9.0: HD Tiger Suspension

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/282290.html

Hello everyone,

Storm posted the new look of Tiger I suspension for 9.0, which was apparently changed from the test iteration and I have absolutely no idea, what they changed. Apparently, players whined about some element of it (something with the roadwheels and them lacking “plasticity” if I understand correctly, as in – the screws and bolts were not visible enough)


From the discussion:

- it’s possible that the other type of Tiger suspension (roadwheels with rubber bands) will come as an alternative hull
- this will appear apparently in next round of test
- next round will come this week
- Storm admits that when they made the M6A2E1 model the first time, they collected wrong references, it will be corrected, when it’s remade to HD (SS: I have no idea why they actually bring this tank up all the time)
- M6A2E1 “is premium and hightier, this sharply increases his chances” (to be reworked sooner)
- Storm confirms that the entire TD class will lose its class bonus to camo after firing a gun
- developers are working on improved track movement physics, it will come later (this year)
- after T34 (US prem heavy) is reworked, it will recieve the later 120mm gun barrel model
- dirt (tracks and roadwheels getting dirty) will come as a dynamic option, depending on the ground type (snow, field etc.), this does not depend on Havok introduction
- Havok will come earlier than in 9.6
- new grass and tree render will come this year
- apparently, noone really remembered to add spotting damage to player statistics, so it wasn’t done
- M103 roadwheels have fewer polygons than other roadwheels simply because there are too many (and noone will zoom closely on them in the game anyway)
- Storm reacting on players complaining about FPS loss in 9.0: “Reduce graphic settings” (and “on minimal settings there will be no FPS drop”)

94 thoughts on “9.0: HD Tiger Suspension

      • Maybe he’s wondering if this applies to premium TDs? Do they get nerfed too?

      • I love how players till constantly bitch that nerfing arty made TDs op. Didn’t WG confirm that many of the arty players moved to primarily TD’s after the nerf?

        TD’s were already broken, it just wasn’t as apparent since there wasn’t 8 td’s per team. Most td’s already have fantastic camo values, this is just going to prevent dumb players who don’t understand camo from being cloaked after firing guns (bigger than almost all other guns in the game). Good players will have no problems with it, just stay 15m behind the bush or double bushed. If you’re a TD player complaining about this nerf all it means is your bad.

        TD’s reward bad players for playing stupidly. Just like arty. This says nothing about good players playing these classes, but a classes mechanics should not cover for your 42%wr and your gross incompetency.

        Also my other favorite is ‘mediums are op, mediums are going to get the nerfbat next’. Mediums require too many motor skills for baddies to play at a ‘decent’ level like arty and TDs. Mediums will never be statistically op because people who play this game are bad.

    • JPE will lose its class bonus to camo after firing a gun then…………

      Yeah…….I guess……..

    • I’m not a native speaker but it’s pretty clear

      entire TD class = all TD’s

      … or just trolling?

      • I think that was a sarcastic question.
        -WG already stripped maps of half their vegetal cover.
        -Now they strip TD from their class camo bonus.
        Because Heavies always cry… and because some high tier TDs are overperforming (but not all tds). There has been an alpha nerf for that.
        Theses new nerfs affect not only the TD that were op at high tier but also the TDs that survive thanks to vegetal cover and that really need it (ARLV39, massive portion of new german td, early british tds, etc.) Are these vehicules OP? I don’t think so. ARLV39 and early french td line were crap, now they will be what? Utter Crap?

        Now a short reminder:
        -Heavy whine about arty >> Arty nerf thus producing TD dominance…
        -Heavy whine for no reason >> Shell dispersion buff for everybody (main buff for inaccurate heavies)
        -Heavy whine about td >> TD nerf
        What is next? Omagad lights are invisible spotters nerf it please. Omagad medium can circle me and i can’t do anything nerf meds please.

        I’m not saying Arty or high tier TDs didn’t need a nerf. But the way of balancing the game is just wrong and every nerf create more problems…

        • there’s no (neither was) such gamebreaking thing in wot as TDs nowadays(notice i said gamebreaking not OP)

        • “-Heavy whine about arty >> Arty nerf thus producing TD dominance…”

          You mean everyone except arties who whined i guess but still you are right.

          “-WG already stripped maps of half their vegetal cover.”

          Yet i see forests and bushes everywhere (even Himmelsdorf, Sand River and Stormwind… i mean Windstorm got several bushes ffs). I would really love to see a map with NO vegetation.

