Connection Timed out, still got the gold after a few mins. Working as Intended™
I just redeemed this in WoT, (1.10pm CET). Seems people had been saying they had reached the limit, but apparently it’s just random.
Can you telle me WHERE EXACTLY the codes are posted? I am watching the stream but i don’t see any chat…
Wot connection timed out ,,,, WoWp surver temporaty unavaible….
WOT time out
I could not even log in to WOWP
and now
You have reached the code usage limit. WTF!!!! -_-
Is the stream on? I wanted to watch it…
Disregard, it just came up for me.
You have reached the code usage limit.
I haven’t seen any codes on strem either, where are these from?
Code usage limit is so dumb, but I guess they don’t want people using 35 codes in a row. Limit is prob something like 3-5 a week. Can’t use it on the WoWP site either.
Where are the codes posted? on STREAM but where? on lower part? left part? full screen?
on comercials??
Omg, stop posting fake codes here, we are charging the servers, when we try codes, and this is why some people cant redeem codes…
Code is DEAD !!!!
FFS WHY NOT TIME LIMITED????? This is so hectic and frustrating. You receive a code and you rush to activate it. And the server is dead or the code is used. Or you are lucky and get 50 gold.
This is like a russian (ba-dam-tss) roulette but with 1 slot unloaded and the others have ammo.
it seems they dropped out 2 codes at the beginning and there will be no more, it was just the trap to get the ppl watching again
Yep, yesterday was just one and it worked, ppl still watched, today they released 2 codes to make sure…
aaaaaand nope
These are the same bullshit leaked codes from yesterday, but they have been re-activated again. Now at certain intervals and not all at the same time.
Cannot redeem code on my EU account…
I just did redeem it through worldofwarplanes
WoWp dont even open up for me.
Did redeem on WoT.
Same for me as for Woras. WoWp giving “Error 504: Bad Gateway”. Seems the site is down.
But it DID WORK on WoT EU site.
“Unable to login” – going around from NA to EU :D
Edit: working again.
Edit2: Server temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. – when trying to enter code.
doesn’t work anymore, what did you get by the way ?
Worked on my EU acount
Activated on WOWP 1min ago, thanks!
Connection timed out, please try again.
Its working, thx :)
on WOT or WOWP site ???
WOT – Connection timed out, please try again. – regardless minute or so latter 100 g shows up on your account
I enter the code in WoWP and it says timed out and there but i take the gold in my acc
Looks like WoWp site has been hammered in to the ground :)
WoWP is down, WoT .. “connection timeout” …
interestingly on Wot website it said the code had reached its usage limit but WoWp still accepted it? :/
It’s not impossible that they intentionally shut down WoWP because of a loophole. It wouldn’t be the first mistake they made.
wowp error gateway something!
and wot fail as always wont accept code!
Thanks bro for the codes :)) it is really helpful, considering how lovely yesterday was :))
SOBWGFU2014 new one
Aaaaack, you tricked me into this one ;o
Biggest noob game maker team ever …..WOWp and WOT website are down ….
WTF are they doing ?? Connection timed out, please try again. 504 Bad Gateway
Connection Timed out, still got the gold after a few mins. Working as Intended™
I just redeemed this in WoT, (1.10pm CET). Seems people had been saying they had reached the limit, but apparently it’s just random.
Can you telle me WHERE EXACTLY the codes are posted? I am watching the stream but i don’t see any chat…
Wot connection timed out ,,,, WoWp surver temporaty unavaible….
WOT time out
I could not even log in to WOWP
and now
You have reached the code usage limit. WTF!!!! -_-
Is the stream on? I wanted to watch it…
Disregard, it just came up for me.
You have reached the code usage limit.
I haven’t seen any codes on strem either, where are these from?
Code usage limit is so dumb, but I guess they don’t want people using 35 codes in a row. Limit is prob something like 3-5 a week. Can’t use it on the WoWP site either.
Where are the codes posted? on STREAM but where? on lower part? left part? full screen?
on comercials??
Omg, stop posting fake codes here, we are charging the servers, when we try codes, and this is why some people cant redeem codes…
Code is DEAD !!!!
FFS WHY NOT TIME LIMITED????? This is so hectic and frustrating. You receive a code and you rush to activate it. And the server is dead or the code is used. Or you are lucky and get 50 gold.
This is like a russian (ba-dam-tss) roulette but with 1 slot unloaded and the others have ammo.
it seems they dropped out 2 codes at the beginning and there will be no more, it was just the trap to get the ppl watching again
Yep, yesterday was just one and it worked, ppl still watched, today they released 2 codes to make sure…
aaaaaand nope
These are the same bullshit leaked codes from yesterday, but they have been re-activated again. Now at certain intervals and not all at the same time.