- Komarin is not considered a balanced map (SS: it’s going to get a fix in 9.1)
- Storm confirms that the premium Valentine armor nerf is a bug fix (bringing it to the way it was in 8.11)
- the idea to split the engine and trasmission module has been abandoned for now
“- Komarin is not considered a balanced map (SS: it’s going to get a fix in 9.1)”
IMHO great and map, but a lil unbalanced from one side and these damned forest are camping sites.
“- the idea to split the engine and trasmission module has been abandoned for now”
Maltese Cross? Why?
LOL no. :D
You could as well say its a swiss flag :D
Zgicc, Why not?
Had a image with Mises and text ‘Free people read Mises’ lately. So long. Realized that was the time to change! Want it? Just look: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TCDD0uFiWcA/T7G2E36PLAI/AAAAAAAACEo/5zRDvPh8Gko/s1600/Free%252BPeople%252BREad%252BMises-747413.jpg
At least camping sites are mostly balanced. It’s a nuisance, but that doesn’t mean it should be removed, I think – they had to deal with it even IRL.
I’d be for some 75% forest map, even. Could be lot of confused fun~
You’re probably a F’ing clicker player so you don’t even need to care how many trees and bushes there are on a map…
no, he’s right…
for example murovanka… that map is great.. the forrest is freakin No Mans Land.
Its stupid that they are “balancing” these maps… in the end we will end up with 20 boring generic but balanced maps….
The game is so random that it doesnt even matter if you start on “wrong” side of the map…
It all depends on the RNG MM whether you get total idiots in your team or the enemy team.
You can start wherever you want if your team is useless it wont change a thing….
so true, played a game earlier when nme team was shouting they’d got a 72% win chance on murov, they lost 15:2
Go on, keep telling yourself that everything is random and you either win or lose at a whim of MM. And stay at tier 1 while you’re at it, so you don’t have to be carried through the battles by these players who play to win, and who don’t just press the “battle” button waiting for a good team to carry them.
Aww.. You must be one of those suppa-unicorns? Sense of humour seems to be missing, obviously taking the game abit too seriously and irrational feeling of superiority. You might wanna talk with someone about your condition. :)
Xen successfully trolled you.
Sadly they won’t remove it then…
Lol the extra work that may buff german tanks is abandon shocking news
Haha, +1 :-)
Not sure if you remember, but a while back they also abandoned the idea of adding engine torque to the game engine… a change that would have buffed British tanks (Centurions and Churchills in particular).
Buffing the British tanks? Are you mad?! Never.
I would have thought communist tanks have much stronk tork from their diesel engines?
Komarin is getting changed?
This is coming from the same developers who parted with Port without a second thought because you can now shoot through walls. But Komarin? What would SerB do then, if he didn’t have a map that he liked?
port was imbalanced anyway.
If you look at the Komarin for 9.1 it actually looks good.
Port was removed because it was 1) moderately unbalanced and 2) they were adding the ability to shoot through destructible objects and that would make it REALLY unbalanced
It still has those goddamned forests next to the cap circles though.
Personally, I’d be fine if they had some bushes there so that you can have a couple of TDs sniping from back there, and give arty a place to hide, but what they have now is just too much concealment.
The forests are now lower elevation then the rest of the map so you can no longer snipe from them.
- the idea to split the engine and
trasmission module has been abandoned
for now
Somebody someday will surely split their heads for idiotism.
“- the idea to split the engine and trasmission module has been abandoned for now”
I don’t see why they can’t split the engine and transmission for the vehicles that have them at different ends, and then simply make the transmission hits do engine damage, simply without the chance of fire.
no new difficult concepts for the player to learn. No new mechanics to whip up and balance.
it’s WG simple things are level of quantom nuclear physics :P
they can think about that :P
Guys, one question:
What is better: balancing Komarin, a lot of work or removing Komarin, almost no work ;)
komarin should’ve stayed dead
it was a POS concept, still is a piece of shit, and most likely will never escape being piece of shit map
The game itself is piece of shit now. When I started play this… Game, it was much better than now.
Feel free to provide a REASONABLE cause as to why the game is “shit”.
Answers along the line “less shit TD campers and fuck clickers” and such are invalid.
Komarin got some good rework already, wait for 9.1 to judge again.
Not saying it is not broken but ALOT possible paths added and thats always good.
p.s. 2 is alot when there were 3 camping/hard to cross at start ;-p
I bought the Valentine II during the Valentine day special for 75% off, along with the Matilda BP and IV.
