
Hello everyone,

as you probably might have noticed, the beta-tester account but, not allowing some old beta-testers to access the test server, was not fixed (at least in some cases). Currently, there is no ETA on a fix.

- developers state that in historical battles, having “pre-determined” setups (like always 2 Tigers, 3 Panthers and 5 Panzer IV’s for example) really limits the replayability of the historical battle (same map, same teams…)
- developers are aware of the DirectX 12, but Storm states that there is not enough hardware or players with it and it will take a few years to accumulate
- Storm: “We didn’t promise additional fuel tanks on Maus”
- the second Tiger suspension variant will be introduced as an alternative hull
- AMX 50B will be reworked to HD definitely this year, there are however no “normal” photos/drawings of it, so it was postponed a bit, developers will look for more reference
- Storm states that all the models will definitely not be reworked to HD in 2014, but they will try to put as many of them in as possible – the mass-production remodelling system is still not set up yet, because there are more complications than developers expected around it
- apparently, it’s Storm personally, who picks tanks to be reworked to HD, based on following criteria: their fame, their popularity, tier and premium status

- WT E-100 won’t be reworked to HD soon
- for now, Storm can’t say which models will exactly be made HD in 9.1, but IS and Churchill definitely will be amongst them, IS-3 too if I understand it correctly
- free camera won’t be enabled within hangar, nor will players be able to move around it – Storm explains that the way this is done is that a lot of things in the hangar are cleverly simplified in order to increase hangar’s performance – but move the camera a tiny bit and it everything will start look ugly
- there are no plans to allow players to customize the wear and tear of their tanks (SS: as in, players selecting how rusty they want their tank), but dynamic dirt (tanks driving through mud get dirty) is planned
- Storm states that not all visual bugs by far were fixed in this round of tests
- tank selection based on maps in team battles – in patch 9.2 or 9.3
- on high details, lower FPS in 9.0 is acceptable according to developers
- hangar low FPS will be fixed (it was a bug with lighting, developers found it already)
- it is not sure yet, how many HD models per patch will be the “usual” number, because the developers haven’t streamlined the production yet
- the “odd lighting” of tracks will remain
- Storm confirmed that each HD model has cca 90 megabytes, so in the future, the HD models of tanks will have 25+ gigs (apparently, Titanfall has 55 gigs and it’s normal)

97 thoughts on “27.3.2013

  1. ” Storm confirmed that each HD model has cca 90 megabytes, so in the future, the HD models of tanks will have 25+ gigs (apparently, Titanfall has 55 gigs and it’s normal)”

    yeah normal…… >_>

  2. Titanfall was coded by twats :P. Well, many times lesser twats then current Infinity Ward ( CoD Ghosts…) but twats no less.
    COmpare yourself to things like Last Light, Crysis 3, STALKER and then say you are doing well :D

    Is there a difference between the two suspension types for Tiger? As in a performance one?

    • Not really, but it may be connected to historical battles as well, seeing the all steel road wheels(ausf H) were introduced later on to save up steel and rubber, as the number of individual wheels dropped from 24 to 16 per side. Both used the same transport and combat tracks

    • Crysis 3 is an abomination in the game developing community.
      Uncompressed will always be superior due to the fact that it is far easier to optimize a game around uncompressed data.

        • *Facepalm* It’s called not being a lazy developer.
          @Sky: Considering I work in the gaming industry and work with technology, I do know what I am talking about.
          @OttoVon: Crysis 3 does not have the best graphics. And it is incredibly unoptimized compared to games running on machines that require less than 1/4th of the power that Crysis 3 requires and looks better. You don’t know what you are talking about.

          • You DONT.
            The current best looking games are Crysis 3, BF4 and Metro Last Light. They are also, among the best optimized.
            Maybe add STALKER due to AI to AI and weather, but that is all.

            • Metro Last Light does not have great fidelity. BF4 is literally BF3 in terms of graphics. And Crysis 3 is not that pleasing to the eye, well, to my eye, which prefers a beautiful game in general instead of just graphical options..

              • Better water (it was crap in bf3) and particles + some minor effects. Complexity of maps/ destruction increased a bit. But , yeah, apart from that – no real improvement. But only compared to how bc2 – bf3 leap was.

              • So you want aesthetically pleasing games? That is different and SUBJECTIVE.

