Drifting, Donetsk style

Some people use cars for drifting. And then there’s the Donetsk militia, using BMD…

Edit: according to Ukrainian sources, these are terrorists, who stole the BMD. Surely they had no backing or training from Russians…


57 thoughts on “Drifting, Donetsk style

  1. Google out: “lada vs tank”. I lol’d so hard, those crazy russkies :D Who needs a tank when you have a car!

    and to think someone cries about russian bias in WoT :P

  2. Lol, saw this on BBC earlier, all I could think was “Damn that guy is going to snap one of those tracks…”

  3. Yeah, another proof that those separatists are only local civilians not special forces from Russia. Anyone knows that all civilians in Eastern Ukraine can drive BDM so good. It is their regional hobby…

    • What if i tell you that you can basicly drive a tank when you can basicly drive a car?
      Also: give idiots/lunatics some time and they will do extremely complicated thing with objects they just discovered how to work with.

      • They got those BMD’s yesterday so he haven’t got much time… And yeah, driving a tank is like a car… You just get in and drift.

        Also guy with rifle visible on this vid is also not average civilian and rather not even an average conscript… Miracles…

        • “guy with rifle visible on this vid is also not average civilian” < Implying if you own a gun than you are a soldier. Even if you are a hunter or a rich guy with interest in weapons or a "guy" who lives in the "hood"…

          "They got those BMD’s yesterday so he haven’t got much time… And yeah, driving a tank is like a car"
          A., Maybe the driver was a soldier back in the days.
          B., 24 hours are a lot of time ya know.
          C., driving a tank is like driving a tractor or a lorry. (depending on “driving technique” and “drivestyle” approach)

    • If somebody would put you in BDM and let you have fun with it you will be able do do such drifts very soon

    • Guess you never heard of mandatory military service? Every male over the age of 18 has to serve in the army. They are trained in different branches. God forbid some of them receive training in driving tanks. Makes for a lot of “ordinary” men who are capable of driving tanks. Makes sense? Nooo.. It must be the Russsian Special Forces because they drive tanks. I LOL’ed.

      • Yeah sure. On Crimea was also only self defense. As Putin said in March…

        So here comes a surprise “President Vladimir Putin said Russian forces had been active in Crimea in order to support local defence forces, the first time he has admitted deployment of Russian troops on the Black Sea peninsula.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/17/putin-russian-troops-deployed-to-crimea_n_5164899.html

        I also understand that every ex-military has new rifles and RPG at home…. Hahahahaha

        Have all fun beliving in miracles….

        • Try to realize that you are exposed to propaganda for a start. Just keep believing everything you are told. No story has 2 sides. It is easier on your brain that way.

          • Hahaha nice joke man. So Putin saying today that behind Crimean self defense was Russian army is a propaganda?

    • do you know, that majority of adult males from Ukraine served in military? they didnt have proffesional army, but army of conscripts, I dont know if they still do, but yes, civilians from Ukraine can drive military vehicles. especialy russian vehicles are designed as simple, as it gets. basicly anybody who can drive a car, would be able to drive BMD, BMP or russian tank… btw, that BS about russian speaking soldiers, majority of Ukrainians speak or can speak that language, because Russia and Ukraine been one state for more than 300 years. Use your head or google and dont eat all that BS, served by western mass-media. make your own opinion

      • Yep, western mass-media serve only BS while the whole true is in RT and other Russian media. They never lie. Since 1917 – only truth.

        According to Russian media on Crimea there was also only selfdefence blocking and attacking Ukrainian bases. Today Putin revealed that it was Russian army behind these “selfdefence”. Oh, what a surprise… No one expected that…

        Also I do not understand that your BS about Russian language, did I wrote smth about it? No.

        For every reasoanble person it is obvious that whole these separatism movement is controled by Kremlin. But you can of course leave in other world, and listen only to Russian media. You will be free from Western evil propaganda….

        • I recommended to find information on your own, not to blindly believe in mass-media… and second I pointed that russian speaking soldiers/militia and knowledge of driving BMD is not proof of anything. I never wrote, that no russian are involved… they probably are, but you will not see them in news at eight :)

          these are good questions, I recommend it, this topic is not giving you no opinion, only something to think about…

  4. it’s actually easy to “drift” with tank, i’ve done it with T-72M1 in winter though. We use’d to “powerslide 8 figure” when we were playing targets to infantry ( we had laser prisms on tank to register “shots” )

    There is absolutely no traction on tracks when going sideways ;)

  5. I love how the guy with the ski-mask turns around and watches it, then turns around and is like, “Nope, nothing going on here. Just doin’ my job.”

