Hello everyone,
since Patch 9.0 is active on the Russian server for a day already, Storm is asking the Russian players for 9.0 feedback. Apparently, some players have had their FPS actually increased (SS: but a lot of players complained about massive FPS drops). He also asks about feedback on the historical battles, HD models and everything else. He mentioned the “secret M4 nerf” and explained that they simply forgot to add it to the patchnotes – it happens when there is a patch with many smaller things, sometimes, something gets forgotten.
From the discussion:
- there will be no separate client for HD models and “old” models
- if you see a flash in the sniper mode and you have it disabled in the settings, it’s probably mods
- apparently, there might be an issue with long queues for historical battles as well, developers are watching it closely
- the sound of tank destruction was changed, other sounds only had their volume tweaked
- inside of the gun barrel was made darker intentionally
- there will be new effect implemented when the tank gets destroyed – massive flame and burning, followed (SS: if I understand it correctly) in some cases (certain chance) by an ammo rack explosion
- Sherman was actually statistically quite OP, that’s why it was nerfed in 9.0
- there is no Tiger I in the Ardennes and Balaton HB, there were no Tigers there historically
- Panther/M10 premium will be added to Ardennes later
- apparently, in 9.1, Maus will be neither buffed nor nerfed
- Storm is actually home today, he is ill
- if you see models at distance riding around without tracks, increase your model quality in settings
- there is something wrong with the Tiger suspension (“lifted”?), it will be fixed
- hangar puts a lot of strain on the videocard, Storm states it will be optimized (in 9.1/9.2)
- in the future, it will be possible not to download HD models
- WG will monitor the FPS situation, because many report FPS drops (Storm however adds that many also report FPS increases – apparently, weak computer owners report increases and good computer owners report drops)
Storm explains why the tier table was removed from the battle queue screen:
“Some guys wrote a mod, that analyzed the data from this table and allowed players to enter the battle at those times, where the chance to end up as a top tank was highest. This chance was made seriously higher. In order to fight this mod, we decided to disable the transfer of this data to the client. I didn’t post this earlier not to bring attention to this mod.”
- patch 9.1 will be more like a patch that fixes the bugs from 9.0
hmm being Toptier all the time.. lets play Tier 10 :D
It’s why I love Valentine II and Pz. B2 :P
Pz B2, exactly the same as Char B1 but awesome because of top tier MM! <3
Probably too challenging for the users of that mod. They’re more at home in a tier 2 games in their T18.
There was one operational Tiger I for the Ardennes Campaign, in a Reserve Cammand element? NOT going to look for link. Saw a nice pick, looked genuine. Had an amazing 88L/56……..
The 501st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion still had Tiger 1s in the Ardennes…WG makes dumb excuses so they can balance historical battles
Funny, there are pics of Tiger I in the Ardennes, 2 got destroyed by the British AFAIK
Last of the Panzers: German Tanks 1944-45. page 47
- patch 9.1 will be more like a patch that fixes the bugs from 9.0
- patch 9.2 will be more like a patch that fixes the bugs from 9.1
- patch 9.3 will be more like a patch that fixes the bugs from 9.2
Im in the process to download the update, but is ammorack explosion/HD models avaible in old render system?
It should be, I played in the test server with standart render and new models as well as turrets flying were there
Ok thanks:)
Yes it is. As turrets become a block of metal that can be used as to hide your LFP and pushed around, it’s crucial to see that also in old render system.
“Magic! Can’t even hit that LFP from 20 meters away! Something is blocking it!”
Well I was thinking about someting Storm or someone who said that the old rendersystem is not being worked on anymore. So I wasnet sure if they added that thing into the old system.
Old render is not being developed graphically, but still you can see the difference between old model and HD model even on old render, and changes like turret flying off don’t actually have anything to do with render, so it is implemented even on old render.
- there is something wrong with the Tiger suspension (“lifted”?), it will be fixed
Simple: The suspension “lifts” the tank too far up, so the distance between top track and the tank itself is too high. This has already been mentioned here with some pictures i think.
