Belated Monthly Mission on EU – Super Pershing

Hello everyone,

it seems that some people are wondering, why the belated EU mission announcement?

And remember that time some WG folks said we might have another “IS-6 style” mission lined up?

Well… from US server (screenie thanks to Chris9000):


Looks like the premiums are back on the menu, boys!

Edit: EU is getting a Super Pershing – link to calendar


Picture by Swoopie, thanks

113 thoughts on “Belated Monthly Mission on EU – Super Pershing

    • Even my outdated budget i3 3200 with R7770 has no problems with keeping 60fps. Stupid whiners.

      • > Even my outdated budget i3 3200 with R7770 has no problems with keeping 60fps. Stupid whiners.

        640×480 with everything off and 0.125% textures?

        • My AMD X2 running at 2.8ghz and 4gb RAM hooked up to my TV in native 1280×720, I manage 20-40fps on most maps at lowest possible settings. A few nasties get down to 15 for odd reasons they didn’t before, but hopefully further patches will help. I’m willing to believe. That rig would have few issues. WoT was at one point mostly aimed at lower class eastern European rigs with trackball mice and CRT screens. Hence old render is best render. Dual core is likely ideal.

        • 1080p, FXAA ON. Lighting, shadows, post processing OFF. Textures on max, rest on high-medium.

      • I also don’t have any problems with FPS… to me.. it looks like some people can’t optimize their computer… I run on i5-2300, GTX 590 and 8gb of RAM… 50-80 FPS on Maximum and 1920×1018…

      • Win 7 h.Premium 64 bit (freshly reinstalled) + Core i5 750, 2,67GHz + GeForce GTX 460 (latest v.335 drivers )+ 4GB RAM + 100mb solid connection internet. (comp has also been dismantled and physically cleaned a week ago in the hopes of getting WoT to work better… )

        Patch 8.9 = solid 40 fps on full high detail. ping 30-40

        Patch 9.0 = 10-15 fps (with drops to 3 fps at times), ping 80 – 400
        with all graphics settings – xept for drawing distance – on the lowest settings and general graphics set to “standard” instead of improved”.

        Not to mention that durring the test server, I’ve experienced a raise in FPS by some 25%…
        How do you go from a 25% FPS boost on a test server, to a 70% FPS drop with the release is beyond me.

        And it just might be me, but…. how about if WG instead of playing around with adding 0.3° of gun depression to tanks (SU-101) and other minor bullshit like that, would do something really useful and implement the multicore support system? Perhaps there are people that found the 0.3° game changing… but something tells me that the multicore option would be a “BIT” better idea…

      • My little bit outdated PC with an AMD FX 4100 quad core processor and a Club 3D GTX 560 SE Graphics cardruns it with 19 FPS on max Graphics. It used to be 30-35. Now it became worse and it IS because of 9.0

        In case you don’t know, an AMD FX 4100 quad core processor is something inbetween the best i5 and a mediocre i7. 3.6 Ghz.

        • fx4100 is better than “the best of i5″? Pathetic AMD marketing victim. Your junk cpu is worse than any i3. Not to mention that your 560[b]SE[/b] stands for “shit edition”

          • I like how your point of view is a product of ignorance. It is now, and has for a while, been that AMD makes the superior processor for any particular price point. If you want a $100 cpu, AMD likely has the most capable choice.

            “b-b-but you don’t need a fan for an Intel and and and the cores and and blah blah” shut the fuck up. Know how to build a computer, diagnose where your hardware is bottlenecking, and quit wasting your money on inferior, overpriced products. This is why we’re in the mess we are in.

      • Well if you play with GameBoy graphics then it might run 60 FPS

      • Why is everyone so troubled about FPS?? I never had FPS higher than 45 and I was always able to play the game normally.

        My big problem is that the maps take too damn long time to load. i hope this problem gets solved in time for that premium mission to arrive.

        • Ok we have a good motivation make all exams faster as possible and let play wot…and yes these fucking idiots must put beggining of CW and big missions in exam terms….yeah can i ask is somewhere some resarch with age structure of players of wot TY and sry for my english

          • It is rather an middle age male game this one…. WG RU have written it somwhere, Serb have confirmed it i think.