    Lol. They sure know how to have fun over there.

  6. If you asked the troops, they’d say they’re Ukrainian defectors. If you asked the Ukrainian government last morning (EST), they’d say they were actually Ukrainian troops on a false flag mission. If you asked the government yesterday afternoon, they’d say the troops were Russians who invaded under darkness. If you asked the Russian government, they don’t exist.

    I do like the guy rodeoing on the BMD though.

    • “If you asked the Russian government, they don’t exist.” < THERE IS NO RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT? O.O

      BTW: What if i ask the "remaining Ukrainian Army" about these soldiers?
      What if i ask the people who these guys "defend" at the spot?

      Just because these are the people who won't spit propaganda to the asker. At least i hope.

  7. That guy has more experience driving this thing than I have driving my car, maybe he had one at his home.

    No Russians involved.


  8. Согласно данных Украины: “…это террористы, которые украли БМД…” На самом деле новым не законным властям Украины стыдно признать, что они отправили на борьбу с мирными жителями регулярные части, а те в свою очередь отказались воевать против своего народа, оставили им технику и ушли. Ни каких террористов на Востоке Украины нет-это местные жители вооружились, так как не хотят подчиняться Фашистам и Бендеровцам из Киева и хотят опять войти в состав России как было и раньше.
    При этом замечу: Управлять Российской БМД сможет даже ребенок, лишь бы доставли руки и ноги до органов управления.

  9. SS I have to say this – you’re starting to sound very brainwashed and irrational. You see Russian special forces behind every tree, and Russia is to be blamed for everything including the extinction of dinosaurs.

    Yes we get it, you blindly hate Russians. But do I need to come here to read about WoT and then constantly listen to political jabbering on the level of a religious fanatic?

    You dont need to be Russian special forces to drive a freakin armored car, and not even that, but Special forces are trained *not to* parade around. Special forces were on Crimea, they went to action during the night, and you could clearly see they act and behave like special forces. I’ve seen nothing like that in eastern Ukraine. And this parade if anything shows they arent special forces.

    So yeah, that’s that. And since you continue posting political nonsense I’m just gonna stop reading ftr altogether so you can enjoy the peace and continue with the charade.

    • Constantly? He has made 2 posts the last month concerning russian involvement in Ukraine if you count this one…. that he hardly comments on it. Or do you see SS sockpuppets behind every tree and, Silenstalker is to be blamed for every russophobic gest in the comments…

      From what i have seen i assume that SilentStalker is actually a russophile. Please rember that beeing one those does not automatically make you a Cremlin/Putinfile…

      Every country borderin the Russian Federation that are not strong enough to bloody the nose of the Russian Federation (only candidate China…) or are willing to tied politically/economically to the RF should be worried. The actions tha the RF has taken towards their neighbours during the presidency of Putin / Miedviedew all follow the samelogical pattern that seems like it has been taken straight out of Sun Tzu *The art of war* and along the lines of J.C quote * Divide and Conquer*.

    • SS’s bias is almost always evident… I tend to agree with you that he has Russian phobia/despise albeit he usually tries to hide it, not to say it is too successful though. See how he conveniently labels them “terrorists” through secondary sources; west rioter=patriot, east rioter=terrorist.

      Do I approve all the methods current east Ukraine separatists are using? Not necessarily. But international diplomacy hypocrisy over Ukraine from EU and USA (which as a citizen of I do not approve) is astounding. When the west-backed Ukraine rioters riot over economic decision, the EU and USA governments bitch and complain about police being “too brutal” (maybe US should look at our own cops first, they shoot first and ask questions later) and labels rioters as patriots etc.. On the other hand when east Ukraine riots over being treated like second class citizens, being stabbed in the back and voicing their opinion and demands the pro-west Ukraine government ignores them and sends ARMY troops, tanks, planes and not a peep from EU or US.

      I have no doubt that EU and US have been instigating and funding the initial conflict after decision to shy away from economic association with EU. Just like now I have little doubt that Russia is supporting (albeit indirectly) this uprising and protecting their interests in the region.
      In my opinion if EU wasn’t such a hard-ass with their ultimatum policy of “choose EU economic association or nothing” this whole conflict would mostly likely never even happened.

