- Storm states that multicore support will not strongly influence game performance
- Storm states that the supertest patchnotes are not final: “there is a long way to go till the patch goes live”
- regarding the “hidden Sherman nerf” in 9.0, it was intended, but Storm states that the fact it did not appear in patchnotes first was a mistake of the program, that generates the list of tank changes for the patchnotes. They fixed it and Storm hopes it won’t repeat itself.
- a player asked that there are rumors about a mod, that actually makes the game display tank silhouette even beyond the official render range, Storm replies that that would be possible only if the mod actually takes the tank position beyond the render range from the minimap, eg. such mod won’t display tank and turret orientation
- regarding sharp FPS drops with the shadows enabled: “Shadows eat resources and that’s something we can’t do anything about”
- Storm confirms that there are sharp FPS drop issues (“freezes”) after a tank is discovered (SS: “lit up” – probably meant when an enemy tank is discovered), they are working on a fix
- Yurko2F states that there is no need to be hysterical about the nerfs, players should try the nerfed vehicles first on the test, a lot of parameters did not change
- statistically, when considering tank buff or nerf, results of players with winrates from 45 percent to 65 percent are taken into account, this range is also internally divided for statistics purposes
- when balancing tanks, the most important category of players WG aims at are “daddies” (SS: a Russian general term for men, who come home from work and want to spend a few battles in WoT, eg. not schoolkids or students)
- Storm states that roughly 10-20 percent of shots fired are gold rounds, these statistics are very dependent on tank measured and vary wildly from tank to tank
- Borsig is going to get nerfed
- apparently, some form of player education (tutorial?) is still planned
- when aiming at long distances via sniper mode, tanks sometimes move by “jerking” and “twitching” (SS: as in “teleporting short distances”), this is according to Storm not a glitch, at such distances the tank coordinates are transmitted by server less often to save traffic, it will stay the way it is (it is not a problem of client, but WG datacenters would not handle increased traffic)
- Storm personally picked the blue color for teamkillers :)
- apparently there are no plans for new tier 8 premiums in 9.1
- multiturret mechanism – not this year, it has really low priority
- the “damage blocked by armor” statistic is bugged (specifically, spaced armor apparently doesn’t count), it will be fixed
- developers considered reworking the arty aim circle to include the gun traverse
- 9.1 will bring many small optimization fixes, but no big ones
- RU251 German LT8 will come this year in the same patch as the US light tanks
- tier 8 light tanks will be buffed
- Storm states that despite the TD class bonus for camo after a shot will be removed (SS: eg. 128mm L/55 will remove the same number of camouflage on E-75 as on Borsig), Borsig will still be harder to spot, because it’s smaller
- T-35 will appear in very distant future, when there is the multiturret mechanism
- there will be no new big features in 9.1, WG is still dealing with fixing the issues from 9.0, there will be new shooting sounds though
So M41 Walker Bulldog is basically confirmed for 2014?
Was for some time
- Storm confirms that there are sharp FPS drop issues (“freezes”) after a tank is discovered (SS: “lit up” – probably meant when an enemy tank is discovered), they are working on a fix
Never is too soon
Caching tank models?
Load the HD model in a seperate thread.
Use a Cached low quality one from the beginning.
This is the sort of thing we need multicore for.
AFAIK there is already a separate thread for loading and unpacking resources.
‘cept you don’t really need a separate processor thread to take care of it when you can simply precache it in memory.
Was actually discussing this with a friend. They should implement an interface button somewhere that you can use to precache most resources(assuming you have the hardware to do so).
- Storm states that multicore support will not strongly influence game performance
…..calling bullshit
They’ll probably made some “multicore” deviation, like they did in 9.0 and call it a real multicore, hence it won’t do shit to game performance.
Indeed. Or at least for CPU. GPU multicore would strongly influence performance. Not too sure if DirectX 11 would give performance increases though.
Dx11 should increase performance for Wot
Thanks man. I am very ignorant of in depth computer stuff.
Multi core CPU support wont do that much.
