Hello everyone,
this might be “old news” for somebody, but I think it’s better to make sure everyone know. Recently (and I am not sure this change came in 8.11, but I think so), teamkilling a member of your platoon is punishable by ban the same way it is punished when you teamkill any other player in random battles. The official reason behind this decision is an attempt to try to eliminate “troll” platoons, where three platoonmembers (especially on high tiers) could kill one another without punishment, screwing the rest of the team in the process.
You can see a guy rage on this video (thanks to WinG_HU for linking it to me) after being banned for 3 months (!) for teamdamaging a platoonmember of his (apparently, the fact they were in the cap circle played a role)
EDIT: Yes, I know that the guy from the video did teamkill before and just returned from a month-long ban, so the 3 month ban is justified.
seems legit
If it were just any player, the guy might win an appeal of this ban. Renemesis has been an annoying rage-hard troll for awhile, so his chances are somewhat less.
Hopefully this will get rid of some of the muppets that have a three player platoon and all they do is fire at each other from the start. Admittedly they sometimes don’t kill each other but I’ve seen games where all three players are at less than one-quarter health before they move off and become ‘active’ in the game. This delays them getting into a decent position where they can help the team – also quite often the other players will stop and try and work out what is happening and this also results in other team members not being where they could be at the start of the battle.
Such players don’t help with the rest of the teams enjoyment of the battle. If these muppets want to shoot each other then have a training battle.
While in the clip the team damage does not affect the game result the fact that they appear to do this often implies that the ban is deserved. Also as the player wasn’t banned for just an hour also implies that they’ve done team damage before (and who knows to whom).
Oh lord, i didn’t pick up the voice at first but telling me it’s Renemesis made it click. Yeah the guy rages hard and horribly and he’s FAR from a first offender.
Wow, it seems WG isn’t completely incompetent :)
I provocated 2 bans so far :)
You cheeky devil :P
I got perma on the forum, but only 2x 1 day chat ban in game.
No normal bann ingame yet, but I am a bad bad naughty boy thats for sure…
Guess people do not really report me, just say it…
I got 2x chat bans.
Bunch of RO and one permaban on forums.
Its a art to turn someone blue :D
Like making him shoot you inside the baze circle?…that poor hellcat…
Bitch deserved it :D
Why does i have the feeling that it was not the first time he was shooting either teammates either platoonmmbers ?
yeah it’s suspicious that he got ban for just two shots.
Troll is a troll.
If first ban is one hour and the second is one day… That’s not his first ban!
It was not the first ban.
He was banned for a month before and did it again. My same response as in the thread:3
@SS, you should link that thread also to the post, to see both sides of the medal , you know? Someone who was already banned for a month totaly deserved it. Whatever it was only in platoons or not!
This 3 month ban came on the 1st day after he finished a 1 month ban.
(at least according to that thread)
What did he expect?
It’s even more a shame that he is the commander of his clan.
A commander that gives such a bad example by being repetitively banned for friendly fire has nothing to do at the head of a clan …
Is next step permaban, or is it 6 months first?
It was very clear this was no accident. He reads FTR, he should have known they were serious. A three month ban comes after several offences, I believe as well. WG has drawn a line in the sand, and he made a very public example for the rest of us. Then to talk about WT Tanks at the end.
We did shit like this all the time when we were in platoons just having some fun… If the game is over why not troll around a little bit??? I feel this guys pain. We had to stop trolling around completely. Its not like we shoot other players! We only did it like he did in an completely won battle. WG really is “fixing” shit.
All instances of Friendly Fire & Friendly Damage are tracked, except the following.
• Self destruction / Self damage
• Damaging of a player whose local status equals “Team-killer” (They are “Blue” in game)
• >>>Damaging of a player within your Platoon/Tank Company<<<. NO LONGER applicable since 8.11
• Damaging of a player within the Training Room.
The rules are very clear.
Go into training room and you can have all 'fun' you want.
Do that stuff in a training room.
Edit: “Heroes in a half-shell, Turtle Power!”
Sure you did.
Wanna pull the other one too, it’s got bells on?
The downsides of having a free to play game, you get to deal with all kinds of retarded people in large quantities, ban all of them.
btw, Is WG still trying to add more features to premium account? It would be nice to have a retard-free Matchmaking
it wont change anythig, every player with 2k battles and tier X is retard and have PA… and there are A LOT of guys like this…
yes i presume he did team dmg allot often than that during that day or something!
He revealed in NA forums before thread was removed that he had just come off a one month ban for team damage.
He lost a month of prem he had just paid for too.
“He lost a month of prem he had just paid for too.”
How Terrible
Moral of the story: don’t shit where you eat.
1 day ban would be ok. this was too much. But are we sure he didn’t get like 5 blues in this week, and X day ban before for killing teammates ? Was it for sure first time?
In my 20000 games i was blue like 3 times.