  1. Last sentence – watched Lord of the Rings recently?

    Either way – I got a couple days off coming early next week and have 2 weeks of vacation end May/early June. Great timing :P

    edit: oh, and weekend mission is belayed as well, at least the announcement. Heard event has already started on the servers

      • oh wait what?! I haven’t player since fuck knows when .. I’m happily playing Guild Wars 2
        check my noobmeter graphs

        • Even better. Following and commenting on a blog about a game you dont play no more… talk about “cant stop hating”

          Oh and for your original question, EU evening server population now is regularly 205-210k and rising, so nope, not losing players…

          • rising to where!? wasn’t EU pop maximum at about 300K some time ago?
            so .. where is exactly rising, LOL!

            hate?! I’m laughing
            here from the sidelines it’s a spectacle, I’m laughing my ass off

            • you sure “know” a lot for someone who isnt playing

              rising to where? i dont know, its rising, kinda a dumb question
              300k? nope, never or i wasnt online oin that period
              where is exactly rising, LOL! higher than before, not sure if you are dumb or just cant grasp the concept of less before, more now = rising
              hate?! dont be silly, you are not playing a game, yet you waste time reading about it, posting wise-ass comments and arguing with players who still do play it… yeah totally cant let go, are you still active on supermario forums?

        • Why are you reading and commenting blog about game you quit “ages ago”? Sounds really pathetic.

  2. From Monday, 05.05 – it seems there’s an Operation SuperPershing on EU server – it’s in the calendar..

  3. Brace yourselfes. Another shitstorm of *this is to hard*, butthurt looming over the forums. As long as WG does not couple it with historical battles in any way I will be happy.

  4. all i saw was 2 HB missions, which are big fail, i can’t even enter a match, 5 min and kicked out!

  5. Heard the same mission on Asia server is 75k XP for every nation. That I could probably do in my sleep with a few daily doubles. US mission with T34 reward might be harder, as it’s a more expensive tank, or not harder, as the US market isn’t going strong for WG

  6. ASIA server is getting the same mission. Grind 75k XP in every nation, get a Super Pershing. Really want to do it, but I’m behind on my thesis as it is :-(

    • WOW so many haters for the SP… If its only 75k EXP cross all nations without the tier 6 limitation then its easy as pie… thats 25k less then for the IS6 and with any tank above tier 4 in each nation…

      You can grind a tank and at the same time doing this mission or play tanks you like to play and get the same result…

      Even if the SP is shit I gladly take it as a bonus reward for playing the tanks I love to play…

      • Nop, Random battles.
        Plus It’s “Tier IV or higher vehicles only” which is good IMO.

      • That was a leftover from when they were going to make it super hard. They didn’t put the 7×7 missions in but they forgot to remove it from the announcement.

  7. Nice…I think I can pull this one off, since my fiancee will be out of town all month, so I’ll have plenty of time to play. Time to renew my premium again :p

  8. 525,000 XP in a month, across all 8 nations? My average XP is 596, so about 881 games. If double XP counts and I play a lot of doubles, maybe 600 games.

    Then have to be in top 10, so maybe 70% of games, so we’re back up to 800 games I’d have to play.

    I barely manage 250 games a month, unless the wife is working.

    Never mind that I don’t even have a Tier IV Jap yet….

  9. So NA gets T34 while we get a crap?? So much thx WG, i dont know why we cant have t34 too….

    • Yeah would have loved the T34 as reward, especially as i already own one from the m103 switch and would get 12k free gold ^^

      • Why do you think you are not getting the T34 prize? EU servers are huge. While NA is peak at 25k and a total of aprox 40k total of both servers.

        And as you said EU already has the free T34 from that M103 switch. And considering it’s such a big server compared to NA. It would put a very big dent into WG premium tank sales.

  10. Pingback: WoT - Discutii generale - Page 1433

    • And SP isn’t? It’s slower than T34, and has a shittier gun and tureet. The armour was nerfed and is now completely useless. I liked my SP before the nerf. They could have increased it’s penetration or something.

  11. WG are *********** NA get the T34 and we get the super pershing ? REALY ? i mean WTF…

    • WG EU has a reputation to keep.
      Off course they will give us the tank that most sold after the nerf.
      And it is cheaper than other tier VIII premiums! Even better!
      Crazy people who have kept the damn thing can get less gold.
      WG EU reputation is untarnished still, as a first class turd.

