
- first round of British HD models: Centurion Mk.7 and Tortoise
- Churchill HD will come after 9.0, just like IS
- for now, premium Churchill will not participated in historical battles – maybe later
- the new HD hangar consists of real life elements, it was done according to real hangars and repair shops
- on the HD models, tracks are not dirty from mud by default, because “muddy tracks looks really strange on sand and snow”
- it’s possible the lists of vehicles for 9.0 historical battles might not be final (SS: Nashorn missing for example)
- non-premium new hangar will not appear in 1st round of test, it’s still being worked on
- night battles were completely removed (“players couldn’t see shit”)

45 thoughts on “21.3.2014

    • “Oh man I can’t see anything. Good job I have my headlights!”
      *switches lights on*
      “That’s much bet…”
      *turret flies off*
      *sixth sense activates(!)*

      • Not to mention some of the tanks (russian ones) are actually modeled with their headlight and searchlights stowed away.

    • I know I risk starting a comments war but… *breaths deeply* I-saw-a-video-of-a-night-battle-in-WT-and-it-looked-awesome. I think it would be great if WoT could have them too, it looked amazing, tracers, explosions and yeah, not being able to see shit, all of that.

        • Not sure if the answer was a joke, but just in case it wasn’t: I am actually a WoT player. And I spent quite a bit money in the game and I would very much like to keep playing it. That’s why I think it would be nice for WG to add the things that look great on WT, mostly so I don’t have to split my spending between two F2P games, haha.

          EDIT: And it could be an alternative mode, like Historical Battles maybe? O able to be turned off like Encounter.

          • Understand the difference : It ‘looks’ great and it ‘plays’ great. Right now we can’t freely test WT and you don’t even know if your computer will handle the maxed out graphical wank that video displayed.

    • Ya, um. No.

      They had headlights to see the road when driving in non combat conditions at night. Very few ever fought at night. Exceptions being the Early IR adoptions of the Germans and later the giant gun mounted spotlights. To make a night battles work they would need to add the muzzle flash as a (temporary) light source and have random parachute flares drifting about the battle field. With the option of using your headlights to stop bumping into things you can’t see, but with the trade off that you can be spotted from farther away.

      Ya, skip. Total campfest. Could be a lot of fun, but people won’t let it be fun, they’d just camp.

      • I think that, if players are less capmpy and more dinamic, the use of ” the muzzle flash as a (temporary) light source and have random parachute flares drifting about the battle field. With the option of using your headlights to stop bumping into things you can’t see, but with the trade off that you can be spotted from farther away” could create a nice battle based on tactic and surprise attacks.

        BTW the battlefield could be lighted softly by the moon or by some lights located maybe on top of indistructible buildings or something like this

        • Moonlight is a decent idea. On a clear night with a full moon you can basically see pretty much everything anyway. It would have all the ambiance and contrast with explosions and tracers but you wouldn’t need to implement things like flares or headlights which would be needed for a pitch black night mode. They have already gone somewhat in that direction with Ruinberg on Fire since it has a very early evening/dusk type of lighting. Could work… would probably look great too.

    • Do you want WOT implement Night Battles?
      (I know its still CBT, but it wont make any difference)

      Think again after u see this pict on the link
      yeah first i was so exciting waiting to see night battles implemented in WOT, but after i tried on “Other Games”, no thx, couldn’t see anything

  1. Night battles are shits. I tested War Thunder Ground Force. It’s damn hard to see the target and drive. A small bump can make your tank turn over, and in night you cannot see the terrain. Night battle is unplayable.

      • With broken spotting system in WOT, you will regret to have this night battle mode

        • …I can imagine my Jagdpanther slamming shot after shot in night-time with “FG 1250″ IR-Sight against T8 tanks :D

          • Because let’s completely ignore the minor inconvenient detail the system only provided the *commander* with any kind of NV…

            And have fun trying to fight the diverse postwars that received *far* more sophisticated systems as pretty much standard kit.

      • Pretty sure period stabs at night vision worked on the basis of near-IR receivers and “black light” active illuminators, not thermal infrared frequencies.
        Already because until modern semiconductor wizardry thermograph required cryogenic cooling since the sensor had to be cooler than the source…

  2. - night battles were completely removed (“players couldn’t see shit”)

    NO SHIT?

  3. - night battles were completely removed (“players couldn’t see shit”)

    Well…. no shit.

    Guess this will necessitate the need for the use of the god-damned headlights now wouldn’t it geniuses? Lights off – limited visibility … say less than 50 or 100m …. lights on, camo value forfeited, view range 150-200m.

    That and … duh … don’t make night mode “pitch black” because there are these things called Stars, and the moon, and twilight, and street lamps, and … oh wait… logic. Damn the man.

    • Suddenly, M60 becomes OP :D

      to the point; IIRC they said that they will somehow rework spotting system that tanks no longer simply disappear and so on, maybe then they will solve part of these problems.

    • Starlight and whatnot is all fine and dandy until you get cloud cover in the way. Or a decent forest canopy.

      And then there’s all the fun and games with shadows.

  4. - on the HD models, tracks are not dirty from mud by default, because “muddy tracks looks really strange on sand and snow”

    That is probably the biggest issue with HD models right now I guess, but at least we can hope they will work on that and that is nice :)

  5. - night battles were completely removed (“players couldn’t see shit”)
    That’s the fucking point! Imagine the lols. Ouch.. what the fuck did we hit? I don’t know but let’s open fire just in case… <>

  6. ” – night battles were completely removed (“players couldn’t see shit”)”

    But…but…but….IR vision?….
    Yeah, I know that not all the tanks got it but still…

    Whatever…they can just make the skies darker…something in between the sunfall and night time.That would be enough for me….I just want darkness…I’m a fucking cave troll, I deserve it!!!

  7. Good luck to hit naything in night battle


      • I, for one, am all for the general inconvenience of shooting at the outlines through bushes being expanded to targets in the open. Not to forget the amazing ease of guesstimating the “lead” needed to hit a moving target when you can’t see either it or the terrain around it!
