
- the engine sound will not be heard during the battle countdown, the vehicle will fire up after the countdown reaches 0
- of all players online, the percentage of players in queue changes, the amount of players online depends a lot on events and missions
- in the test, SU-100 guns (D-10S and D-2-5S) did not get their camo factor after shot nerfed, this will be fixed in the next round/live client
- the same gun on various tanks (unless it’s premium tanks) should not have different camo loss after shot from one another (SS: as in, for example D-10S will lose the same amount of camo factor after shooting on all tanks that carry it)
- the fact the loss of visibility after shooting for RhB was nerfed only slightly is correct

- Storm on War Thunder: “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I hope they understand them all themselves.”
- Storm did test the new tank motion physics, he liked it
- new motion system will come “this year” (SS: it was earlier planned for 9.2 according to developers, whether it will really come then is uncertain)
- it would be possible to implement a system where players would make their own camo and inscriptions, but it is not needed according to Storm, the battlefield would look terrible
- gun loading sound rework is not planned
- regarding the rebalance of some tanks so they are more comfortable: “For now I cannot say, first we will deal with more obvious candidates for rebalance”
- gun sounds too “poof”? “Fire the gun in Kharkov, there are echo zones installed there”
- bonus XP for “tanking” (soaking damage with your armor) – “we will implement it when we consider it necessery and when we finish working on it”
- for now, nothing was decided about the HE shells (SS: mechanism changes, nerfs etc.)
- Stronkhold mode will come “later”
- Maus doesn’t have a (planned) 150mm gun, because there was a 128mm gun made in real life on the prototype (SS: and to separate it from E-100)
- “28 bots in one battle?” – Storm: “No comment, haven’t seen the video”
- other RU developer on bots: “We always banned bots, are banning bots and always will. But the issue is vastly overblown.”
- IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2

131 thoughts on “25.5.2014

  1. - it would be possible to implement a system where players would make their own camo and inscriptions, but it is not needed according to Storm, the battlefield would look terrible

    I agree with him, but I still want a pink IS-2.

  2. - Maus doesn’t have a (planned) 150mm gun, because there was a 128mm gun made in real life on the prototype (SS: and to separate it from E-100)

    That’s because the 150mm gun planned for what we know as the Maus in game would have been an 15cm L/38. I would rather have the 12.8cm L/55.

    A gun longer then the 15cm L/38 or 12.8cm L/55 would have required a redesign of the turret. According to Krupp ofc. Panzer Tract 6-3.

    • In fact, there was a Maus II turret that’s just like E100′s, just thicker(IMO this should be implemented, Maus is a bit UP right now).

      • It wont be added and it is not coming. E100 in game has its own problems… sigh.

        And yes I know all about the Maus II turret. Nothing really special about it other then the fact that it is easier to build and removes the turrets frontal shot trap.

  3. - the fact the loss of visibility after shooting for RhB was nerfed only slightly is correct

    Damn…. Still pretty much invisible and Heavy tank still get slammed without even see them…
    Fine. Gonna continue freeze up my heavies then. No point playing them nowadays.

    - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2

    Umm…. wonder how much. I think 4.38 to 4.5~4.6 will be appropriate.

        • None of the TDs lost their original camo. They only lost the camo bonus after they fire their gun. RHM will still be pretty much invisible completely until he fires his gun. And even then it will lose around 10 meters of effective camo compared to 9.0(meaning instead of being spotted at 370 meters distance now it will get spotted at 380 meters)

    • if the rest of stats stays the same it could be ok if it matchs the e5/113 dpm.

    • WOT game balancing is all wrong as usual. Now it is really like playing mech warrior online instead of a tank game.

  4. - regarding the rebalance of some tanks so they are more comfortable: “For now I cannot say, first we will deal with more obvious candidates for rebalance”

    Yeah like you did with the KV-1S and T18. gg

    - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2

    Will be nice to encounter a hull-down IS-7 who even outdpms you.

    • KV-1S and T18 nerfs were *NOT* cancelled.

      Tier 6 rework incoming 9.2.

      T18 nerf will either happen then or in a separate “low tier rebalance” patch.

      • Hahah you have a problem with hull-down is7???
        Just shoot next to gun and you pen with +240 pen gun.

        • Bullshit, that turret even bounces 350 pen guns. I’ve never been stupid enough to shoot at an IS7′s turret. But I assure you that’s probably one of the strongest turrets in-game. Look at the armor model, seriously.

  5. - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2

    Please leave the aim time bad so the WZ-111′s made-in-China knockoff of the 130mm gun can still laugh at it.

    • Only because I think the Wz-111 1-4 is a more modern vehicle? But the IS-7 should have a noticeable increase in DPM of the the Tier 9 Chinese heavy. I think an ROF of 4.8-5 would make sense if it doesn’t get an aim time buff.

      The Maus could benefit from an increase too…

      • I agree I love my Maus but it needs a slightly faster RoF to be more competitive.

