Grosstraktor encountered in Random Battles

Hello everyone,

it looks like the roaming testers are using… unorthodox vehicles to do so. Here’s a couple of screenies from the EU server by MartinoPL.











50 thoughts on “Grosstraktor encountered in Random Battles

  1. lol, everyone must be wondering how the hell he managed to get that. and than promplty trying to kill it

      • It’s even more awesome when they put on a replay named carry in Pz2J. REALLY? FUCKING REALLY? “Carry” in a fucking broken tank that literally can’t be penned by most of it’s tier? Yea it’s such a carry driving around killing everything with gold ammo while they can’t do shit to you.

        • The Panzer II J is only OP if it’s top tier.
          Against tier 4s it’s useless. I even managed to slaughter one with my Covenanter.

    • There’s no need for any “player” to be ashamed of playing any tier in this game, that’s why WG made the tanks to have fun playing them, the butthurt bad players with (tens of) thousands of battles who never made it big and will never are more ashamed than enough for others having fun and not sucking.

        • It’s about butthurt people being butthurt, tanks are there to be played, the whining is pointless, childish and shameful.

          • Statpadder detected. Better own some newbies in a broken vehicle in a computer game rather than do something productive with your life to make you feel better about yourself, huh?

            • I have the PZii J, and I can say I dont find it OP at all. When it first came out, sure, but now there are plenty of same tier vehicles in game that can handle it. It’s slow as hell and has good armor, but that armor is easily penetrated by any other tier 3 with gold shells, and many with just normal AP rounds. Because it’s slow it makes a great arty magnet. The gun sucks beyond playable unless you use gold rounds, and even then it’s only effective at close range, meaning you have to get your super slow tank up close and personal against others. You’re only whining about it because you saw some videos of it on youtube making it look OP in the hands of a good player against 15 other retards. It’s not that impressive, really. Dont be so butt hurt.

            • I have less than 500 matches below T5 with tens of thousands overall and I’m actually good at the game, being good enables me to go past the butthurt and envy of people like you and the infernally jealous guy and really see how this game was created to be played, in other words, anyone can play any tank they want when they want. You don’t get to tell people how to play the game or in your mind attempt at shaming them for playing the game just because you suck at any tier, there’s a medical condition to describe that tho and you can get help for that.

              I will now give my own assumption, you are a terribly mediocre guy who can’t go out of mediocrity and will never be able to be even remotely good investing all your time into butthurt posts about good players going down in tiers and ruining any attempt at fixing your stats every time you take a low tier OP tank out for a spin.

              Stop sucking at the game, stop being butthurt, stop being jelly on other people, stop whining, start learning how to play.

              • >Stop sucking at the game, stop being butthurt, stop being jelly on other people, stop whining, start learning how to play.

                Oh, look who got butthurt. :D
                Don’t worry about my stats, I’m probably better than you will ever be. Still, nice prsonal rant you got there, not that I’m going to read all of those tears that your comment is made of. Keep being in denial, wallet warriors, I heard that makes people happy. Or something.

                • That’s what any bad player thinks “they’re probably better than anyone would ever be”, yet here we are, you crying because people can afford such tanks and that good players ruin your matches when you try to play low tiers to gain better stats to rise above the deep end of the 90% of wot’s community. We all know there are only two types of players whining about good players into low tier tanks, the ones who suck very bad at the game and those who try to stat pad/reroll just so they can say they have “false” good stats.

                  Being bad, jealous and entitled gives you a special status THE special status, that’s shameful however not something to be proud of.

                • No, I’m playing low tier to grind up higher tiers or train crews, like most people do, yet sad people like you will make it harder for such people, playing your golden tanks to make you feel better about yourself. I score daily 2500 to 3000 WN8, not playing your precious broken vehicles and smashing low-tier pubbies with them. Tell me more about what a bad player I am, lil’ sealclubber, along with your “my opinion = fact” attitude it’s quite hilarious. :D

                • Yep, it seems I was right, I love how you try to argument your seal clubbing with a terrible excuse that “nobody” would believe “herp derp, I only club seals cuz I train crews, not because I suck at high tiers and can’t keep my stats”. It’s one thing to play any tier you want as long as you’re capable and it’s another to suck at the higher end and to compensate on lower tiers (hint the Polish guy isn’t compensating).

                  I’m not the one destroying your seal clubbing attempts, I’m the one destroying your attempts to play high tier tanks before you’re remotely close to capable of playing T8-10 and neither is the player you were butthurt over, he doesn’t play low tiers, most of his matches are on the other side of the tech tree.


                  Oh yeah, if you’re going to back that siema butthurt “I’m better than everyone will ever be cuz I club seals all day long” act, you better score 3000+ WN8 every day, otherwise you’ll fall flat with your boasting like your excuses…wait, you already did.

                • I have a feeling that I’m getting trolled at the moment or you are really just that stupid. Either way, I cut it here. I’d really love to know your magical ways of telling what tanks people play and whether they suck with them or not judging by their nicknames on a random blog, but I think there are better things waiting for me in the world. Remember, you’d better load that gold on those bloody loltraktors, cheers. :D

    • Translation: Chinese Server will give out this vehicle as gift to player after the event at15/3

      Another “communist first” tank? F***.

  2. Look at all those players saying hes a sealclubber

    until they realized he has only TWO battles on it :)

  3. Well as I own a Pz II J myself I can say while it may be OP at some occasions it is still challenging to use.
    Espescially in T4 games you’re not only underpowered, you’re also undergunned even with APCR.
    Also – study the weakspots of the IIJ and attack him in packs and you kill it on no time.
    Most TDs can handle it easily while it has hardly a chance to escape once tracked or with no cover to reach.
    Its immobility is its major drawback you have to exploit when engaging it.

    …but the NBFZ/Großtracktor is probably the focus of that article not the PzIIJ.
    Looking forward to that one ;)

      • I’d have a 100% stat if it wasn’t like this. There are quite some good team games in T3.
        Most of the time when I get taken out it is when opponents organize cross fire against me or TDs figure out to target more carefully opposed to other tanks just being a fire’n’forget.
        And as premium ammo gets more and more common in low tier too that is another good measure too…but as I have to drive it prem-only too to be efficient (not credit wise o.c.) I don’t complain.

        Most dreaded enemies on T2/3 -> Marder II, T57, T18, SU76, T82, T127
        T4 pretty much all own the IIJ if not absolutely inept to drive their tanks.

    • I pwned a IIJ in my IIG, it was fun because of hilarity value.
      Pubstomper got pubstomped! But I have a 15+ second reload in IIG.
      It was a platoon of two IIJs, and the other got me.


      My first IIJ encounter, and there’s TWO!

      • T18 is a lot more effective as a Pubstomper than IIJ. If you have a friend owning it – try some.
        It takes a lot to overcome good opponents and tanks in this one espescially T4 as said previously.