                Graphical fidelity mostly is not.

                Ohh and Last Light not having great fidelity… lol…

                • You are mistaking subjective with objective. There are objectively superior looking games that do not use bland objects and textures.

                • You are.
                  Last Light uses some of the best damn textures I have ever seen… along with THE best lightning I have ever seen…
                  Maybe animation quality (which is not bad actually, just not great) and the only decent AI is what keeps it from being the most advanced game now.
                  Crysis 3 has similar textures, better animation almost as good lightning, AI that is worse… though not terrible either.
                  Both have about the same object LOD … if this can even be measured.

                  STALKER is old, but it holds up in both textures, object LoD and ESPECIALLY lightning.
                  Dear god the rains and storms..

      • Crysis 3 is the example of perfect optimization. Best graphics out there and doesn’t have high system requirements (except that it needs a DirectX 11 video card).

  3. - AMX 50B will be reworked to HD definitely this year, there are however no “normal” photos/drawings of it, so it was postponed a bit, developers will look for more reference

    Wait, can’t they just go to Saumur and take pictures themselves?

      • How is that the case ? As far as I know all AMX 50s in Saumur can be seen by any visitor of the museum.

        • ^ This.
          They could simply pay 8 € of entry fee (free for military personnel \o/) + 5 € of picture-taking fee.
          13 € for all the details you want, on the tank itself, not too expensive for WG I think.

          And I dont see how the guys at the Musée des Blindés could be uncooperative, given that they are always desperately looking for new ways to earn a bit of money …

    • Actually, there is no AMX 50B in the world. There’s an AMX 50, but no AMX 50B.

      • Exact.
        The AMX 50 history is a tad complicated. Basically, there were 5 models :
        - AMX M4 (1945) : AMX M4 45 in WoT ; nothing special here
        - AMX M4 or 50 (1949) : AMX 50 100 in WoT ; an AMX M4 45 reworked hull with an oscillating turret, sources concerning the name are unclear :/
        - AMX 50 120 (1953) : not in WoT ; AMX 50 (1949) uparmored hull with a NORMAL turret, 120 mm gun
        - AMX 50 120 (1955) : AMX 50 120 in WoT ; pike nosed hull, oscillating turret, 120 mm gun
        - AMX 50 120 (1958) : AMX 50 B in WoT ; lowered hull

        The model in Saumur is actually an AMX 50 120 (1958). And, good God, how huge is this thing …
        A very interesting history of the AMX 50′s development can be found on this site (in french) :
        Very interesting read for all the French tanks fans here.

  4. - there are no plans to allow players to customize the wear and tear of their tanks (SS: as in, players selecting how rusty they want their tank), but dynamic dirt (tanks driving through mud get dirty) is planned

    Because “realism” is more important then “your taste”.

    - Storm confirmed that each HD model has cca 90 megabytes, so in the future, the HD models of tanks will have 25+ gigs (apparently, Titanfall has 55 gigs and it’s normal)

    25+ GB PLUS the game engine and such??? Can i have a suggestion? Why don’t we drive the Maps on the Tanks instead? (maps are afaik 20 megabytes)

  5. “developers are aware of the DirectX 12, but Storm states that there is not enough hardware or players with it and it will take a few years to accumulate”, kinda pointless now since it won’t be out until late 2015. The hardware point makes no sense since most, if not all current DX11 hardware will support core DX12 features. With DX9 cards discontinued by manufacturers and all DX10 hardware on legacy status there’s really no reason to cling to a deprecated XP-era DX9.

    What they really should focus on is the implementation of a DX11 renderer and API-specific features such as hardware tessellation and D3D11 multi-threading, this is by far the only thing that will truly make the game shine in terms of performance. DX11 should be the priority and not multi-core, sure adding the latter will lessen the load on system with multiple cores but that won’t translate into significantly better FPS or performance compared to a correct implementation of DX11 and its numerous improvements.

    • And they realy should make a WoT for Linux because if they won’t support Windows XP then i will move to that OS.

      • They’ll essentially be hitting themselves against a wall if they ever decide to make a version for those distros since the OSS ecosystem severely fragmented with all sorts of legacy stuff still lying around, the open source Linux driver stack (Nouveau/Mesa) barely even supports current or feature-complete OpenGL versions (most linux display drivers are stuck at 3.3). Linux display are half baked and utterly fail to compete to the proprietary counterparts when performance, stability and usability are concerned. Not to mention all those different package management systems used by several and the vast among of incompatible APIs.