      As the saying goes: “You reap what you sow”

    • Butthurt much?

      Yes, surely I totally despise Russians. Oh wait, developers of this game are Russian and I spend a part of every day translating from Russian and write in Russian communities. Ooops, nevermind then.

      I was actually somewhat on Putin’s side, right before he started invading other countries’ territory.

  10. Those were one of the squads that came to the East from Western parts and switched sides. Some of us who follow the news are lucky enough to witness these soldiers of the Ukrainian army become “terrorist” when they refuse to harm their own citizens…others have no idea what is happening, come late to the party and just sheepishly repeat the lines of an unelected government.

  11. Am I the only one who sees our world slowly shifting towards a new world war, going faster every day ?

    • You are not. Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP7L8bw5QF4
      Hope it doesn’t come to that. I don’t really concern myself with the doomsday stuff though. I just find myself fascinated by the economics of it all (I have minor in Econ). And it is complicated, but in all aspects disastrous. There is a huge economic crash coming no doubt. The last recession just moved the private debt into public debt…but it’s still there.

      • ^ This.

        I had already seen this and agree with the most of the speech. However, ideological resistance is only the weapon of a few. People have been brainwashed for years, since they were kids, to feed on that propaganda without expressing a doubt. In France, most people try to put a tinfoil hat on your head whenever they’re told our economic system isn’t going anywhere nice, that our world didn’t reach a permanent state of peace when USSR fell, that despite alliances, everyone has been building more and more military equipmemt and strategical weapons in the past few years.
        I don’t think the mentioned global mind-shift will ever happen. And since democracy as we know it is just a game of who speaks the loudest…
        I honestly don’t know what is going to happen. My level in economics and geopolitical knowledge don’t allow me to guess much, and politics is something I’d rather stay far from. I’m just thinking from a natural point of view : we are more and more numerous, live older than we used to, but our resources are limited and coming to an end for some (petroleum). There’s no way we can go on without either expanding somewhere else (out of question for now) or drastically reducing our population in the most “human” way : open warfare. Seems to be what we’re the best at…

  12. Much Anschluss.
    Appeasement very efective.
    Wow, all these poor Sudetendeutschen driving like that.

  13. There were Russian military in Crimea, everyone knows that, except those brain-washed. Because there is Russian navy base in Sevastopol, so they just used these forces. And also everyone (again, except brain-washed) knows that the whole Maidan thing is running by let’s say the West. EU politicians were on Maidan etc. But you never mention this fact here. Why?
    All big Media are somehow controlled by big Powers. Not only Russian, EVERY big media is lying. But it’s not a simple lie, for decades they developed a bunch of effective techniques of lying. You cannot even realise that you are being deceived. If your opinion is shaping while you are watching CNN, BBC or RT, then a priori you are being manipulatedi. And when you are accusing of lying just one side, then the other one still succeeds in manipulating you.
    So what just happened in there is that West interfered in Ukrainian affairs and then Russia interfered in response.

    For me personally, at first I was actually optimistic about what was going on in Kiev. I think that authorities should feel they don’t have absolute power and be reminded of that by citizens marching on the streets if authorities are starting to forget. I was even kind of dreaming about moving to Odessa (Black sea coast) after things change in Ukraina, because it’s cheaper to live there, good climate, everyone speaks my language, they’re going to have more liberal laws etc. But it turns out new government is just the same as old. Again people are shot dead by government forces. They even have former main supporters of Yanukovich (mostly oligarchs) appointed as governors of their home regions (guess which ones?). Nothing changed really. Except zone of influence of EU has been expanded, it’s 19th century all over again…

    Есть пастухи и есть овцы. Решил поддерживать одного из пастухов – добро пожаловать в стадо его овец.

    Also about your words somewhere here about you being on Putin’s side before Maidan. It’s just rediculous. You clearly have absolutely no fucking idea of what’s going on in this country. I probably have no right to advise you since it’s like your personal blog, but may be you still could consider this one: keep politics away of this blog. People come here for stuff about World of Tanks. I’m reading your blog because you are doing truely great job of compiling info from different sources and you’re doing it real quick. Bringing politics here makes your blog like ‘hostile’ for those who deeply disagree with your opinion. It therefore makes them angry and you’re losing readers. Ofc you might say that you just like to troll people, but who you are like /b/tard or something?