          • These maps are definetely not really low tier td friendly. Play these maps (desert and city maps) with weak non-turreted tds then explain me your point. :)
            Vegetal cover has been reduced on last version of several maps. Saying the contrary and that it doesn’t affect td gameplay is just meh.

            • “These maps are definetely not really low tier td friendly. Play these maps (desert and city maps) with weak non-turreted tds[...]”
              Play against weak non-turreted TDs as a light and you won’t say that they are so “weak”. And when do early (pre-tier5) TDs NEED to camp in bushes? They are used as suppressive fire to support mediums/lights marching ahead or as a “last defense line before arty and base”.

              • In theory, i agree with you. In the game it is definetely not a succesfull type of play.
                Most lights are broken. Not a big news.

        • TDs should mostly beat heavies, but problem is now there are such TDs which even meds can’t beat. Like Foch, Objects, WTF-100 and fast TDs. Why do TDs need speed and mobility? And viewrange. Nerf VR and mobility instead of camo, it might actually solve some problems, but now the supposedly “support” class has more VR than heavies and meds. Hell, nerfing VR might be enough…

          • And there are mediums penning heavys frontaly which makes heavys the easiest target for mediums. Then I guess mediums should be nerfed also?

            • ο they will dont worry after the TD rebalancing they say
              you will see the hording loads of whining about meds being OP rising up
              just wait after the TD rebalancing for about 3 mounths and they will come up with that

    • This is the direction that the game is going and why I believe it’s a mistake:

      1. Removed the TD after-shot Camo bonus
      2. Drastically reducing the amount of ground level (bushes) vegetation in maps. Trees don’t count since you cannot hide behind the trunks.
      3. Making more buildings destructible
      4. Building rubble does not count as cover (per the dev video) and can be shot through.
      5. Reworking maps to create more hard cover for lanes of attack

      Doing this in the name of balance and realism is all fine and dandy but at the same time ignoring other flaws & needed features in the game is really an imbalance. The flaws and fixes that I am thinking of are:

      1. Negating the bush camo should not be a flat 15m circle, but dependent on the gun and muzzle brake. Normal guns should only negate the camo to the front (in a cone shape) out to 15m. Muzzle brakes, since they also dissipate to the sides, should affect the front and side bushes but at less than 15m because it is spread out. In no instance should camo to the rear be affected.
      2. While in sniper mode, your drawing distance and spotting distance should be enhanced, but only in a cone shape.
      3. Spot checks in general should be recalculated as “popup” tanks that appear ¾ of the way across a street should have been seen as soon as they broke cover. Spot checks should also take Sniper mode into account.
      4. Tanks should not just disappear but fade from view. If the tank is being targeted in Sniper mode it should stay longer per #2 above.
      5. You should be able to lock the range of a gun to shoot at a target that is fading, especially ones that are on the crest of a hill.

      • Another couple of flaws:

        1. The “cooldown” time for bush and post-shot camo timers should be zero if there is nobody to see the shot when it goes off.

        In other words, I am a tank and I take a shot at a far away target. Even with the loss of bush camo and post-shot camo there is no way for him (or anyone else) to see me. A few seconds later another enemy tank comes into range while the timers are in “cooldown” and detects me. Since he could not see the muzzleflash, he should not get the benefit of the “cooldown” timers.

        2. Spot checks should be made based on the percentage of the vehicle that CAN be seen. If I am hull down, I should be much harder to detect.

        • If they remove Arty hardcap and give them the ability to oneshot every tank no matter where they hit them along with the 0,01 accuracy i wouldn’t mind your suggestions.

          And then the War of the Invisibles started. :)

  1. - after T34 (US prem heavy) is reworked, it will recieve the later 120mm gun barrel model

    I want my money back trollface.jpg

  2. - M6A2E1 “is premium and hightier, this sharply increases his chances” (to be reworked sooner)

    Yet I get the feeling the M60 will be one of the last to receive a rework for that exact reason.

  3. Seriously, one of the biggest things they have to do is increase the spotting check time. No more pop-in tanks for fucks sake.

    • u mean reduce the spotting check time ;)

      An didn’t they say that they are already working on that.

      • Spotting check is the frequency of the ‘synchronisations’ between server and clients, increasing the frequency means ‘reducing’ the check time. But semantics.

        In any case, yes, they said they were working on that, as well as the circle server range. I find those a lot more important than the whole HD-ization and Havok.

        • Well, u were talking about increasing the check time ;)

          About the second part, same for me although i was a little bit disappointed when they said that it will only be a circle of 5xx m instead of 700.

