You can leave feedback for Overlord under his blog post
- Storm definitely doesn’t want two variants of gun sounds (Hollywood/realistic)
- Storm will discuss the sounds feedback with WG colleagues on Monday
- regarding “action on maps” (NPC events such as bomber air raid, artillery fire, bridge breaking down, cliff collapse etc.) – “Action is good, but first we have to deal with general performance”
- Soviet premium medium tank? “When it’s done it’s done”
- E-25 nerf? “I can’t tell anything for now”
- AMX50B historically having better gun depression than in game (-14, in game -11)? “I will ask the balancing guys”
- Overlord does think it would be better to enable historical battles one by one (SS: and so do I)
Answers of Knopka (some Russian community manager or developer, she is rather infamous on RU forums, forgot why)
- Stronkholds and Havok need more testing, planned for future updates
- optimization is WG main goal
(stopped reading at this point, generic/boring stuff, will return to it later if there is no better info)
stronk holds again? ^^
You write it like this on purpose, right?
You noticed Cpt. Obvious? :P
What are you talking about.
What ARRRRR ye jabbering about, matey?!
50b doesn’t have 11 degrees of gun dep. 11 is the elevation.
- AMX50B historically having better gun depression than in game (-14, in game -11)? “I will ask the balancing guys”
Are you sure it’s not elevation that’s being discussed here?
AMX 50 B has +11° frontal elevation in game, depression is -8°.
Ugly vertikalnoi navodki – need context here to clarify.
Ugly vertikalnoi navodki – vertical aiming angles. I guess minus values are below horizontal, meaning depression. Opposite for plus values.
Either this is an SS Typo (TM) or they are using the internal values which match standard mathematical conventions if the gun is facing to the right (positive = anti-clockwise = elevation).
Depression is down, elevation is up. -8 depression means +8 elevation.
-14/-11 depression means +14/+11 elevation.
elevation is +11, depression is +8.
Ah, double negatives. Never been good with those.
Thanks for un-declarifying
That makes no sense…
Makes perfect sense to me.
- regarding “action on maps” (NPC events such as bomber air raid, artillery fire, bridge breaking down, cliff collapse etc.) – “Action is good, but first we have to deal with general performance”
Cliff lighthouse collapse!!!
South Coast (Crimea map) occupation!!! :D
Well… This might be cool… Assault on Erlenberg with bridges being demolished randomly at some time into the battle ;)
that Erlenberg before physics came :P
even a LoLtracktor could block the bridge denying access to the other side :P
>> South Coast (Crimea map) occupation!!! :D
Yes, please :P .
And beware, pribaltika is next on the list…
Its not Pribaltic, its BALTIC.
Same mistake with russians think that nazi germans were fascists :D
Ooooh, you nazi facist, you worship hitler on your yt channel!!! We know where you live! We know how to make your country a free republic again :P !
Lol, that would make a nice addition to your great random videos! ;)
Actually, new sys name of south cost is canada ^^
>> – E-25 nerf? “I can’t tell anything for now”
NOOOOOOOO!!! Don’t touch the Haunebu! Ahnenerbe historicur!!!
E25 is a premium tank and it always not nert, just relax =]]
don’t worry, if it gets removed I’ve got something almost as good as replacement ready.
Quite interesting.
Well, there’s always consolation with hetzer…
Think about a tier VII Hetzer, with a belt-fed derp…
Tell me it’s a tier VII short-barreled 128/150mm gun with 4/5 rounds in a clip and 20hp/t *.*
They try to avoid it, but it hit the T26E4 SuperPershing in 8.8
If I remember correctly, you could sell your SP for gold when they “rebalanced” it.
Enough that they nerf normal tanks but for tanks that players play, that would be incredible. They need to do their homework before they release new tanks and ensure they are not OP. Changing the tank stats at later stage is frustrating, unpopular and in many cases unfair.
SS, how does the majority of the RU playerbase feel about the new realistic gun sounds? Do they like it or do they hate it?
