Poppy Field Hangar for 9.0

Hello everyone,

Crash74 from the ASIA (SEA) forums rebuilt the Poppy Field Hangar for patch 9.0. In case you are wondering – it’s this one:



You can download it here (just copy the content into the res_mods/0.9.0 subdirectory).

As a bonus, from the same author comes another pretty hangar: “The Beach”



You can download it here.

59 thoughts on “Poppy Field Hangar for 9.0

    • Ha! I have 14. But I bought only 6 of them and all on discount and they all are tier 2-5 + E 25

      • Why the hell are all you people trying to justify spending as little money as possible on the game? If you’ve bought a premium tank, be proud of it! It means you’re spending money to support the game and keep the servers up for all the people who don’t pay to enjoy! I’ve bought 15 premiums, all with real life money, two tier 8 and I don’t give a fuck to say they were all with my money, because I have enough expendable income to throw my wallet at the screen and support WG.

        F2P relies on microtransactions to stay afloat, some scrooges seem to forget that.

        • I am saying that because I got 2 tanks from campaigns, 2 from missions, 2 from bonus codes but sold one, 4 from WG gifts 3 sold, beta sherman sold then restored, and I had T34 before M103 was introduced.
          I can’t support game financially since DaoPay was removed form accepted forms of payment but right now, I don’t think I want to pay any money to WG because I don’t need bonuses that come from it anymore, and can’t afford it in the first place. Otherwise couple months prem would be nice. Other than that I am not a fan of paying for something I wouldn’t use.

        • I just counted and realized that I have 45 premiums in my garage… Some I have not even drove!

    • Fucking hell, same. I modded the hangar to work after the first hangar changes but really didn’t have the know-how to do it for 9.0. Great to see it again.

  1. Czerwone maki na Monte Cassino ♫♫
    Zamiast rosy piły polską krew.
    Po tych makach szedł żołnierz i ginął,
    Lecz od śmierci silniejszy był gniew.
    Przejdą lata i wieki przeminą.
    Pozostaną ślady dawnych dni
    I wszystkie maki na Monte Cassino
    Czerwieńsze będą, bo z polskiej wzrosną krwi.


  2. PS: To change from offset to center-on-tank, “rename the space.settings_center to space.settings in the hangar_v2/hangar_premium_v2″

    • That does not work. How can you rename the file to that when there is already a file named “space.settings” alongside “space.settings_center”?

      • Uh, rename space.settings to something else? space.settingsZZZ. Then rename the space.settings_center to space.settings.

    • Additional step….
      For non-premium account: Inside the spaces folder, there is only 1 hangar_premium_v2. create a new folder named hangar_v2 in the spaces folder and copy all the files in the premium folder into this hangar_v2.

      The purpose is to cut down the size by almost 50%.

      • You are a great man for remaking these hangars. Just wanted to say that. Enjoy your day!

  3. For mot people here, I am fairly confident the ‘poppy’ emblem might not seem much. For us, especially in New Zealand and Australia it represents a lifetime bond – both countries found together (and still do) spilling blood and guts of our young men around the world through both world wars and others as well.

    In our two countries we simple say : Lest We Forget.

    Take care all at the FTR community.

  4. Hmm. Bug on my end; the garage view is centred inside the tank. I’m running MeltyMaps MathMod as well, but I can’t see how it would affect things. I’ve tried changing the resolution, it doesn’t seem to have an effect.

    • Well, it helps a bit. It will now go up to fov 110 without setting the view inside the tank, but fov 115+ causes the same problem. Still, progress is progress!

  5. Hmmm I wonder if crash74 actually uses the client in english if he is from the ASIA (SEA) server, or is it for screenshot purposes or something? Do not know much about this guy.

  6. Pingback: Beach Hangar | World of Tanks