Storm explains some points about the new motion mechanism (connected to the developer video released today)
- apparently, torque (in connection to tank friction, eg. the ability of the tank to “grab” on sloped surfaces without slipping) will not be implemented
- crew skill will influence the new tank motion physics just like it does now
- the issue with the T-26 suspension was its model being very complicated
- the “friction” (whether a tank slips or not) is calculated on the points under roadwheels, not for the entire surface of the track
- the suspension stiffness will be calculated, based on how much the (virtual) spring coils in suspension are compressed (in maximum compression state, the suspension will be practically stiff – solid)
- the fact that many tanks have it so that the turret lies on the bearings (turret ring) by its own weight will be taken in account when calculating the turret flying off, it however will not fall off on slopes for example (SS: realistically, it probably would on extreme slopes, developers decided not to do this for gameplay reasons)
- the main danger in the ammo rack explosion, according to Storm, comes from the explosions of HE warheads (SS: usually, the cook-off is caused by burning propellant)
- catastrophic ammo rack explosion effect on turretless tanks (in another form, such as the tank being ripped apart) will not be implemented
- it will be not possible to tear tanks to more pieces
- the disposable parts on a tank (such as the extra fuel tanks) that will be possible to lose, will not act as a part of armor
- there are no plans to make ALL objects destructible
- Storm confirms that there will be more parameters for tanks/surface than the usual terrain resistance
- captured tanks will most likely not take part in historical battles
- Jagdtiger 88 will not appear in historical battles
- Storm confirms that Sherman Firefly will be a regular researchable vehicle
- Storm states that the FOV change in 8.11 was a “bug fix”
- the fact Winter Himmelsdorf is a winter map doesn’t influence the traction, in other words – the slopes on the map are not more slippery than on the regular map, the change is visual
- Storm states that the fact the same gun has different accuracies on different tanks is correct, as the accuracy depends on other factors too (SS: such as the mount)
- Sturmtiger will most likely not come in 2014 (SS: told you)
- Jagdtiger 88 will not have the optional Porsche suspension
- experimental and rare Soviet vehicles in historical battles (KV-2, KV-13): “if they will appear at all, they will be very rare”
- apparently no Krupp and Rheinmetall medium tanks were found yet (SS: WTF? What about VK2001Rh for example?)
- currently, whether a tank slips from the slope or not (for example when climbing rocky slopes), depends on the slope angle of specific landscape polygons, on which the tank stands at that very moment. It is further influenced by terrain resistance, but this is only an additional value
- if a tank lands on its roof, it will be apparently impossible to continue to fight, even if it survives it, it will be impossible to shoot as well (player loses control completely)
- even moving trucks (from the video) will be considered a penetrable obstacle (just like it is now), it will be possible to destroy them by ramming (like now)
- developers really wanted to implement Havok in 9.0, but they unfortunately didn’t make it
- it will be possible to use a ripped off turret as cover
- large pieces of buildings falling off will not be usable as cover
- Storm confirms hightier premium Soviet medium tank
- winter maps will not have breakable ice surfaces
- drowned tanks will not be destructable (SS: they will count as just corpses), however it’s possible that tanks destroyed by killing the entire crew will be destructable
- reworked Prokhorovka will not appear in 9.0, it was delayed
- rubble from buildings will have no effect on shooting (SS: covering your tank in rubble will give you no protection)
- Storm states that while he cannot say anything in details, the new motion physics will NOT mean a LT mobility nerf
- Storm states that in today’s physics video, the amount of movement of small parts (SS: as in, how much the IS-4 fuel tanks “wiggle”) was intentionally exaggerated for testing purposes
- it will be possible to destroy trucks as well by crushing them (instead of just pushing them) thanks to dynamic destruction model, apparently there will be a different destruction model for them as well (shooting them with AP will not turn them flat like it is now)
- proper multicore support will come, but later – for now, the game will use core 1, while other cores will be used by Havok
- Storm states that it’s possible that the “individual track link” model, mentioned in the physics video, will (for the sake of optimization) appear only on your own tank and in hangar, developers will have to see how much resources it requires
- HD models will bring detailed tank bottom visual model
- killing a teammate by having your turret land on him will not count as teamkill
- the suspension parameters will remain hidden
“- it will be not possible to tear tanks to more pieces”
Tear my tank into pieces,
This is my last HEAT shell…
Never mind, I’m probably high right now.
“- Sturmtiger will most likely not come in 2014 (SS: told you)”
“- if a tank lands on its roof, it will be apparently impossible to continue to fight, even if it survives it, it will be impossible to shoot as well (player loses control completely)”
Can I exit from battle without early leaving penalties, or do I have to wait until my tank is destroyed?