I think majority likes it, but there is a loud minority of guys like our dear Zmeul who hates them since they aren’t “Hollywood realistic” :P
damn i hope they like it because i fucking love it and i don’t want that this project get scraped
Its like pew pew. Need more action sounds.
Because in WoT it doesnt feel that you drive a tank – more like RC one.
Ye, but the Jackson’s engine makes such an awesome sound xD xD Gives me goose bumps just thinking when they add the Tiger 1′s engine sound :D
i wish they added improved engine sounds to all tanks, cause they sound the same at hightier – ms-1 and such have different sfx but thats it
- Soviet premium medium tank? “When it’s done it’s done”
I’m guessing whoever was asking this question meant “T-44-85″? Don’t Russians and Germans have enough premium tanks already?
Or also T-44-122
Dat is for ruskies onli.
Neither the Russians nor the Germans have tier 8 premium mediums yet (which can be a bit of a pain in the ass for crew training for the Russians – for the Germans…not so much, but still), and the Russians don’t have a tier 8 premium TD either.
As an E 50M and Leopard 1 owner, as well as a slight Wehrmacht-fanboy (nah, I’m not German, Siemka here), I can tell you I’d really appreciate a tier VIII enjoyable German medium premtank.
E25 nerf? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!11111
- AMX50B historically having better gun depression than in game (-14, in game -11)? “I will ask the balancing guys” how about ask them about the TBC turret eh?
What is Storm position at WG?
Havok need more testing, planned for future updates
Ok 2015 then. WG : Havok is coming! since 2012.
Storm is good guy high rank developer :D
Havok in 9.2 or 9.3
Oh ok. Then it’s clear WG has no real sound designers around. Because if they had, someone must be really amateur not to realize how terrible and with no variety at all the current sounds are.
If WG had a real dedicated sound department, we would have had proper sound long time ago. Just look at the Creative Assembly, Relic Entertainment, DICE, etc. They all have a team of professional sound artists, they give interviews, they ask for feedback themselves, they love what they do.
In WoT all we have is Storm and SerB. Sounds like a fucking gulag where the only ones allowed to talk and take decisions are they and Viktor.
i just played 3 games on a test server..yes on the first lags are less..quite less but there are still those slight sttuters when i turn my turret or go to sniper mode and back to arcade sometimes twitchess like before but less..sound is well i like this aproach..but they seem to be much sharper in sniper mode..they seem muzeled little bit in arcade..overall it’s better then before..they still need to work around the sounds and game performance but they are going in wright way..i think :P
I’ll check it tonight, I have the T29 so I can compare. I hope you are wrong, I love this machine.
5.26 in live server, 4.38 in test server.
It’s one thing to nerf ROF, they should at least compensate with higher Alpha dmg.
BTW, The ROF nerf also applies to the T32!!!
As if the T32 wasn’t handicapped enough by the 198 pen AP round in T10 games.
You were looking at the stock turret reloads, then.
I just got the test client, I compared the T29 in both versions and the reload time is the same, where did you get those stats from? I also pointed TaskInpector to both versions and it has the same stats in both versions.
Knopka is famous because she’s somewhat Asian and somewhat incompetent, as in she sometimes gives out ridiculous and obsolete answers to questions.
I think the new gun sounds are good, but the reverb / echo effect is too similar for every shot. If they sorted out the effects it would be much better
The tank explosions are bad, and need to be reworked or put back to the way they were.
I agree, the explosions are not the best and the gun sounds are like you are shooting a pistol with a suppressor, it is weird.
Actually in RL distance explosions sound that way.
I saw 3 tours of combat and can tell you explosions at distance dont sound like what you think, and Explosions up close arent loud they are deafening and you feel them more than hear them.
50b didnt have -14 depression???? Do they mean elevation?
Also I agree with no new features before old ones are fixed….How about Multicore.
Even with the better sound and graphics. Tanks handling still feels like playing with RC tanks as no transmission system in the tanks.