Hello everyone,
so, after raging a bit about the 9.0, I needed something to calm down and laugh about. And what do you know, Wargaming delivers! American server announced the tier 10 discount with an article, featuring Waffenträger E-100 “art”:
Something weird about it? Yea, the gun is the British L7 from the 60′s (at least the front half, the latter half belongs to the German gun). I mean… WT E-100 is unhistorical, but… not THAT much unhistorical. Or maybe it was the nazi Ahnenerbe time machine in action :)
Edit: apparently I was wrong, I thought it’s the L7 “thanks” to the “ejector”, but according to The_Chieftain (and other people), it’s because the artists simply mashed the 128mm and 150mm guns together, producing this.
… I love how they manage to fail time after time.
Edit: Why isnt there a patreon.com link somewhare on your frontpage?
Yeah, seems like a nice solution to fund the operationa of FTR.
Well that shows us WG EU is not that bad^^ such fail much butthurt OMG XD
Oooooh so NA put a fume extractor by accident on the WT auf E-100 that totally means EU doesn’t need to worry.
This is NOTHING compared to how badly EU screws up.
dicker max as a reward tank? Holy guacamole…
You mean EU doesn’t get the on track missions? :O
No. Also, 1.325.000 exp in two weeks with just the waffle carriers… Meeeh, I’m good without the dickermax.
what you talking about? you only need 250k xp.
I think he added all the missions together to get that number.
All the missions run concurrently so that when you finish 25k on 1 mission you’ve finished 25k on all of them. But, still 250k is a lot to do in 15 days. At least for me it is. I prefer on most days to play a variety of tanks so being able to get 250k on 1 (or progress thru 1 line) in that time is excessive. I’d rather just buy the Dmax and be done. But then again I have the money to spare rather than the time.
Yeah, I added everything up, made sense with them being ‘steps towards the wt e100′. If it’s concurrent instead of subsequent, then it’s pretty neat. Still not availible on eu though.
It’s concurrent. It used to be subsequent though, where you had a separate mission for each tank in the line. They changed that luckily.
The mission is not that hard to complete though, especially if you got the full 15 days. Hell, I managed to complete the E3 missions for 2500 gold in 5 days.
Missions are easy, all exp are tied up on those tanks available on requirement. I finished the mission for E3(NA) last time getting the 2.5k gold using wolverine, jackson and T25 AT only. I’m not doing the mission this time because it will fall on patch day for 9.0 so I don’t know how long or the game will be unplayable for few days because of some tweaks or problems will surface
I want too this discount on the whole branch…. and those super rewards for missions!! :(
How did they even manage this one?
Actually, isn’t that just the BL-10 muzzle brake stuck in the middle of the regular L/61 gun? Because it very much looks like that, instead of the L7.
oh god OH GOD! you have one bloody job to do and thats to draw the bloody wtf e100! wg should fire people who dont know their stuff
Well, that’s weird considering they use versions the vehicle models to paint their wallpapers and art in Photoshop. Guess someone must’ve put it together wrong
I guess they didn’t mention the WT E-100 finally got the buff it so desperately needed. Because the guns it had just weren’t cutting it.
L7 with an 8 round clip?
10 round clip
On the first test server of 8.9 the gun of the WT E-100 actually looked like this on the icon which you can see in the tech tree/garage. It was fixed very soon however. Probably it did looked like this originally but they changed it.
Somehow they managed to use that early model. -.-
This is how you balance the TD. Give it a 6 round, 400 alpha gun with 2 sec intraclip and good accuracy.
150% more powerful than the T57 per clip, and not one bit more.
May I suggest Wargaming NA refer to the in-game model of a tank they created before making art of a tank… that they created. At least theres no sheep in this one also ;-)
thats L7 wannabe.
L7 has eccentrically mounted bore evacuator.
Well, AFAIK, there were some icons of WT E100 with bore evacuator, so this could have been made from some early model…
Ah, the famous 150/128 PAMK 46…
Looked like the 183mm for few secs :o
Where’s the miniature sheep?
Well, artists generally don’t know or care much about tanks, so I’m not too bothered by this.
This isn’t a screwup by WG per se – this was an early model. Still the wrong model but heh.
What Zee7 said.
This was how it looked like in the 8.9 test server as an early model for the gun!
You can still see this muzzle brake on the tank carrousel if you google Waffentrager E-100 test on Google pics.
Well…if some of you remember when the WTF E-100 was first revealed it also had that L7.
Even in the first in-game icon, the gun had the L7 shape.
I actually never noticed that lol. Gotta love the worksmanship at WG sometimes.
Looks like the counterweight from the old model to me.
There are two pieces of metal sticking out facing toward the tank, and I’ve never seen an L7 with a bore evacuator like that. Besides, aren’t L7 evacuators usually mounted eccentrically?
What it is is both guns being modeled at the same time… Thus you have the 128 coming through the 150.