        • And an accuracy buff. If we’re going to be stuck with the lowest pen of tier 10 (minus the E100 and the 15cm, since most people load it with HEAT and HE…), at least the Maus should have some goddamn accuracy to make use of its low penetration.

  6. - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2???
    Really?? It’s already the tank of choice for clan wars and they are going to buff it? It’s mediocre gun is supposed to be its one downside

    • The IS-7 hasn’t been the tank of choice for CW for ages now.
      The T110E5 supplanted it a long time ago, and the IS-7 never recovered its status.

      It got a LOT worse after gold ammo became available for credits [mostly because the IS-7's gold ammo is terrible compared to the other heavies'].
      The only time a [good] clan ever uses IS-7′s is because all of the other better tier 10 heavies [which would be almost all of them] are under lockdown or something.

    • So what has the IS-7 going for it then? On even ground, an E5 is just as fast, IS-4/E-100/Maus have better armor, every T10 except the Chinese has better gun depression, and every T10 tank has a better gun than the IS-7 (some only just, but hell, even the 15cm of the E-100 aims faster and is just as accurate).
      Also, lowest HP (less than some TDs!), frontal ammorack, even in camo values it’s not the best.

      IS-7 is still alright, but the gun and the supposed “mobility” is really lacking, since it was only nerfed since introduction, and it can’t keep up with the power creep.
      And don’t give me the “derp derp 60km/h!! derp derp”, AMX40 does 50km/h just as well, yet you don’t see them zipping off to scout.

      • Actually AMX 40 hits 50 going in reverse.

        For everything else, really all of its downsides can be avoided in close-range city fighting, where it is very stronk.

      • IS-4′s armor is not better than IS-7′s. Stop with the nonsense. IS-4 has probably the shittiest armor of all T10 heavies(if you don’t count 50b and other paper tanks)

        • Did the IS-4 get an Armor Nerf at some point after it got switched to a Tier X? I remember watching my brother stomp all over people in his back when it was the Tier IX, before it became popular. Granted, it had the 130mm gun at that point, but still.

        • IS7 has better frontal armour so better for face hugging. IS4 has better all round armour, so it can side scrap very well.

      • What it has going for it is unrivaled facehugging ability among tier 10 heavies (though I nearly managed to beat one in my Lowe by shooting down into his commander’s cupola – the only reason I didn’t was because his own team’s arty got greedy and fired a shot that killed both of us)

    • used to be Like that before is7 got nerfed and the new tanks where added
      right now is7′s are used by clans that people dont have enough tier 10′s
      right now T110E5 is better cause it is very mobile in comparison to is7′s mobility which is terrible
      gun is waaay better but any comparison and ofc gun depression
      is7 used to be domiment in clans when they werent many choices
      clans that are more powerfull and players have more tier 10′s just focus on medi’s

    • IS-7 is already the best tier X out there, for both randoms and CW. It just has everything without any drawbacks. The gun is weakest point in it, and it still outguns tanks like maus or e-100 just 6-1.

  7. ” – Maus doesn’t have a (planned) 150mm gun, because there was a 128mm gun made in real life on the prototype (SS: and to separate it from E-100)”
    Is it real? OR just womething WG made up?

    EDIT: Oh, didn’t see the comment of CaptianNemo. My bad.

  8. - Storm on War Thunder: “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I hope they understand them all themselves.”
    - “28 bots in one battle?” – Storm: “No comment, haven’t seen the video”
    - other RU developer on bots: “We always banned bots, are banning bots and always will. But the issue is vastly overblown.”

    All this passive-agressive bitchiness…

    • You clearly haven’t seen any passive-aggressive behaviour, because this is clearly not it. This is developer info and I see nothing wrong with it, because it’s strictly informational.

      • It isn’t a literal translation, its a bullet point summary by SS. And I also don’t see any passive aggressive or bitchiness in there except parhaps your response…

        • Former SS posts show that he bot issue is not overblown.
          War Thunder is a completely different game, I like both, but it definitely HAS improved.

          • - Storm reacting on the “28 bots in one game” video: “You’d have to find out what is shown in there in general and how it happened. Personally, I don’t have time to do this on Sunday. Sorry.”

            From the newest post.
            They don’t give a fuck. They just do not care.

  9. I just played WT:GF for the first time.

    Ok, the gameplay is still worse than WoT, but the graphic engine is much better and delivers much more FPS. Even at highest setting (SSAO, AA, etc.), I have in WT constantly 60 FPS, whereas in WoT, I have between 25 – 40 FPS accompanied with huge FPS drops. I hope that Storm finally realizes that WG fucked it up with the old Bigworld engine.

    • “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I hope they understand them all themselves”
      i agree with U FrankyK, ok, wt nothing changed but wtf WG change is 9.0, huh?

      • i just play WT today, tank battles is BS, gameplay is very hard, but the engine is so good. It load 99% of vga, i have 5x~6x in medium – high settings, compare to Wot, maybe 35 or 40, the engine in WOT just reach 30% at low set and 60% at medium everytime=> this reason cause huge fps loss in “crowded”. GJ WG!