          Oh and u know graphic sells today. For example crysis: Worst gameplay and story u can get but awesome graphic: Every braindead kid wants it… ;)

  4. btw if with HD models comes also hitbox rework (so far usually nerf) will premium tanks have reworked hitbox too?

  5. - Havok will come earlier than in 9.6

    mhhh before they said 9.1 or 9.2. Sounds now a little bit like “F*** we got way more problems with implementing havok than we thought.”

    • Yep this smells like some good ol’ wargaming (remember the 8.10 and 8.11 patch …)

  6. Yeah, the HD model’s wheels seemed completely flat in the old

    Btw, Gnomefather just posted on FB that he got kinda accepted to work for WG, Minsk, so we can expect better sounds soon~

    • it was an april fools day joke ;) he wrote the mail to himself, and why shoul WG accept him for work there when they already recordet new sounds? in this “Megacompanys” movie SS uploaded there were several scenes where they did record a t44…^^

  7. - Storm reacting on players complaining about FPS loss in 9.0: “Reduce graphic settings” (and “on minimal settings there will be no FPS drop”)

    I would love to bet against the second statement. And i could prove it. :D

    - it’s possible that the other type of Tiger suspension (roadwheels with rubber bands) will come as an alternative hull

    Uhm… then why not bring in other tank types as well? You know… BA-30, Schützenpanzer Sd.Kfz. 251, Sd.Kfz 10, Type 98 So-Da (each destroyed at least one tank if you wanna add that “but they would be weak!”). Because i’m sure you need to model every roadwheel separately.

    - dirt (tracks and roadwheels getting dirty) will come as a dynamic option, depending on the ground type (snow, field etc.), this does not depend on Havok introduction

    Wait… so people wanna see this instead of proper spotting mechanics???

    - apparently, noone really remembered to add spotting damage to player statistics, so it wasn’t done

    But they didn’t forget to remove “step achievement” from tank specific stats.

    • “Wait… so people wanna see this instead of proper spotting mechanics???”
      - not instead but in addition.

      • In an industry you only present something that is demanded by a lot of people. The more folks want it the sooner you produce it (and the more time you mention it will be done). Thus i must assume that the majority of the players want to see dirts instead of spots (bah-dam-tss).

        • Well in industry its also important how much work is needed to produce something.
          And dirt on tracks is like a few hours of work, while changing things at the core mechanic can lead to months of testing and optimization ;)

    • - for the tank, they are concentrating to remodel the game, surly for this year,
      these tanks maybe come in the future
      -dirt and spotting mec, they dont do only one thing

      and since spotting mechanism uses server resource like 70% or more, to reduce and optimise (and make it spheric) is not an easy job either.
      when its done its done

      • “-dirt and spotting mec, they dont do only one thing and since spotting mechanism uses server resource like 70% or more, to reduce and optimise (and make it spheric) is not an easy job either.”

        Ok… spotting is “hard” to balance and to keep up i admit. Dirts are more easy and cheap i get it.
        BUT WG employs programmers who can switch from one part-job to another (if it is in the same language [C++ and such]) so reorganizing human resources to get a job done asap is quite easy in their case imo.
        TL;DR: Use 2 guys on dirt mechanics and 20+ dudes on spotting and we will be happy.

    • “Uhm… then why not bring in other tank types as well? You know… BA-30, Schützenpanzer Sd.Kfz. 251, Sd.Kfz 10, Type 98 So-Da (each destroyed at least one tank if you wanna add that “but they would be weak!”).”

      …run by me again how does this have ANYTHING to do with what Storm was writing about?

      “Wait… so people wanna see this instead of proper spotting mechanics???”

      Seriously, you people need to stop forcing your hobby horses into completely unrelated contexts.

  8. havoc will comea earler than 9.6 …. oh rly? i remeber u was saying it wil be in 9.0 then evry news was abaut 9.2 what now earler then 9.6? u mean 9.5 loolz 8 months

  9. “after T34 (US prem heavy) is reworked, it will recieve the later 120mm gun barrel model”

    Speaking of barrel models, shouldn’t the muzzle brake on the Tiger II henschel turret look more like this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Tiger_II_mg_7800.jpg/1024px-Tiger_II_mg_7800.jpg), and not like this (http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/KiEY1nkDfFc/maxresdefault.jpg)? The actual one looks slimmer than the one in game. Both the 88 and 105 share the same muzzle brake model.

  10. So improved track movement may mean that they will move independently? Because that would be really cool. Early tanks and even WW2 tanks had very “loose” tracks and it looks very weird that in WoT they are fixed.

  11. “Storm posted the new look of Tiger I suspension for 9.0, which was apparently changed from the test iteration and I have absolutely no idea, what they changed.”