It wasnt his first time.
good talking man, such as nice perfectly very well done talking man.
he right in every single word :P
I completly suport WG in this, if someone want to just “f*ck around” with friends, dont do it by TK, find a way not affecting your team… i believe if WG post something like: “If the enemy base is captured, you can TK everyone without penalty” (or anything else excusing TK), there will be like +300% TKs…
Did you even watch the video? Nobody was TKed, it was only a friendly fire. Jeez
How terrible…
He is retard. Typical reroll monkey, who thinks thats good stat padding will make him a good player.
Just search fo Renemesis on wot site. His 1st account is even banned on forums, and ingame he is using it to troll.
Good. What a whiney little child. He team-killed, he got what he deserved. It’s nothing to do with bots, it’s nothing to do with bugs, it’s certainly nothing to do with being ‘disrespectful’. Team-killing is banned, he team-killed, he got banned, end of.
And here we have the lesson that actions have consequences. The sooner children learn that, the better for the rest of us…
Much as Renemesis sounds like a total nob, he’s not alone in that. Did you even watch the video you’re getting so worked up about? He *didn’t* team-kill. Its right there in that youtube video. Try clicking it, see what happens.
“Actions have consequences”. Yep, posting a dumb comment made you look dumb.
sorry for red herring,
The biggest problem for WoT now are
1) the increase of afk players doing nothing to extract so little exp and coins but screw others’ games
2) the increase of unskilled players in high tier battles who just camp somewhere near the base and see the world burnt.
I see no implement that could really tackle these problems.
The punishment against team damage I feel in some sense is overly harsh. See this video below:
I have no ideas why WT auf Pz IV was banned since that IS-3 has been annoying him for so long. In one Q&A session, you have mentioned WoT targets those are successful in real life. In other words, they have not much time to play game, especially with that IS-3 player who trolls this victim so hard. Sir, you should understand there is some Grey-zone that WG should leave their hands to let the players resolve their problem. I guess if that WT auf Pz IV, you have already shot this scumbag.
some missing words
last sentence:
If you were that WT auf Pz IV…
I just posed a comment supporting the ban on the Jingles video a moment ago, and the reason…
As for the way to fix those two ‘unfixable’ issues, i have 2 words for you:
If Wargaming did them from the start, and rewarded teamwork more (constant bonus for platoon kills etc), we wouldn’t have most of these issues. Instead, it makes them more profit to leave the game being as tomato flooded as it is, since it made people pay more to accelerate their progress. Except, the systemic problem remained: overall quality stays low, people get fed up with idiots, and leave the game.
A detailed tutorial is VERY needed, the current one is just for the very basics
as a sea player i can tell one thing, teamwork tutorial has no use. Many people keep camping and wait for meat to come.
People especially Thai(racism? bitch please, they really play very bad) never go to the frontline and sell their teammates as hard as they can.
Keeping bad record is okay for them, they climb to T10 tanks anyway.
I strongly recommend a punishment against those campers which just sit and see the world burnt or strict requirement for them climb to next tier, such as u had to improve their average exp to certain amount to unlock another tier!
You quote the current situation (resulting from a game with no team-play tutorials) and say team-play wouldn’t fix this. I’m think you may have a problem somewhere in your reasoning…
The current state of affairs promotes players NOT playing in a team-friendly manner, and thus we have people playing as you described. What I’m suggesting is people getting actively ENCOURAGED by the game to play in a team, and TAUGHT how to do that, by teamwork tutorials, which would in turn make the game as a whole more enjoyable to everyone.
Do you get my point now?
Teamwork tutorials sound all fine and dandy in principle, but how do you propose to actually *organise* such in practice?
I don’t know if you have/had kids or younger siblings, but they illuminate the only way humans willingly learn things they usually don’t want to spend time on: the carrot and stick principle.
WG implemented a basic tutorial by rewarding the user for doing it. If a teamwork tutorial were to have rewards for degrees of success (finish by not dying, or some such) and was tied with advancing to higher tiers (stick), things would HAVE to improve, statistically speaking, on a sample as large as the WoT population.
Lets say it would include moving in sync to flank your opponent when playing with your teammate, that’s a situation I believe to be relatively easy to model with a rudimentary ‘AI’. Then, the spotting and focus fire principles, always tuned in such a way to defeat a stronger opponent with weaker tiered tanks… you see where this is going, I hope.
If a player on tier 5 HAD to go through at least 2 of the total of 3 abovementioned tutorials with, say, 70% succes, and on tier8 through all of them with 85%, I think that would improve things. And if that success brought with it a badge and some credits, or even 10-50 gold… well, I’d do them, and I don’t really need them :)
And I’m asking how you’re proposing to *actually organise* that junk – gathering the “trainees”, seeing to it they actually get what’s expected of them, avoiding general trolling, griefing and dicking around, and so on and so on. And how are you going to divide the “pinner” and “flanker” roles and ensure everyone actually gets taught the relevant bits without making the whole thing drag out FAR too long for anyone to bother with, for example?
