Hello everyone,
yesterday, while trying to update the entire banning system, I made a mistake and unwittingly banned a shitload of people. It should be fixed now, I apologize. The comments should be operational now as well.
- SS
Hello everyone,
yesterday, while trying to update the entire banning system, I made a mistake and unwittingly banned a shitload of people. It should be fixed now, I apologize. The comments should be operational now as well.
- SS
Next newsspot on WG portal. “FTR srewup!”.
Hahaha. Would be fun. WG EU strike back. :P
Yea, but there’s one BIG difference – SS admits his shit and apologizes in public, which WG EU somehow have no guts to do.
Was surprised that yesterday’s shitstorm, with the bad EFE stuff, lived that long. With all the nasty talk in the comments, one would expect the comments to be closed rather quickly. They weren’t until 400+ (mostly trash) were posted.
It’s your blog dude, but going full Daily Mail on it, is not going to bring benefits on long term…
It’s actually really entertaining and one of the few reasons why I read the comments at all.
If he went full Daily Mail on it there would be boobies.
When did Daily Mail start with the boobies? Now The Sun yes, i could understand, Boobs everywhere, but The Mail? They too conservative for that.
Go to Daily Mail website, look at the column on the right. Its smut central.
Hmm…that explains why I got banned message this morning..
SS, since you want to continue the HoS, could you limit it to players from top 30/40/50 clans only? Else you’ll drown in screenshots of all sorts of 2k battles noname tomatoes flooding the chat with nazi insults and generic shit like that takes away most of the entertainment value, to be honest. It’s always the same.
I was thinking about it. But honestly, in the end I am aiming at something else. You’ll see in a week or two.
alright. BTW, I still have a screenshot of a swearing ex-member who got kicked as a result. Wanna have that (with a censored clan tag, lol)?
And i have a bute ,someone from RISE going full retard in chat..no racial slurs or such shit..but everyting in between …very entertaining.
Sure send it over. Was it Panda? :P
Inb4 Panda is SS’ reroll account
I would say that any particularly bad abuse should feature regardless of their clan.
I assume this is just for Nazis (As lets face it playing a WW2 era tank game with Nazis is a bit creepy). Or do you want any particualrly dim racists/bigots in general.
The must ludicrous I saw was “Allah is a pedofile and eats pork” (bad spelling included ofc). Which is at best a rather unusual theological position.
Well you scared me.
I even posted on FB , but when i saw that’s bigger case , I understood it’s some temporary thing.
Lol, you had a lot of people scared there. I saw the banned thing and was like, “Uh, what? what did i do wrong? :-/” Good to here it was really just a derp on your part lol.
thanks for getting it sorted SS, had me freakin out for a bit lol
Stronk ban system.
So much fail. Wow
Was banned, but then I got in after refreshing. Thought it was weird.