Hello everyone,
Storm posted a topic, where he asks for the 9.0.1 hotfix feedback. Please, write, how does it work for you?
For myself, after several battles in earlier “problematic” tanks (for me, Panzer IV crashed the game earlier):
- no crashes
- no sound or tank destruction lags now, sound issue got fixed, which is very nice
- noticeable FPS loss (by 10-15 FPS), I was running the Airfield at cca 45 FPS in 9.0, now it’s barely 30 (edit: I think this was caused by enabling the bugged multicore thingie (see below), when I disabled it, it got better)
- massive FPS loss in city maps (Lakeville city: suddenly 20 FPS – outside of city: 45 FPS)
- noticeable more microlags (triple buffering disabled per Storm’s advice)
- noticeable FPS drops when switching from arcade to sniper mode
Under Storm’s post, Russian players report the same issues: microfreezes are still there, FPS losses. Storm answers that the issue with the tank explosion lags was fixed by pre-caching the sounds and the rest of the alleged lags is placebo. Also, please be aware that the hotfix DID RENEW the “enable CPU” issue, that caused FPS problems for some players. In order to do repair it yourselves, you have to again download the file and replace the original one with it.
And what’s your feedback?
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I can’t say, because NA doesn’t have the hotfix yet. But soon enough…
Though from what you’ve said, this may not be too pleasant.
When is the na server supposed to receive the patch?
So, you want to say that the game is even less playable? Great.
9.0.2 Soon™ , as WG Dev always does.
still crashes, but not so often
“not enough memory” cames now after 15 games – not after 5
lags/freezes are still “working”
the graphic is crap
“Not enough memory” is a completely different issue. Get more memory and/or a system, that can work with it.
3GB VRAM is not enough for WoT? Cause my friend is always getting a message that the system has run out of Video RAM after half an hour of play. Damn Russian megalomaniacs… (or should I say incompetent programmers).
“sorry, we can’t change engine because 70% of our playerbase haven’t updated their computer in 10 years”
Makes everything require massive ammounts of preformance…
Nope. Everything requires low amount of performance.
I have 1280MB of VRAM and only 500MB of it is used when I play WoT on maximum settings.
It’s not about VRAM. It’s about RAM. How much do you have? Should be more that 4.
From my experience “Not enough memory” is caused by WOT leaking memory(for whatever reason) till it hits memory limit for 32-bit process.
Running a 8 Gb RAM system and 1 GB VRAM GPU and getting “not enough memory” notifications after ~10battles (never at the beggining, but only after an hour playing session), for the first time in 3 years of playing WoT.
Working as intended.
WoT is a 32 bits application, thus getting higher than 4 GB is impossible (can’t adress beyond this limit). Actually, it may be closer to 3.2 GB or even 3 GB on some systems (not sure why, this is just like this).
If you reach this limit, this is mainly due to mods that are loading huge amount of data in memory, because regular game never reaches this limit. I played yesterday 32 games in a raw (not a huge amount but much more than what I’m used to) and no crash, no FPS drop, nothing…I just don’t use mods.
If it is related to video memory, the leak can also come from your drivers, maybe you could change them (not always the last version is the best version…).
If this can help.
If the problem is VRAM related, then WoT 9 is probably not releasing resources on the gfx card (in their graphics context), while constantly allocating new ones. Just keep uploading the same textures over and over instead of reusing them (or unloading their old instances first), and you will make VRAM overflow after a while. Alternatively, just upload too many high res textures to the graphics card. BAM.
Bullsh!t. If he keeps getting that message after running the software for a while, there must be a memory leak in the software. Get a clue.
Not enough memory in WoT with missing textures when I ignore this message for a few battles is issue for me as well. Windows complain about running low on memory too. I’m curious what it means (32bit PC, 4GB RAM, 1GB graphic card) and how to prevent it, game takes around 800-1200MB. I guess, I’m running out of swap file and hard drive space on disk C so swap file can’t grow … have to elaborate a little bit.
Problem is 32bit, u can use only 3GB ram.
Time to change comp. Is not so expensive.