        For instance, a WoT version packaged for debian won’t work on non-debian distros out of the box and there’s no guarantee that their chosen Linux API (GTK/Qt) version will work on specific distro or distro version. GNU Linux-based distros are broken, there’s no sane standardized API for developing programs and GTK/Qt versions aren’t binary compatible, there’s zero backwards or forward compatibility with those two APIs so you can pretty much imagine how hard it’ll be for them.

        • Its funny as hell, they dont wanna implement dx12 because not many players use hardware that supports dx12, then why they fuck did then implement hd models and improved graphic if 90% of all players cant play on all max and high settings with decent fps? Thats kinda funny. And even those that have decent system get far too bad performance on high settings.

          • That’s not true. I have a two-year-old setup: gtx560 with an i5 processor and the game runs @ ~50 FP on max settings.

    • DX12 is just DX11 with a couple ease of use features, nothing important is added. In-fact, DX11 should be the last API, if not one of the last. As it already has all the features needed for photo-realistic games. Same with OpenGL 4.4.
      Also, Skara. Get a better computer, upgrade to Windows 7 or 8 and get with the present. Windows XP is horrid compared to both.

      • Exactly what I was going to say… So many people on here go on about Direct X 11 and then a couple of days ago when they say its coming not only did it not recieve a single comment but you guys start bleating on about Direct X 12 which is a very long way from being relevant at this point in time.

    • nVidia announced all fermi and later cards will support dx12. So, in theory all dx11 cards = dx12

  6. - developers are aware of the DirectX 12, but Storm states that there is not enough hardware or players with it and it will take a few years to accumulate

    Someone should tell him that DX11 Fermi, Kepler and upcoming Maxwell, aswell as AMD cards will be compatible with DX12.

    But what do you expect. They cant even add proper multi-core support and people ask him about DX12 ? lol thanks for the laugh.

  7. “- Storm confirmed that each HD model has cca 90 megabytes, so in the future, the HD models of tanks will have 25+ gigs (apparently, Titanfall has 55 gigs and it’s normal)”

    make your game of the same quality as titanfall, then compare the sizes. Talking about sound especially here. with them compressed, Titanfall had 22 or so GB.

    90MB per tank -> asuming they can get up to about 10 tanks per patch (like now, M4, T-54, Tiger, M103, Tortoise, Hellcat, Panther … can’t remember more from the top of my head)
    900MB per patch .. of just tanks? with Havok parts, DX11, anything else they’ll introduce in the future, patches are going to be 1BG+ each, reaching up to 1.5GB maybe even more? Damn, that’s going to take up a lot of space, people with smaller disks are going to whine a lot, considering the RU server especially. I bet they will make them non-must download.

    EDIT: maybe they’ll introduce them less often when they start doing that?

  8. - free camera won’t be enabled within hangar, nor will players be able to move around it – Storm explains that the way this is done is that a lot of things in the hangar are cleverly simplified in order to increase hangar’s performance – but move the camera a tiny bit and it everything will start look ugly

    FUCK you storm, give me my old hangar and my old freedom of camera movement! I want to look at my tanks from ALL sides, jeez, what is about this TANK game not giving you the ability to look at your TANKS.

  9. I think it would be a great idea to have the rust based on battles played in that vehicle.

    • But then it would be too easy to spot players that just pad their stats in lower tiers without running xvm ;)

      Imagine all the worn out looking T18 and Hellcats running around, not to mention other well known stat padding tanks.

  10. quote: “Storm confirmed that each HD model has cca 90 megabytes, so in the future, the HD models of tanks will have 25+ gigs (apparently, Titanfall has 55 gigs and it’s normal)”

    TitanFall is that big because of sound files, not textures – there’s about 35Gb of uncompressed sound files

        • Playing smart jackass doesn’t really impress anyone, you know kiddo?

          I work in the industry, so no need to lecture me on why does the size of the game installation might or might not matter.

