets destroyed by WG, people like me who pay to play this game will leave and head over to War Thunder. And WoT will be all yours to derp away mindless as it circles the bowl.

      How terrible!

  7. SS, I am sure u meant “accidental or permanent”, instead of “intentional or permanent.”

  8. If they go through with this nerf, the grind towards Object 263 will become even more unbareable! The TDs before it already have medium guns with no depression and lowest hitpoints per tier, and now they take away their camo?

  9. No, I think they just removed ALL the camouflage after shot coefficients – only from client I think. Not only TD guns. And I think this coefficient is still there, but only on server.

    • This is probably the case; the information is now on the server only. WG is gradually removing all of the information it can from the client. For instance, module locations used to be in the client.

  10. what’s the point of playing a TD if you’re not harder to see? kinda screws over the entire class

    • The point is to use bushes/cover and ambush tactics to cause some damage (1-3 shots) and then to pull back and run like hell and then do it again… like in real life…

      • “Run like hell”….. obviously you have never driven an AT series of TD, the Churchill Gun Carrier, the ARL V39, etc. :)

        • Well for those tanks it still applies.

          And I was thinking about JTigers when I wrote it. Most of what you listed never even came close to combat.

      • Yeah sure…on a map that is 1km by 1km that usually has 1/3 unplayable space and half of which is occupied by the enemy at the start of the game.

        So since you are so smart how about you detail all the spots where you can do this in reality on maps? It’s a lot fewer than you think dude.

        • The JT stays 350-400 meters at the start of an engagement and snipes. Additionally, it never had much camo to begin with, it’s german so therefore it has a defensive doctrine by nature ex: don’t be aggressive in the first minute without knowing what the hell you’re running into, and it has a stupidly good upper superstructure to hull down with.

          This shit isn’t that hard.

  11. “Well, the biggest news probably is that according to Edrard, who was digging up XML files, all vehicles (including TD’s) lost the camo “bonus” when shooting (“invisibility factor at shot”) in test 1 – the value was simply deleted. It can be a bug or a XML glitch, but if it’s true, it effectively means that TD’s just lost their class bonus of being less visible when shooting than other classes. That’s potentially a pretty big change. Whether this is intentional or permanent is not known.”

    Was it ever there? As far as I know, all values related to camo were simply removed from client back in beta times.

  12. I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.