Not to mention that I have singular doubts about the capability of the average tomato to actually adapt rote learning in controlled circumstances for the actual dynamic battlefield conditions where uncooperative enemies actively oppose your flanking attempts. Their acute inability to pick up such self-evidencies from practical experience certainly inspires no confidence.
Also dunno ’bout you but I for one would soon get quite annoyed if the game repeatedly obliged me to rehearse kiddy-wheel basics I mastered long ago with complete retards to progress further, doubly so given the only too real risk of having to do repeat takes because some congenital idiot in the “test group” can’t get his shit together.
No, of course I wouldn’t make the whole ‘team’ that’s supposed to be training be made up of humans. That simply wouldn’t be doable, on many levels, as you perfectly explained :) You missed my point.
The tutorials have to be for the SINGLE player, who is put in to the situation of AI tanks doing something with him cooperating. The AI would be relatively simple, with steps and failsafes for even the biggest moron to learn the BASICS of flanking, spotting and focus fire teamplay. The balance of rewards for doing it BETTER than just halfassed and limits for not doing it good enough would ensure people actually give the minimum of effort needed to absorb the lesson.
What I’m proposing is single player training, in following your team mate/mates who is/are AI controlled, in achieving an preset task of flanking or spotting or focusing fire. Nobody would be required to go through this more than once if they were good at it, and if the tutorial was done well, even the biggest morons would soon get the gist of it, or would get weeded out of top tiers. Also, to avoid the language barriers, the bloody HUD signals that are so useless most of the time that some have changed them with mods, those signals could be incorporated into these tutorials, both to ensure a level of universal communication and to make it possible for everyone to understand a universal coop signals.
The idea is not to train people in complex cooperative behaviour, as that is impossible. The idea is to SHOW them the advantages of initiating such behaviour or fitting into it when it occurs, so that the overall level snowballs into something better. Evolution of gameplay so to speak, you give the basic impetus that shows things are better if you do that, reinforced with rewards and “punishments”, some people accept it, see the good of it, recommend it as its rewarded, and soon you have people playing better.
I migght be an idealist, but ths would help in my opinion. The only issue is WG not wishing to risk losing some customers with the “limits”, but that could be fixed i think…
The practical demonstration of the virtues of teamwork is already present in the live fights you know.
Or at least that’s where I picked it up.
Even has the whole rewards/punishements thing built right in. Which does nothing to prevent the existence of genuine Terrible E-100 Drivers who somehow managed to avoid figuring out the very elementaries over thousands of battles.
It seems to me optimistic in the extreme to assume formal tutorials, by necessity quite different from the actual chaos of the random battles, would do much anything to people who in effect *refuse to learn*.
Because ultimately you’re not supposed to shoot back no matter what happens unless they turn blue – if they turn blue then you and anyone else on the team can shoot at the blue tank with no chance of any ban to you or your account.
The following is what you should do:
Of course that does take some patience and the acceptance of what may become the first win of the day being a total disaster on your behalf. This is not easy to do!
Anyway, just to show that I’m not always an angel about an hour later this happened to me
While there are muppets like this A-43 in the game (they shoot at me about twelve times before I shoot back)
Another more recent game where a Chi-He decides to ram my FV304 for no apparent reason. I even relocate and they follow….
With the change in the automated system in 0.8.11 my undestanding is that the threshold for triggerring a ban is reduced.
Basically, shoot back at your peril as you’re only feeding the trolls. It’s just a shame that these muppets seem to get away with it and go and spoil another battle…..
Ok clear my stance on teamdamage punishment
I absolutely support that this AMX-50 100 should be banned and this ban should not be lifted.
But would it be too harsh when it comes to those who are annoyed by trolls like that WT auf Pz. IV?
I wish he gets his compensation (lifting his ban) and that IS-3 should have been reported.
For team tutorial, it should be implemented, promoting the active involvement in the battle is the right thing to do, such as discouraging camping, encouraging people (especially those who drove heavy tanks) to take hits and let others push. But please don’t look for miracle. Campers still camp and let others die for them.
For trolls, sometimes people cannot tolerate it and want to teach him a lesson. These trolls should be warned by WG officials when reported. The punishment against trolling of course may not be immediate but should be as harsh as team damage.
For campers, I have got used to it and I will let them get killed by enemy and won’t help them, I won’t feel any sense of guilty to see a camping AC46 gets killed by T71.(What a shame!) If we are going to lose and all active players die, I will inform where that camper is. For me camper is not a teammate even a TD player.
You sir seem to have a comprehension issue that makes me reluctant to agree with you on anything, or have you support any of my ideas….