I will copy here a source from a blog. I did not checked if it’s true or not:
It says, that during the battle of Balaton (operation spring awakening), axis powers HAD Tigers.
“Upon completion of the combats between 29 March-10 April 1945, the artillery staff of the 3rd Ukrainian Front in presence of representatives of NIBT Poligon, Ammunition Narkomat (ministry) and artillery branch of the Soviet Army conducted again the inspection and research of the knocked out German combat machines in the area of Balaton Lake, Elusha canal, Kapos canal, Sharviz canal, Sekesfehervar. In the course of work the committee accounted and observed nine hundred sixty eight (968) knocked-out, destroyed or abandoned tanks and SP guns as well as four hundred forty six (446) personnel carriers (SdKfz). Many vehicles previously inspected in February 1945 were also included in statistics. Four hundred machines, which were the most interesting for research had been marked and examined. All heavy tanks and new brands of SP guns underwent the special study. Out of 400 examined destroyed tanks and SP guns there were 19 units of Tiger II, 6 units of Tiger, 57 units of Panther, 37 units of Pz-IV, 9 units of Pz-III (mostly flamethrowers, Pz BeobWg III and commanders’ tanks), 140 units of SP guns (StuG, Jagdpanzer etc.), 27 tanks and SP guns of Hungarian brands and 105 units of other vehicles (Wirbelwind, Wespe, Bergepanther, Brummbar, Hummel, SdKFZ 138 Ausf. etc.).
Among the examined 400 vehicles, 389 vehicles were destroyed by the artillery fire, 11 tanks were either exploded on mines or destroyed by other means. By main statistical parameters the result of this inspection were similar to the one conducted in February 1945. The new finding was that the number of armor penetrations made by 76mm AP shells and 57mm AP shells became almost equal. The number of penetrations caused by 100-122 mm shells increased by 2.5-3.2 %. “
The examined vehicles were marked and photographed. The original photographs are kept in the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense and many of them are available in Baronov’s book.
a. O.Baronov, Balaton Defense Operation, Moscow, 2001, PP.82-106
b. Inspection of German armored vehicles, discovered after combats in the area of Balaton Lake, Elusha canal, Kapos canal, Sharviz canal, Sekesfehervar. April 1945 – Central Archive of the Russian Defense Ministry
And the last battles of Hungary… with Tigers everywhere: (w pictures)
The Photo you point to as prove. IS Actually SS Schwere 501/101 in France 1944 moving towards Normandy
Panzerdan: The pictures on the second link are all from Hungary. They were made at Szeged (south-eastern part of the country), and the rest is from the capital and from the Trans-Danube section. (I can only refer to the descriptions)
Only the picture does not fit to the collection, because I’ve found it here too:
About the second picture, I dont know from this view if they are panzer IV’s or tigers with sideskirts.
There s.SS 101 tiger 1′s
There Tiger in the forground is 223 if u look careful in the background the same 3 trees wrapped in ivy are present
Check this link, found today in a post:
The 3rd picture looks like a blown up tiger.
As for the Ardennes, and I’m not sure if they are referencing the battle of the bulge, but if they are, then there are eye witness accounts of Tiger I’s. one of which was from a Sherman Commander, which was published in the show “Greatest Tank battles: Battle of the Bulge” Where an allied sherman encountered a Tiger I (“The only Tiger I ever saw” according to the witness) flanked by two panthers.
But I guess the guys who were there are full of it?
“389 vehicles destroyed by artillery fire”…
“Storm explains why the tier table was removed from the battle queue screen”
Oh wow.
It’s pathetic how players will use a mod to cheat and the legit players have to pay for it… -.-
that’s if you believe storm who frequently is proven to be a teller of mistruths, the table was more likely removed to stop people having evidence to throw at wargaming mm system…..
Yup, this is more likely. I follow WOT mods closely and have not hear of this mod. If there were enough people using it for it to effect the MM, it would have received more publicity.
