- you will get the same punishment for teamdamage no matter how well you perform in battle (SS: as in, you will get punished the same way even if you did 12k damage)
- it’s possible premium tanks, such as Dicker Max and Churchill III will appear in historical battles
- Wargaming doesn’t know anything about Japanese post-war light tanks
- Storm confirms the British voiceover, it will be pointed out in final patchnotes
- regarding the FOV change in 8.11
“It was an experimental setting, that changes FOV depending on the level of camera zoom. On maximum zoom, the FOV was reduced by 25 percent. We decided not to do it and forgot to remove it on the test client.”
- no T34 premium buff is planned
- apparently, the game has a problem with oveclocked PC’s and crashes on them since 8.10, this problem will not be fixed in 8.11
- FV4202 model not fixed while T-54 gets changed? “How terrible” (SS: yet another hint that FV4202 might be replaced by something)
- apparently, lower frontal plate angle of Type 59 might be changed
- new HESH mechanics are not being worked on yet, but changes are planned
- new Japanese and Chinese tanks are definitely not planned in 2014
- “light T-54″ Soviet premium will come this year
- for now, no changes in Team battles are planned, developers are working on selecting your team according to what map you are getting
- apparently, SU-76I will not be a regular premium tank, but an award/event tank
- M46 Patton will not lose its unhistorical top gun
- no plans to change the Soviet D-54 gun
- there will be no compensation for Type 59 changes
- Storm states that he considers the way Wargaming did camouflage in World of Tanks correct (SS: as in, it won’t be made like in War Thunder, where you can literally make pink tanks with pictures etc.)
- the customization of tanks, mentioned earlier by developers could be for example additional tool boxes, track links and extra roadwheels on places where they could have been in real life, it’s not yet decided whether this additional stuff will be purely visual, or (SS: for example track links) will give any bonus to armor
- in historical battles, Storm confirms that the gold ammo will be limited, mechanism of the battle will be the same as in current random (SS: no “hardcore mode”)
- new Japanese and Chinese tanks are definitely not planned in 2014
I want my chinese TDs…
Me too!
I want to see the two tech trees complete so they can take part in “national battles”. On the other hand, I’m good with WG not releasing many vehicles this year. I already have a lot of grinding to finish.
National battles sucks.
I want my Chinese scalps
Dam, no China SPG or TDs this year means no more money to WG til than.
more TDs pls .. lol
Yes National battles are crap
- regarding the FOV change in 8.11
Indeed it looked shitty.
When I first played the test I thought there was something wrong with my computer or graphic settings it looked horrible.
“It was an experimental setting, that changes FOV depending on the level of camera zoom. On maximum zoom, the FOV was reduced by 25 percent. We decided not to do it and forgot to remove it on the test client.”
I liked it. D:
I did too tho
I hated it too.
- FV4202 model not fixed while T-54 gets changed? “How terrible” (SS: yet another hint that FV4202 might be replaced by something)
My A> How Terrible indeed…
Is there any chance that FV will follow T34 scenario?
That would be the only way I would rebuy that POS.
Unlikely. And I really hope they don’t repeat the issue.
A direct replacement with no reward would be more then fair.
I’d like to see it as a premium with more historical stats (close to T8 Centurion), and in that case I’d still say its fair to do a direct swap between the FV4202 and the new T10 and then “add” the FV as a new premium that everyone (who wants it) would have to purchase.
As far as I am concerned giving away the T34 premium was a bad idea (and as I understand WG thinks so too)
I believe that there was a comment made many moons ago about how they converted the T34 to a premium and that they would never do it again. They missed out on a LOT of money!
- Storm states that he considers the way Wargaming did camouflage in World of Tanks correct (SS: as in, it won’t be made like in War Thunder, where you can literally make pink tanks with pictures etc.)
In WT I can see a cheat already – mod all tanks skins with very bright colors, remove flora – see tonks from miles away.
I haven’t seen any mods in WT, and it looks like they don’t have support for it either.
Doesnt mean there wont be :D
There is no mod support for WT atm, what he means is the decals you can put on your own tank, which will also only be seen on your own tanks.
And Gaijin has been on a ‘no mods’ policy ever since the open beta started, I doubt it’ll change.
And I agree with Storm, I prefer being capable of making my own skins or downloading others that only I can see.