Your ‘example’ of a ‘camper’ fits perfectly into what a good TD player in an AC46 should be doing, and your ‘solution’ of
1a) not helping and
2a) revealing their position
shows you are
1b) an immature arsehole that needs to learn how certain tanks can best be played, and
2b) worthy of a report and ban, as you seem to be deciding quite regularly, in your infinite wisdom, that the last player on your team must not get a chance to win.
Sometimes revealing its position is what kills any chance a TD has to influence the game, and you have NO way of knowing at the moment you’re doing it how much that tank influenced the game and perhaps even saved your own arse. So please, stop spewing bullshit, and learn to adapt to a map and team. A ‘camping’ TD is sometimes the best thing that can happen on some maps for your team to win. If YOU are to thick to understand a tactic, that doesn’t mean one isn’t there, and a successful one too.
I admit I am an asshole for those campers.
However as a TD player who always camp but nowadays love pushing a little with my teammates, my experience tell me in which position on the map cannot deal damage.
For that poor AC46 player that I do not save him from T71, he camps at K5 in the South Coast when everyone is pushing north, tell me can you give support in that position. Besides, I am helping my teammates pushing in my T95.
For that KV1S whom I expose his position, he camps at B8 in Prokhorovka in T6 encounter when there are only him and the arty near him left and they are outnumbered. And I, in a Jackson snipe at F0…
You also do not understand there is a serious language barrier in the SEA server. Even you chat to request your mates to do something in ENGLISH, there is seldom any response in English or action. Give command, people think you are a boss and keep camping. For them camping is so right that is the only way to win, then what happens, a LT comes in and spots everyone of them and then they die without firing one shot.
I do not have patience to teach every donkey I have met and have been frustrated in doing so without any good results. For me, ignoring those single-outed campers in the situation that other players need my help is the right to do. Exposing last and camping HT’s position when there is no chance to win with sarcasm is also the right thing to do because he has already betrayed the remaining comrades in the frontline.
We have a different attitude towards the campers, but I understand your position. You seem to know what you’re talking about, at least to an extent.
On the other hand, I see no point in wasting credits by shooting at the trolls, and no point in reporting an idiot which can get me banned.
And one last thing: trust me, the language barrier on SEA is nothing compared to the one on EU server. I know people who have actually learned some Polish, Czech and German to be able to have ANY communication in randoms.
Deserved ban. Not to mention this and the fact that not obeying the rules is forbidden, team damage is not allowed. Period.
“MrSkinnedpuppy . on February 24, 2014 at 4:40 pm said:
He revealed in NA forums before thread was removed that he had just come off a one month ban for team damage.
He lost a month of prem he had just paid for too.”
His tears are so delicious. I find this really good news, teamdamage, at cap circle or not, should be punished.
Not to mention he is a pathetic reroll who can’t even speak properly.
i’d love to know where that accent is from
He sounds like a French person.
it says on ban info screen : “until 13.mai”
“Mai” is may (as in month in year) in Romanian language.
As embarrassed I am to admit it, I believe he might be a fellow Norwegian. He has a distinct Scandinavian accent and the prominent guttural “R” is a prominent feature of West Coast Norwegian dialects.
We also spell “mai” that way.
The shame…
Definitively not French accent (i’m myself French speaking English all over the day).
Our accent (and shitty pronunciation for most of us) in English is so specific that I sometimes feel obliged to apologize for it as it is quite difficult to understand for people not used to it.
Having heard English people speak French you have no need to apologise
Well… whatever it is the Scots gabble it isn’t comprehensible to people fluent in English, so eh.
Anyone that can’t understand him needs their ears checked, he was completely clear in speech. A douche, but an understandable one.
You and reading comprehension really don’t get along do you?
Well – WGN Support should really have watched that replay and remove the ban
If they don’t.. they became simply arrogant “shit on the dumb players – that are paying our salary” attitude
I mean that the Ban System is working properly has been proved – and this is good.. but after watching the replay its obvious, that this does NOT deserve any ban, and they should remove the ban instantly again
The Player was shocked enough with this, and the sanction should be removed as there was no harm to the gameplay at all.. this must be differentiated imho
If they are not, i assume that there might be Bots in the Support aswell doing the Job
They shouldn’t give any fuck even after watching his replay.
If he wants to shoot mates “for fun” and because “it’s fun” he can do a team training.
And if you came up with the same bullshit reasoning he came(“bbb.b.bbbut the battle was over!!!111oneone :((((“), no, the battle wasn’t over, they were in the 5 secs base cap delay time.And that’s a good reason to apply the ban.If you don’t find it as a good reason, read below(nya-chan’s post), he explained well why.
fuck him !! and fuck everyone else who thinks team damage is OK, in any circumstance – you do it, you should expect to pay the consequence
what’s his reasoning: “we’re doing it for fun” ?!??! “because we a mates”!?! “because he’s a customer” ?!?
go and have fun in training mode, not in battles
note that he got insta-banned on team damage, this means that he did it before, a lot
Did you even see the video? They already WON the battle by capping (they played pretty well), and after the base was capped, he shot his own platoon member just for fun. You really think that it deserves a 3 month ban?
so what!? it makes it OK? since when?
