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- armor in the game doesn’t have “real thickness”, it’s simply a line with a thickness number assigned to it
- SU-152P/G in the game? “No comment” (SS: I asked that before – seems like these vehicles are acceptable candidates)
- artillery is doing fine statistically
- it’s possible that the tank hull should (like IRL) behave a bit differently than during the ingame ammo rack explosion, but developers consider such nuance irrelevant
- the exact number of destroyed enemies was not removed from statistics, it is implemented in a mouseover pop-up window
- when a 1000-dmg HE shell damages the tank for 400 for example due to only partial penetration, the remaining 600 will not count towards “damage stopped by armor” statistic
- Storm confirms: the content of the Updates folder in the game folder can be safely deleted to save space

That’s all for today, the contents of the AMA will be posted after it’s over in a separate post.

29 thoughts on “22.4.2014

  1. - armor in the game doesn’t have “real thickness”, it’s simply a line with a thickness number assigned to it

    Do Russian server players really have such bad memory?
    I know for certain this was talked about in length in some past articles actually..

      • No, they are not better! They have only a bit different game play style, but otherwise there are so much noobs as we do!

    • “Do Russian server players really have such bad memory?”

      Do you really have such bad memory? Q&A is CONSTANTLY filled with repetitive questions I think the only reason that we haven’t seen “Skill MM when being added” type questions every single Q&A is somewhat SS not feeling the need to add it unless the devs give a unique funny answer, and somewhat just the devs starting to ignore that question at this point.

      • Oh, wow :O Thank you for telling me that, I did not know that. What would I do without a good person like you to remind me :)

        Btw, that was sarcasm…

    • I’ll tell you a little secret. Don’t tell anyone else, ok? There’s more than one person on the Russian server asking questions. Some of them, here’s the kicker, might be *new*.

  2. - when a 1000-dmg HE shell damages
    the tank for 400 for example due to only
    partial penetration, the remaining 600
    will not count towards “damage stopped
    by armor” statistic

    Is it me or they fucked that statistic up to sky high?
    What was wrong with pot. damage received?
    Another nerf for Maus ;(

    • I don’t care about the newest damage stopped by armour. Meh. The old way of calculating was more meaningful and showed well how much beating someone took that otherwise would be used against his team mates.
      Now you can soak 9000 damage in your tracks while sidescraping and it will show 0 because (technically) you didn’t stop the damage.

      Total bullshit.

  3. I dont understand why is it called damage stopped by armor when it counts damage that passed through armor , stronk logic here

    • Because it doesn’t count damage that passes through armor. Go back and look at the stat. Only bounces are counted now.

  4. I still kinda hope that my SU-152 can act as hybrid arty with bird view to lob my 152mm HE…………

    • Due to the shell mechanism this is unlikely. Artillery shells are hacked so that they fire at such a high arc over a relatively small distance (due to small maps) without taking too long. To be able to fire a high arc with a ‘high’ velocity gun like on most non-SPGs, and hit something in the tiny WoT maps, they would need very high gun elevation, and the shell would take a long time to arrive.

  5. “- artillery is doing fine statistically”

    Hasn’t this been repeated in at least 3 prior Q&As? Do Russian players really whine about arties that much?

    • Unless you are from EU and EU is less whiny than NA I would think that there is probably 20 or so arty whine posts every single day. Well that is if NA was asking. Taking into account the size of RU compared to NA I would say probably 20 arty whine posts every hour.

      • Why should they?
        Top down point and shoot vs someone that has to maneuver, position well, use armour well, aim for weak spots while calculating penetration chances, judge reload of not only your tank, but all the other tanks around you. All while avoiding said top down players trying to drop buildings on them from the safety of their bush at the far end of the map…
        Yes of course arty should get the same XP as real tanks…

  6. - Storm confirms: the content of the Updates folder in the game folder can be safely deleted to save space

    Read that in the Reddit. I just saved 50GB or space :D

  7. - the exact number of destroyed enemies was not removed from statistics, it is implemented in a mouseover pop-up window
    Why!? It’s one of the main stats on a tank and they removed it for a retarded K/D ratio and put it in a fucking pop-up window. Just like someone said before. Usually it goes “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” At WG it’s “If it’s not broken, fix it and fuck it up hard”

  8. - the exact number of destroyed enemies was not removed from statistics, it is implemented in a mouseover pop-up window

    But WHY they did that insane thing??? O.o