Massive City FPS Drops

Hello everyone,

so, since it’s the X2 day, I thought I would give WoT a spin for a while. You know how I was earlier happy that the FPS drops got fixed? Yea well, fuck you Silentstalker, no smooth gameplay for you! For some reason, I get massive FPS drops in any city areas – Lakeville city, Himmelsdorf etc. – check this out:

Mines – low details, medium textures (*remembers War Thunder FPS with sad expression*) – 40-50 FPS


Himmelsdorf – same settings – on the screenie it says 29 FPS, dropped to 15 seconds later (thought I printscreened it, but I didn’t)


And to compare, 8.11 Himmelsdorf (on higher settings than I have now…)


Does anyone else have this issue?

68 thoughts on “Massive City FPS Drops

  1. City maps for me are running with almost half the FPS that non-city maps are running at…

  2. Same problem here, city maps cause massive FPS drops….
    Think because of the fact there is more to render then on “open” maps.

    Didn’t WG say 9.0+ would improve the FPS for most people…….??
    Guess not…..

      • Silent Stalker, i have twice FPS drop in this 9.0. This “Assmicropatch” change nothing. btw i dont know , but in polish shop site FCM 50 t is i think in your, Czech language. Check and if they dont fix that, enjoy their fail :3

    • AFAIK the first test server improved FPS for some…

    • In fairness, before the hotfix the game was a lot faster for me. But the ‘fix’ solved that problem for me…

      • yeah i had no problems in 9.0 until the hotfix came out now my game crashes every few battles , got masive lag and fps drops thx wargaming for braking my game with your fail hotfix

  3. Same boat as you guys…no matter how crappy you make the game look, you can’t have it at 60 fps steady.

  4. Yep, anything, but city maps, runs smoothly on my PC.
    Non-city maps: ~45-60 FPS.
    City maps: 20-45 FPS.
    O WG You so silly….

  5. Having same issues today. Not just city maps, all maps serious frame drops (talking from 40, instant drops to under 10 FPS). Not to mention, two days back, whole game crashed, computer froze. Had to restart everything, but weirdest thing was, that in-game settings just went bizarre. Windowed, improved graphics all settings to MAX!!!! (had them to minimum, standard render, everything off to even have those sad 35-40 fps doom lookalike graphics), had to manually fixed EVERYTHING again, all key settings as well, had to manually disable triple buffering in preferences.xc AGAIN. Not sure what caused this, since there was no mini-fix released this week or not that I’m aware off (I had to do this on the last fix for this patch, but still, in-game settings for graphics were intact). Just some weird things are going on after this 0.90 patch.

  6. Well, Himmelsdorf used to be the map where I had the highest FPS rate, but not any more. The game struggles to maintain 20FPS at times, with extreme lags every time I go around the corner.

  7. Yeah I have spotted this one too.

    If I start on Lakeville and turn towards the town before the battle has even started, I see a drop of 15-20 fps. when I turn towards the valley, I see the fps back up and then some.

    Seen this happen on Ruinberg and Windstorm as well.

    • I’m betting on unable, because they seem more like amateurs than professionals.
      Look at the game as a whole – old, obsolete engine with hopeless net code. They made their own “improved renderer” which is a resource hog while still looking like crap in todays terms.
      The game’s UI is done in fucking FLASH, there’s just no way to justify that (modability isn’t an argument). The sounds are appalling, hugely contributing to the feel of driving a plastic toy rather than a 50 ton steel beast. So on, so forth.

      And when you watch those “developer diaries” you can see them bragging about really stupid stuff, like hurr durr we made cool independent suspension. Or we are so talented we could make the tanks flip over, but we really can’t because reasons. Or we made a huge improvement where you can push trucks around, and their wheels even spin! How awesome. If you were in programming 101 classes, maybe.

  8. Same problem here, even just looking at the city on Lakeville from the middle road cuts my FPS by half. 9.0 is so un-fun and frustrating that I just can’t play – last 1000 battles I have 2200 avg WN8, since 9.0 I have 1200 WN8. Every time I meet a HD tank in battle, my crosshair lags and I can’t hit a shit. Add to that constant freezes whenever there’s an HD tank in view range and it’s just infuriating. And no, my PC isn’t wooden, I even moved WoT to SSD and it didn’t do a shit to help the freezes.