IT FUCKING DOESN’T, go “have fun” with your mates in training – the battle is over when you’re back in the garage
Seriously, the battle WAS over. One side clearly WON. What are you talking about?
The battle is over when you can’t move your tank.
WinG , you should know that 5 secs after capture of base game is still considered as “active” , and could be prolongued by another 5 secs if some of enemies die in those 5 secs. So, battle WAS NOT OVER, ur friend did teamdamage 3 secs after capture of base. Learn game mechanics , WinG.
the battle is not over when the cap is complete, the battle is over only after the results page is shown
you can still have time (few seconds) to kill someone / be killed by someone, even if the cap is complete – and guess what? it will count towards battle results
All enemies were dead.
The enemy base was capped successfully.
Please tell me how it would have been possible to lose this game.
Every dead tank of capping side makes the capping a bit longer, so no, your point doesn’t stay. zMeul is right – the battle is over when you’re in garage.
Let’s see here, you cap in 15:0 situation and shoot capping teammate when you cap. All’s good now.
You cap at 14:11, you shoot teammate, accidentally kill him and the longer period makes the enemy being able to win by killing swiftly the rest of your team (you get somewhere around 5 more seconds for every kill). Is this bannable?
You cap at 15:0, cap at 5s to the end, teamkill accidentally and it becomes a draw. Is this bannable?
Where should the exceptions stop? Nowhere, there should be no exceptions – you hit the teammate while shooting at enemy and he drove in the way? Okay, it can happen. You were fucking around in a battle? Sorry, try training. In a month or three.
I completely understand the developers – intentional team shooting should be a no-go in a battle. First it’s “but the battle was won”, then it’s “the battle was lost, so whatever” and then it’s “nobody/developers don’t care, let’s shoot anyone”. The line is drawn, he knew about it. Talk over.
If his account has accumulated such a rap sheet of prior offenses as to result in first-strike punishement for recidivism? Hell yeah already on principle.
Dude should clean up his act and stop fucking around. And if he’s too stupid to grasp what he’s doing wrong, his problem.
Quite a bit harsh on the language there, but I completely agree.
Don’t see the problem, you are not allowed to damage your own team, including your platoon. If you do so, you will be punished.
Additionally, if he just came down from a ban on team damage, what kind of a retarded idiot is incapable of learning?
Yeah, a guy is raging about common sense while TKing teammate in cap circle…seems legit. He would rage if he got TKed by someone else even worse.
Its funny how all of them (who got ban) whine of simplicity of unbanning, how they are all “good customers, spending tons of $$$ on prem time+gold+prem tanks” .
So, he whines about a month of prem time lost? 10 euros lost , 3 packs of cigarettes or round of drinks in his country…
@skinnedpuppy – he could be German.
lemme quote :
“Daskal: Your insubordination has gotten you demoted from intelligence to rescue operations to this tank. Your next stop is prison.”
I think permaban is next stop for this guy.
He reversed charges on the prem he paid for, he ain’t coming back with that account
He won’t get anything back…read their EULA and Terms of Agreement.
Nobody told him to tk a lot of times to reach the 3 months milestone, he done that by himself.
I think he’s rather french than german.
No, i don’t think he is French, the accent is quite different from that (i’m French and well placed to speak about our shitty accent when speaking English !). I also don’t really believe that he is German, the accent is different from that.
Yeah, someone kind of confirmed that he’s somewhat of a romanian by checking his client language(ban ending date)
I don’t know if it’s related to the “.” but “mai” means “May” in both French and Romanian.
…as well as in the Scand languages, though I think the Swedes at least spell it “maj” (their “j” is in many constexts pronounced the same as “i”).
Yeah, but we were making a connection between his funny accent and the possible language…and so far he can be either a french or a romanian.
And you’re ruling Scandinavian out why? Higher up the page there’s one Norwegian already suggesting the dweeb may be his countryman, much as that pains him to admit.
Hearing his accent, I can tell you 100% he’s not Romanian(i can even differentiate between romanian and russian accents :D)
I’d guess Scandinavian as well, the way he speaks, I’d say NO or SWE? Or anything else that sounds somewhat akin to german…
SorryKellomies,took the scandinavia languages out of the question because I heard some scandies talking english and never heard such an accent, although I didn’t heard many.
“WinG_HU”, he may be hungarian…..
Stop sniffing paint, T.
Got an hour ban the other day because the system doesn’t recognize if you are *defending* a teammate from a team-attacker.