Oh it will help, especially if done right. But it wont be a very big thing.
It ALMOST NEVER was for most games (BF4, Metro, Lost Alpha and Crysis 3 only exception I know of. Not exceptional ones either)
there will be new shooting sounds though-Gnomfathere says what???
The problem with current default is that they are too quiet, almost same sound for every gun and you cant hear tanks over 100m or arty shells falling.
But you can hear the destroyed tank popping across the map … coming from the wrong direction.
Turn around your headset, you’re wearing the right earpiece on your left ear!
- 9.1 will bring many small optimization
fixes, but no big ones
I want my 10 FPS back.
- when balancing tanks, the most important category of players WG aims at are “daddies” (SS: a Russian general term for men, who come home from work and want to spend a few battles in WoT, eg. not schoolkids or students)
You mean “who come from work and want to spend a few tens of $/€ to convert exp”
- Borsig is going to get nerfed
There is not much you can do about a TD that has a turret(not really a TD) and a really good gun. So whatever they do to borisg it will probably only made it more uncomortable to play, but it will still overperform, specially in good hands.
- there will be no new big features in 9.1, WG is still dealing with fixing the issues from 9.0, there will be new shooting sounds though
And probably introduce tons of new micro freezes with them, just like they did with new tank destruction sound where game laggs like hell for a second or two, or when detecting tanks. Can’t wait for them. Every time someone shoots a gun everyone freezes for a second.
The tank destruction lag has nothing to do with the sound. Like, sound is the last thing that influences anything (it has absolutely no influence on FPS). What does cause the lag is the bunch of special effects firing up when the tank blows up, and even I had those problems with special FX on max (but lowering to high relieved the problem), or in the case of spotting the game loading up the tank model (which is really kinda shit).
do you ever stop complaining? do you ever have anything good to say?
you rotate the same shit for over a year now: bias this, bias that, bad devs, bad game, bad graphics, bad performance-… pls just quit wot already.
Just suck my dick already, mamu ti jebem onu napornu…..jel te toliko peče kožica na sve što ja kažem da imaš neopisivu potrebu vejnat?? Aj ubuduće ignoriraj moje komentare, baš kao što i ja ignoriram tvoje.
there’s something you can do about borsig. give it no camouflage ability and nerf it’s 12,8cm RoF to below E-75
Remove the camo(make it shitty) on a paper tank like borsig and you’ll get an overkill nerf. In that case they would need to make it’s mobility much better, otherwise it would turn from OP to UP piece if shit.
-RU251 German LT8 will come this year in the same patch as the US light tanks-
I knew keeping my afk panther was a good idea!
I hated It until gained 80k XP, now i think it is good med for tier 8 battles
The AFK Panther… if I had kids they would have nightmares from the horror stories I’d them about playing that… thing. But the prospect of a Tier 8 scout with a good 90mm gun… Bah, I need a lot of free XP
Yay RU251 still coming! :) Looking forward to the new sounds.
What is the original word which you’ve translated as “daddies”? If it is “папки”, then it just means “skilled players”.
So thats what AntiPapki means xD
Where did you hear that? ;)
Probably maybe perhaps could be Stig :D
might’ve been “папаши”, which is daddies))
It means both actually. It’s a term for skilled players, but also a word used for describing the CA (“target audience”) as far as I can tell.
Yep, “ЦА” is the correct term for what you’ve described, which literally means “target audience”. In WoT context “папки” are “(highly) skilled players”, I insist on that :)
“- when aiming at long distances via sniper mode, tanks sometimes move by “jerking” and “twitching” (SS: as in “teleporting short distances”), this is according to Storm not a glitch, at such distances the tank coordinates are transmitted by server less often to save traffic, it will stay the way it is ”
The only time i have noticed this in on the minimap, when tanks are out of drawrange.
Sometimes its hard to lead moving target at border at your drawrange.
double post, sry
“- developers considered reworking the arty aim circle to include the gun traverse”
Will WG need 2 years to implement this too? (just like the reload timer)
4 years and 1 billion dollars
And will cause lags
FPS drop also ?