That song thing was pretty good, now can’t get it out of my head :)
>Can I exit from battle without early leaving penalties, or do I have to wait until my tank is destroyed?
I bet you will be made “dead”, same as when the whole crew gets killed.
Sturmtiger – Vaporware of the year Champion 2012, 2013, and now 2014.
They should make an emblem for it when it comes out that looks like the old Duke Nukem Forever logo as a gag before that failure finally came out.
Le AMX 65t face
My guess is that you will be able to leave the battle – like when your crew gets all killed. Might be mistaken, though, because there’s an option of other tanks turning you back.
MY TYPE 2604!!!!!! I WANT IT!!!!!!!!1111
Maybe you have to wait for a team mate to tip you back over
About the lose control thing when I land on my roof, what happens if I merely roll, as seen by the ELC AMX in the video? Sure, the ELC was destroyed on impact, but it did roll back onto its tracks. Would I gain control again if it rolls back onto tracks?
- if a tank lands on its roof, it will be apparently impossible to continue to fight, even if it survives it, it will be impossible to shoot as well (player loses control completely)
What about other player pushing you out?
Maybe 10-30s for doing that like in the drowning case, and after that you’re dead
sounds like a good idea to me
- killing a teammate by having your turret land on him will not count as teamkill
Good, It bad enough already to get instant killed by ammo racked.
Imagine getting ammoracked and then starting a chain reaction of ammoracks in the whole team by torn off turrets.
Tell me how a turret landing on another tank causes an ammo rack explosion in that tank?
Forget the ammo rack, damage everyone to 1-3 % then show the Domino Day how it’s really done!
30 tanks in a training room, chainreaction… challenge accepted.
I would imagine much in the same way jumping gently off a small pebble can kill half your crew and disable your observation device.
Well then there’s that…
Probably the same way shooting in the gear box causes fires.
…and that as well.
I guess you know that real tank can get overturned as well. Even when running too fast over an obstacle. I dont know how big pebble you mean but tank can get on its roof merely by collapsing road edge.
Finally people will start driving tanks as real tanks. Same happened with physics introduction – those who used to drive their lights carelessly, full throttle downhill, were nastily surprised. The others were fine. Same here – those who pay a bit attention to their tank charakteristics, wont get surprised. But those relying on fact that they can drive however they want, not considering terrain features and abusing semi-real physics model, will be badly disappointed and would have to adjust their gameplay (or enjoy battles upside down). Good for the rest of us.
Interesting cannot wait
Heh…I hadn’t thought of a potential teamkill by turret flying off, would that instead count as a double kill for the shooter?
With regards to pushing trucks down slopes and having them free wheel down(ala El Halluf in the video), will a pushed truck ramming a tank potentially do damage to lighter tanks or to the tracks of the tank they hit?
This is what I am wondering. If true, they’ll have to come up with another award like Bombardier for arty, killing two tanks with one shot.
Didnt he mention just a few days ago that the game now uses 2 cores?
when I’m looking at my cores, my 1st core (cores are numered 0,1,2,3) is at 80% use while rest are on 20% so yeah.
The game might or might not be multi threaded, but which thread is assigned to which core is the work of the scheduler, or operating system in general.
It was a common practice to change the WoT process affiliation to move it to 2nd or another core, because OS itself couldn’t spread the load among cores (WoT is single-threaded). That way you leave the OS stuff working on the 1st core which theoretically gives WoT a whole core to itself.
They have stated numerous times that they do not know how / see the need to spread the game on multiple threads, so the game won’t really have multicore support. They are just adding some icing on the cake (Havok) and that extra load can be done in another thread, therefore put on another core. But the main “game stuff” will work as it was before, so if you had CPU bottleneck problems in WoT, you’re likely to still have them. Also for above reasons, disabling Hyper Threading (HT) on your Intel CPU might actually improve WoT’s performance.
“killing a teammate by having your turret land on him will not count as team-kill”
Oh thank god, the fear that my tiger II turret crushing a poor scout was sitting in my head.
If i were you i would be more worried why my shells aren’t doing damage rather than will my turret knocked off every 50-100 battles land on my own scout. What would be the odds for something like that to happen anyway?
I’m not even sure who that is hahaha, I’m not using my forum name on this site :P
From which site is this image taken?
That is not a site, it ‘s some program. Don’t remember the name though..