Was tooned with some friends and was overwatching my toon-mate while he was ripping it up on the map, he was totally dominating the field in both kills and damage for our side (I knew since I was watching and could see his damage and kills) and was at 5 kills and just about to get that top gun when this team mate who had been sitting quietly near him drove over and pushed him out of position and cover and then proceeded to shoot at him where my buddy couldn’t raise his barrel to fire back…I stepped in and took the guy out…I got immediately kicked from the server and an hour ban…but my buddy did get his TG and the win.
Don’t get me wrong, it was totally worth it…but there needs to be some mechanism in the process that recognizes such an instance.
Team kill is a team kill no matter what.You shot a non-blue ally, you suffer the consequences…
And there is already a way to get rid of those guys.Send a support ticked with “pushing out an ally” massage.I managed to get banned several morons already doing this way.
Yup I did, but what I am saying is that I should be able to defend a toon-mate from aggression without having to allow him (my toon-mate) to get dead before responding to his attacker.
I understand it is difficult when you are just a random team member to determine “aggression rights”…but I think if someone friendly fires on your toon-mate you should be able to do some kind of response without having to watch your dude get “murdered” before firing back.
You sure have lofty demands for a jumble of humble algorithms. No, the program cannot recognise or comprehend *intent*, no matter how self-evidently obvious to a sentient observer; deal with it.
And stop getting so blatantly baited by griefers.
Also, if you got summarily banned for the “in self-defense honest” TK I daresay you must have quite the rap sheet already. Care to explain where THAT came from?
He broke a rule not one, not two, but several times. He got punished accordingly. “Oh, but was his teamate, blablabla”… wanna shoot a teammate? Open a training room. “Oh, i support WG with money…” NO! You dont support WG, WG can survive without your money, you support your addiction to the game, and still you only show you are just a childish troll!!! I wish WG could turn it into a permaban, ppl like him doesnt add nothing to the game.
Congrats WG! Finally u are working towards to increase my respect for you.
Ctfu, he support game more than u, he didnt deserve to get banned ur cun.
Sure did on grounds of recidivist asshattery. I’m sure this comes as a shock to you but spending money on the game doesn’t actually buy you any kind of immunity from enforcement of its rules and code of conduct, all the more so as that’s largely handled by algorithms that don’t and *can’t* give a flying fuck.
He deserved to be banned. I support the game so I apparently have more say according to you.
Okay. I have three tier 8 premium heavies, an E-25, ALL non special tier 5 prems, ALL low teir prems except for sexton I, I have 100Y, and a couple others. I have bought some premium time, and plenty of camo, and inscriptions.
Since you consider my opinion better than his(which it isn’t- which is to say he’s just as important)
That guy deserved it and should get sent…
Personally I’d prefer banishement to the Arctic to farm cornflakes. For subsistence.
But then I’m not a very nice person.
Fully supported. There are times when being nice to people is simply a waste of energy.
Serves him right for using that 6th sense logo :p
Anyone defending this guy should look at his T2 MT ace tanker video, the sympathy will go away.xD
He team kills T18 for taking “his spot”.
One less to spoil the game for others because he thinks he owns everything.
but…but, that’s one of the joys of platooning, getting to screw around with friends
True, noob platooning isd my favourite.
Typing of the Drunk seems to be another favourite of yours. :|
Ctfu nobe.
Lalala~ http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/191/2/1/send_it_to_the_moon_by_mixermike622-d3lky14.gif
I’ll never get why attacking teammates who trust you (platoonmates or not) is fun.
Close the 3% difference in our GWRs and you *might* have a leg to stand on, Teabags.
Lets hope he gets banned for this stuff in WT as well.
when you damage someone in WT, in your team, you can brush it off; but when you kill someone .. hello pain and suffering
your credit and Xp income takes a significant dent
I recently killed by mistake a team mate during a x4 battle, i was climbing walls when the battle result were shown
He’s amusing me hard.
Judging by the fact he got a 3 months ban it’s not his first attempt(there is a long journey of bans till you reach the 3 months milestone).
He keeps claiming for the whole video that there was no patch note showing this change, that they only recently backedited the stuff and that he deserves forgiveness, but everyone reading WoT portal/FTR knew about this stuff since the first phase of the test server which added this change.
And if you find shooting ‘toon mates funny you can just create a darn training battle for that…
I would say something about ejection to lunar satellites via lethal velocity by cannon- But that would be spamming. :)
I almost felt sorry for him at first. but then he started with the cursing and the whining and the this and the that and I felt no respect for him whatsoever.
Had about the same feelings till he started bullshiting around about why he doesn’t deserve a ban and claiming that it’s nothing wrong and at the same time fun to shoot platoon mates.
1. His accent is annoying as hell
2. He’s a troll
3. He deserved it
4. I really hope he doesn’t come back to the game after the 3 months. One less idiot in the game.
5. How terrible…
6. Good job, WG!
What a fucking production – I started off a bit sympathetic and after five seconds of the whine-fest I wanted to bust a cap on his ass, anything to make him shut the fuck up.
