Hello everyone,
what follows is the summary of the “Ask me anything” Reddit session with Ectar, Obirian and Evilly.
- 9.0 FPS loss? Inconclusive, differs from case to case, hotfix is planned:
Any issues that players are experiencing with 9.0 we’d ask that they please contact our support team who can look into their specific circumstances. We have a few things being worked on atm and plan to release a micro patch which should resolve some issues. It’s important to people report their issue to our support team so we can accurately measure who is affected and filter out people who have the same issues from the people who have a different issue but just go with the flow and say they have the same problem.
- the hotfix will allegedly come this week
- there are tier 5-8 premium UK tanks planned, tier 8 will possibly come this year
- Havok: 9.2 or 9.3
- Evilly on lowtier tanks in HB: “…we have some ideas about LT role in HB.”
- HB long queues? “We know the problem, working to resolve this issue.”
- Evilly’s favourite tank to replace the FV4202 on tier 10 is Chieftain
- it’s not yet decided whether Neubaufahrzeug and Grosstraktor will become regular premium or reward/promo tanks
- benchmark mode in WoT? “Use tutorial”
- there are plans to change tier 8-10 TD situation (SS: as in nerf)
- it will take cca 1 year to transfer all the tanks to HD
- tier 8 Soviet medium premium tank: light version of T-54, tier 8 German medium premium tank is not yet decided (SS: I actually think it is)
- 3rd Campaign: end of summer
- Roaming: “Roaming is still not live as we are still conducting testing. It’s possible it won’t come till after the new chat updates.” (SS: new chat is scheduled for 9.1, according to Storm)
- new historical battles will come in 9.1
- Evilly confirs: Scorpion is the hightier US premium TD
- 9.1 will bring NO new HD tanks, devs are waiting for HD model feedback
- 9.2 will bring 15-20 HD tanks
- new grass/bushes/trees render will come in steps this year
- EU will not get the “Top of the Tree” missions US server has
- the final list of tanks to buff/nerf is not ready yet
- future WG projects might not run on BigWorld, but on other engines, WoT will not switch to another engine
- developers are aware of the minimap icons “jumping” issue, they are working on it
- M60 will not be available outside of CW campaigns
- British tank historical battles will come soon
- Fortification mode is coming soon
- no new regular tanks in 9.1-9.2
- developers are considering replacing the FV215b (120)
- confirmed: Firefly is coming
- there are plans to introduce more maps to team battles
- no plans for any new premium arty
- FV4202 will not change soon
- there is apparently a bug, where many HD models on screen cause massive FPS drops, developers are aware of it and are working on it
- currently no plans for amphibious tanks or underground maps
- Stalin inscriptions will not be removed, nazi inscriptions will not be implemented
- developers are considering making the game more mod-friendly
- confrontation will return once it is rebalanced
So what WILL 9.1 bring? Apart from optimization I guess :P ?
As for Chieftain as a tier 10 medium… I dont like it. The Action X would be a better choice IMO. Chieftain would be great heavy tank though :) !
moar HB :) then we allwayse have… uhmm maybe not
but atleast we got….. nah not that
well i think we will get it kinda soon, then we get Havoc physics in 9.2 :D
Chat 2.0
wow, what a major change for gameplay. The only bloody thing they have to do imho is to hardcap TD, at least on high tiers. Then i will be perfectly fine.
hardcap in regular battles WILL screw their hardcoded malfunctional matchmaking, god bless they are aware of it and never implement such a feature…
if there is hardcap on arty, why cant be their on TDs?
Followed by hardcaps on heavies, mediums, then lights, then artillery, until MM consists of 0 tanks vs 0 tanks.
well i dont know how much you play hightiers, but there is no need to have such a hardcap, since HT/MT/LT dont break the gameplay like artillery and TD do. Basically any map where is more than 6-7 tier X TDs turns into massive campfest, except the city ones. If there were battles consisting of 15vs15 heavies and meds, the game would become much funnier, at least for me.
And by the way, there is hardcap on arty already, as i said before :)
Surprise! There is a arty hardcap and you can still drive around in your Light! It only makes sense in a game about tanks to reduce the amount of fire support vehicles (TDs, SPGs).