I have no problems whatsoever even before the hotfix.
i ammoracked a Conqueror – through its lower plate lol – with the hotfix and (i play on min settings, with the modded engine_config.xml) i must say that it is very smooth, no lags, neither when a tank is destroyed. For me, ethng is fine, will try with the backed up engine_config.xml as well
That shit is one big pile of ammo racks and engine fires.
Yeah its a crap Heavy, should be a TD.
No FPS changes for me. Need to test more to see impact on CTD.
So, no FPS improvement?
“and the rest of the alleged lags is placebo”
Hmmmm, so thousands of players think they have lags, but in reality there are no lags…..(in Storms world/reality)?
Yeah, is lol. Person not know programing tell about it.
If u change one thing, other may be related on it.
My option of triple buffering in preferences was automaticly set to “false” after instaling hotfix. But Sorm said yesterday: “This will NOT be fixed by the Friday hotfix.”
So, did it turn off triple buffering for you too? O.o
No. Had to do it manually. The file has not been modified by 9.0.1 patch. Fresh install of 9.0.1 and triple buffering was on even without v-sync.
More FPS loss……. :(
If u play at 120; 50 is easily playable and you hardly know the difference
But when playing at 30 to begin with, any more fps loss considerably make impact on gameplay.
8.10- 20-23 avg
8.11: 27-35 avg
9.0: 15-20 avg
9.01: stop playing till they get it right
Using Intel On board Graphics with I5 3320M the game was fine in 9.0 with everything set to minimum settings and terrain set to one above. It was in fact running better than in 8.11.
Now the game in 9.0.1 is running worse, even than it did in 8.11, I’m getting sound stuttering and inconsistent frame rates. I’m going to have to wait till I get home to test it with my more powerful gaming rig but it’s worse so far with my work laptop.
I before this fix no have realy trouble – now in 70% battles at end- WoT crashes, disconect etc etc
This hotfix didn’t solved anything for me.
Didn’t had any crash/microfreeze/explosion lags in 9.0, don’t have any of them now either.
The only problem is the fps drop.Changing the triple buffering didn’t affected the fps at all(and I got vsync off) and seems this hotfix also didn’t affected my fps…Still struggling to pass 40 fps on my old settings(which pushed up to 60 fps pre-9.0).And the sniper mode is a suicide mission.Barely passing 20 fps on it.
What a mess. Now I am not surprised that 9.1 will be focused mainly on repairing 9.0….
How the hell is it possible that all these problems were not seen on test server?!?
Games recomends me MAXIMUM graphic performance, but its hardly playable… FPS drops are so significant that i went to medium… after this micropatch is everything still the same :-\ Sometimes after tank is destroyed (spotted) game lags for a few moments and its freaking anoying… considering i played on maximum with 50 – 60 fps in 8.11
Maybe my PC is filled with dust since last week, i’ll look… oh, wait! Theres nothing in there! Maybe WoT 9.0 and 9.0.1 are malware that Storm talked about! Aha!
No wonder I left the game… WG is toying with the minds of so many players and no one bats an eye. Promises turned into rubble… and this is only the beginning. :)
same here, i quit playing WoT recently, since 9.0. WTGF already looks like a better game than WoT. I bet that even AW will be a much better game than this communist bullshit called WoT.
This hotfix did nothing for me,
Ihave 45fps min with a8-3850, 8gb 1600cl7 ram, asus 750ti OCd in 8.11 on max settings, shadows low.
After the update i had 19fps
changing config file, disabling tripplebuf, priority and afinity adjust, OC’ing cpu and vga, settingup nvidia control panel to max usage and stuff, fps now 22-35.
Lowering settings to high, shadows low, still 24-35 fps.
WTF WG?????
So far pretty much the same. Haven`t face those places where I got fps decrease and sounds shuttering so can`t really tell now. Fps is the same, since I started using standard graphics since 9.0.
I turned off the shadows. looks like kinda shit, but with my GTX275 i got 35-25 FPS on Med/below Med Settings
Sort of a meta-comment. Why do I need to come to FTR to read about patches and submit feedback? (Not that I don’t like FTR!) EU web site says nothing. EU forums say nothing. And we’re not even allowed to link to FTR from the forums without being slapped by a moderator.
So my feedback is: why are EU community relations so poor?
Only one answer: Wargaming EU as usual.
