“Earn” 375 Gold?

Hello everyone,

as you know, currently, there is a monthly mission running on EU server, allowing you to get 375 gold “for free”. It’s simple, really: this weekend, there is a 50 percent discount on the T2 LT, that is also the objective of the monthly mission. If you buy that tank for half the price and have it in your garage when you complete the mission, you will get its full worth (750g) in gold instead of the tank, allowing you to “make” 375 gold.

This is not the first time such a thing happens, so why haven’t I reported on such stuff before? Well, it’s simple – you still have to buy the T2LT now. These “combos” are not accidental, Wargaming is obviously aware of the situation and it is a part of the business strategy and I am… reluctant to help Wargaming with their marketing, as you can imagine.

The option is there though.

35 thoughts on ““Earn” 375 Gold?

  1. Grinnnn, back in the days, there was this special with the T-127. Can’t remember exactly, but you could buy and sell it time after time, each time earning a free garage slot. Lots of players got lotssssss of garage slots then :) Some combos are too good to be true :)

    • There were some codes with T-127, garage slot and some premium days in early 2012. I think. You could sell the tank for credits, and enter another code, up to ten times per account.

    • I am not sure. If you buy it now in game for 375 gold, it will fill on of your slots – then if you get the vehicle price compensated, you get either the slot plus 750 gold or just 750 gold, but you don’t get anything “extra”.

    • Well, i have 64k gold so i don’t have problems with that… and 102 mil credits, what can i buy ?

  2. That is pretty cool, but it requires you to buy it, and also play that much to complete the mission.

  3. There’s a similar event on the NA server, but its nearly impossible (you’d have to find a platoonmate to earn 15k xp with for 28 straight days)…so I didn’t even bother.

    • 15k xp is nothing, especially if you’re running doubles on multiple tanks.

      And if you’re so socially challenged that you can’t find anyone to play with I feel quite sorry for you.

        • idk about you, but if i count daily doubles and prem account, it takes me less than hour to get 15k, if you can make those x2 on the first time, its like 6-7 battles. Not that much tbh )

          • @marty__vole. So what you’re saying is for 28 days straight you can average 1071xp per battle and have a 100% win rate? I’m calling bullshit on that one, especially for the latter.

            • I’m not him, but 7 battles with 4 wins and 3 losses, with base 400exp (600 w/ prem) and 1000 base exp (3000 w/ prem and daily doubles) gives you 14800exp. None of these should be too hard and with around 8min/battle avg and exiting battles you died in, you can be done well beneath an hour.

              I wish i had that kind of mission on my server, too…

  4. Well, most of us got the T2 in previous mission. It was a really easy mission so…. I consider this a added bonus.

    • What previous mission?…
      I don’t remember the T2 Light being offered before via a in game mission, at least, not on the EU server. The US server seems to be getting a lot of extra offers.

  5. Pingback: WoT 375 gold bonus

  6. Im stupid so please help me.

    I buy the T2 now for 375 Gold,

    next week after the special is over i make the mission, which u get the T2 light tank and a free garage slot.

    In the end i win 375 gold and a garageslot + T2

    instead of T2 only + garageslot?

    • Basically, if you are gifted a tank you already have, you get it’s value in Gold instead. So you buy a T2 with discount (375G) and when you finish the mission, you get 750G because you already had the T2. So 375G profit.

      Just be sure not to complete the mission while the discount is up.

  7. Anyone who does want to do this should buy 500 gold, and not any of the higher denominations.
    500 – 375 + 750 = 875
    875 / (your currency) = Best ratio out of all other gold buying options.
    I have only ever purchased gold once, but I think I am going to buy 500 and do this.
    473 gold per £
    353 gold per £ if I take the best “deal”

    The reality of it is that a lot of us shouldn’t be ashamed to buy the odd bit of gold anyhow, after all, if we want it to remain “Free” then they do need to make money ;)…

    Where WG could really screw the pooch here is if their system tracks what you paid for a tank and only gives you back that as a value.

  8. I have the T2 LT in my garage; if I make the mission this week, I earn 750 ou 375 gold ?!?

    in other words, I have to wait the end of the promotion for the purchase of T2LT ?

    • As said, if you complete it while it’s on discount, you only get 375 gold!..
      A lot of people were caught out on the last two tanks with this.
      The discount might even be in place to help lower the amount of free gold entering the game, If that’s the case then we’ll see them discount the T2 until the end of the month.

  9. Thanks for this, just bought one and only need 15 more wins to get the tank/gold (which I’ll do next week!). Nice little bonus this.

  10. T2 Light is 50% off this weekend, so if you have T2 Light in your garage, and will finish finish the mission now, you will only get 50% of gold equivalent.

    I have done this mission before, and I got full 750 gold reward.