        • hey kid, everybody can claim to work in the industry … hell I worked in the industry at some point in my life

          the fact is that in those 35+ Gb of audio files are included ALL supported languages, besides english
          so .. the game would be ~20 something Gb of data, and not 50+ – just like it would need for XB1 install ;)

          but good for you kid, you work in the industry and know squat shit about “the industry” – congrats

  11. “as you probably might have noticed, the beta-tester account but, not allowing some old beta-testers to access the test server, was not fixed (at least in some cases). Currently, there is no ETA on a fix.”

    The fix is that if you are affected, to get your account that was split off reactivated and have the address changed.

    If you have the same e-mail address for multiple accounts the account imaged for test will be randomly chosen from them.

    Pre split beta’s have at least 2 accounts with the same e-mail based on how they did the split. Change one or the other and problem solved. For the next patch. You’re hosed for 0.9.0, the image has already been made.

  12. will the IS3 come with correct LFP? that means like 45° instead of 30° of WG universe.

  13. “the second Tiger suspension variant will be introduced as an alternative hull” Is that picture of a alternate suspension version of the Tiger 1 with Overlapping rather than its normal Interleaving over-complicated wheels, because the Tiger 2 has Overlapping which worked much better?

    • These are the pressed steel road-wheels and because of their stiffness and strength it was possible to remove the outer road-wheels without any loss in suspension or passibility. Thus you save road-wheels you can use to build more tanks and reduce maintenance for the crews as well as lower production costs… its one of those win, win, wins… Other then maybe a rougher ride on say pavement… =)

      • Thanks, although surprised they would go through the trouble of an alt hull for that. Truthfully although hopefully balanced now in the second test on mm weight the Tigers historic gun needs a pen, accuracy, and shell velocity buff atleast in that game mode

        • Well there are visual changes between early and late models and that is enough to create an alternative hull.

          I do hope WG gets there ass in gear and fixes all of the historical/model/technical issues that exist in the German tech tree… (There are many)

          Although alt hulls will take care of about half of the problems. Fixing all of the engine problems would solve another 30%(Wrong engines on the tanks,wrong hp figures, weights and incorrect names) and the last 20% concerns guns and to a smaller degree ammo types for the guns.

          And that is just the German tree… don’t even get started on the others…

          • The German tree needs a revolution TBH, it’s possible to fix most fantasy setups but it wouldn’t be cheap for WG.

          • There is no real mechanical difference between the Tiger early, mid of late hulls, certainly not really to justify an alternative hull. They’re entirely interchangeable. Do you really want to spend experience to add some air cleaners and different positions for tools on the hull?

            If they wanted to add something different, given the Tiger another turret so there is an early model (not initial model with the flat mantlet) with a drum cupola and then a later model with the additional 40mm of armour on the roof and late mid/late cupola. Or have unlockable suspension, the first is the early design and the late is the steel rimmed wheels.

  14. - Storm states that all the models will definitely not be reworked to HD in 2014, but they will try to put as many of them in as possible – the mass-production remodelling system is still not set up yet, because there are more complications than developers expected around it

    = work.

  15. Panther get a Rof buff? checking stats it get almost 1 round per minute more in the test server, 13.04 rounds per minute in 8.11 and 14.21 in 9.0

  16. AMX 50B will be reworked to HD definitely this year, there are however no “normal” photos/drawings of it, so it was postponed a bit, developers will look for more reference

    How about the prototype? About as good a reference as any :P

    • What prototype? There is the prototype of the AMX 50 120, but not the 50B. 50B is a blueprint tank.

  17. And what if i dont have enough space?
    Can i just delete the HD models and get back the old ones?

  18. “on high details, lower FPS in 9.0 is acceptable according to developers”
    - Yeah, even if we have systems good enough? Stop that fucking bullshit, due to the game beeing single core, there are little to no fps differance regardles of settings.

      • Clearly the new graphical stuff is too much for 1 core to handle, and I have a fucking 4.8ghz overclock modern cpu, really strong performance per core there. On all max I get like 55-70 and thats kinda bad having a OC r9 290. In 8.11 performance was better according to others also.

        • Something wrong, i have laptop 2.4i7/660M GTX and almost stable 60 (vertical sync on) with max settings (except dust effects). Min fps around 40.

          • What ever is wrong must be patch 9.0. And thats the point, we who have much better desktops dont really get benefit from our hardware in wot. You can have a 5ghz cpu and a 780ti and you wont get 100+ fps on all max in wot 9.0.

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