Maybe VK Rh was missed because it’s really early tank and would be good at lower tiers, devs just looking for mid-high tier tanks? And about flying turrets…it’s sad that you can’t rip off turret by shooting it with bigger/stronger shells (ex. 105mm or atleast 122mm). And turret in terms of HE acts like tank wreck? (i mean that corpse just dosen’t soak HE – if hit by HE – it explode like on the ground)
> Maybe VK Rh was missed because it’s really early tank and would be good at lower tiers
Tell that to AMX 13, fighting 1940s tanks or Tiger II fighting T-62A, for example. It just so happens that, in most cases, tiers can be “mapped” to years in which the tank was used, but that’s just because of their relative tech advancement influencing balance. I don’t see a problem with an early tank being put in mid-tiers so that it fights much more modern tiers, as long as said tank is balanced for its tier :)
Read it to end. Not that is older tank just it could be a LOW TIER and devs would be not into it. (And btw 13 90 is one of my fav tanks.) Just check what VK2001Rh is.
- Storm confirms that Sherman Firefly will be a regular researchable vehicle
Good news if it is true. Any idea of the other tanks from its (future) branch ?
M3 Grant, no doubt.
probably stuart variant aswell
and hopefully that branch DONT lead to vickers mbt
would be seriously be useless top tier
i am NOT looking forward to that tank
“probably stuart variant aswell
and hopefully that branch DONT lead to vickers mbt
would be seriously be useless top tier
i am NOT looking forward to that tank”
Useless? So it would be the perfect British Tier X then!
The Firefly… for how long have we been waiting for it now? ;P
- developers really wanted to implement Havok in 9.0, but they unfortunately didn’t make it
I can’t wait for 9.0 ASAP video.
I bet it will take 20 seconds.
Here’s transcript:
“Welcome fellow tankers! In patch 9.0 we have changed the number from 8.11 to 9.0.
That’s it. See you on the battlefield!”
Hahaha :D
As for me, I can’t wait for Chat 2.0. That itself, if it has half of the features promised, is enough for me to allow them to number it 9.0
“- no exact ETA for Chat 2.0 (new chat system), developers are working on it so that it can handle million players simultaneously”
Somehow I doubt Chat 2.0 will be in 0.9.0…
There’s still HD models
Thanks to War Thunder WoT is becoming a game for kids like every other game: graphics graphics graphics.
Every FTR entry is now about graphics. No balancing. No new vehicles. No rework of mechanics.
They will have plenty to balancing once the new mechanisms land and are tested by 1 million players.
When WG *does* add new vehicles the standard hue and cry goes “we dun’t need no moar tenks” and “ZOMG POWERCREEP” you know.
Decide already.
I’m not one of those who only play few overpowered tanks and are afraid of competition (new OP tanks). They keep saying “we dont need more tanks” because they are only focused on getting 15th crew skill on their favorite tank that has 25k battles.
I’d rather have more tanks than whole year with nothing but more graphics. But even more than that I’d prefer if they went to actually balance tanks. It’s just ridiculous how much stronger some tanks are (or weaker).
Not. The. Point.
last patches were all about new vehicles….also, the new ground terrain and suspension will be a rather big change in mechanics.
Not sure what games you are used with, but i find the WOT update speed for content, especially maps, to be rather too fast if anything. I hardly have time to get used with something, that they change it (usually for the better).
You always have to compare games with their alternatives, not some absolute idea of perfection. WOT is rather good at updating things fast, compared with any other online game i am used with.
Sometimes, when the game looks like shit, better graphics are needed.
Game looks decent with settings on high as it is dude. But what does better graphics do if fps suffers alot? Nothing at all…I say it WG shouldnt be focusing on graphics, do that shit after they make the game support multicore.
It will never come, they will delay it every year just like the Sturmtiger until the game dies.
Yeah, we’ll just trust your prophetic powers on that.
- proper multicore support will come, but later – for now, the game will use core 1, while other cores will be used by Havok
Better late than never
- developers really wanted to implement Havok in 9.0, but they unfortunately didn’t make it
So why don’t they just spend some more time on it and release later? Damned Soviets still don’t understand what quality means. Since they bought Big World it’s getting worse and worse cuz they basicly shit with new updates and content, faster and faster, instead of making it properly. I wonder why they even bother with test servers since when some bugs are found, it’s usualy implemented anyways and then we have to wait for 2-3 updates for a fix.
Test server is there so jerk offs who have 200 battles played on live server with t4 max tank in the garage can buy OP T10 tonks load gold and shoot turrets of other tanks, if they can even hit the tank in the first place
Theres autoaim :).
Autoaim is for SNIPING pussies.