Lol, the person in the video is 100% right, why ban people who pay for premium and just wanna have some fun with platoon mates? He didnt harm anyone ur cunt.
So what? he’s done it before.
So what? Now is now.
More to the point it indicates a clear unwillingness to learn your lesson and, you know, stop being an all-singing all-dancing dickwad.
Finally WG made a good decision on troll platoons. The xp/creds reduction is total BS, I guess they didn’t understand the meaning of troll platoon. This should make a difference. I wish they would be totally eliminated, but this is better than nothing.
Troll platoons are fun and cute, no need to be angry :).
There’s nothing fun and cute about ruining the team mates’ game.
Well, they only runing for them selves and whats wrong with that? I troll platoon as often as I can and its fun and cute. Like maus tooning eith lt.
Then you deserve a permaban. And yes, it might be fun for you and for other 10 years old, but for those who actually want to play the game it’s not.
Exactly. It’s a crime punishable by banishment…. TO THE MOOOOOOOON!
This is totally bullshit really. I say it again, if they want to prevent team killing, make allies take no damage. In that way people cant accidently get banned. I sure have killed a few allies playing arty because of the fuking rng.
And did you get three-month ban for it?
Case closed.
Hell, just yesterday my hapless Doombus got nailed by friendly fire when tangling with a T-50 that tried to get too close for comfort; the (apologetic) culprit didn’t even turn blue. You need to pull a LOT of shit to get enough black marks for heavy insta-bans like this.
I get life time ban…on forum that is :).
I wonder why?
Welcome to the club, but since when did forum moderation have anything to do with what you do in the game?
Man…am I the only troll that isn’t permabanned on the forum?… :|
Your trolling skills did not passed 9000 to be granted a permaban. Sorry. Keep trying.
It takes skill to scrape an enemy of your teammate. You want to take that out of the game? Meaning the trigger happy ‘I wantz a kill me!’ kids can now just blast away at anything that’s red and fuck all about the greens instead of just learning to shoot?
I’ll take the chance of getting banned for hitting a teammate over this becoming another mindless blast fest every day.
Also, can’t wait for the day one of those allways-shooting-away-kids hits me in the spawn and gets instabanned. I will laugh my head off……
He should have been banned for his s.w.a.g. voice.
ROFL my thoughts aswell… Such an annoying as fuck voice LOL.
Wow, that is awesome! He comes off a one month ban for team killing (killing other T18s taking his spot according to his own video) and then repeats the offence not realizing he can no longer “play around” with his platoon mates -
repeat offender gets what he deserves. No sympathy especially after hearing his repeated rant about “its ok to mess around with your platoon mates” . Guess what, loser, it is not. Good riddance repeat offender repeat team killer and generally cannot learn a lesson about teamplay. Repeat offender is no longer in game – I am so happy I am going to go and celebrate with a nice cup of coffee.
To the moon with him good sir! I will come celebrate with you! let me grab my top hat and monocle!
And we’re off!
…To see the wizard, Serb of course, you silly horse!
He’ll get his deserved three month ban…. ON THE MOOOOOOON!!!!!!11!11111ONE!!!1ONE
no it’s not fair to ban him..WTF..like they dont take enough money already..so what that he shoot at his teammate..he didn’t shoot enybody else..dont now about previously ban but this is BS..
Repeat offender repeating his offense pretty much the day his prior punishement expired and after investing a chunk of money in premium time to boot simply spells “inveterate idiot” to me.
Teamdamage is teamdamage, and the prog cares not a whit about the context which it cannot comprehend in any case. Follow the rules or reap what you sow.
Reap it and weep.
man if it whas you i now what you would reap..plz..this is not a 3 month ban..period..ok a day and 1 day premium but 3 months..no man not even close..it whas fun between them as video shows..again dont now what he didi before but this is it
English motherfucker, do you write it?
If he was already at one-month ban level it’s pretty freaking obvious what he’s been up to before. If it didn’t occur to him the penalty system would come down on him HARD for further teamdamage violations… well, you need to be pretty fucking dumb to have accumulated that kind of rapsheet to beging with.
Nobody writes on a pc, think for once.
I said… Nobody writes on a pc, we type. If you’re gonna go hard on a guy that has problems with his english then I guess you should look at your own one.
Getcher head outta yer ass.
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One thing about this is, if a platoon brings in a tier 1 or any lower tier that doesn’t belong in a tier 10 match. They shouldn’t be banned at all for team killing the idiot (lower level into a battle). This could cause the team the match since the lower tier tank can not pen the higher one’s.
Yeah because platoons TOTALLY do that kind of thing by accident.
