
Correction for yesterday’s translation – I misunderstood the context in one of the yesterday’s discussion posts. There will be no changes to the Hellcat and Jackson engines, only their sounds will be changed to a historical ones.

Sorry, not really anything useful today.

27 thoughts on “13.5.2014

  1. Yesterday’s post was the final nail in the M18′s coffin over 900 games played in it & I sold it yesterday…….

    Really p!ssed that WoT keep nefing vehicles…… The M18 was already getting TD cammo nerf they should have left it at that instead they decide to ruin a vehi because it can be used effectively…….

    The game will not see my money for a while……!

    • Hellcat deserved the nerf.
      So I do not have pity for their drivers – they abused it’s imbalanced nature for far too long…