Should cause crashing to desktops randomly
So they’re aware of the incomplete “hidden” sherman nerf and will fix it in 9.1, but nobody seems to mention the total mess they’ve made of the Pz III gun mantlets in 9.0. I really hoped it would be fixed in 9.1, but so far it doesn’t look like it.
- Storm states that roughly 10-20 percent of shots fired are gold rounds, these statistics are very dependent on tank measured and vary wildly from tank to tank
Oh, look, it matches the number of premium account players… What a fucking surprise. Not pay to win at all, when you can afford more gold spam than non-premium account players. It’s a game breaker. Anybody can buy it, not everybody can afford it.
You have to be abyssmally unskilled to be unable to afford gold ammo on most tanks. Hell i farmed creds on a gold-shooting e100 without a prem acc…
It is not pay to win, as you can buy gold rounds for credits. Can’t afford it? Well don’t spend all of your credits, also that is a good thing not everyone can afford it otherwise there will be more people spamming gold rounds. And it does not break the game, its been in the game for years and about 90% of people would not spam gold rounds, unless they are credit card warriors, which is a small fraction of the playerbase. Also some gold rounds are not even that powerful. Your probably one of those whiners that assumes that most shots that penetrate them are gold rounds, as most shells really are not gold shells. Play before they could be payed for credits, and only for gold, even then that wasn’t even pay2win as they weren’t an I WIN button. They are here in the game to stay, whether you like it or not, deal with it. Don’t like it? Don’t play the game.
Is that so? Not a game breaker? Is that why the are looking into changing gold ammo? You’re full of shit. Gold ammo negates the only good think that some tanks have: armor. If you’re going to tell me “don’t play heavy armored tanks” you can go to hell long before I can log back in here to tell you to do so.
Why is my heavily armored maus completely OK with T10 gold ammo (60%-soloWR)? Why is the E3 considered incredibly OP by players with some wit and decent skill?
I don’t run premium account, have multiple tier X. and fire gold in all my tanks.
Mostly when i run a tank i almost always make money.
with the discounts this weekend, i have spent 4M+[repairs,medkits,mFE] on consumables, which will keep me going to another discount[1.5 years -2]
The key is when to use them. ~meaning gold rounds,consumables. if i am taking fire[3-4 tanks] and get tracked, usually won’t repair tracks <25% health- just a waste, same with ammo rack. i use manual FE, because in my experience, i usually only catch fire when im <15% health..saving my tank at a one shot = money lost.
learn to shoot, not take fire, and you could be better than me. im a 1246 wn8, 51% player.
when i see guys like you bittching about wot being P2W i completly laugh my ass off
from the time you can buy EVERYTHING with credits the “pay” element is gone
you say that Free XPing will give advantage over you?? BS if you are decnet and know about aiming and how the machenics works then you will even the difrence out
also Free Xping and play like tomatoe yeaaaah!!!big disantavantage there
want to bitch about games are P2W???
go check DarkOrbit or Battlestar Galacticka Online where they simply say to you
o you like this ship?there is an advanced version of it although it needs real money and the way to earn prem currency is by grinding hours and hours
There might be worse examples, doesn’t mean we can’t scrutinize though.
You can afford more gold shells and consumables on a premium account, since your income is about double after upkeep. That is a fact, make of it what you will.
Yes with prem account you can afford that after all that’s the reason for the prem to exist
i played 13k battles and around 8k battles where without prem cause i didnt have job that time now i have and i can afford that extra 10 euro for a mounth of prem account
the thing is even without prenioum account you can manage to make some money but not much
and ofc if you are a casual player you see what tanks ok for you and just them and have some fun
those all the ammo loadout full of APCR/HEAT and stuff examples are those who are hunting stats and then again it doesnt make it pay to win
wot after the patch where gold shells are available for credits has lost it’s p2w character which had before
Once, when gold ammo and consumables could only be purchased with gold, only those who could pay the cash would use the rounds.