The Matilda IV I sold after 5 games, since the gun sucks the sweat off a dead mans balls.
The Matilda BP I adore, although it could use another 25-30 rounds with that 1.9 sec reload.
The Valentine II with that Tier 2 Gun’s only good attribute (other than the T4 MM, but due to the gun and lack of mobility it cannot face any tier 5′s) was the armor that allowed u to get up close to the enemy where your gun can actually do dmg.
Now that the armor is KA-PUT, I sold it and good riddance. I have the PZ B2 now for the T4 MM tank. At least it’s gun is not totally useless. But still, the fact that it has 2 radio operators really sucks since u can’t use it as an effective crew trainer.
B2 is training school for KV-5 radiomen.
I think u r confused.
PZ B2 is captured B1 in German Tech Tree. KV5 is an AWESOME T8 Soviet Prem that gets offered from time to time in Premium Shop.
He was making fun, n00b.
Also, KV-5 is not sold on Premium Shop anymore.
Second, you obviously lack reading comprehension skills.
“KV5 is an AWESOME T8 Soviet Prem that gets offered from time to time in Premium Shop.”
This shows what a bastard you are.
I guess your entire family tree is fucked up?
BTW, I have C1 class English educational rating. So shut the fuck up.
so u can dish out insult, but can’t take it?
Who the FUCK do u think u r to insult me?
Did I say anything disrespectful in response to Woras?
Out of the blue, you came out and insulted.
So FUCK YOU AND GET GENITAL HERPES if u can find a female of your own species to mate with, although it is far more likely u r in a relationship with a lubricant and your right or left hand..
I just said “noob”.
Oh my god, why am I still talking to you?
What a whiner.
bye bye.
- answered the wrong dude, can be deleted -
the fuck is wrong with you? i sense this might actually result in a ban. you’re more than overreacting – calm your tits.
Besides that, Why would u want to use a prem for training only a commander, driver, and 2 radio operators?
I use the Lowe as crew trainer for my E100. (have 1 loader that is lagged behind other loader on 3rd skill).
PZ B2 is pretty much an entertaining tank to play due to it’s excellent bounciness. But that is about where the buck stops. A Hetzer with the GOD Derp will send u packing in 1-2 shots.
Surprisingly I haven’t seen a whole lot of Hetzers lately, and when I have, I usually ended up spotting them before they could spot me, and brought them down to half health with my own Pz B2 before they got the gun turned around at me (IF they got it turned around, assuming I didn’t shoot off their tracks first).
The Hetzer has to be one of the most balanced TD’s in the game.
GOD like gun, but tier 1 view range. But to get a Hetzer down to half health with a PZ B2 u must be shooting ze GOLD!! Cause penning that sloped front with standard shells is quite hard at best. I have been bounced on by OP-1S’s with my trusty Hetzer.
Add the insanely good traverse speed, and it is likely the Hetzer driver u shoot up like that has weak Hetzer’ing skills.
The Hetzer doesn’t have any side armor, and the spots next to the tracks on the hull are easy to pen from the front.
wat a n00b :/
learn to shoot…
typical wot idiot. selling premium tanks because a tiny sliver of side armor on the rear portion of the vehicle is getting changed from 60mm to 30mm. Valentine’s amor is “KA-PUT” he says. hahaha
Now I only have 26 premium tanks.
I only bought it because it was 75% off. Why keep a shit tank? because it is a premium?
As far as Kamp-marin goes, I believe that the water way’s on both sides of the island should be turned into a deep valley that cannot be shot from above without fully exposing the hull. It could be a gr8 approach for scouts and fast meds for a possible flanking of the campers. This would break the standard 3 battle zones that the map designers put into most maps, and give 5 zones.
At the very least, make the water shallow enough to cross so u don’t drown while attempting to avoid a rush in the middle, or trying to flank the middle.
Bottom line is the more area’s that can be used to flank, the better the gameplay on a map. If a map is a know campfest, then the only way to improve it is to add more areas for maneuvering.
Yeah, these changes would be nice … there is a recent blong entry showing how they will rework the map in 9.1 patch.
Anyways, the problem is not the map itself …. it’s the whole map design approach that WG devs showed over the last years.