It’s VERY important for some (mostly clans and people with friends, because the current system is a major mess)
Makes sense to have Chieftain as a 10 medium because it was a MBT just like the T-62, Leo I, etc. The concept of MBTs is more in line with Mediums in WoT than Heavies.
It would have to be an early prototype though, not a production model Chieftain because that would be too good.
How many meds in game are armed with a 120 gun? For me the Chieftain is a far better fit for the Heavy line also as at least it was actually built, the 4202 also at least got a prototype built? Or are WG going to use it on the med line so they can hammer the gun into being useless?
Why oh why does the FV4202 being replaced by the Chieftain mean the Chieftain is a Medium? There is no WoT ‘law’ that says all tanks in a branch have to be the same type and we have examples of Mediums in predominately Heavy branches and vice versa. Please see T57.
yay, i asked some of those questions :D really hope they dump BigWorldEngine, i do belive it is not giving them opertunitis, just limitations.
Considering WG owns BigWorld now, I think they are already in the land of opportunities. They just need to use them. :)
the land of opportunities is a dumpster…
bigworldengine was bad and ugly, now is bad and ugly but also requires higher specs than war thunder…
So, basically the game is fraked up and WG may be will do something about that…
- currently no plans for amphibious tanks or underground maps
WHO THE HELL ASKED ABOUT “UNDERGROUND MAP” and what the hell is it? War in the kingdom of moles?
The mines of Moria.
Sheldon was killed by ROCKS
T-95′s ready for action – http://static.mmorpg-center.com/wot/T95_mole_skin_1.jpg
The 9.0.1 patch is expected this Friday.
Fixed :P
Benchmark mode? Uhmmm…. load replay, change settings, compare recorded FPS with current FPS (in brackets)? Too hard?
Which value of the fps should be considered during gfx settings fine tuning ?
Well, having fps fluctuating all the time on the ref replay is not helping to have a mesurable graphical performance, especially when sometimes you have better fps and sometimes worst (I checked).
Having a screen at the end of the replay providing min/max/average fps would be much easier, reproductable, and sharable.
Chieftain is a bloody heavy, not a medium! I want Centurion AVRE for teh lulz :D
Chieftain is MBT so it’s a hybrid between heavy/medium. In WoT terms, it can be whatever the fuck WG wants. Now stop picking on trivial stuff.
Yeah, but I still want a Centurion AVRE as either Tier 10 medium replacement or a tier 8 premium :D
So you want ANOTHER tank that serve only to throw HESH?
For such a slow tank to be a medium would be a bit silly, but not unprecedented, e.g. Sherman Jumbo.
Chieftain on top of Medium tree as a Heavy, like T57.
” -Stalin inscriptions will not be removed, nazi inscriptions will not be implemented”
…Seems legit.
Redirect your inquiries to the German legislative body.
World of Double Standards.
Not really. In many countries the Nazi symbols are illegal. The name “Stalin” is not.
In Hungary soviet symbols are illegal too.
and many other post commie eastern european states. Maybe we should give our legislative bodies a friendly nudge in the right direction…
Their butthurt populist legislation doesn’t mean shit if it’s not actually enforced to any meaningful degree.
The one on Nazi stuff *is*.
You have a point there Kellomies.
In many countries both: Communist and Stallinist symbols are illegal.
If the Russians want to worship a murder let them worship a murder as for nazi symbol it was actually a refill us symbol prior but no gives a shit about anymore only about the fact nazis and I can understand why it would be illegal.
Words are wind. They say nothing about those that hear/read them and many things about those saying/displaying them.
“M60 will not be available outside of CW campaigns” What happened to their regret over releasing such a popular tank like that?
WG: u mad, capitalists?
so far the only meaningful thing will come in 9.0 is the tank rebalance. 12 to be buffed and 8 to be nerfed. I wonder how effective these changes will be!
as for the supposed Tiger I nerf, they can nerf a little of ROF or HP. but at least give it some turret traverse back!
sorry meant 9.1
I don’t know man. IRL the Tiger had really shit turret traverse, and you can’t just ramp it up. Besides, it’s a slow moving heavy, it doesn’t have to snapshot targets.