Indeed. But is it policy or incompetence? If it’s policy, why? If it’s incompetence, why aren’t people getting disciplined and the situation fixed?
A bit of both I’d say.
Because they WG EU staff are mindless, fearful drones who are afraid of getting kicked in the behind by their superiors from WG. So they try to be tougher than their bosses to satisfy them. If you try to do it better, you are running the risk of getting fired (see Panzergert). WG EU doesn’t want any criticism at all about WoT, because that might hurt its reputation – so they are afraid – and in the end cost WG money (because ppl won’t start playing it). So if they don’t like the message, they behead the messenger, and their tiny little world (there in the dark, where the sun never shines) is alright again.
Compare to 0.9.0
C2D – game crash after 3 to 4 battle, impossible to relogin before game end
FPS – 10-25% loss (i5 3570k, 660, 8GB)
Lags – microlags on 30-45ms ping on spg impossible to play …
*C2D – Crash to desktop
WG perfomance philosophy:
Crashes with high FPS
low fps with no crashes
dat skillz
WG is full of under-skilled programmers. on wonder they fu**ed up this patch so badly.
Sadly, nothing unusual, today’s programmers…
For example, Autodesk still can’t fix numerous bugs in Revit for years (!) already
“Plug & Pray” school of programming. You see it in CNC programs too.
I have a very modern rig and the game is unplayable. Had about 100+ FPS but now it’s down to around 10. It’s such a massive jump in performance.
I’ve tried tweaking the settlings to the point where it looks like the screen is being recorded by a potato but still no improvement for me.
0.8.11 was very well optimised for me. I cannot understand how they have gone backways
From 100FPS to 10FPS is not a massive jump. It’s a downgrade
Play on standard graphics? .
Even with settings at minimum, it’s jumpy and freezy.
You’re too nice with your word, it’s not just massive, it’s total failure. I experience 10-20fps drops from 60-70fps to 40-50.. but not 90% fps drop like yours..
For me arty mode is now terrible. It stutters around, especially if there are tanks in your view. There seems to be a lot of HD access, almost as if in arty mode nothing is cached and every sound or map piece is loaded from HD in realtime.
Awefull ! (luckily it’s not like there is a arty special coming this weekend ;-) )
I have a solution. Stop playing artyfagtillery and grow some balls.
Now these problems are gone. I changed this:
- did the multicore engine fix
- closed Chrome
- killed Java update Scheduler process
not sure if this is related, but arty mode is fine now.
The real issue is that WG constantly try to fix the wrong problem. The problem is not the software (well, of course it is, but it is only a secondary cause). The root cause are WG’s code designers and programmers. Replace them with experienced people who are really good at what they are doing, get a decent engine (Farcry, Unreal 4 …), and you will end up with a functional, performant, reliable game. If you are still believing that WG’s coders do know what they are doing, just remember the 8.11 FOV disaster. That was a mistake so incredibly noobish that it is beyond me how it could obtain approval and make it into the game.
Touch a few more things, like quirked maps, bad gameplay elements, and UI decisions that currently are constantly causing butthurt (do (Belo) Russians love being butthurt? WoT makes me believe so), and you would finally have a tank warfare game that stands up to WG’s big words (and its good foundations).
Oooh, not in (Belo) Russia probably though. Those egos are just too big. Well, anyone remember Shrek 1, when Shrek and the donkey first see Lord Farquart’s castle? “He must need to compensate for something”. Go figure.
Imho’s coders are 2nd or 3rd class programmers and have never really left the state of bloody amateurs.
Played 17 games today, no CTDs, compared to 3 or 4 per day previously. FPS seemed to go back to normal 60-70 FPS mostly, though on some maps it was dropping to 40ish when there were loads of other tanks around.
Reasonably happy with the patch.
Sounds promising…I cannot download the hotfix until later on today, I hope it fixes the crashes for me to. The other things like FPS in general and freezes/lags I did not have a big problem with in the first place, just those damn crashes!
only did 2 quick battles this morning before work and they were on Erlenberg and Cliff.
I saw a decent increase in FPS from 30-35fps up to 50-60fps.
there were more microlags but I didn’t know about the resetting multicore so that might be fixed when I do that tonight.
only small number of battles so couldn’t check the CTD but as I was lucky enough to only get a few since 9.0 released, it was never that huge an issue.
