Noob developer. Should have nerfed the laptop instead of the monitor.
with that much smokes SerB dont need the pistol. he can just shove those cigs into the throat or pour out the ashes outa that giant ashtray can?
anyways, that a shit lot of smokes.
it aint a giant ash tray can. he doesnt buy cigarette packs. that “giant ash tray” is a tobacco can, and on top of it sits a cigarette making machine. that big box labeled marlboro aint a 10-pack of cigars, is a box full of cigarette tubes w/ filter. basically he´s too cheap to buy cigarette packs, it is about a half cheaper to buy ´em this way and make the cigars yourself.
u gotta love this guy!
Best thing after “mein lieber tiger”
haha – quality.
I love the serbster
Awww… come on!! a lot of players ask mind melting stupid questions to that guy, no wonder he trolls back. BTW this just shows Serb got sense of humor :)
I’m sure that was a bastard file..
Noob bandit!!! Just use your brain! Make sidescraping! You can bounce his bullets even this range ;)
lol :) :) :)
Dirty capitalist pistol is better than Good Soviet pistol!
I wonder if that’s the only suit jacket he has or is it the one he uses for photoshoot reasons. LOL
What a ugly cunt with that long hair.
No-one mentioned the quality of the photo’s representing the graphical quality in-game?
Or that the 5th photo shows his amazing collection of research books on the shelves behind him…?
No trigger discipline whatsoever :D
last photo…
best SerB’s photo ever…
In soviet russia, trigger disciplines YOU
gtfo /k/
What about the silly two handed grip?
Normal grip, just left handed.
It’s a terrible grip!
No one is going to comment on the model of airsoft gun SerB keeps in pocket?
Me me me, Berretta M92 but fuck me if i can figure out the make of the thing :)
Heavy smoker?
At least this madness might not last for long.
Cryptoadvertisement by Marlboro.
And belarusian factories don’t even produce Marlboro, so the cigarettes are imported. SerB is a fucking bourgeois.
You gotta give credit, the guy knows how to joke around :P :P
The picture where is pulling his pistol out is priceless xD
I didnt know he is left handed.
I always knew there was something… sinister about him.
serb is a regular troll :D
European capitalist tryng to nerf the liberty computer!
Fortunatetly plumb ammo is stronk enough to disband those who don´t embrace comrade marx teachings!
Typical MAC user, the “thing” he is trying to “nerf” is a display… NOOB!
PC – KV-1S
Laptop – T-54
SerB – SerB
ViktorKitov = Suspected Whiner.
Direct meaning of phrase “you`re fired”.
Product Placement?
That guy with the file looks like a retard. Get a haircut ffs.
That’s the way to deal with someone from Desktop Support coming to “fix” your PC.
Silent do you REALLY have to post here every single bullshit from the Minsk? :)
Nope. Only the funny ones :)
Yes, he must. Obviously.
Oh come on, lighten up carramba ;) You gotta admit it’s funny :) At least a little bit.
This is funny, thanks for posting. I’d like to try and nerf Serb’s pc now :)
Don’t forget to get a bulletproof vest before you go ;)
… maybe I am only a little allergic of Mr. Burkatovsky
Well ye, the guy really insults EU players alot, true. But you still gotta admit that he at least has a sence of humor…sometimes :P
SerB is love
SerB is life
SerB is everything you need
SerB must flow
It made me smile and as it seems, so did others. Therefor, it should be here I think.
I’m not the biggest SerB’s fan, but occasionally he do make some funny shit like this.
Now, SS, I hope you make a post with all the funny variants that will appear in the next days.
Something like this from the last time ? It’s been circling around for a while…
And like this:
Noob developer. Should have nerfed the laptop instead of the monitor.
with that much smokes SerB dont need the pistol. he can just shove those cigs into the throat or pour out the ashes outa that giant ashtray can?
anyways, that a shit lot of smokes.
it aint a giant ash tray can. he doesnt buy cigarette packs. that “giant ash tray” is a tobacco can, and on top of it sits a cigarette making machine. that big box labeled marlboro aint a 10-pack of cigars, is a box full of cigarette tubes w/ filter. basically he´s too cheap to buy cigarette packs, it is about a half cheaper to buy ´em this way and make the cigars yourself.
u gotta love this guy!
Best thing after “mein lieber tiger”
haha – quality.
I love the serbster
Awww… come on!! a lot of players ask mind melting stupid questions to that guy, no wonder he trolls back. BTW this just shows Serb got sense of humor :)
I’m sure that was a bastard file..
Noob bandit!!! Just use your brain! Make sidescraping! You can bounce his bullets even this range ;)
lol :) :) :)
Dirty capitalist pistol is better than Good Soviet pistol!
I wonder if that’s the only suit jacket he has or is it the one he uses for photoshoot reasons. LOL
What a ugly cunt with that long hair.
No-one mentioned the quality of the photo’s representing the graphical quality in-game?
Or that the 5th photo shows his amazing collection of research books on the shelves behind him…?
Damn… maybe its not that funny then…