    The outer roadwheels gained depth- extra geometry to support the ridges and the raised wheel edge. Cleverly enough the inside wheels don’t seem to have changed at all, which is a nice middle ground.

    • That’s a smart move from WG. The Tiger wheels looked way too flat before. And definitely needs more polygon!

  12. - Storm confirms that the entire TD class will lose its class bonus to camo after firing a gun

    And when they’re double/triple bushed/magic forested, and they still remain camouflaged people will still complain; because people don’t understand the mechanics of this game.

    • Hmm, as the TD change should promote “shoot and scoot” (which isn’t bad by itself) I don’t see how that really changes gameplay for the “big russians” with their 750 dmg guns… If you can oneshot a lot of opponent’s you don’t really need to care if the dead guy can see you or you can relocate immideately after shooting. On the other hand if I need at least five(7,5cm) or three(8,8cm) shots and 15+seconds of standing still for 750dmg in a JP IV I see how big that nerf really is.

      Don’t get me wrong, I am supporting more mobility and less “real” camping. (waiting in a bush staying invisble vs. sniping from third row into ongoing engagements. The latter is much more fun anyways). But then I feel especially in the medium Tiers (5-8) some TD trees are much more hampered by these changes then others. All in all an “all class” alpha, dpm, hp ‘rebalance’ could really tilt the scales towards more mobility again (because it allows players to take a calculated risk or make some small mistakes)… As I see it these changes only lead to more camping high Alpha TDs on the battlefield and even less incentive to be mobile, thanks to the increased one-shot risk.

  13. - Storm confirms that the entire TD class will lose its class bonus to camo after firing a gun

    As always, next candidate, remember the arty nerf….

    - after T34 (US prem heavy) is reworked, it will recieve the later 120mm gun barrel model

    And this gun may be worse…
    But hey, the customers have already paid for it, so nothing to worry about

    - new grass and tree render will come this year

    And more birds please, that is vital for the gameplay.

    - M103 roadwheels have fewer polygons than other roadwheels simply because there are too many (and noone will zoom closely on them in the game anyway)
    - Storm reacting on players complaining about FPS loss in 9.0: “Reduce graphic settings” (and “on minimal settings there will be no FPS drop”)

    Of course, WG is implementing HD models, so this is what you get.

    To quote some famous WG employee:
    “Wanna play a good game? – Don’t play World of Tanks.”

    • “And this gun may be worse…
      But hey, the customers have already paid for it, so nothing to worry about”

      it will recieve the later 120mm gun barrel model
      the later 120mm gun barrel model
      gun barrel model
      barrel model


      • Right, in the meantime I’ve found my glasses again.

        Sry, didn’t read correctly…

    • “And more birds please, that is vital for the gameplay.”

      Homing pigeons from Worms please? :)
      SRSLY: I think the “render will be improved” is meant “we will make sure the foliage won’t mess up your FPS”. At least i hope this is what they meant.

    • The average wot player doesn’t even know there is such a thing as spotting mechanics. The average player wants shiny stuff like new HD models and muds on tracks. Obviously, mud on tracks has a much higher ROI potential than improving the spotting mechanics.

  14. Hopefully the M6 will receive a worthwhile buff I might have to start using mine again.

  15. “apparently, no one really remembered to add spotting damage to player statistics, so it wasn’t done”

    they laugh at us !!!!

    nerf TD is a very bad news….

  16. The FPS loss is…interesting.
    My rig is very modest (AMD Phenom 9550, nVidia GTX 275) and my FPS went *up* on the test server, with all else being equal, and I was even able to increase some of the eye candy without a loss of FPS. So I’m curious what kind of modest systems others are using that experience a drop in FPS. It was my understanding WG reworking a ton of things under the hood to improve FPS gameplay.

    And as an aside:

    “First they came for the Artys
    and I did not speak out because I didn’t run an Arty…”
    I love playing TDs, I will be saddened if they nerf them, esp since I run some of the more fragile ones (FCM36PaK40, ARL V39)

    • They also nerfed the fps and smoothness for some users, apparently nerfing arty and TDs wasnt enoug, they must also nerf game performance…

  17. Best thing is that, if they keep nerfing all tanks but heavy , soon people will cry why there are 10 heavy/5 spg per team -.-

  18. - Storm reacting on players complaining about FPS loss in 9.0: “Reduce graphic settings” (and “on minimal settings there will be no FPS drop”)

    I say it’s BS. The game on testserver works fine on 50-60fps till it comes to shooting. When tanks start to shoot, my game becomes nearly unplayable. I turned off extra effects, but still. On normal server everything is fine.

