
- Storm confirms, T49 will come this year (SS: T49 LT is a project to upgun Walker Bulldog with 90mm)
- Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”
- Storm is not happy with the fact that a tank can “disappear” when not moving and “reappears” when it starts moving again, he thinks about changing this somehow
- vertical aim aid will be optional (SS: as in, you will be able to select where you aim horizontally too, I can’t remember how this damn thing is called)
- Storm states that various way of fighting illegal mods and software like CRC checksums and memory detection are “not easy to implement and not effective”, they are apparently easy to bypass
- there will “relatively soon” be a “big new mode for clanwars”

And a big change:

Developers decided to remove the 12th battletier in 8.11 (SS: If you don’d understand what that means, refer to wotwiki). The reason for it is that “it is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”. Apparently, this was a player idea, that got considered and was found good.

(SS: effectively it means tier 8 vehicles will see more of tier 10′s in their battles, this will not affect tier 8 premium vehicles)

- it’s possible that open-topped vehicles might be nerfed (by 2,5 percent or so), but their crew get an “open-topped” skill bonus to compensate (so people don’t complain about not being able to use the ventilation on them)
- KV-5 will not return to the ingame shop apparently

128 thoughts on “6.2.2014

    • Pretty sure it means even worse mm for tier 8s scouts, worse MM for regular and worse mm for tier 9s. Its sucks huge donkey balls hard

      edit: in contrary to what guy above said, i think it will make those rare tier 9 or “only 2-3 tier X tanks” games even more rare

      • Aye, removing the 12th tier will mean more tier 10′s showing up in ‘tier 8′ battles. Currently tier 10′s only have a 1 in 3 chance to be put into a battle with tier 8′s With battle tier 12 removed it becomes a 1 in 2 chance. It also means no more pure tier 10 (and tier 8 lights, poor bastards) battles.

        Fighting tier 9′s as a tier 8 is bad enough in some cases, since tier 9′s almost universally get the gun from the tier 10 above them. Having to fight more tier 10′s more often is going to be painful.

        • Yeah sounds like Tier 8 LT now has a 1-in-3 chance to be put in T9 battles instead of 1-in-4 before. Hopefully is a minor buff to the enjoyability of T8 LT.

          So winners: T8 LT and all T10 tanks; losers: all T8 and T9 tanks (due to likely seeing more T10 tanks when they are put into battles that can see them)

        • Is WG full of masochist?
          Why would you change a small percentage of whining with the s***storm that will come with this?

      • Yeah you are right it’s a worse mm for tier 8s scouts, there are less Tier 10 to kill

        like zeepen said
        losers: all T8 and T9 tanks, but are they really? I don’t know about you guys but I prefer being in a higher tier match, there is more exp to be earn.
        But the real winner is the chaffee

        • If I can upvote you, I’ll upvote you.

          Everyone seems to miss the obvious, Chaffee now has +6 instead of its old +7, all Chaffee drivers rejoice :-)

        • …”Yeah you are right it’s a worse mm for tier 8s scouts, there are less Tier 10 to kill”

          Son, your ego is writing checks your skill can’t cash.

    • Well, time to sell those tier 8 tanks and stick to tier 7 and tier 9. While tier 9 is suited to fight tier 10, tier 8 suck ballz, since they difference in gun performance between tier 9 and tier 8 is huge. I can shoot gold, but I’m not turning into gold ammo fagola, so I rather go back to tier 5-6-7, don’t care about tier 10 noobs that bot their way up there. Good riddance.

  1. “(SS: effectively it means tier 8 vehicles will see more of tier 10′s in their battles, this will not affect tier 8 premium vehicles)”

    So the T32 will struggle even more in the now more often T10 battles…
    I demand a pen buff immediatly!

    • That would mean that the T29 would get a pen buff, which it doesn’t need. T32 just needs a new gun.

