Great European Random No.10

After a long break, Darth Woras is back and Great European Random with him – enjoy!



He asked me also to post this: send your 9.0 replays at

31 thoughts on “Great European Random No.10

  1. Gotta love when a tank spazzes around XD especially tat KV-1S, he must have been like WTF!?

  2. I had awesome replay of killing arty across the map like 700m >.<, reinstalled windows and didnt make copy….

  3. Oh, my little trolling friend is back.Dude, get ready, will deliver you some weed (good stuff) after I return to my bridge.

  4. Awesome vid! And thanks for bringing the rock :)

    Suggestion: “bang your head (metal health)” for a series of turret removing ammo racks? LOL

    Thanks for the great work!! :D