Thanks to several dozen people, who sent me this info :)
Hello everyone,
remember that post, where Wargaming EU promised that they would put a 2x XP for victories on 1st of May, if (until that time) the Like count on WoT FB page reaches 1 million? Well, despite the massive 9.0 fail, they made it, so next Thursday (1.5.2014), we will have the double XP for victory event.
That’s nice, i hope they don’t screw this up :)
Heh, hehe… hehehe……
You think that WH EU will NOT screw something like this up?
I don’t. I’m so looking forward to seeing the yet another epic fail for them.
yes they doing to screw this up, there will be not 2x xp, maybe 5x?:D
Idiots are coming. /facepalm
Also this says a lot about the wot fan-base….Lets like a game that is currently broken.
No wonder WG does not give a fuck about players.
Putting an event on a work day? That is yet another marketing fail.
For some countries, 1st of May is a holiday. France included.
Holiday yes, stay at home day no.
Around here most people go for a day out and have a barbecue.
Is they problem, they choose it.
So stfu ;]
There are still some people who dont… So they can play WOT with bonus XP. I have outdoor plans too..but it seems like rain will screw it up…
Sheesh, some of us don’t get to have free weekends, and yer whining about barbecue? gtfo
Slovenia – day off. So it’s not a marketing fail here either :]
Same here in Sweden its a holiday.
hordes of noobs and school children will ruin that event for me as usual .. I always look forward to some event and than BAM!, sea of red every game.
How so? I think that if all the allaies and enemies are red it always nice. More opportunities to make damage and frags.
When that redsea arise just play litle more supportive
you are right Hulk.. I should propably get rid of XVM and just play my game so I don’t rage berofe the game starts..:)
U do it more later.
i do recommend at least modifying your xvm. Raging and cursing before the countdown reaches 00:00 definitely will get you a heart stroke one day. I set my xvm so that I see players’ eff and HP when I press Alt. Since then I rage much less but I still know how much support I can expect from the tank next to me. Disabled colours and wn/eff for the loading and tab screen, and my heart and stomach are thankful for that.
good idea Sturmi .. I am not the worst rager out there .. but a few bad battles in a row and I start to blame the noobs.. i know it’s childisch but I can’t help myself:(
Yeah remove XVM and relax a little :]
When I have a few bad games in a row I start to think it’s my fault and I start playing a lot better :)
Hulk_75, but usually you get more idiots in your team than in opponent one. I don’t know why, but at least for me it’s definitely visible during those BIG Special events, that a lot more “Sunday drivers” jump in their tanks and just die in first couple of minutes of battle, so you have quite a challenge to use those “opportunities” you mentioned, when you face 10 enemies at the same time :)
And about XVM.. I agree that some people totally have no idea, how to use it. In my 14+K game experience just couple of days ago I experienced the first XVM suicide from arty player (there have been many XVM based rages, but a suicide… the first time) – at the beginning of the game he raged about or chances to win and just drowned himself. I don’t use the XVM but probably that was some 20-30% match, judging from his behavior.
Anyway, the match was lost with only one enemy tank left alive, and most probably we would have won that, if our famous suicide maker would have made at least a single damage dealing shot in that game..
So.. yea, use XVM only if you have some mental stability. ;)
There are no regular weekends or holidays in my job (aside from a little extra on the pay), and I’m on 24 hour duty that day, so like so often before I miss out on this one as well
Stop work, then you will not miss this.
So I both get to enjoy the XP bonuses AND don’t have to make myself look like a WG fanboy in front of all my friends. Win!
we like the game not the ones who made it :))
+1 ,do you think those made the game
New Ranzar video:
So x2 on a day when everyone’s outside celebrating the holiday. Epic…