The Hellcat has an even slower turret and it’s doing fine.
Are you fucking stupid or trolling? Almost all tanks in game have buffed turret traverse to make the game more balanced. Remember it’s not simulator. And Tiger had it’s turret traverse much higher before they nerfed it, so i really don’t see why would be that big of a problem to just reverse the nerf. Well, only in case that German tonks needs to be “historically accurate”(read shit traverse) but superior sovjet machines are balanced(read higher than rl traverse)
Nearly every tank in the game has turret traversed buffed from its historical specs.
Or nerfed, e.g. American tank destroyers. IIRC, Tiger traverse is only 6 deg/s historically., virtually unplayable with WoT dynamics.
M10 Wolverine had famously shitty traverse rate you know (manual only IIRC). Especially before the counterweights were added to the bustle to improve balance.
- developers are aware of the minimap icons “jumping” issue, they are working on it
That is WG servers at it’s finest … lagging as f***.
Change server and you will “never” see icons jumping … well lag will probably never go away but still worth of try.
future WG projects might not run on BigWorld, but on other engines, WoT will not switch to another engine
Dammit WG, bigworld is the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen.
Maybe because they invest a lot on Bigworld engine so we can’t expect them to just leave that engine, and I’m not sure about bigworld 2.0 or maybe they will change to that engine. WoT still not on 2.0 right?
- 9.1 will bring NO new HD tanks, devs are waiting for HD model feedback
Hope 9.1 will bring the possibility to deactivate them at least anyway
benchmark mode in WoT? “Use tutorial” – Didn’t get this one.
I thought Chieftain is more viable to replace FV215b 120mm.. and vickers for 4202..
hot fix this week, and 9.1 is the real fix perhaps?
I agree, the Chieften makes more sense as a heavy and the Vickers MBT (with the 120mm cannon) makes sense as the replacement for the FV4202
“benchmark mode in WoT? “Use tutorial” – Didn’t get this one.”
I’m guessing this refers to a way to test the performance with given settings in a game rendering situation probably. To determine if fps etc is acceptable or not.
But I could be wrong, some things tend to get lost in translation :). If it is what I assumed it to be though replays are a good way to test it outside actual live battles.
You are correct, good sir. War Thunder has benchmarking with multiple different scenes and circumstances but you can recreate it all with replays in both WT and World of Tanks so I don’t see benchmarking coming to WoT anytime soon.
They meant that you should use the tutorial to estimate if the fps are better or worse.
But with fps fluctuating most of the time, and not consistent when launching same tutorial sereval times, it’s hard to use that as a reference value.
Confirmed:firefly is coming
Ye heard that like 10 times but when?? Summer, november, 2017???
He said he would like the Chieftain to replace the FV4202. He did not say it would be a medium.
Although it actually was designed to be more a medium tanks than a heavy tank it’s just the weight ballooned and Leyland cocked up the engine. I think it make an awesome slow hull down esq medium.
Still whatever happens at least we’d actually get it ingame like it should always have been.
I assume we are going to have mk 1 chieftain then with a 500bhp engine pushing a 55 ton tank very medium like
Also remember the difference between would like and will happen.
Silent is that British Premium tanks tier 5 though to 8 (5,6,7,8) or 5&8?
- tier 8 Soviet medium premium tank: light version of T-54, tier 8 German medium premium tank is not yet decided (SS: I actually think it is)
What are your bets SS?
He does not have to bet and, no. He is not going to do a stupid Eddie Snowden routine.
- Evilly’s favourite tank to replace the FV4202 on tier 10 is Chieftain
People still play that POS? ive seen more Obj263′s than that.
I’m at Centurion 7/1 and eager to get my hands on the FV4202. For randoms, it’s just fine.
Yeah I recently quite enjoyed it but it’s still a tough tank to play
I have both the Patton 48 and Fv4202 play pretty similarly. And I would rather play the patton because:
better gun, it has HEAT rounds, bigger view range. higher top speed.