      • It could possibly use a similar gun with the M46 but with 320 alpha? Comsidering that they’re both some variant of the T5E1 gun…

        • Accuracy is what the T32 really doesn’t need IMO… And i think that most would agree…

          • In my opinion it needs a massive accuracy buff, AND a pen buff…
            0.42 accuracy on a gun with 198mm pen?
            Yet the comparative Russian gun gets 0.40 accuracy and 225mm pen.
            Or the Chinese with 0.38 and 215mm pen.
            Or the French 0.36 and 232mm pen.
            Or the Germans with 0.34 and 225mm.
            And to complete the set, Brits with 0.32 and 226mm pen.

            So maybe it doesn’t need an accuracy buff, but at least give it comparable penetration or something. The gun just sucks on this tank, the great turret only makes up for so much.

          • Technically the acc on the T32 is 0.41… the T29 has 0.42. (Not that it makes a difference… Just putting it out there.)

      • Shoot the turret to the enemy and hope that it penetrates? Nah, I don’t think so.

        Honestly though the T32 has felt like one of the best tier 8 tanks in my hands. The penetration is good enough and the turret is really something really, really sweet.

        Though more tier 10 battles? Hell no. That will be a torture.

    • Basically even less of an incentive for me to play my nonpreferential tier 8 premiums and standard tier 8s. We were already having issues with 8s seeing 10s way too often.

  2. >it’s possible that open-topped vehicles might be nerfed (by 2,5 percent or so), but their crew get an “open-topped” skill bonus to compensate (so people don’t complain about not being able to use the ventilation on them)

    What will be nerfed?

      • Everything and nothing.

        Every single stat will be nerfed by 2.5% (except pen/alpha, top speed and other constant stats) but the crew will get a permanent 5% bonus to their base skill which boosts the stats by 2.5%… giving you the same exact battle preformance as before.

  3. - Storm confirms, T49 will come this year (SS: T49 LT is a project to upgun Walker Bulldog with 90mm)
    - Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”

    Glad to hear both of these!

  4. Developers decided to remove the 12th battletier in 8.11 (SS: If you don’d understand what that means, refer to wotwiki). The reason for it is that “it is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”. Apparently, this was a player idea, that got considered and was found good.

    (SS: effectively it means tier 8 vehicles will see more of tier 10′s in their battles, this will not affect tier 8 premium vehicles)

    And thats the best idea you had WG? Instead forcing MM to do huge amount pure tier 8 battles in order to get rid of them.

    • Tier 8 only battles would make tier 8 even more popular. This will make tier 8 less popular and tier 10 the new seal clubbing tier.

      • There are pros and cons to both solutions…having a tier of full tier 8s doesn’t seem appealing to me because, there’s just no real chance to train yourself in situations where you’re not the most powerful kid on the block.

        Forcing them into tier 10s more often kinda makes more sense to me.

        I mean even the more tier 8 battles solution would just be temporary. It makes the thing more popular therefore the problem just gets worse.

        WG does quite a lot of things that don’t seem to make sense, but I’m glad they’re taking a course where the long term benefit is greater than its short term gain.

    • I wouldn’t say that T8 tanks get thrown into T10 more often. Why?

      What’s important is the Battletier, not the Tanktier.
      Tier 8 has now a Battleteir from 8-10.
      Tier 10 has a battletier from 10-12.

      This means, that Tier 8 only has a 33% change to fight against Tier 10 and Tier 10
      has only a 33% change to meet Tier 8.

      After the change has Tier 8 still only a 33% change to figt in Battletier 10 while Tier 10, as it was already said, has now a 50% change to get into battletier 10 and that ultimately means, Tier 10 will fight/meet Tier 9 now in 100% of it’s battle while Tier 9 will fight Tier 10 in 66% of its battle.

      So i don’t see a big change for Tier 8 but more for Tier 9.

      Edit: I guess only the amount of Tier 10 tanks in battletier 10 will rise.