Well even those I support hard treatment for team damage this shit is just fucking crazy… I did exactly the same several times just as a part of some trolling inside the toon, but for that 3 fucking months is hilarious…
That should tell you a fair bit about his rap sheet of prior offenses.
He did a lot more to earn that.
OMG!!!! Is this guy for real?!?!?! He’s a complete ignorant moron who admits that he (on a regular basis) teamkills others. And then the fucker gets surprised why he gets banned. WTF?!?!?!?! I couldn’t stand to listen to his crap on the video… I managed about a minute and a half then had enough of it. OMG!!! WTF is wrong with people these days!?!?!? Ignorant fucks like this moron here should be banned FOR LIFE!!!!!
OMG buhu, rage more.
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The most important question is this: How the hell did he get a one month ban under the old system? What did he do, kill kittens?
He caused the apocalypse. thrice. It rained kittens for days.
I don’t have sympathy for the guy, but I don’t understand WG in this. Yes, he has being a dumbshit and ###hole before and got punished for it.
What I don’t understand of WG is why does he get this new punishment for shooting a platoon mate , when you won’t get the repair bill as when you hit a team member? WG should give you the repair bill with any shot that connect with a team member.
As it is now, it seems they allow to fool around with platoon mates without initial credit punishment …
He is a slow learner.
You always see people who rage and say things like “ban me for that, that or that but not THIS time”. The fact is he did that, that and that before was even banned for it, probably still did it after, he just pushed too far away too many times and got his 3 month ban.
This guy even do videos of all his trolling (including all the things he say he would agree to be banned). I do not care if he does so, I even laugh when i see his videos, but don’t act like a little girl like he did when the ban come. Just man up and learn, he should have done this long way before.
I just trashed talked a clanmate on public chat and got my 3 day ban. It’s stupid yeah (both from me and the wg guy), i didn’t cried or raged, just laughed.
Lol, the shouldnt be banned just because he wanted to have some fun. If you pey premium you can do what ever you wanna I think….
Sure you roll with that.
WG, OTOH, doesn’t agree.
Here’s hoping for a permaban in the near future.
That was brutal: I just sat thru an 11.5 minute clip that basically ended after 4:10 listening to this multiple TK-er defending himself in the most whiney voice I have heard in a long time……brutal, just brutal…..
He disabled comments on the video. lol so much butthurt.
there’s a reason. A person simply doesn’t want to get spammed by crybabies in his mailbox on youtube.
There is a rule that turns your nick to blue colour for damaging allies capturing enemy base. Even minor damage can trigger it. I got once ( first and only time ) banned for 24h for accidental killing an ally on cap. We both where capturing and I missed an enemy light tank passing between us. It seems there is no exception in this rule for platoon members ( which is strange, because everywhere outside the cap, platoon members can damage each other without any penalty).
IMO this rule is too restrictive, while penalties for team damage outside the cap are too small. I got team damaged dozens of time and damaging players seems to do not bother about the penalties. I think the credit penalty for team damage should be 3-5 times bigger then it is now. It shouldn’t be a problem for a fair player accidentally damaging a team member once i 1000 battles. But those stupid team damaging kids will never get a Maus.
Im affraid they get maus, andplenty of tier 10 as well. The average wr of players with less than 5000 battles playing tuier 10 is 42%.
I think I will go troll little noob tooning and shit, add me and we play.
I make noob pluton with 3 maus and tk all in teem, ihihih :).
Since when have you even *had* a Mouse?
To be honest I can see why he thinks it is ridiculous. I mean it easy to accidentally shoot someone once, getting banned for it is dumb. On the other hand he is wilfully ignoring the fact he has a long long record of bans, forum bans, chat bans and the like since he basically has no control over his rage. I rather enjoy his vids until he goes into rage mode. He is Norwegian btw.
Oh my god, his voice !! That voice is distguisting….
Disabled comments… I wonder why… Maybe turning of quite some of the comment system will help the chap. It is quite unreasonable to get a message for e v e r y message sent…
I hope he sits idle for a while thinking why there are rules in the game…
Repeat offender and cap circle TD. Put those two together and the game really don’t care. I know of several that got temp bans for reseting the cap on their own team mates so they could go kill the rest in time. You screw with anyone in the cap circle normally, you will turn blue instantly. And if you not been really nice of late on top of that… well then the game don’t care if it was just 1 shot. He will kick you out faster then a E-50 can ram you downhill.
But that the rule applied to toon mates to. Well I guess the game takes no prisoners then.
Moral of the story is. Don’t screw with anyone in the cap circle ever if they are on the same team.
I treat WoT like I treat a real gun: Never even point my aiming reticule (muzzle) at a friendly tank for any reason just in case I either lag or accidentally fire.
If a friendly tank darts out in front while firing and the shot hits them by accident, just apologize, move on and even expect to be shot back or TK’d if they are a douchebag. A little class never hurt anyone.