I don’t give a flying cake about others seeing my swag, because it’s eye-candy for me and not for others :P
The issue (with a traditional spotting system) is that you can make bright pink skins for all tanks and get an advantage.
And WoT had no mod support to start with, that didn’t stop mods and tank skins being made for it.
WoT had mod support from the very beginning…
Agreed, just because you didn’t know about it does not mean that it was not there :)
- apparently, the game has a problem with oveclocked PC’s and crashes on them since 8.10, this problem will not be fixed in 8.11
wot reacts sensitive to instable PCs. if you get crashes your OC’ skills ar just shit.
My I7 2600K is overclocked from 3.4 GHz to 4.3 GHz and i got no crash since a while. (Since Nvidia fixed their drivers)
I’ll chip in my antique e4300 clocked to 3ghz and clocked ram XD
Nope, no crashes here, only freaking server disconnects…
Yeah I have played WOT on an OC’d Core i7 920 (3.5Ghz) for a long time, and have had no crashes related to the OC. I do believe the issue is some Asus Motherboards and OC chips on those Mobos. At least that’s what i remember reading some time back. I have an EVGA Mobo for my old Core i7 920, so that one looks to be fine with OCs.
- apparently, the game has a problem with oveclocked PC’s and crashes on them since 8.10, this problem will not be fixed in 8.11
Well that explains a lot for me. And all that dumb EU support was able to tell was “uninstall mods”…
This game has a lot of bugs in the code it’s NOT your pc it’s their game that is messing up.
If you want to fix the crashes go to your event viewer, check and see what errors World of crashing is tossing out then google then to find fixes. Oh don’t bother WOT as they aren’t programmers only script kiddies. If the game engine is bugged they can’t fix it.
If your overclock is STABLE, then WOT will not crash. If WOT crashes on an overclocked PC then your overclock isn’t stable.
I’m running an AMD FX 8320 @ 4715 Mhz (default clock is 3500) and not a single crash in WOT. My GTX 780 is running @ 1200 Mhz and not a single crash in WOT.
If you want to see if your overclock is stable then run this :
If your CPU can pass on standard test with 20 runs (default is 10) then I would consider your overclock stable. If it can’t pass the standard test then at some point it will crash in WOT or any other game / program. If it fails then you need to look at bumping voltages / better cooling or lower the overclock.
SS do you know what the Type 59 LFP change will be? Buff or nerf?
Also, light T-54 flood will happen
390mm @75°
there will be also 3 more guns added – firing rainbow, black holes and teddy bears.
Thats why they said there will be no compensation for Type 59 changes.
Light T-54 will get OP armor even though its on paper crap, because it will get armor which is made from Stalinium.
Haha i want this “Stalinium” on all my tenks
- “light T-54″ Soviet premium will come this year
Hell yes ! >:D
- in historical battles, Storm confirms that the gold ammo will be limited, mechanism of the battle will be the same as in current random (SS: no “hardcore mode”)
So, if it’s possible to make this in historic battles, then do it also for randoms ffs!
Since everyone is just carrying “1-2 gold shells for emergency” it wont be a problem, wont it?
It’s easy to set a “historical limit” for historical tanks, what most whiners seem to want is a blanket limit for all tanks, which isn’t workable.
BTW, I do hope the historical loadout will be properly historical, i.e. mostly HE. Because that will be HElarious.
Exactly my tought.
- apparently, the game has a problem with oveclocked PC’s and crashes on them since 8.10, this problem will not be fixed in 8.11
It’s very annoying. I have to spend few hundred euro to upgrade or play at 30-40% lower fps in my case.
- Storm states that he considers the way Wargaming did camouflage in World of Tanks correct (SS: as in, it won’t be made like in War Thunder, where you can literally make pink tanks with pictures etc.)
Yeah right… how about that cute British pink camo :D :D
- Storm states that he considers the way Wargaming did camouflage in World of Tanks correct (SS: as in, it won’t be made like in War Thunder, where you can literally make pink tanks with pictures etc.)
he clearly doesn”t pay attention then, that isn’t cammo, it’s decals. actual tank camo in WT if very nicely done
(but the pink tanks ARE stupid. good thing they scream “shoot my stupid ass” to everyone in the match)
T34 doesnt need a buff, kv5 does!