  5. Great, so everyone in T8 and will see 17% more T10 battles… what kind of f**ktard came up with that idea.

    • You misunderstand. The reason you are sitting a minute on queue is because the MM has placed you in a tier 10 match, but there are not enough tier 10s to start your tier 10 match. By removing tier 12 matches, this frees up those tier 10 vehicles to make your tier 10 match start quicker.

      That tier 10 match, you would have gotten it anyways, whether you wait 2 seconds or 2 minutes. Naturally, WG wants you to enjoy your tier 10 match sooner rather than later. :)

      • But now there will be a third more tier 10s in that tier 10 battle. Probably more when people realise that their tier 10 will never see only tier 10 any more. Ooohhh and think of that tier 10 arty.

        It’s a very capitalist solution, reduce the demand for tier 8.

        Nice buff for the tier 10 TDs though. :D

  6. - Storm is not happy with the fact that a tank can “disappear” when not moving and “reappears” when it starts moving again, he thinks about changing this somehow

    doesn’t that basicly mean that they have to revamp the spotting system?
    or are there other means?

    • Here’s how I’d fix it : A tank once spotted should only disappear when :
      ~it gets out of your view range or
      ~it hides behind a bush or
      ~it hides behind terrain/obstacles (out of line of sight)

  7. So instead of doing the smart thing and removing T10s from battletier 10 and make the game fun for everyone they just completely destroy tier 8?

    Good job WG…. T8 used to be fun, now it’s a pain in the ass.

    • Tier 8 on SEA server is probably THE worst already. I catalogued my game over a couple of weeks and I already see tier 10 on average 50% of the games. And with the tomatoes that seem to inhabit high tiers on this server (most sub 1000 eff) it is a lottery how much use the top tiers on your team will be.
      I have absolutely no plans to keep any of my tier 8 tanks once I’m done grinding – no point.

  8. Tier 8 is already filled with fucktards buying prem tanks after 100 battles, and now you make regular 8s see MORE retarded T57s, WTE100s, Jgpz E100, 183, E3 and BatChats?? KKTHXBYE. Thief, TW3, DS2 and many more will enjoy I’ve cleared the trash bin.

  9. “Arty hardcap is stupid solution and we dont hire stupid people” (-SerB) came to my mind regarding the 12th battle tier removal..

  10. Low-pen T8 tanks will love getting more bounces while being cannon fodder…very bright idea.

    However, 245+ PEN tanks will won’t have any more problems than now.

  11. - KV-5 will not return to the ingame shop apparently.

    Of course not – player must have high “I-dont-give-a-fucking-fuck-bout-your-pen-I-will-ram-you” rating.

  12. “- Storm is not happy with the fact that a tank can “disappear” when not moving and “reappears” when it starts moving again, he thinks about changing this somehow”

    I’m very happy to hear someone is considering fixing this ridiculous and annoying issue. I’ve had lots of instances where I would be relatively CLOSE to an enemy tank that would be out in the open in my direct line of sight(without me knowing it was there), that tank would get spotted and after a few seconds it would just become invisible again without moving. If that wouldn’t be bad enough, said invisible tank would then proceed to damage or kill you, still being invisible.
    Another similar situation is when two tanks are hiding behind a building or big rock and pick-abooing. If the enemy tank waits a while to disappear from your map and you know roughly where he is, you are expecting him and aiming at the corner of the rock/building, said tank could suddenly appear a little further then where you were aiming. The effect is like having a tank with an invisibility cloak pass right in front of your eyes and then appear suddenly on your left or right and shoots you. You can see how this is infuriating when you have very little health left or you are confronted with a KV-1S.
    Your view range shouldn’t be like a magic curtain 1 second here, gone the next. Maybe a sort of blurred or faded effect could be used in situations like these.

    “The reason for it is that “it is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”.

    I have limited free time so I tend to play with tanks that are fun, interesting or make me credits so I’m apprehensive about this solution. I find that playing with my only t8(IS-3) I’m losing credits, even when winning so I rarely use it. If I had to meet more T10s more often it would be another deterrent, not an incentive to play through it.

