Storm writes on 8.11


Hello everyone,

Storm is asking the players, how they like the 8.11 patch. He specifically states that

- WG knows about the FOV issue, it will most likely be fixed (by a hotfix apparently) to the old 8.10 setting and in 9.0 there will be an option to set it manually in settings
- mastery badges other than the highest one won’t be shown in battle results repeatedly

From the discussion

- apparently, there is a problem in delay of visual effects on a tank being hit display, Storm is asking about it
- apparently the Russians had ping issues in 8.11 as well, just like the EU
- most people on RU forums have seen FPS raise actually, not drop
- the function to move the “native” crew into a tank with one click will also be implemented
- it’s 100 percent sure that the camera (apart from the FOV change) was not moved vertically (up or down), WG checked

More answers will be in the evening QA.

63 thoughts on “Storm writes on 8.11

    • What a pity. I like the new FOV. They should also move the camera a little Bit Downwards. then it would be perfect for me :)

    • I think it’s affected by map and kind of the tanks. 13xT29 vs 10xIS3+4KV3 and 1-2xSPGs on Prochorovka is nightmare that become real – it’s fair to fight against tanks with superior turret armor, view range, aim time, penetration and accuracy at open map with hull down positions in the middle. I’ve noticed that both teams consisted of probably illiterate tomatos not knowing how to turn confrontation off and few players playing this mode for the first or second time.

  1. Are they making zoom mod illegal now? I don’t see their intention of changing the default FOV to begin with. Now it’s causing issues (oh come on what else did you expect?)

  2. I’ve noticed that the white line which represents the cap cirlce kinda floats just above the ground, ofc it doesnt affect the gameplay it just looks a bit weird.

  3. The FPS has increased, or atleast they did someting to the extra effects ( smoke from the gun barrel, etc) that didnt suck the life out of my PC like a vampire.

  4. Anyone noticed the T-54 to be very sluggish in the new patch? Any soft stat changes maybe?

  5. Best Patch ever. At last we have national battles. I don’t care about imbalances. it is FUN!

    anyways people are dumb. They will be surprised of the end result. Until now I haven’t lost a single game with Germany. If Germany plays with brain cells, you cannot lose against Russians.

    Russians are blind. they are so UP. Of course if you want to go brawl with your Cromwell or Tiger go fuck yourself idiot.

    • Yes, National Battles should be fun (even if it produces more one side slaughtering, I think anything that expand the room for more unique gameplay is a good thing for a “game”). It may (or will) be unbalanced, but I’m already satisfied with my 55%-ish WR so I don’t really care if it bogs down my WR a little bit.

      If you’re playing correctly you could still carry in any mode, anyway.

    • I lost only 1 National battle in German tank – just because we had fragile TD’s (Toaster, Nashorn) vs HTs at the end of the battle (our HTs died early). We won even with US on Prohorovka (where US tanks could use hull-down).

  6. FOV, Is it that thing that makes the tanks feel more sluggish now?..Top speed on E 25 feels like 30 km/h now..

    • I’m not sure.. to me it looks like the ground resistance was changed.
      Its so sluggish.

      Have a look maybe it really is 30km/h. I could reach maximum 40km/h on sherman E8 when Im sure it used to go 45+
      Also barely reached 25 in E100. That thing used to go 35.

  7. - WG knows about the FOV issue, it will most likely be fixed (by a hotfix apparently) to the old 8.10 setting and in 9.0 there will be an option to set it manually in settings
    Thank God, common sense wins this time :)

    - the function to move the “native” crew into a tank with one click will also be implemented
    Why the f*** is that feature now implemented at all? At least for me it doesn’t serve the original purpose – I cannot move a crew which is recently sent to barracks from one tank into another tank. It just tells me that I have no compatible crew :O
    Only thing what you can now one-click, is bring back the crew in the same tank, from which you just took it out.. what of course makes no sense at all 8-)

    - apparently the Russians had ping issues in 8.11 as well, just like the EU
    Did someone at least tried to explain this officially? Really server problems or those famous DDOS attacks?