That meant that to be a competitive Clan you required to pay, for everyone else was shooting gold.
Since gold ammo, and later gold consumables, was available for credits, the “final game” is not locked only to those willing to fund the game with cash.
And still, the last “pay to win” characteristic of WoT (premium tanks) is being made available for non-cash through the monthly events.
Calling premium accounts as “pay to win” is madness. The game needs to get gunded somehow, or it will be abandoned like many others have in the past.
You can have a premium account and play a premium tank and still get a net loss, if your playing sucks (I know, I’ve been there).
And you can earn a lot of credits on a researched tank with a normal account, if you play it well.
Of course +50% raw and around double net income makes a big difference, and many players might get premium just to purchase those golden rounds, but the greatest benefit I see on premium is not the credits, but the experience boost, as it allows for a significant reduction on the time it takes to research modules and tanks.
> Storm personally picked the blue color for teamkillers :)
Sadly this is painful only for those who understand :D
XD n1 unfortunately I do…
Ha I remember when this was introduced….a blue guy appeared in the battle…chat reaction:
“Woah, a dev is on!”
The only reference I can dig up is from a java-based chat where I used to RP a few years ago….. but sincerely I wouldn’t link that to WoT.
Maybe some IRC reference? Never dealt with IRCops back in my days…..
- RU251 German LT8 will come this year in the same patch as the US light tanks
time to buy back Mr.Awful!
The Awful Panther is one of my favorite LTs, and I’ve already been saving up for the RU251.
Kudos to Storm on the color choice for TKers!
- RU251 German LT8 will come this year in the same patch as the US light tanks
Oh yes… Can’t wait for the RU251, looks amazing. Same with the US LT line.
As for the US LT line, though, if you’ve already unlocked the Chaffee, will you get any compensation for the 55k of EXP you had to grind to get it? (If they lower the research cost, that is)
Likely no. When spgs swapped from 8 to 10 there was no comp.
I don’t think they’ll give anything but the research.
When they advanced a tier for french lights, they gifted research for ELC AMX if you had a 12t researched, and they gifted a slot, the tank and a 100% crew if you had said tank active.
Still, back then we had 4 nations (brits came after the french) and we didn’t have as many events and giveaways…. every month we get the chance to win a premium tank, we have had a few “get free tank slots” events and gift tanks have increased exponentially.
After that, whenever they’ve expanded lines, split vehicles or included low-tier stuff, they’ve only given the research for low tiers.
Until the VK 30.01 H was shifted and nerfed, and the VK 30.02 M took its place among germans.
My bet is that they’ll just adjust the trees and gift the research of new intermediate tanks, and they’ll just save us from going back and grind to research the modules.
- a player asked that there are rumors about a mod, that actually makes the game display tank silhouette even beyond the official render range, Storm replies that that would be possible only if the mod actually takes the tank position beyond the render range from the minimap, eg. such mod won’t display tank and turret orientation
Well, I’d like to have some kind of a hardcore mode, where you get double XP, but you can’t see the tank outlines (only the symbol of the spotted enemy). THAT would be interesting :D
Would be hard to see tanks visually. But the fact they didnt introduce it from the begining indicates that it was shit.
It would be interesting.
There’s WT:GF for that. Even in arcade mode it’s so barebones compared to WoT……
But launching the game mode would create two problems:
1.- It would split players between “normal” and “hardcore” modes.
2.- It would be pointed and copying WT.
I’m happy with my arcady playstyle in WoT, thank you.
“- there will be no new big features in 9.1, WG is still dealing with fixing the issues from 9.0, there will be new shooting sounds though”
Paraphrase: 9.1 was going to bring some more cool stuff, but patch 9.0 fucked the game up too much so we have to use this patch to fix our shit. Some distraction content (new “cool” gun sounds) will be implemented though.
Pretty much. I think they should do more micropatches, now we have to wait a month to get everythihg fixed (whoever needs stuff fixed – I don’t). They should do updates with a tank nerf and then in a week revert it if it was nerfed too much or keep it, based on statistics from that week. Or something like that.