    • ***The effect is like having a tank with an invisibility cloak pass right in front of your eyes and then appear suddenly on your left or right and shoots you.***

      The root of the problem is the “spotting check”, meaning that the server “waits” for a second or two before showing you the tank. Why? To save processor power. You know the enemy tank will come out and shoot at you, but you cannot spot him soon enough to track him, and if he is by any chance randomly given an earlier spotting check, say, half a second before you, you’re dead, as the tomato on the other side comes out and derps you into oblivion.
      That effectively means that WG will rather invest their money into buildings on Cyprus than better programming or servers, and in the mean time they gladly allow their players to accumulate moments of sheer frustration as no amount of skill can help you overcome if the rules of the game are effectively fixed against you.
      I disliked playing heavies in the beginning of my involvement in WoT, then I disliked it even more after finding out 70% of them have armor that’s made useless by premium ammo, and the final nail in the coffin is the server spot checks that make careful timing useless.
      The only way a player can be sure his engagement is on an equal footing is if the enemy is far enough you have time to avoid the gap of the spot check fucking you over (ill disregard Warpack and similar bullshit that almost killed my will for playing WoT). Apart from that, it’s basically a game of roll the RNG with the connection latency, then roll the RNG with the pen and dmg… so, why not go play dice instead? That way at least you control the time they’re thrown.

  13. So, basically for me and any other unicum player it means we will get in a T10 battle every time in our t8s and 9s :)

    Haha, fuck you WG now I can finally sell them :D

  14. Lol guess ill keep rolling with the Rhm not like it matter what tanks its firing at; it just wrecks ****

    as well as being the tank with literally no armor.

  15. Ty Wargaming for giving me a reason to not re-buy the KV-4, he had to put up with t10′s enough thank you. As for my T-32, I already see more t10 battles in that than any of my tier 8′s, buff it’s gun already, I’m not giving you my money to ruin my tier 8′s.

    • Simple. Money gained from “free” xp conversion to bypass tier 8 – WG wins.
      Notice the horrific amount of XP you need to get through tier 8 and how impotent they are against tier 9-10 tanks (which they get put up against VERY often).
      I know I’m probably going to drop a bomb-load to get through the KV-4… Yeah armour matters when people hit 2 and load the skill…

  16. - Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”

    What is the argument against the Sheridan being a tier 10 light tank?

    It’s too modern? Development started in the late 1950′s/early 1960′s after the T92, and we have tanks like the Leopard 1 and all the T-62A clones that are from the same time period.

    There’s no mechanic for the gun/launcher system and ATGM’s would be too OP? Just leave the “launcher” half of the gun/launcher out. Just like they left out the hydraulic suspension for the Type 61

    152mm HEAT spewing gun on a fast light tank is too OP? Treat it as a tier 10 ELC and give it horrid gun handling and soft stats.

    There’s no bridge between tier 9 and 10? There were proposals to mount a 90mm or 105mm gun in the turret instead of the gun/launcher. That variant can easily be placed at tier 9. The entire tree can be filled out nicely: Chaffee at tier 5, M41 Walker Bulldog at tier 6, T49 at tier 7, T92 at tier 8, XM551 with 90 and/or 105 at tier 9, M551 with gun/launcher at tier 10.

    • WG never intended Light tank lines to extend to the tier 10. Tier 8 is the limit for LT.

      Though I was hoping that they would make Sheridan as tier 8.

      5. Chaffee in stock version
      6. T37 prototype light tank with the current Chaffee turret and gun.
      7. Walker Bulldog (with 90 mm in elite config.)
      8. Sheridan

      • WG never intended Light tank lines to extend to the tier 10. Tier 8 is the limit for LT.

