
Check out a few photos from Bovington by Listy, some interesting stuff here

- roaming coming until summer? “Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that. When it’s done it’s done”
- during roaming, the packets will go “directly to the regional server” after logging on your “home” server
- roaming will be available in the beginning only for WoT
- WoWp will get another RU server “when the time is right”, multicluster mechanism will be introduced in one of the upcoming patches
- SerB states that the differences between actual battle FPS and the replay of the same battle FPS on the same computer should theoretically be negligible
- the E50M mantlet is covering a large hole, so basically the thickness of the mantlet is just 185mm
- no exact conditions for recieving bans after 8.11 will be disclosed, as it would allow players to make strategies for teamdamaging/teamkilling safely without punishment

By the way, if you think there is little new info every day, it’s always like that before a major patch. I call it “calm before the storm”.

44 thoughts on “26.2.2014

  1. The calm before the “Storm”

    I see what you did there. Well I am hoping that they do something about the FPS and micro freezes. Since last patch there have been some weird things going on with the client.

  2. “- the E50M mantlet is covering a large hole, so basically the thickness of the mantlet is just 185mm”

    well, the E50M mantlet is set at auto bounce angle so that not really a problem

  3. Unrelated question (which someone else has probably answered) Will the maps for historic battles (Stalingrad) be playable in random fights or are they for the new mode only?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. what the hell is “roaming” ?
    this is like 10th info about when it will come.. but i cannot find anywhere what the heck it actually is or what it does…

  5. Roaming is when you can play on other servers. EU players can play on US servers.

    What is multicluster mechanism?

    • Its needed to have more than one server for the game (Most likely the exact multicluster mechanism is just adding a chose server option to login screen)

  6. Oh klid před bouří :D Dobře pojmenované, už aby ta bouře přišla.

    A co datum spuštění testu? 6.3 neplatí, nebo je ještě nějaká šance že příjde

  7. - WoWp will get another RU server “when the time is right”, multicluster mechanism will be introduced in one of the upcoming patches

    eeeerm what? They have enough players to fill up one whole server? o.o

  8. - WoWp will get another RU server “when the time is right”, multicluster mechanism will be introduced in one of the upcoming patches
    Is World of shitty aeroplanes more popular on RU? Why else would they implementing another cluster? I think current ones are more than enough for all the players.