59 thoughts on “Two more HD screenies

      • As if you would like it anyway you whiny bitch. You probably complain about more games than you play. Sick of reading your comments everywhere.

    • You do realise that new tanks DON’T shine?
      the fresh layer of mat paint makes it a single colour.
      only when the top layer of colour is scraped off by wear and tear (edges especially)
      so a worn down tank is shiny, because the paint has been scraped off by people climbing onto it, dragging stuff around onto it, it having stuff shot at it…

        • Well for a shit player playing arty to do damage to you, you have to be pretty shit as well to stay still when you’re spotted.. especially if you are out in the open with no cover nearby

          • Only a mongoloid clicker will respond something like that.

            Sitting behind cover, at over 600m distance, shooting over hills and doing damage even when missing isn’t something that requires any skill.

    • would be appreciated if they touch also all the other textures … houses, ground, etc.
      Otherwise it will look strange… like a mixture of crysis and minecraft…

      sorry, it wasnt supposed to be reply to your post

    • Yea, i am not a computer guyy so i would like to know, if i’ll be able to run a HD client with reasonable FPS with my MSI: GPU- GeForce GTX 765M, CPU- i7- 4700MQ @ 2.4GHz, RAM 8 GB, running on W7. Thanks in advance!

      • Not gonna happen with that setup (unless 30-40 fps on med. settings is reasonable). I barely get 60 FPS on max settings with a 4,5GHz i5 and a AMD R290X

    • i5-3450k OC@3.9GHz, AMD R7950 OC 3GB, 8GB RAM 1866 MHz, Win7 ulti x64 gives me ~ 90fps @ 1080p in windowed mode and about 120fps in fullscreen.

      Oh and btw Necro, WoT partially uses more than one core, but only CPU cores, GPU wise its still single threaded like ~90% of all games on the market.

      • Yup, I know, but it’s still a far cry from true multicore support.

        My PC
        i5-3570k @ stock, since WoT didn’t like my OC
        AMD R290X @ stock, again WoT didn’t like OC
        16 GB 1866 MHz RAM
        Win8 Pro x64

        With the above hardware i get a steady 60 fps (I’ve locked it to 60 as i hate frame drops. and no not vSync) with a blend of high/max settings on 1080p. If I disable my fps limiter I mostly stay within 70-110 fps.

        • Currently using core 2 quad (3Ghz) and gtx570.
          Max settings, 35-60fps depending on where I am and what map.

          Not bad considering that it’s 5 years old.

  1. HD arty? what a waste, theese asshats spend their entire game playing god, looking over everyone else.

  2. How come this pop-up if the list was the following? :P

    - following models will be available in HD: T-34/85, IS, T-54, Panther, Tiger I, Maus, Sherman, Hellcat, M103, Churchill I, Centurion 7/1, Tortoise

  3. I wonder if I will be able to run the HD WoT with this configuration:
    GPU: Gigabyte ATI Radeon HD 6850, CPU: AMD FX 6100 3.3 GHz, 8 GB RAM

  4. still find it comical how Serb bashed war thunder for having a “used” look to the tanks, or had rust because he didn’t want to own a used tank… please, pot meet kettle

  5. Truth be told i dont think war gaming needs to upgrade the tank graphics its already fine as it its. Maybe upgrade it a little but not much! More important is the suspension animations and turrets getting blown off and new gun and tank engine sounds

  6. Well that’s good…but my bad computer can’t run HD version.Video card is important,but I think CPU is equally important,even it’s more important.In my opinion,70% or more player still use bad computer and they can’t run the HD version,I really hope WG can focus more on optimization,making WOT no longer another“video card crisis“or”CPU crisis”game!

  7. Maybe I should take a screen from the current game and a HD one and compare them side-by-side as now I can’t see anything new with this HD. Looking forward for destruction and turrets flying off anyway.

  8. Who gives a fuck about HD arty. They are sitting in the back of the map, 99% of the time in bushes where you can’t see them clearly and then when you get close to them most of the time shitface drown itself in nearby water, if there is any on the map.

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