KV5 is just fine. If it didn’t have the preferred MM then I’d agree that it needed the buff, but it can easily steamroll (metaphorically and literally) T8 battles and is acceptably challenged by T9 battles.
How do you deal with frustration when you can not penetrate?
On the KV5? It doesn’t happen anymore than on other tanks with lower pen.
I honestly notice it far less than other tanks (T69? bounce. T54e1 with first gun? bounce. AT15 in T10 matches? bounce. I can keep going for a while) The nice thing with the KV5 is they will have bounced 3-4 times for every time you do. It may just be me, I also enjoyed the B1
Iam sorry to break in, but the KV5 did die when the premium rounds got available for credits. I could live with the lower pen if the other tank fired APs, but now every scrub can load premium ammo and simple derp anywhere on the turret. The KV5 earns its money with shooting AP and the oposing normal tanks you mentioned can happily derp gold into you bcoz they aint playing it for the money, but for the exp.
The IS6 imo is way superior to the KV5. The KV5 dominates anything below tier 8 while in the past it met only T8 where it could dominate aswell without anyone derping gold in the face of the KV5 drivers. When I bought it I was 90% of the time top tier or with a couple of other T8 tanks one of the top tiers, but being in the middle of the MM roster and against a couple of T9 it becomes only a exp Piñata.
KV5 is nothing if you know where to shoot it. The problem is that you fight people from lower tiers that simply do not know how to fight it. So you bounce everything. I will never switch to gold ammo for a KV5, they are too easy to beat without it.
- apparently, the game has a problem with oveclocked PC’s and crashes on them since 8.10, this problem will not be fixed in 8.11
- apparently, the game has a problem with any PC’s. this problem will not be fixed.
Stupid as it may sound, that could actually be true. Two of my friend have exactly the same rig: GTX 760, core i5 4670k, 16GB of ram and 1 have full 60fps on max setting at 1080p while the other barely run the game at 30fps.
It’s look like one of the 2 pcs is overheating.
yeah,.. mostly if a game is poorly optimized, it requires godlike hardware to run smoothly (metro 2033 as an example)
However this game runs like rubbish on the most high end PCs…
I worry about the HD client… multicore support is a MUST. Without it, the HD client is just pointless. Hopefully they will both come at the same time ….
So what does that say about my 3 year old computer that has no problem running at 1440p with 50fps? Full graphics settings (other than lowering foliage object settings in sniper view, that for some reason messes things up, and i don’t like/need the grass waving back and forth in my scope)
it just confirms taht the game randomly works on random PCs.
I’ve seen older PCs running at max details, yet I’ve seen GTX Titan struggling at 25-30 fps.
Dont pair a Titan with a Pentium.
they were both 2nd gen. i7.
one had GTX560 and one titan.
I just hope the “Titan guy” isnt one of those kind that think a 1k Euro card will compensate for his 4 gigs of RAM and a 5 year old processor. Bcoz believe me I witnessed that alot of times in my work where I work with PCs and ppls wishes of customized desktops…
dont worry :D
i7 2k 10GB ddr3 one machine running gtx560 the other with titan.
on the other hand, when tested HD7970, it was smooth as sh!t… maybe the titan card was damaged.,, just sayin’ 560 worked better.
I have absolutely no problems with my GTX 570 and an I5 2600k with 8 gigs of RAM running WoT at stable 40-50 fps. I laugh at anyone that spends 1k Euro for a fucking GPU to play WoT or any other current game.
yeah – i need to disable 4 of my 8 cores and overclock them to get better performance.
this game needs a major engine overhaul.
i recently startet playing WT, and maaaan i can max out mostly everything on 1080p and still get 60fps vsynced
Because War Thunder “makes everything better”, correct? ;) Nice graphics don’t make a better game.
that is not the point.
I dont like WT, but I have to admit their engine is FAR MORE BETTER.
Crappy graphics and choppy frametrates dont make better game either.
He didnt say WT is better game, he said it look better and runs smoothly. And he is right in that point.
aparently WT makes youkids rage, so let me fix his post:
i recently startet playing Battlefield 4, Crysis3, Company of Heroes2 Metro last light, and maaaan i can max out mostly everything on 1080p and still get 60fps vsynced.
Yet tanks runs @40fps max. no AA.
It was a jab at another “wow War Thunder is so awesome” comment he made further down – and while you are right about engine optimization, I just don’t want WT fanboyism polluting the comment section.