“- Stalin inscriptions will not be removed, nazi inscriptions will not be implemented”
Damn Russians.
Coming soon: all Stalin inscriptions for free!
I’d throw those on just to piss people off. >:D
- HB long queues? “We know the problem, working to resolve this issue.”
What’s the fix to make people play HB battles?
- benchmark mode in WoT? “Use tutorial”
This just shows they don’t even play their own game. If they did they would know that either in tutorial or for example training with 2-3 tanks fps is going skyhigh(because of low number of tank models to render). In training with only 2 people my fps goes to 125 on a REALLY shitty PC, while in real game it’s halved to 30-60. So what is the point of fucking tutorial as benchmark mode?? It won’t show you the real performance anyway.
- Stalin inscriptions will not be removed, nazi inscriptions will not be implemented
Funny comrades. All hail the biggest mass murderer of soviet people!!11 Brainwashed monkeys.
- developers are considering making the game more mod-friendly
They can start by not fucking up working mods in every patch just because they can.
Join clan, debug in 15vs15?
Anyway, I don’t think the difference is quite as big as you make it here ^^;
“They can start by not fucking up working mods in every patch just because they can.”
That’s not their work, though. Even if they had official API – it would still occasionally break stuff. You can’t avoid – for example – breaking all skins when going SD => HD models. It will help, but it won’t fix all problems miraculously (see: Minecraft).
I am in a clan, and i’m pretty sure if i asked 29 people to join my training room because i want to conduct benchmark test i would be told to fuck off. And i am not exaggerating when i’m saying that my fps halved just because i was alone on the map. Try it yourself and see. I’m not saying benchmark is that big of a deal, my point was that they don’t even understand their own game and how it works. About mods. I’m not saying there won’t be changes that will occasionally break some mods(i’m not talking about SD>HD skins here) but there has been some ridiculous unnecessary changes that did nothing that the game would benefit from, but it did fucked up majority of mods however.
Taking into account hundreds of unofficial mods that use thousands of different in game paramaters? Yeah, good luck with that and be happy if a patch comes once a DECADE.
sorry for the question, but what is roaming? is the first time i hear it and have no idea what it could be :P
Option to play on other servers with your own account. For example someone from EU to play on NA/RU server with its own account.
ah ok thanks ;-)
“new chat is scheduled for 9.1, according to Storm”
- Stalin inscriptions will not be removed, nazi inscriptions will not be implemented
because screw the countries where stalinism is illegal, it’s russian so must be in-game. but oh no, nothing anywhere near referencing nazi’s (lets try to remember who killed more people shall we)
Do even those countries’ *own* law enforcements actually give a toss about those bits of blatantly populist legislation?
In China Server, we sell all the tanks, including the M60,VK7201,T95E6.LOL.
China Server is not run by WG so they do whatever they want…
Long queue times for HB’s are easily explained. Few people are playing it and those who are only want to have the best of the best (big cats and stuff like IS-2). This not only drowns out the role of other tanks but also the motivation to play them.
What made the old old HB’s work that were player-generated and managed (big shoutout to Zorinwarfield!) we had certain rules, including a fixed lineup and 50% crews with no crewskills or removeable equipment. This increased repair times dramatically and ment that medium tanks could have a good chance of taking out the few heavies on the enemy team. What’s the point though of playing something like a T-34-85 when you are facing Tiger II’s pretty much EXCLUSIVELY. If you have 5 T-34-85′s balanced by a few Pz IV’s and maybe a Panther that’s fine, but you can put all 5 up to a Tiger II and they’d probably lose out even in a straight up 5vs1 engagement unless they are moderately co-ordinated.
There needs to be genuin incentive to play lower tier tanks. I don’t think queu times for heavies or exp/credit rewards for the lower tiers is going to motivate anyone to play a clearly inferior vehicle practically garuanteed to play against superior tech. I for one, le unicum “retard” (thx SS) EFE player feel i’d be shooting myself in the foot by playing something like a Pz IV or Nashorn and let a tomato play a Tiger II, i’m effectively relying on him to win the game for me, because let’s face it, a Pz IV isn’t going to do shit against an IS-2, not in WoT anyway.