  9. I play on a laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 – so my FPS is unbelievably jumpy. It can be as high as 60 on some maps (on medium textures and low everything else), and on some it’s as low as 10-20.

    On 9.0 – no CTD, no FPS drops. Hotfix comes along and ecce! Suddenly I get random FPS drops. Merrily driving along and suddenly I’ll go from 40+ FPS to 0, a short stop and then a slow climb as my FPS goes from 5 all the way back up… It’s bizarre. And annoying. Except I can’t even claim that it makes a difference because I’ve never even been shot during those momentary problems.

    Needless to say, I wasn’t having this problem in 8.11…. Also, Ruinberg. Rightly named so, because it ruins my FPS. Not the fire-y version, that’s fine. I never get higher than 20 on Ruinberg. Stupid map. Of course, that’s the one that seems to come up on ‘rotation’ a lot. Blergh.

    • My FPS dropped a little. What I did to fix was turn off FXAA. That gave me my fps back. I also removed foliage in sniper mode. That stopped the FPS drops in sniper mode so I can hit stuff. There are some bugs where you dont get an outline around a tank. I kept getting black screen when I won a battle and it tried to go back to the garage. I think that was an XVM issue with the 4/19 build of wow style xvm. I upgraded to the 4/25 update of xvm and have not had a blackscreen going back to the garage after a win or when a battle ends that I was ghost following another tank..

      I have been playing the game for 2 and a half years and this is by far the worst tested patch they have released.

    • Check if your GPU isn’t changing from radeon to integra for itself. I was working on some laptop which did it. You have to manually override it in power settings.

  10. since that minor patch is horible for me..i didnt had freezes but now i have a lot,at least after 9.0 i was playing @ low but..was acceptable,now after micro patch is horible

    • Because those fucking WG clowns, living jokes of programmers and producers, can’t give you a multicore spreading option as an actual fucking OPTION, it has to be hardcoded. 50% of ppl had issues after 9.0 because they fucked it up, so they toggled the setting screwing the other 50%. Job well done, let’s all get a vacation and wait for it to blow over.

  11. Wouldn’t the mountain of riches they sit upon make for them very easy to switch engine and get something decent like WT?

    Oh man if I could play WoT with WT engine….

    • Why do something if you can pretend you’re doing something and the money still flows? Besides SerB said something like they will always stick to last era engine to support stronk russian calculator computers, which 70% of that playerbase has.

      That fucking HD tanks eye-candy is the last thing WoT ever needed, but they felt threatened by WT (because 3 month ago there was no real way to compare WT:GF and WoT graphics) and some stupid empty-headed twat (Storm?) decided they don’t need thing like rebalance, new tanks or Havoc etc., they need HD tonks and useless Historical Battles that nobody plays less than a month after they were introduced.

  12. i think the patch had too much rushed to release, and what happens when we rush things?
    (sorry the terrible english)

  13. Frustrating. I have a top-of-the-line video card, and on 1900 * 1200 resolution I have to have all the settings on low to play the game at 20-30 fps. Even when i drop the render quality, it doesn’t change the fps significantly. Dropping the resolution to 1600 * 1050 gets cities up to about 35.


    • Your GT9800 is not a top of the line card. Also, no monitor rocks either the 1900 * 1200 or the 1600 * 1050 resolution.

      • Also MY monitor is 1920×1200.
        It’s 16:10 instead of 16:9 which is a far nicer aspect ratio (e.g. you can fit on two pages of a document with mimimal blank space around them. the extra height is great when browsing vertically orientated content. – like web pages)

        You just sound like you have your head stuck up your [glieben!]

  14. Yep massive FPS drops (down to 1 or 2 at times) on cities and some of the tree heavy maps. Everything is either off/low and textures on high. I used to play with nearly everyone on max in 8.11 and it ran silky smooth – just shows how broken this patch is. Looks worse, runs worse, plays worse, is SHIT.