Regarding your edit, which was probably directed at me: I am neither a kid nor did I rage. And now that we have got that out of the way, I would seriously recommend enabling AA, as FXAA has almost no impact on performance.
it wasnt directed at you personally, I’ve just predicted more raging posts since he mentioned WT, although his point was kinda valid..
With all respect, it was nothing personal… your post was just first, I did understand the sarcasm in it,… ;)
Yes, but FXAA is not true AA… surely it helps, but it has side effects – it blurs everything, not just edges. But you are right it does not have impact on performance.
> T34 will not receive a premium buff
So does that mean the profitability buff noted in the patch notes has been reverted, or is this talking about the actual tank stats?
No, that is still there. The quote is:
- no T34 premium buff is planned
The “premium” part is there to distinguish it from the Russian T-34
It means that someone was whining (and now hopefully banned from further Q&As) about a perfectly functioning tank, that in no way requires buffing.
Okay, thanks. My friend was getting excited for the T34 profitability buff and when I read that I wasn’t sure whether or not said buff was removed.
”- new Japanese and Chinese tanks are definitely not planned in 2014”
”- new Japanese are definitely not planned in 2014”
”- new Japanese not in 2014”
they said on ASAP 16 that they want to add japanese HTs in 2014…i know that they had research problems but….
i though there is hope…
Not lying, tear almost flow from my eye. Now its confirmed.
So much i am waiting for japanese heavies.
I’m can’t open YT ATM, but I don’t recall them ever stating definitively that Japanese HTs would be coming in 2014, they were just showing off the plans for the tier 10 in that vid
- Storm states that he considers the way Wargaming did camouflage in World of Tanks correct (SS: as in, it won’t be made like in War Thunder, where you can literally make pink tanks with pictures etc.)
well, war thunder makes everything else better and they bitch about pink tanks
The pink tank part was a comment from Silent and not from the developers. Also: “everything better” – yeah sure. ;)
- the customization of tanks, mentioned earlier by developers could be for example additional tool boxes, track links and extra roadwheels on places where they could have been in real life, it’s not yet decided whether this additional stuff will be purely visual, or (SS: for example track links) will give any bonus to armor
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, I just wanted to put a Dixi toilet as additional armour on my Vk7201 :(
M46 patton will IMO get researchable M47 hull on which 105mm gun was historically mounted…
” – you will get the same punishment for teamdamage no matter how well you perform in battle (SS: as in, you will get punished the same way even if you did 12k damage)”
Didn’t they long time ago added a system that reduces the team-damage penalty if you do well in battle?
“the customization of tanks, mentioned earlier by developers could be for example additional tool boxes, track links and extra roadwheels on places where they could have been in real life, it’s not yet decided whether this additional stuff will be purely visual, or (SS: for example track links) will give any bonus to armor ”
Sounds nice, i hope that it will give some ingame bonuses. Track links should add some spaced armor and make your track repair faster. Same with the spare roadwheels. For the other hand, they will make your tank bit heavier.
How about they remove the wrong ice cream color from the british tanks finally?
I represent 450,000 Type 59 drivers in china that ask SS some questions:how do you think the Type 59? it should be nerf or buff ? And the lower frontal plate angle of Type 59 will be nerf or buff ?my english is pool , how terrible.
Made me giggle abit lol :)
“the customization of tanks, mentioned earlier by developers could be for example additional tool boxes, track links and extra roadwheels on places where they could have been in real life”
I find the thought about pink tanks hilarious aswell. I mean sure I can understand to some extend some wild drawings on planes, but tanks live and die with their camo. IG or in real and I cant imagine any tank crew ever painting a tank in bright green for example.
I would love tho pure realistic cosmetic additions like sandbags, logs, rolled tents, crates and stuff (on the back of the Leopard turret for example), additional machine gun on the top on tanks that dont have it IG already, tracks on turret sides and front and the list can be way bigger. There is a ton of screens all over the internet from real life tanks to gain some inspiration for the devs :)
i5-750 (base clock 2.66GHz) runs at 4.00GHz for WoT (it clocks lower for a load on multiple core, but WoT doesn’t really use more than one). Perfectly stable.
Hidden valley too?
25-30 fps with Gtx 660ti and I5 3570k