        Just like how back in closed beta the only tier 10′s were heavy tanks and WG never intended to extend mediums to tier 9? Or When the only tier 10′s were heavy tanks and mediums? Or when the only tier 10′s were heavy tanks, mediums, and TD’s, or when the only tier 10′s were heavies, mediums, TD’s and arty? Can you see where I’m going with this?

        • That’s because not all nations have enough light tanks that would be good enough to fill out a full line up to tier 10. Some of them do, like the US and France (there were more advanced variants of the AMX 13 series, like the AMX 13 105, for instance), but others, such as Germany, effectively stopped building light tanks altogether after World War II, and thus only have designs that would be tier 8 at the highest..

          • And what does that matter? Back in closed beta the only tier 9 TD for the longest time was the Jagdtiger. China has serious issues coming up with a complete TD and arty line, but they still got a tree. Just because other nations can’t match it it should preclude from ANY nation getting one, if they are capable. To do anything less would just cripple development and limit options, not to mention be ab ad business decision.

  17. - Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”

    Well that blows a lot I really wanted it to show up since they said something about missiles being possible for the game..oh well nothing new with ruining my hopes

    • They said again and again that missile tanks will not come. What the DID say was that “rocket tanks” might come. Rockets =/= Missiles. They probably mean tanks fitted with rocket racks for bombardment and such.

  18. Grinding through Tier 8 is super frustrating now, as you spend so much time in Tier 10 battles where you can’t affect the outcome. Putting you in more T10 battles is going to make that worse. I almost bever play T8 because of MM now

    • I’m there with you.
      I’ve sold all my 8′s but one, and Im playing it ONLY in team battles. No randoms at all

  19. “Developers decided to remove the 12th battletier in 8.11 (SS: If you don’d understand what that means, refer to wotwiki). The reason for it is that “it is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”. Apparently, this was a player idea, that got considered and was found good.”

    In order to understand it right: they consider to do so or the will definitely do so in 0.8.11? Is it a plan or an unavoidable fact?

    If they nerf all Tier 8 regular tanks by this MM change (having to fight more tier 10 matches than before is a nerf), the previously balanced Tier 8 class will become the most difficult and the least enjoyable class to play. Bad job, WG.

  20. - Storm is not happy with the fact that a tank can “disappear” when not moving and “reappears” when it starts moving again, he thinks about changing this somehow

    A plan to change the invisitank system?

  21. “Developers decided to remove the 12th battletier in 8.11″

    I can’t believe that WG will do this. Most important info, great idea, T10′s should get something rewarding for that long grind and not that most boring games (in T10′s only – I get them very often, it’s reason why I don’t play them very often). On the darker side, there will me much more T10′s with T8′s, but grind should be hard:-)

      • Most of my Tier 8s are premiums.. and only two will be screwed during this ‘change’ the Lowe and T34. But at least the T34 has 248 Pen… >.>

        I’m working on the Chinese Heavy Line, wished I did that sooner but the ‘lame’ duck of an Type T-34 and Type 58 kinda stopped me.

        • Indeed, and tier 8 is the next milestone for me on the German heavy line (E-100 line, not Maus line), which is the one I’ve progressed further on. Oh well, I still have a bunch of tier 8 premiums that get preferential matchmaking (IS-6, KV-5 and JT-88), but my Lowe will now be relegated to team battles exclusively, it seems.

          One more reason to not regret my putting that on hiatus to focus on French light tanks.

          • My KV-5 is gaining dust with my IS-7 Crew… It feels like it needs Swifter/Dust Cleaner.. lol
            So my IS-7′s Crew is old men. lol

  22. Great, as if grinding wasn’t enough of a pain in the ass, now they add yet another barrier to overcome at tier 8. Nice.

  23. (SS: effectively it means tier 8 vehicles will see more of tier 10′s in their battles, this will not affect tier 8 premium vehicles)

    No, the chances for battle-tier 8/9/10 battles stay the same. Instead, now there will be more T10 tanks available for the battle-tier 10, so T8 tanks won’t have to wait as much.