No crashes (yet)
Micro freezes like hell even now there is not very many player online in EU.
Now micro freezes are are more micro than before but it seems to happend very much all time.
-shoting to moving object is more lucky than skill now because timing of shoot is inaccure
- driving fast tank is very irritating it feel like frame rate is about 10 fps even though i got 60-50 fps (I have very low settings because I like playabilyty oves eyecandy)
Frezes aint minde if you drive T95 and shoot only still or very slowly moving targets. That is what I decide do tonight if I play at all
yeah… I changed to old render and… amazing FPS increase!!!! LOOOOL
wtf are you people suffering about… :D
how can U change, plz tell me?
LOL dat noob :)
in hangar, up-left select MENU / Settings/ Graphics tab [Details tab] —
select Graphics
[X] Standard
The problem is that there are no shadows in old render, and new “HighlyDisturbing” models look really flat.
FPS increased. Not so much, but I finally can play. For me it’s a good hotfix.
Hey. Where’s the original post about how to install download? Also, do we have to change prefances again like yesterday’s post with the triple buffering?
FPS drops. Still using gaming time for War Thunder :)))
After hotfix:
No FPS drops when somebody dies.
I didn’t have crashes and errors before so.
Anyway it’s definitely not working worse.
(5Years old laptop, low details, 1366*768; 85% render resolution; 25-60fps)
What is your graphic card? intel 3000 built in?
settings set to maximum, disabled vsync and disabled dynamic change, resolution set to 1080p
i7-4770k no OC, only turbo boost at 3.8ghz
16gb ram
(strorm might suggest I have old system and I need minimum settings..or maybe there’s a problem with my monitor and suggest to buy a 4k monitor)
before micro patch
fps avg 60-70.. low avg 50+ high avg 80-90
after micro patch
fps avg 50.. low avg 40, high avg 70-80
sniper mode: fps avg 70-80, low= didn’t realize since I’m sniping enemies, high avg = 90-110..
just quick 2 games, not sure if the new boot fps drops applies to it, but didn’t reboot the pc prior to micro patch and just started game after patch. I didn’t experience fps drops before micro patch even after pc reboot/new boot up.. I’ll check again later, need to sleep for now..
didn’t noticed about microfreezes since I only experience once or twice or too busy at the game to notice it prior to micro patch, and CTD around 2-3 prior patch..
Ingame crahsed got worse for me it seems …
Fuck this – bring back 0.8.11
So, after the 9.0 fail, WG posts a micropatch to fix that fail and it turns out to be another fail…Damn, even EA didn’t screw up BF4 that bad…
You just have death shields…
Still same 15 fps loss compared to 8.11 (was 30-35, now 15-20), even with the engine patch
Playing on:
- 1920×1080
- vsync off
- antialiasing off
- optimized graphics
- minimal graphic settings (lowest or off)
- terrain quality and draw distance on max
I have:
- Intel Q9000 quad-core processor
- 4 GB ram
- nVidia GT 240m graphic card
- Crucial M4 SSD
Crashes to desktop have continued – I never had fps problems or micro-freezes, except when I turned the graphics details down – turning them right up increased fps by almost double for me.
this is joke :D
so the hotfix screwd it up even more :D
I can imagine developers…
“what does this part of code do?”
“No idea”
“lets change it”
“hmm ok”
“what about this ?”
“dunno, shall we change it as well ?”
“done. Shall we compile it and test it?”
“Nah, release it as hotfix, let’s see what happens.”
no noticeable improvement on framerate , still lags when switching from sniper to 3rd and viceversa
so yeah it’s still shit ..I can only asume that it is a slightly fixed shit
all is well so far – I had to stop playing 9.0 because of ctd’s, but now everything seems to be wad
dead tanks are still moving, that’s creepy, but I can live with that
No crashes so far, but microlags continue. And switching to sniperview and back still isn’t as smooth as in 8.11.
For me only thing thats is bether, is that game enter faster in maps, everythin else is the same, maybe even worse then before. Lags is all the time, enemy tank spot or destroy comes with lags (longer lags then before), FPS drops , and now in sniper mode I have lowe FPS that i didnt have before micro patch. Greate job WG just greate…
Well the first thing I notice is, that the garage does significant slower overheat my graphic card. :) :( : ~
But well now it means, that I can look around again a little bit in the garage. Thats better then before.
