Blitz will NOT be synchronized with the PC version. Fail.
I signed up for closed beta. (:
Shame they haven’t included android :(
Blitz for android will be revealed later (according to Overlord)
If it were synchronized with WoT PC… except you know once you enter your account on a tablet/phone it only plays with other such devices and when on PC it plays with PCs and when on an Xbox 360, it is still your account but plays with 360 players…
I would be VERY interested. Would love to always be able to grind my account and play…
As it is now, I wont play it.
Cool i have A PC and A IPHONE 4S (no xbox)
I have a PC and 2 phones, Ericsson DBH 1001 and Ericsson LM.
I guess I will just play on my PC
Bring back the old logo! D: I miss that big ol’ feather
Looks ok, I will definitely try it once avaible. I only hope it will have less demanding economy than WoT. WoT is ok and everything, but I will not spend so much time on it and a vision of one month constant play to achieve desired tank is quite unimaginable for me to spend on tablet :)
Lol, closed beta on IOS when Android has 80%+ of mobile device and increasing.
Yes, but close beta is only for iOS devices. :/
Theres a EU/NA version of this trailer = EU = NA
(I don’t really know the difference…)
The rating at the start is different ;)
pffft, iOS only for closed beta
Blitz will NOT be synchronized with the PC version. Fail.
I signed up for closed beta. (:
Shame they haven’t included android :(
Blitz for android will be revealed later (according to Overlord)
If it were synchronized with WoT PC… except you know once you enter your account on a tablet/phone it only plays with other such devices and when on PC it plays with PCs and when on an Xbox 360, it is still your account but plays with 360 players…
I would be VERY interested. Would love to always be able to grind my account and play…
As it is now, I wont play it.
Cool i have A PC and A IPHONE 4S (no xbox)
I have a PC and 2 phones, Ericsson DBH 1001 and Ericsson LM.
I guess I will just play on my PC
Bring back the old logo! D: I miss that big ol’ feather
Looks ok, I will definitely try it once avaible. I only hope it will have less demanding economy than WoT. WoT is ok and everything, but I will not spend so much time on it and a vision of one month constant play to achieve desired tank is quite unimaginable for me to spend on tablet :)
Lol, closed beta on IOS when Android has 80%+ of mobile device and increasing.
You dont exactly need a lot of players in beta :P