
- Evilly: there will be an unified launcher for all WG games
- the leaver and AFK punishment system mentioned by Evilly should come in 9.1
- the captcha system, mentioned by Evilly would be like “if the amount of battles per day exceeds X, you will have to type captcha code before you can enter a battle”, this is just a concept – not a final decision
- there are pieces of the captcha code in the game files for quite a while, this is apparently made specifically for China

Also, apparently in 8.11, a certain bush was removed from Hidden Village


51 thoughts on “9.2.2014

  1. - the captcha system, mentioned by Evilly would be like “if the amount of battles per day exceeds X, you will have to type captcha code before you can enter a battle”, this is just a concept – not a final decision

    sounds interesting :)

    • I played almost 100 battles within 24 hours to get the T-15, how many battles will be “too much” for a human?

      • Considering i’ve seen upwards of 600 battles in one day on the Hall of Fame… It doesn’t take a genius to determine who is botting…..

    • Capcha can be easily beaten… Created simple auto Capcha that worked on Silkroad MMORPG that solved about 85% of the capchas correctly… And still stupid idea cause the bot will play until they reach x number of battles+ it will annoy players that just play mutch :P

      • They should’t make captcha just by retyping the text. There should be questions like what is the integral of ln(x) or who was the president of Zambia before Levy Mwanawasa…That should repel bots. And set the threshold to 10 or something like that.

      • Captcha system had been in WoT CN for a year or so and proved completely useless against bots. It was disabled a few months ago and average bot number has gone from 3.5 per team to 4 per team, but nowadays bots deal more damage.

        WoT CN has so many bots that hardly anyone bothers to report them. If you report every bot on your team you’ll use up your chance to report in two battles.

      • if its plain text, a decent captach would be googles ones, The best OCRs solution get like 3% positives and that was over a year ago.

        If captches would be easy to beat you would have tons of spam on forums or image boards, yet there is practically zero.

        There are also a lot easier captchas that are even faster to slove and impossible for bots e.g. picture captchas where you have to arrange puzzel pieces or select the cats from a dog pool.
        Which all can be done in less then 10 seconds. Hell this would be prefect for WoT where you can combine it with the Tanks ingame.

        Not to mention most “I bet tha captcha” remarks come from actually circumventing it and not beating it. Aka make use of sloppy made webpages.

    • Captcha is a nightmare for people like me as I am a dyslexic so trying to decode a captcha system can sometimes be borderline impossible. Their must be a better way catch bots.

  2. SS, you know what 2 branches ARE coming in 2014?
    Other is murican LT line which will start from chaffee and end to one of T95-MT variants, isnt it?
    But other line? Sturmtiger? British LL line? Or what?
    Japanese heavies are my biggest hope…but unlikely ;_;

    • Also, whats the state of 215b (HT)?
      Will Chieftain replace it, or will it get rebalance (old stats most hopefully)?

      • Chieftain (prototype) is material for the 2nd heavy line.
        Hopefully FV215b will get a 133mm gun, otherwise the rear turet placement makes no sense. Either that, or it should get replaced by the “Super Conqueror” (a version with additional armor, WG could give it better soft stats compared to the Conqueror)

        • I do remember that the FV215B(133) was their first idea for a tier 10 heavy but I can’t for the life of me remember what the gun in question was, can you?
          Also, if memory serves the spaced plates for the Conq were only 1″ thick; it might be a bit squishy.

    • My bets are on the 2nd Yanks’ light and med combo lines (like what China has) (modelling of the light tanks is already underway) and the Sturmtiger branch.

    • What about new Chinese vehicles? It’s mentioned in the New Year outlook article by kongzhong.com (WoT CN agent)

  3. It’s a anti bot measure but there are still work arounds. Maybe they’ll implement a onscreen keyboard. Either way slow step in the right direction.

      • True that. Make it available only for low tiers like widepark and I can live with that. Tier 10 battles on that map are plain silly.

  4. So that pics says NUUUURRFFF that isn’t on patch notes?

    Some Russian is buttmad about it lol.

  5. Chieftain (prototype) is material for the 2nd heavy line.
    Hopefully FV215b will get a 133mm gun, otherwise the rear turet placement makes no sense. Either that, or it should get replaced by the “Super Conqueror” (a version with additional armor, WG could give it better soft stats compared to the Conqueror-

  6. a good system is the one that creates a grir X by Y with row and colums, inside there are the numbers, letters, shapes the user must click on – the grid would be bigger, like 30 cells and only 8 numbers inside, the rest are blank spaces or total random shit that does not repeat
    each time this grid appears, the order of the numbers and spaces inside is totally random
    each time you miss-click, the grid resets and the sequence the user has to re-enter is a new one

    bots, beat that

  7. Captchas are a completely stupid, ham fisted solution, extremely inappropriate to a problem that has been known for years.

    So fits wargaming’s usually problem solving perfectly.

  8. there are all kinds of captcha,
    there are Image/puzzle captcha there are easy for human to solve and hard for bots.
    drag & drop image to create the right puzzle.

    also there is the experimental 2 phase multi-layering system the 2PMLS that is considered 99.87 bot immune, basically it create 2 layers of a map, 1 that a human can distinguished and the other that the bot trying to path solving will be stuck completely…