- regarding sharp FPS drops with the shadows enabled: “Shadows eat resources and that’s something we can’t do anything about”
Bad dev -> they can’t fix and they said that!
There’s literaly nothing they can do. Shadows are there and they are computed the way they are, and if you have shadows on max it will strain the cpu – no way around it.
Not everything can be “fixed” you know, that’s not how programming works.
You can fix the shadows eating resources yourself, by turning them off.
Of course shadows require resources and computing power. It means calculations from the GPU and tracing the position of the source of light, the blocking objects and whatever the shadow falls on.
Yet, for comparison, WoT taxes around 60% of my lap’s power and raises its temp to max 80° C, and gives around 10-15 fps.
Meanwhile, WT demands more from the APU, keeps it at dangerously-high 95° C temps and still manages to output 30-50 fps.
That difference in computing power utilization depends on how well is the game programmed, shadows or no shadows. If WG devs fail at their coding and underutilize the resources available to them, it marks them as bad programmers. Shadows are just another symptom to the disease.
- RU251 German LT8 will come this year in the same patch as the US light tanks
- tier 8 light tanks will be buffed
…..I’ll be in my bunk.
- Borsig is going to get nerfed
Cry moar
- RU251 German LT8 will come this year in the same patch as the US light tanks
who gives a **** about historical parameter, anyway? just give me this chick ASAP!
- Borsig is going to get nerfed
“when aiming at long distances via sniper mode, tanks sometimes move by “jerking” and “twitching” (SS: as in “teleporting short distances”), this is according to Storm not a glitch, at such distances the tank coordinates are transmitted by server less often to save traffic, it will stay the way it is (it is not a problem of client, but WG datacenters would not handle increased traffic)”
So maybe they start thinking about for each battle player can be sent do different server, it not be visibne by player because is in backgrund “garage” -> “battle loading screan”, use this to client connet to different server (diff ip, so trafic is split) so player have client connect to main server (chat) and “battle server” (all proceses for battle).
If they do it, not need for EU1 EU2, obly MM have biger pool (i think is anyway splited), and chat, but u can now write to ppl from EU1 to EU2, so is working.
This change give:
– no many servers per region EU1/EU2 (diff servers for region are needed because ping)
– can implement more trafic eating feature
– less lags, u can always add few new server, invisible for player (only less lag)
Problem is it is difficult do implement, and need a lots of test, but it make game open for more players.
- statistically, when considering tank buff or nerf, results of players with winrates from 45 percent to 65 percent are taken into account
Why go up to 65% players if you’re not going down to 35% ultra tomatoes? Anyone with 60%+ W/R is going artificially boost any tank, OP or not, so they shouldn’t be included unless you’re going down to the vegetables as well.
45-65 probably encompasses the 2-3 standard deviations of active players, IE, most of the population.
Yep, agreed. They should move equally in both directions from 50%
If they move 5% down, they should also move 5% up, so either 45-65%, 40-60% or 35-65% should be used, instead of the uneven choice to disregard “bad tankers”.
One could argue that it’s easier to get a low % (just log in and let the enemy win) than a high one, but for every win there is a loss, so getting too far from the middle point is hard for both winners and loosers, if you’re playing mostly random.
“Borsig is going to get nerfed”
In 9.1 or later? (I just grinding that Pz.Sfl. V. BTW it is realy bad, probaly worst TD in game)
- Storm confirms that there are sharp FPS drop issues (“freezes”) after a tank is discovered (SS: “lit up” – probably meant when an enemy tank is discovered), they are working on a fix
Let me guess…. it freezes as it’s loading the beeping sound from when the tank is discovered and the minimap animation, just like it was freezing when a tank was destroyed.
- Storm personally picked the blue color for teamkillers :)
Also, it’s easier to code in RGB.
- developers considered reworking the arty aim circle to include the gun traverse
Like with j1mb0′s crosshairs…… and that’s how mods give inspiration for features in WoT ;)