My main problem with 9.0 was going 4-24 over the past week. I doubt the patch will fix it. :(
Does anyone have the wot_engine file eddited so that their fail multi core is disabled? I know SS posted it but I want the new one after the patch because they have also changed a few things like cached sounds if I’m correct.
Before hotfix I got updating tankers loop when in platoon, after hotfix I still have that plus now I sometimes have black-screen after match…
Well played about 8 battles and got CTD. Did the wot_engine change played 7 more and guess what….CDT.
well, I am encountering a very wired problem after the hotfix
I now do not have my reticle and loading timer working: both with/without crosshair mod
much better fps but long loading after battles and i took me a minute to exit the game
Working as intended for me now finally! Luckily I completed the mission that grants a free 3 day prem account, so my prem days have sort of been re-reimbursed luckily.
Not much increase in fps, still at around 45-50 with 60 in sniper view.
No CTD’s yet, although its early days!
Tier 2 game on Mines as a test. When multiple people are shooting you, the games becomes very choppy in sniper mode, making very hard to aim and shoot without the game producing the proper visual feedback. This was not the case prior to the patch.
I’m running on a i7 2600k at 3.8Ghz, 32GB RAM, Radon 7950 w/3GB, all SSD drives. Will try to disable the threading option to see how it works. FYI, I have track traces off, motion blur off, sniper details one level below max, all others on max. Prior to the patch, this was fine for any game, and in 8.11 it was producing 50-60 fps. Not any more.
I have another machine that is a i7 3930 hex core @ 4.2GHz, 64GB RAM, GTX780 w/3GB RAM, all SSD drives. Will try that one later.
Additional info after applying the Vsync changes:
Frame rates are 35-40 fps, far below the ones in 8.11 and lower than what I had before this micro patch. That is with track effects, track traces, motion blur, triple buffering, and vsync disabled, and sniper effects one level below max. All other setting are on max as I have had before.
Honestly, I am considering a halt to playing this game until the issues are addressed in FULL. This is unsatisfactory performance given the hardware I have to play on and a poor job by development. Given what was observed in the tests, its obvious this was rushed out the door with inadequate testing, and I say that as a senior IT director at a very large global telco.
In game crashes, map bugs, texture bugs, micro freezes, serious lag especially in tense combat, and sub-standard fps performance on top flight gear is unacceptable. I would be looking for someones head to roll if this were my team doing the work.
Further feedback….
Just went and analyzed three games by running the replays and slowing down the action in some cases. One thing noticed in all three was some delay in firing a shot, hearing the sound of the shot fired, and the actual shell leaving the gun. This was enough to be noticed in the first two to three shots fired in a game after which it appears to clear up and become normal.
FYI, I am not using any sound mods. But this is another example of lag in user actions (pressing the Fire button) and the game actually responding properly (click Fire – sound heard – lag – shell leaves the gun). Noticed in all three games reviewed.
Well, my observations for now (played only handful of games):
- loading of maps still too long (usually I log in like 20-30 s after start)
- after initial problems ^^, fps rate goes to 30-40 (funny thing is in sniper mode I have more than in arcade view – before 9.0 was vice versa), to suddenly go down to unplayable rates (below 15 fps). I observed that it’ happens usually after destroying of an enemy – he can be on the other side of map, not in my v-range, but still it affects my FPS rate.
- refreshing hangar is a bit faster, but IMHO it’s because I installed the pre 9.0 hangar mod.
” I observed that it’ happens usually after destroying of an enemy – he can be on the other side of map, not in my v-range, but still it affects my FPS rate.”
Yes have the same now, think that is the reason for my lags to.
So the game is still shit or even worse, and they will make a awesome event like that before fixing the damm problem. Russians….
I just got Updating Tankers after the battle… FUCK YOU WG!
Looks like many people reversed to standard graphics(which btw works much better than improved).