    • So you will see more tier 10 tanks when you do meet them. No more battles with 2 tier X, 4 tier IX, and the rest tier VIII and scouts.

      • If there are only 2 tier X tanks now in tier 8 fights, there will be 2*(3/2)=3 tier X tanks.
        Or in case of there not being enough tier X tanks before, there’ll still be just the 2 tier X tanks with less wait.

    • Good info. This makes the change less bad than initially appears, but still not welcomed.

  24. - Storm confirms, T49 will come this year (SS: T49 LT is a project to upgun Walker Bulldog with 90mm)

    Haha. Called it.

  25. ” – Storm states that various way of fighting illegal mods and software like CRC checksums and memory detection are “not easy to implement and not effective”, they are apparently easy to bypass”

    Blizzard and WoW says hi…

  26. The reason for it is that “it is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”
    Fuck yea. Like we already don’t have enough morons driving T10 tanks having no fucking clue about the game itself(for example i had a battle few days ago where T110E4 with 25k+ battles sat on that high hill on Pearl River whole battle doing nothing even after couple of players warned him to move and help) now instead of fixing long queue the logical way they came up with another brilliant idea that will make T8 tanks even more harder to play. It’s not like nowadays every other battle is T10 because tons of morons driving their “invincible” T10z tonks dying in first 2 minutes leaving the poor T8s to win the game for them somehow. Seriously. Just when i thought they can’t fuck up this game more they come up with something like this.

      • I assume that means “premium tanks with special MM”, so premiums with normal MM (Lowe, T34, M6A2E1) will be affected. I hope this isn’t true and I’m wrong.

  27. - vertical aim aid will be optional (SS: as in, you will be able to select where you aim horizontally too, I can’t remember how this damn thing is called)


    • Stabilization ..wow, if you turn both of thise on you basically can shhot accurately on the move

  28. I very rarely play t8 anymore except for 1 win a day on lowe and t34. T9 is alot more fun cause you get just as many t10s as a 8 but You are 1 tier up.

  29. ok while discussing this witj my clan members, one of them gave me this idea:

    why don’t they reduce repair cost to T8 tanks to compensate? with seeing more T10s, now T8s have to fire a lot more shells, and these don’t come cheap!

    • “Tier 8s lose too much money fighting against more tier 10s now?”
      “How terrible…”

  30. Are you sure WG? My E-100 twoshots alot of Tier 8 tanks.

    And it got in a tier 8 battle once…. IT dominated in so many ways.

    My King tiger isn’t looking forward to the news though.

  31. Its all about the moneeey! More t10 in low tier means ppl will play higher tiers to avoid being too low in the rooster, so it means higher bills and it mean premium shopping. Simple as that.

    So if it appear no logic in thier logic follow the money trail…

  32. About that Tier12 – isn’t that really a joke?
    How they imagine that? How they think to handle all the upcoming whine?
    Lowe, Mutant and T32, which struggled big time in those already often T10 games now will be just unplayable..
    And T10 tanks? They already didn’t have any stronger opponents, but now they will get guaranteed T9 tanks in every battle. That’s even better than limited MM..
    I somehow dont get this :)

  33. Removing battletier 12 does not have influence on tier 8 tanks. Tier of the battle you entering is decided regardless of the number of waiting tanks. So it has influence for tanks that can reach tier 11 of the battle (T9, T7-8 LT and Chafee).

    Tier 8 tank will see more tier 10s because the waiting time will be shorter when you are heading for tier 10 battle. Again… so much whining for nothing.

  34. Ok, I read the original info or more explanation about this from Storm and yes, there was written that it won’t change the tierspread of T8 tank games, only shorten the waiting times.

    • Our voice is loud a clear and says “We are a brainless flock of sheeps, please, troll us more Mr. Serb”

  35. So tier 8 vehicles all in tier 10 battles, and tier 8 battles left for tier 8 premiums——and Mr. Serb said,”It’s not a pay for win game”. How terrible