  15. I think you guys are being just bitchy, i am playing world of tanks with average of 20 fps, and 10 fps in sniper mode. 30 fps is more than enough to play the game smooth !

  16. This game is more system hungry than STALKER Clear Sky and STALKER CS still looks better even though it has infamous reputation for being a massive lagg fest without patches and very unoptimised engine

  17. “1 Frame/Second this is the goal to reach, we strive to be as historically accurate as possible”

  18. If you cant afford a decent computer maybe you should focus on a career that can net you money… for a decent computer. Game runs at 60-80 fps on my 2 year old computer.

    • You’re full of fuck, dude.
      The game is broken, FPS doesn’t improve on better machines, it doesn’t improve when you lower the details. 60 – 80 FPS? On old render, maybe. Even on current top PCs the game runs like shit and looks like shit.

      • You’re talking shit. My 660Ti and i7-3770 run this shit perfectly. Max settings full 60 FPS at 1080p. Not to mention another monitor at 1050p on my left which the video card is also acing.

        • Good for you.
          But it’s totally random and depends hugely on the CPU per-core clock, not the GPU actually (and that’s why for most ppl changing graphical settings does nothing good). You will find a thousand people with high-end rigs who don’t get reasonable FPS, and you will find another 1000 with 4 year old PCs that play just fine. But you won’t find out why exactly.

    • If having a GTX 760 isn’t decent then I don’t know what is. Crysis 3 runs smoothly with no less than 40 FPS and this crap game chokes on a goddamn Erlenberg with drops to 25 FPS.
      This game looks like shit and runs like shit, there is no excuse to that. WG is a bunch of amateurs that achieved perfection only in greed and denying their fails.

    • Yeah i owned an fv, sold it and bought back 7/1. Fv sucks balls. Proof? Check my stats in SEA server: RoyalOrdnance

  19. Nope. I play an hd tank(t-54) all the time i always get 40-60 fps on low settings in my old ass pc. 9.0 has been fine with me tbh

    • Runs reasonably smooth while I’m in an HD tank, gives me ridiculous freezes when I meet another HD tank. Besides, during battle, you couldn’t tell which tank is HD and which isn’t if you didn’t know so the whole concept is stupid (in WT the perspective or FOV seems to make a difference).

  20. Yes, I have less FPS in cities, but still going down from 60-70 on low to 30-40 in cities isn’t bad.

  21. I’ve noticed some FPS drops today, but all my settings are at minimum and the game never behaved as laggy as it did today. The twitchness everyoneexperience today must be caused by the connection, I’;ve notice it blinking red green multiple times though the ping did not change much.

  22. So, explain something to me. I have never had any issues with any patches. Either with FPS or ping(this has to do more with internet provider).
    Constantly 60-120 FPS. I have vertical synchronization ON since my monitor has 60Hz refreshing rate so make no sense to go higher.
    Why so many people have issues with FPS?

  23. I have to thank SS for finding that fix at CPU multi core settings. Before this my game was only playable at min to med settings. Once I did that change I was able to bring all to maximum and only 4 of the settings being set to high (antialiasing on). I run the game on an i5 3550 @ 3.3GHz (3.7GHz Turbo), 8 GB DDR3, Gainward GLH GTX460 1 GB GDDR5 on 1680×1050 resolution 16×10 format.

    Now for a while I’ve been using CPU control to help make the game use all 4 cores. I have noticed a change immediately but not in FPS (I gained max 5 here) as in it halved the time it takes to load the game.

    Regarding city maps issue, it’s present here too. I usually have 50-60 FPS, down to as low as 15 in cities. I add microlags all the time and there you go, play fast tanks. I noticed that even mixed map tend to suffer from this drop even though I not near buildings, leaving just open maps with above 30 FPS mark for me.

  24. Windstorm map is fps killer for me. It’s horribly optimized. I guess it’s rather new map, but still. Lots of maps has those spots on the map where your fps literally dies.