    • Yep the smoke seems to be buggy/very demanding. I can put everything on max with 50+fps but as soon as tanks start shooting it goes down to <20fps.
      But for me thats am old problem, have it since 8.x . Used wot tweaker to work around it.

  19. M6A2E1 probably gets brought up so often on the RU server because they only just stopped selling them, so there are a very large number of them over there with a large player base.

  20. after arty nerf, lot of player start to play TD
    what will happen after TD nerf? (if it will be huge as arty nerf)

    • People will start playing meds. Or heavies. Or quit. (’cause nobody wanna play arty or scout… you know… the 2 most broken class)

  21. “- Storm reacting on players complaining about FPS loss in 9.0: “Reduce graphic settings” (and “on minimal settings there will be no FPS drop”)”
    - Well, of fucking course they do, usually coders optimize so people get better performance (like bf4 with mantle), not make minor graphical changes that the game cant support beeing single core only. It think its idiotic that people get less fps with same settings as in 8.11, and simply reduce graphics doesnt work because people with good enough systems still get worse performance. You can have a 5ghz i7 4930k and tri 290x for all I care you wont be able to get 100+ fps on all max stable, which shows the game is behind as hell. There is little performance increase having a high end system verus a mid to low end in wot, which is wrong for those who have invested in a better system to play their mmos.

  22. The users are complaining about TD’s and they get nerfed….
    The users are complaining about FPS drops, so just lower your graphic settings (despite the fact they intrdoduce new fps-dropping features….).

    The users also complain about missing multicore support -> would need some good developers, WG doesn’t want that.
    The users als complain about heavy lags, packetlosses and game that is at some times not playable anymore -> German WG support states: Defragment your SSD – nothing else happens.
    The users complain about WG Office in Paris -> they hire more crappy people with no clue of the game.

    The day will come WG complains about customers only playing for free and not to spend any money anymore -> How terrible…..
    Nobody wants to play WoWP or Battleships, thx for slapping your customers in the face day for day….

  23. SS, what they changed was that, at first, the roadwheels were only bump-mapped, so all of the details you see on them in that pictured weren’t modelled. In that picture, they are properly modelled and not bump-mapped.

  24. - after T34 (US prem heavy) is reworked, it will recieve the later 120mm gun barrel model.
    Wasn’t confirmed. Just said that they’ll look into it.

    Too much wrong interpretation of answers.

  25. - Storm admits that when they made the M6A2E1 model the first time, they collected wrong references, it will be corrected, when it’s remade to HD (SS: I have no idea why they actually bring this tank up all the time)

    i don’t understand why you have no idea, it’s one of the most important tanks ingame which has been seriously neglected, it’s the FIRST tier 8 premium ever(and a HVY to boot) AND a preorder tank which means it’s a collectors item in the EU and US servers and wont be sold EVER again (no idea why they sell it on RU server…)

  26. I’m not sure why they keep bringing up the M6A2E1 either… seeing as no one has been able to buy them in any region other the RU for some time…

    • They balance with data from the RU server, so if the RU server has 20,000+ of them they have quite a few more active users of it who want it balanced.

  27. - M103 roadwheels have fewer polygons than other roadwheels simply because there are too many (and noone will zoom closely on them in the game anyway)

    Wow lets get everyone hyped for all these new details and cool HD – graphics but half ass this tank instead of giving it the same work as the others lazy bastards

  28. In theory a Heavy could sit in the back and snipe like a TD… Some do and it’s annoying because it slows down gameplay, plus the are easily spotted and destroyed even though they have much more armor and hp. This is a good thing because it forces them to the front. If TDs behavior switches to this, you will be spotted and destroyed in seconds. What will be the advantage of a TD??? Why would I want to drive something that will be destroyed as soon as I take a shot? How is this balanced?

    • Easy now Zaitsev!
      You know TDs should SUPPORT fire which means they have to have somebody with them who can withstand a bunch of shots or distract the enemy long enough and they are not about “i’m gonna snipe the shit out of you” (that’s the arty…).

      • Because even pubbies totally don’t grasp the idea of “shoot the squishy thing with the big gun first” or anything right?
        goofy pls.

        Also not really seeing what ELSE the vast majority of TDs are supposed to do but SPECIFICALLY “snipe the shit out of you”, seeing as how many are rather fragile and the vast majority lack a turret which *severely* hampers mobile tactics nevermind now any kind of closer fighting.
        At least a lot of the bigger ones are relatively tough to kill from the front.