That is why Storm said that they kept silent about it. They didn’t want people to notice that mod.
Its true, the guy even posted it on the forums. It was a fairly simple scrypt.
Good to see WG adds new bugs with each patch and needs another patch to fix the bugs and so on. Except for the bugs they consider “features”, these are not fixed.
I dont get it, why did they have Testserver 3 “rounds” when the final release still has so many bugs, that apperently, they now have to say the next patch is a bug fix patch….
Patch 9.0 looks like a big fail…
What bugs are you guys talking about? And if you experienced them, why did you not go to the forums? I blame OttoVon and Lumpy for any bugs in this patch. :)
Doesn’t matter how successful the test server is, some things just don’t stand up under the load of full live server. It’s like trying to test a suspension of a car when you don’t have anything that weighs the same as a car!
Adding new things also bring new bugs..
Or in WG’s case: “Same Bugs Different Patch”
Tiger being “too high” bug with suspension was mentioned on test server several times and yet they didn’t fixed it. They are just full of shit and that’s it.
15:00 CEST – it’s 14:03 CEST
I see. Yeah, I was mislead by my country’s GMT apparently. Thanks for the heads up.
can you please stop the whining?
the servers will be running when they finish the update….
dont you have a live outside WOT?
stop bothering other blog users who want to read about real news and info…
This is whats going to happen:
“let’s see… already 15:01… nothing… 15:02 … nothing yet… oh god, i’m gonna die … 15:03 … nooooooooo…. nothing…. i’m going to kill myself…. 15:04 … WG MotherFockers …. where are the servers???? …… omg!!!! …. 15:05 … hurray …. the server are on… 15:07 … shitty game .. new patch is a load of shit… hate this game….”
Apparently you’re the only moron around who doesn’t make a difference between a person who’s trolling and one who’s acting normally.
The Windows time does not show the bonus summer hour.
Exactly, hence we were mislead since our country’s timezone is GMT+2. And guess what? It’s 3:23 PM, lol.
Little_Red_Devil, bro go to church then come back change nick and then speak again…
yes WuSpirit_wot
right away sir….
did you read all the posts about the patch?
can you count how many are for real about the downtime?
or did you feel shoe fitting in your foot????
I updated 9.0. but I cant play yet? and why?
In czech republic – we can play from 15:00?
“Some guys wrote a mod, that analyzed the data from this table and allowed players to enter the battle at those times, where the chance to end up as a top tank was highest.[...]”
I’d hope and wish for a mod that shows you the tomato-ratio in each tier. I especially hate these “people” doing an average of 65 damage per battle after 5k battles …. seen too many of those lately and I’d like to avoid them somehow.
Yes, because damage is everything… -.-
actually, in this case, it is :D
I usually check if these people are excessive scout tank players. so far, not one of them was (which explains the WR which is usually somewhere between 40 and 45%).
so, my conclusion: if somebody does an average of <<100 damage per battle after thousands of battles, he might be a really, really, terribly bad player, or a botting or AFK-Cr/XP-farming parasite.
THESE are the people I want to be spared from.
Dont understand how mod can put you in game where will you be top tier, i think that servers or whats puts you in game 15vs15 not mod, but ok… I always wait 10 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec to enter game and how can i choose to put me in game at 23 sec??? Dont get it…
The mod looks at players in the que and takes you out of the que if theres too many in que above your teir. Then ques again when theres less players and repeats till you are going to be top teir.
no tigers in the ardennes? where did WGing employees learn history?
In Stalin’s gulags.
cool… -60-80 fps on lower settings :/ enjoy. WT has a new player
For some reason my graphics are messed up…..
Everything is blurry, tanks look like Karl…
After the update, i did not change my graphics settings, because with 8.11 everything was running like a charm, but now, after the update, everything look like if i am playing on an ancient computer, so crappy graphics…….
Low settings or Medium settings do not make any difference….. what is going wrong here…
I uninstalled the game, and am going to do a clean install….. (read: again wait for the full game is downloaded)
More people having this problem?