      Ups I meant this as a separate reply. Not as reply to London Soul.

  12. This calendar is a rare kind shit, its informative role is 0, rss reader plugged to WoT site is much better.

        • I was sarcastic because I had SP which is terrible.
          And making fun of the “be happy that you get a free tank” crowd.

        • NA server is struggling EU is growing.
          P.S. Why are you reading and commenting blog about game you don’t play anymore? Sounds really pathetic.

  13. Yeah I am still not going to waste my time playing the japanese or the french. Havent unlocked elc or bdr yet and absolutely no interest in the japs.

    Also I am playing without prem acc, got enough prem tanks and have no plans to play US meds. Got better things to grind. If it were just like 4 nations of t4 and higher it would give me an incentive to combine this with my grinds, but I will not play tanks just for events like this. Waste of time.

    • “If it were just like 4 nations of t4 and higher [...]”
      Japs, China, French, Brits? :)

      • No let us just say 4 nations, completely regardless. Could just count xp for each and once you reach 4 in total you get the reward.

        I know this is just wisgful thinking since wg wants players to play as many nations as possible and have them convert xp to skip the lower tiers, but it still would be much more user friendly.

  14. Oh, not now come on!!!! I have exams lining up this time of year, why the fuck they do it now?

  15. And players already having the super poop-shing in the garage get what for completing the mission?

    Please tell me 7200 gold will be given

  16. This is amazing, WG gives another oportunity to get some frees stuff, this time with even much more easy rules, but people are whining once again. Guys, when will you grow up?

    • 1. It is not free(pay for premium or play like a crazy person).
      2. All other regions get a more expensive(and better) tank for the same mission.

      These missions are marketing and earn money for WG(else there would not be any).
      When will you grow up?

  17. Welp, thanks to the 2x XP for every Victory event yesterday I’m done with 3 lines of grind. (Non Turreted German TD’s, British Heavies and IS-4 Russian Heavy line)
    Guess I’ll start the French, Chinese, US and Japanese then… oh my. :S

  18. Well, I have a nice piece of hardware that I assembled in 2009 and for some reason I ALWAYS managed to get steady 50 – 60 fps with a little bit of tweaking (wot tweaker, med settings, no shadows, tracks, and few other eye candy’s). With 9.0 is no difference except, as SS previously noticed, on some city maps have a drop to 30-40 fps. Besides that I think that many people are maybe TOO dependent on MODS… I say maybe…

    CPU: Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz (Socket 775!!!)
    MBO: GA-EP45T-DS3R (Socket 775!!!)
    GPU: GeForce GTX 260 (216) 896MB
    RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1

  19. Super Pershing is a grand prize ?
    I guess the standards have come down.
    At least the misfortunate SP owners will get the chance to grab some gold back, gg WG.

  20. Pingback: [Sammelthread] World of Tanks - Seite 1671

  21. 75k per nation with any tank? THIS IS EASY AS FUCK! had no sweat at all when grinding XP for the free Dicker Max on NA server.

    20k+4days=80k XP.
    7nations – 4 days = 28days of grinding. GOOD LUCK PPL!

  22. Having the ISU152 and Obj.704 as well as the KV1s and KV2 doing the 75k with Russian tanks will be a doddle. Same said with US tanks as I have the tier 5 and 6 TD’s. German tanks shouldn’t prove too tough either. Uk tanks might be a bit tough but doable. Japanese line I should be able to manage at a push with the Ke Ho and Chi Nu Kai but French and Chinese might stop me dead.

  23. actually a nice mission that’s not too hard to accomplish …. but the many hours of human incompetence and idiocy to suffer through make me shudder …

    • Yee, after i completed the IS-6 mission i stayed out of the tier sixes. Maybe it will be less now since nitceable this time since it is not one tier limited.

  24. Does anyone know what do we have to do in order to get the Super Pershing?!

  25. I own the Super Pershing for a long time. It used to be good – not great, but good – unless they nerfed it to death. It’s not worth the trouble now.

  26. One question : If i have premium account , does the 50% more xp count toward the missions ????. if so , i will complete USA , Germany , Russia in just 4 days or 5 at the most :)

  27. Super Pershing ? well….we take what they give us but I was hopeing for a heavy :/