The problem is that the game target customers are in fact fucking idiots that are too dumb to do anything more complex than point and click (that’s why we don’t even have all tank data available in game, reason being not to confuse players, for example …. how god damn retarded does the target audience have to be that the extra info would get them too confused to carry on gaming? THAT’s how stupid are the players the game is designed for!). And so, the more open terrain, the greater chance these poor idiots will get lost on the map and roam around aimlessly. That’s why we have maps with MOST of their areas filled with inaccessible terrain, to shrink the playing area even more, and with limited choke points to channel all the idiots towards each other, to make sure they will find themselves and have a chance to do their point-clicking.
Adding more areas for manoeuvring would basically improve ALL maps there are, creating beautiful environment for players with initiative … but all idiots would get confused and would start camping … and ta-dam! Suddenly there would be a massive whine that the map is a campfest. Just look at the Malinovka map, nicknamed Campinovka. Logic of retards! They camp because they are too fucking stupid to do anything useful because there are no choke points to go to.
I have ADHD.
I can’t camp.
I find myself YOLO’ing on campy maps just so I can get into a better map (hopefully).
1 awesome map that was taken out was Dragon Ridge. In my clan we often do training room battles on it and have loads of fun. That map is the kind that has loads of battle zones.
+1 on this one
Pretty much that is what there aproach has showed in the recent ‘rebalanced’ maps
3 main routes and nothing else
also i see WT GF info panel hurt a lot the players saying
this engine is a 300 HP with 2300 RPM max
ori this tank has -10/ + 20 vertical cannon movement
WG’s aproach of saying more details about tanks is bad Is retard and as you said it aims for Fucktards
- the idea to split the engine and trasmission module has been abandoned for now
Carry on enjoy my 8,8 Jagdtiger get engine damaged or get set on fire by shots from any-sides……burn baby burn~ burn baby burn~~
The JgT88 would actually benefit from historical rebalance –
+ loss of frontal MG weakspot
+ Slightly more mobility
- weaker lfg
Coupled with split transmission / engine it could be a nicer vehicle.
I do love mine, but I hardly play it.
The way teams disintegrate these days, you either can’t keep up with the front-line and don’t get to use your gun, or your front line disintegrates and you don’t have the maneuverability to defend off the horde of enemies who can flank you with ease.
But aparrently, WG won’t change premium vehicles (heh) because people paid for them and might not like them.
(Didn’t stop them with super-P)
I think most people would welcome that change.
I don’t trust the UFP of Jagtigers or King Tiger, since my IS-3 KV-4 can reliably penetrate them, I use the superstructure instead…but indeed a removal of MG weakspot would be great.
I like the 88JT also, but Iis the second tank after KV-1S that I struggle to keep 50%WR, both a decent but my team seems like to troll me….I did well=team loses; I’m derping=team wins
So I’m end up like you not to play with it, unless desperate for silver….
- the idea to split the engine and trasmission module has been abandoned for now
Yeah, after all it’s not Russian tanks mostly suffering from this, so no big deal.
This company is a joke.
map is kind of balanced.. south side usually owns the east side of the map, and the north spawn usually owns the west side of the map.. the middle is a toss up..just depends which side wins the battles in the middle, and can now do the spotting. but most of the time the map seems unbalanced because their is always one side that is afraid to push when the other side breaks thru.
| – the idea to split the engine and trasmission module has been abandoned for now
I haven’t liked Komarin since the original iteration which honestly of the lot was probably the best.
Playing on komarin is like playing a chess, except that you cannot control the set piece. and always, team with coordinated movement wins. the small forest on both sides can be troublesome, and much like the other maps, holding key area like the middle isle can help you to victory, the map is troublesome, but getting other player to work together are much more worst, that is why skill based mm are needed, moderate win rate player tend to co-operate more than the one with lower win rate, this map does need a fix, but a fix on the player are much needed.
Lol no, Komarin is def unbalanced. It is just that most of the players (South Base) dont know that it is a fck bad idea to go forest as u can go to the middle see and shoot the enemy while they r try to move at the right flank. Try it out with a TD +Bino next time u get at the South Base of Komarin and go the the bushes right from the middle and u ll see what happen. If the Team from the South would do that every game, the map would be hardly unbalanced, cause ofc North side has something similar u might think, but that is not correct, cause south base has hard cover like the landscape and thats the more important thing: Soft cover = Bushes.
So the North side, see the enemy shorter then the north side and can def harder hit them. The South side has definitely more advantage in the beginning of the battle, if people would stop with stupid forest camping in the beginning.