  8. As far as the FPS goes, for some reason there’s an unexplainable FPS drop when going to sniper mode: FPS drops to single digit values for a second and then goes back to normal. And no, I don’t have grass or any other special effect enabled when in sniper mode.

  9. Glad they are removing the mastery badges from each battle result, it gets annoying seeing them every game.

  10. Really nice responsiveness by that Storm bloke, much appreciated.

    Regarding the last point, camera placement, I cannot help but be dubitative. I have a couple of tanks (most notably the Chi-Nu) in which, since the patch, I see the shell trajectory coming from *above* the camera; I’m pretty certain it wasn’t the case before. I haven’t yet tried the FOV fix you posted (much appreciated as well!) — maybe it’ll have an effect.

  11. Guys, did anyone notice?
    What’s up with the ground resistance?
    Every tank feels so sluggish.
    I don’t think it’s just the FOV.
    I could barely hit 25km/h on flat ruinberg in E100, Im damns sure it used to drive at 35km/h
    Sherman E8 feels like heavy tank. ELC AMX like the Leopard scout – slow acceleration, slow turning…

    If it was just the FOV, speedometer would show the speed as it used to be, but its not.

    Also… they didnt fix the craters on ruinberg :( driving full speed into a crater and it will stop you like a wall… This was the only fix I was looking forward for the new patch for. oh well…

  12. - WG knows about the FOV issue, it will most likely be fixed (by a hotfix apparently) to the old 8.10 setting and in 9.0 there will be an option to set it manually in settings
    Another feature no one fucking asked for, no one fucking complained about, yet they just had to fuck it up and just as patch went live they realised it’s piece of shit. This isn’t the first time something like this happened.

  13. They should stop adding new content until the base of the game is properly sorted out.

  14. The server reset didnt fix the stuttering lag effects :( the game is totally screwed up for me now… one second I push forward then bland then I am 20 m forward and dead… AAAARRRRRGGGGG this is on both servers and only since the update… all other games work perfectly… wtf have they done to break it so badly??

  15. I agree, its fucking annoying to get that 1 second lag when going into sniper mode. It was like that on the test server as well, and I have a computer good enough to run 100-127 fps all time on custom settings. I dont get any fps drop, I just get a annoying lag going into sniper mode. Making it hard to aim fast shots. Hope they fucking fix it. The problem occurs on all maps except on himmelsdorf, I get no lag when going into snipermode on that map funny enough.

    • In Poland there was such a definition of Socialism / Communism popular: “Socialism – a system that bravely fight problems created by itself and not known in any other system” :)

    • Well, I play on the 4:3 monitor and for me FOV didn’t change that much. And I see some FPS rise – I played on “almost highest” settings before 8.11, now I could rise some of them to “highest” and still have the same FPS as in 8.10.

  16. Pingback: [Sammelthread] World of Tanks [3] - Seite 1434

  17. - WG knows about the FOV issue, it will most likely be fixed (by a hotfix apparently) to the old 8.10 setting and in 9.0 there will be an option to set it manually in settings

    Almost amazing that WG can become dumber by the day, who the fuck is the moron in that company that thought changing the FOV was a good idea.

  18. Im really happy about FOV restoring, cause it’s obviously crap. It feels really uncomfortable plus it gives a sense.of being slower, for example you move towards a house at 50kph, now zoom in sniper mode, you feel like a snail. Also in the garage, tanks are annoyingly close, even small tanks are filling my monitor.
    Didn’t notice fps changes, however 50-60ms is gone for me, all day it was around 130.

  19. 8.11 sucks im not interested in a patch until maybe they give us that snazzy physics engine or give my fv42o2 a speed buff. Its about time they give us the chieftain as well.

    Anyone hear any rumors when this will happen?

  20. One more thing I noticed – on login screen Server is always set to “auto”. It used to remember the last one – now I have to manually choose EU2 (preferred due to less lags despite identical ping for both EU servers). It’s really annoying.

  21. Instead of restoring the FOV, just let us set a custom FOV. Any large game within 5 year have this option.

    • Lol, feel bad? Imo, your a scout tenk, you need big fov so you can look around at your surroundings. Less fov also making objects bgger = they hit u more easily :(.