  25. Silentstalker you can at least play the game almost normally(ok occasionall FPS drop is troubelling but still it’s playable).
    I personally finally managed to put settings in the kind of configuration to be able to play normally but I still have a bigger problem.
    Almost every battle(and everytime the first two or three battles after I start the game) it takes much too long to get me in the battle(map loading). It’s so frustrating becouse it’s so hard to play this way. Battle is always already underway when I am put into it. If I am lucky to be still alive it’s so hard to do something. And the usual result is either a crushing defeat or a bad victory(for me). This way I have to literally sacrifice two or three battles everytime for the game to start loading maps properly.
    This sucks big time. I hate playing this way. So now I just don’t play. It really takes all the joy from WoT for me. I just don’t know what to do to repair this problem(if ofcourse the problem is on my end) I also contacted the game support about this matter several days ago, but no answer was received.
    The one and only mod I use is the one for my garage(just tank is visible nothing else) becouse this one actually helps with my garage game performance. I had this problem even before the mod was installed so this can’t be the reason.
    If anyone or maybe even you Silentstalker know what can be done to prevent this from happening I’d be very gratefull.
    I tryed most of the helpfull hints I found on your blog. They helped with the game performance itself…so that it’s playable now…just this map loading is still just horrible.

  26. Guys the framerates were the same when they introduced physics. And then they improved the game a little, and a little more and then by 8.11 it was great. It will be the same for 9.0 too.

  27. 50fps.. where is the drop? Before the patch I played with 20 fps, now I play with 40.. I could play with 20, now I playing like a dream.. and you cry about having 50? hahaha come on, you can play this game with 20, 50 is more than great, for gods sake..

    • Jesus, just stfu, you full of shit moron. Just because you don’t have a problem, doesn’t mean that problem doesn’t exist for thousands of players. You are not the center of the universe, asshole.

  28. SS do u like Centurion 7/1? Im currently half way to AMX M4 45 and yesterday researched T71. Originally wanted to choose one of autoloader branches but last week bought Crusader for 50% off and just aquired enought xp to get Cromwell. I must say that Crusader is not a bad tank and if rest of english stuff is simmilar then hmmmm…

  29. The problem is the patch is not optimized not just graphically but it’s not good for all types of PC settings. I hope they added the options for multi core and triple buffering etc on game settings and after some changes, the client will restart if needed be like most other games. This will give more people options and trial and error which one will work for them. All I see on post/forums are, this patch gave me fps boost(which WG wants to see) or this patch gave me fps drops(they won’t admit it), so they must give us options here and don’t hide it on some .xml files because not all are able to change it outside the game. Btw, I think the best or target avg fps will be at least 40-45, this will give enough room for fps drops during intense specially CW

  30. Im running everything on max. Average fps is around 30 for me sadly, i gotta upgrade my pc soon

  31. I didn’t had a single fps drop like others.
    It may be a reason that I play in window mode with about 1680x1024ish resolution. My setting are between middle and high.

  32. Omg yes I have the same problem, mannnnnn
    damn in 8.11 my FPS was like 10-20 and now, by god its unplayable at fucking 20-25 FPS now.

    Maybe making a support ticket if you haven’t already, I’m not sure if that would even help.
    Update graphics card?
    Something in settings?

  33. Another thing to increase your FPS: Drop water quality to minimum, as water tries to mirror all entities in your viewport, effectively doubling CPU usage.

  34. I don’t have as many issues but then again, I do have an above average computer. However, I DID play a tier 6 match on Wide Park where my FPS was basically stuck at 30 instead of the usual 60.

  35. Strangely mine is running on medium settings with an average of 45fps (usual range is between 32-54fps) with no noticeable drops when I enter city maps. But my friend tried playing and ended up with a massive lagfest and fps drops like crazy while we platooned together.

    It was frustrating to say the least =/

    I really hope 9.1 is nothing but optimization because it needs it.

  36. I wanted to play WoT yesterday. Guess what – it lags on the lowest possible settings. And to think that I played it on high details in CBT… Damn you WG, I wnat to play my WoT!

  37. haven’t had much problems with FPS since 9.0, i even had an improved FPS.
    however since the hotfix every game is terrible FPS and lagspikes and drop when i switch between arcade and snipemode.

  38. I got these and they are significant. Never had them before and I tend to get FPS drops up to freezes in every city area. It is very bad and irritating…