Yup. You’ll be suprised how many players use Autoaim in sniping tanks >400m
- Storm states that the FOV change in 8.11 was a “bug fix”
tell me more about that
So is he trying to say that there was some “bug” the whole time since the game was released and they finally “fixed” it in 8.11 eventhough no one was complaining about that “bug” while at the same time we have some more than obvious bugs, but they don’t give a fuck about them?
Get a tank on the himmilsdorf hill, ammo rack it, and skeet shoot it as it flies down!
“- Storm confirms hightier premium Soviet medium tank”
Which is what? The T-54 “light”? So the Soviet branch won’t have a Tier 8 light and there will be a Type 59 2.0 running around ran by gold noobs?
Awesome! (not).
I guess the analogy will be the same as between WZ-120 and regular T-54: the T-54 light will be the T-34-3′s counterpart with lower alpha and higher RoF but apart from that basically the same stuff.
is the ASAP coming out today?
FUCKING GODDAMNIT WG. No Sturmtiger in 2014. COME ON. They will rather make a TD, Arty, and 3 more Heavy/Med lines for irrelevant China than fucking Sturmtiger. Belarus motherfuckers.
Id rather have other, more in line tanks than ANNOTHER line of tanks that can one-shot your ass. Huge alpha tanks are allready flooding the higher tiers, We dont need more, seriously.
I agree we dont need more high alpha retard tenks, more regular medium and heavys and even light would be a better idea. Only problem is that if there would be new tanks of any kind they will prolly outperform the older ones as always.
“proper multicore support will come, but later – for now, the game will use core 1, while other cores will be used by Havok”
- In other words a huge fucking nerf in performance for those who choose to use havoc and HD textures while playing wot. Real good there. I doubt full multicore support will come this year or even the next. Good that its confirmed that the next big nerf WG will implement will be game performance wize. I mean they nerfed arty and now TDs and soon mediums but that not enough, they must nerf game performance as well.
- Sturmtiger will most likely not come in 2014 (SS: told you)
The cycle continues…
We have waited for 2 years to get 2nd german TD line and “famous” Sturer Emil. Here we are we finally got it 2 years later and surprisingly Sturer Emil is the worst TD in the whole line. For Sturmtiger i predict another few years and then when it finally come it will be shit.
I just find it funny how they every year go about “Sturmtiger next year”
I wish the 2nd line would never come, because it introduced 3 OP high tier tenks, like the rhm, wt and wte100, which do nothing but destroys the balance.
Will the new physics support tank recoil like in the a-team movie?
I mean, imagine climbing a steep slope by ‘firing backwards ‘!
Or when you enabled the flying cheats in GTA 3, took a tank and fired backwards to fly across the broken bridge and get to 2nd city which was locked until you solved the missions first :D
- Storm states that in today’s physics video, the amount of movement of small parts (SS: as in, how much the IS-4 fuel tanks “wiggle”) was intentionally exaggerated for testing purposes
Cool, always great to see that they show you something that they won’t implement into the game. What the fuck is it usefull to show us such a features than ?
I think they wanted to say that they exaggereted the movement itself so people could see how it works, not that it won’t come at all. Fuel tanks would “wiggle” but not that much as it’s shown in the video. Same goes for other parts of the tank too.
“- apparently no Krupp and Rheinmetall medium tanks were found yet”
Does anyone else understand how much bullshit there is in that statement?
“- Sturmtiger will most likely not come in 2014”
“-apparently no Krupp and Rheinmetall medium tanks were found yet”
I understand all the bullshit in that statement.
” – there are no plans to make ALL objects destructible”
“the “friction” (whether a tank slips or not) is calculated on the points under roadwheels, not for the entire surface of the track”
No, no, of course not. They wouldn’t want to give British tanks one of the advantages they actually had in reality. Those are meant to be meat for stronk Russian tanks which obviously should climb best with stronk Russian steel-muscle!
I normally don’t play the ‘Russian Bias’ card, but this is a bit of a letdown. British low-gear mountaingoating on Churchills and Centurions could have seriously reinvigorated strategy on some maps. We’re talking about tanks that were well known for appearing where there shouldn’t be tanks, it WAS a decisive trait. Instead we’re just stuck with the low speed. THANKS.
Its about balancing. Higher tier bristish tenk are good. Not to speak about the ultra OP fv 183.
“- the suspension parameters will remain hidden”
Ya… hidden. Until I go to any one of a number of sites that pull the data (that anyone can read) from the game files.
Really do not understand why they keep insisting on playing “I’ve got a secret”, when it’s not a secret. It’s like the little kids who cover their faces and think you can’t see them because they can’t see you.