Standard render shitty PCs master race!!!111
So here i am, not having crashes with standard render, feeling cocky. Installed FUCKING MICROPATCH(because i had to) and all of a sudden got crash to desktop. THANK YOU WARGAYMING, SERIOUSLY THANK YOU. I HOPE SOMEONE BOMBS YOUR WHOLE FUCKING HQ YOU INCOMPETENT PIECES OF SHIT. FUCKING SOVIET FUCKWITS,
Hmm…. 9.0 gave me 20 fps on “improved graphics” and 46fps with Standard graphics.
9.0.1 gives me 10-13 fps on improved graphics (Nvidia’s “recommended settings”) and the game is completely unplayable in that setting.
If I switch to standard graphics I got 23fps with my old settings (only 50% of 9.0). If I switch off anti aliasing I’m back at 46.
The couple of games I’ve played in 9.0.1 haven’t crashed – 9.0 “hung” the game after almost every match, forcing me to shut down the game in Windows and restart (although this didn’t happen so often, if I exited the match before a decision had been reached).
In conclusion:
Graphics have been severely worsened with 9.0.1, while “crashes” seems to have been improved somewhat.
fucking retarded WG, they are incapable of fixing anything….i again have crashes when i zoom in on tank….
I had no microfreezes or lags at all, now after this micropatch, its microfreezes on almost every hit, on almost every tank kill.
Exaclty the same shit happens to me. Before micropatch it was fine, now it freezes and lags like shit. And got crash to desktop after god knows how many time. GG WG, G FUCKING G
Ditto. Micro stutters and jerky game play when a lot seems to be happening (tanks shooting, taking hits, etc.). This NEVER happened in any prior version I had. WG development suck it for this one. I won’t play this until it gets fixed and forget about me spending money on this game until they re-earn my trust.
War Thunder looks better and better to me now.
Fix it right WG or get out of the business.
Nothing changed for me. Same bullshit freeze for 500ms-1sec when the first tank explodes and other microstutter. And by looking here and at the forums yea it’s not just me.
This patch did no fix much. It did make it run a bit better but not without lags. Screen is frizzing when things blow up but not for long.
I don’t understand why that storm does not fix it 100%?
No changes for me. Game still hangs when exiting the battle and disconnects from the server several minutes later. Fuck this.
still the same
didn’t fix the camera/ turret freeze issues that a lot of us are getting. People kept complaining that this is due to modding but it is not.
Camera keeps getting stuck making impossible to aim.
They call this hotfix? More like a fuckupfix.Not only they didn’t fixed shit, they broke the game for everyone now. Haven’t had one fucking crash in 9.0. Installed todays “hotfix” and got crash after probably year or more. Wow, SIMPLY WOW.
The engine file doesn’t work for me. Whenever a tank is destroyed I lose 15-20 fps. It even dropped from 70 to 30 in a game. With the original it drops less. Anyway it still feels like a freeze when a tank is destroyed. With XVM installed I lose another 20 fps so I gave up on it. For now I get 40-80 fps depending on the map with Textures, Terrain and Draw distance on High and the rest set to Low/Off. The new lighting system is crap. At max or at low still looks like crap and you don’t see any major improvement on the fps.
No CTD’s so far. When I had the GPU set on Maximum performance instead of Adaptive in Nvidia control panel it used to crash the driver a lot (only in WOT).
Q6600, GTX 660, 4GB Ram
WinXP SP3 (i know it outdated few days ago lol)
ATI HD Radeon 5570 1GB
WoT Settings: Standard
Texture Quality = medium
Lightning Quality = off
Shadow Quality = off
Extra Effect Quality = low
Extra Effects in Sniper Mode = off
Flora Density = off
Post Processing = off
Terrain Quality = minimum
Water Quality = low
Decals Quality = off
Object LOD = low
Foliage Quality = low
Draw Distance = low
Motion Blur Effect = off
Anti-Alias = off
3D Rendering Resolution = 70%
and still… microfreezes when tanks destroyed out of view or draw distance, loading maps takes so much time than before( 10 secs before battle loading finishes).
Still C2D! :(
Great job, now it also crashes from the garage. :D
WG is just a horrible team of noobs.
Never had problems with 9.0 with fixed problems, now after fix game crushed twice
still having the exact same issues
-black screen after random matches
-microfreezes during matches (not while someone is destroyed)
having them with and without mods