You have to change the 3d resolution (or dynamic resolution? Dunno how they call it)
I don’t get a thing, though. On the test server, my FPS were around 50-60. Once I updated my live client to 9.0, I noticed that my frames won’t go higher than 20. I had some mods hence why I am reinstalling the client right now.
Lol, no tigers in the Ardennes according to WG :D
WG is full of shit. You should know this by now. Simple fact that Yuri Shitolok is working for them as historician tells you how serious you should take their claims and statements.
Well i dont know what they’ve done but now getting a headache playing the game. Feels like some sort of motion sickness.
Pathetic way to hide from us the fact, that the tier 8 is broken. How can i now find out whether the queue is overcrowded or not and therefore when can i play my eights…
We dont come up with stupid solutions, because we dont hire stupid people they said…
Can somebody please help me, I have downloaded the 0.9.0 update and now my grapichs are crappy. I have turned all of the grapichs settings to maximum but it’s still the same thing. Please help!!!
You have much higher chance to get a reply on the tech support or game forum, than from the FTR. And post a screenshot there if its something weird.
3D Resolution…
(ment to reply to original thread)
- Panther/M10 premium will be added to Ardennes later
I just played HB Battle of the Bulge and saw an enemy Panther/M10 so what do they mean by this sentence now?
“weak computer owners report increases and good computer owners report drops”
How did WG manage to do that o_O. I just hope my “calculator” (7 y old laptop) can handle 9.0 with a slight help from FPS increasing mods…
“He mentioned the “secret M4 nerf” and explained that they simply forgot to add it to the patchnotes”
Because writing 4 sentences is soooooooooooo exhausting…
- there will be no separate client for HD models and “old” models
- there will be new effect implemented when the tank gets destroyed – massive flame and burning, followed (SS: if I understand it correctly) in some cases (certain chance) by an ammo rack explosion
- Sherman was actually statistically quite OP, that’s why it was nerfed in 9.0
Pff sure. OP like the AMX40.
- WG will monitor the FPS situation, because many report FPS drops (Storm however adds that many also report FPS increases – apparently, weak computer owners report increases and good computer owners report drops)
Finally everyone sees the world as i do… in shitty FPS :D
“In order to fight this mod, we decided to disable the transfer of this data to the client.”
BS! You could ban the mod and use your “illegalmod-detecter” as you fight against other illegal mods am i right?
Graphics performance is very good, did not notice a bit of an fps drop. Loading times of maps seem to have improved even further, taking around ~5secs.
Another change not documented: you can now give 10 complains per day, and they changed the categories :D
I download the patch and instal, then the game simple dont wont to start, only with screen on begining is pop up, and then just exit from game. Enyone have simulare problem :/
This patch is BS. I used to play the game ‘fine’ on 25-50 fps on 1080p. With some fps drops. And slight freezes. And I played on bare minimum settings. Yeah, I think you understand by now, my PC is really not good. Not so bad it SHOULD have those problems though.
See my game now after 9.0. WG SO GUD AT CODING.
Just use the old render or dont play on a potato.
“Some guys wrote a mod, that analyzed the data from this table and allowed players to enter the battle at those times, where the chance to end up as a top tank was highest. This chance was made seriously higher. In order to fight this mod, we decided to disable the transfer of this data to the client. I didn’t post this earlier not to bring attention to this mod.”
I knew it was that shit the moment they said it will be removed. Ive done done with my IS-6 and it worked pretty well. Every battle was tier8 and rarely tier9.
“Some guys wrote a mod, that analyzed the data from this table and allowed players to enter the battle at those times, where the chance to end up as a top tank was highest. This chance was made seriously higher. In order to fight this mod, we decided to disable the transfer of this data to the client. I didn’t post this earlier not to bring attention to this mod.”
I knew it was that shit the moment they said it will be removed. Ive done that with my IS-6 and it worked pretty well. Every battle was tier8 top tank and rarely tier9.