        • I got 3 kills with my t-28, then got mauled by a STUG3 auf A. :D But that was totally my fault. Now I got a ZiS-5 TD. Its a monster. Can’t for KV1

        • For me, WT runs worse than WoT. I run both on max settings and in wot I have ~40 FPS, in WT it regularly drops under 30. The worst I’ve seen was 19, it made my eyes hurt. It looks nice, but that doesn’t help if you look at one frame the entire battle.

          • Just lower clouds settings. they eat suprising amounts of memory for something in the background. And consider unticking far terrain details if it won’t be enough.

          • Yeah not really buying that, I don’t have the best computer myself and it stays rather nicely on 35-40.

            • I finally figured how these geniuses get an awful framerate – they turn on movie settings, even though it is described as “not for playing”

        • The highest possible setting, whether it be Very High, Ultra, Highest, or whatever stupid devs have decided to call it is sucking for me.
          WT GF is 18 fps average on it.
          WoT is 40-50.

          Simple as that. Not that you people even understand these things. Just stupid War Thunder fanboys :)

          • Who do we have here? Someone who failed to read the manual.
            “Movie” setting is made for making movies, trailers, cinematics and sometimes recording replays. It is not for playing…
            And WT medium settings look somewhat better than WoT high settings, to put things into perspective.

              • These games have to render huge landscapes filled with detail? I don’t think so.
                Have to do calculations for 60+ players & bots and props and effects all around? Don’t think so.
                I’m not saying WT looks better than Metro or Crysis but these are FPS games which will only render a small part of a (much smaller) map. You can’t compare that to a flight sim/arcade game.

                And yet again movie settings are not meant for playing, especially on ground where there is like hundreds of trees, bushes and grass and every object has a shadow that is like quadruple softened, anti-aliased and whatnot on these settings.

                There is still some space for optimization of ground forces but that being said I can already run planes on full 60 fps and tanks around 45… on my notebook.

                • Movie works fine on a GTX 760 PC, not on my current 5770 PC that handles WOT (ultra) and Air forces (Movie) just fine.

                  It also plays Crysis 3 on med-high-very high settings and even Last Light…

                  Ohh, and STALKER actually renders vast landscapes filled with around 1000 (good) AI units at all times. And is from 2008. Yeah.

                  I am not saying it wont get better, because I hope id does. Same for WoT, which stutters for some reason. But WT GF fanboys have gotten… how do I say it… they make me feel bad every time I play both WoT and WT.

        • I can’t believe people are still playing this game in its current shitty state. Why do it to yourselves? The graphics are now shittier than in 8.6, the core gameplay has been bent and twisted to frustrate and enrage, and the ‘balancing’ has been confirmed as being done in order to bolster profit. Between the awesome new per pixel shading that gives me an epilectic flashback to the 90′s and the developers attempting to squeeze every euro it can out of players, I can’t fathom how anybody but the most autistic masochist could possibly still enjoy the game.

          Just sayin’…

  10. - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2
    Yea! Just when i unlocked the IS-7 it will receive a buff :)

  11. - Storm on War Thunder: “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I hope they understand them all themselves.”

    same thing could be say about them but actually since November WoT got much worse, at least WT did not fucked up (it’s good good for non hardcore, non biased WoT’s kiddies who tried WT for 1-5 games and rage quit cause it’s not arcadish enough)

    • If they ever manage to fix the ghost shells (missing sound and effects) and ghost tanks I experience a lot since release, improve the tank balance and the matchmaker, make the AI tanks somewhat useful (besides driving straight to the cap) and improve the module research (why do you have to research the repair parts, fire extinguisher and artillery strike? It is fun being a sitting duck in the first few battles), then perhaps Gaijin did not “fuck up”…

      • At least shells don’t turn sides ways in WT. It is a RNG joke that WOT allows their shells to travel left or right because that never happens in real life.

        Still less than 2 weeks since the launch, their planes do not have a repair function so hopefully repair kits will get added in for future patches.

  12. - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2
    What about Maus’ DPM buff? It’s one of the worst at t10 if not the worst. Since its main characteristic armor doesn’t work in current game meta where sprem flies around at least they could give it more DPM to be competitive. Slight pen buff wouldn’t hurt it either.

    • well every noob should have realized that maus + side isnt the armor but those freaking 3k hp. MAKE USE OF THEM FFS

  13. - it would be possible to implement a system where players would make their own camo and inscriptions, but it is not needed according to Storm, the battlefield would look terrible

    but the ability to replace the fraction sign with “no smoking” or a “cloverleaf” looks good -.-

  14. Heres a idea: turn off the ability to do team damage. No need for elaborate systems. Then only the team damager’s credits is wasted on his ammo, not the other guys credits on his repair bills.

    • But then you aren’t safe from fire when face-hugging. As one of the benefits of face-hugging is that the enemies allies now have an ally in their firing path (hopefully) and means that enemy arty can’t simply blast you away when you’re effectively stuck.

      I know I’ve had many a match in arty where I had to hold a possibly killing shot, because an ally got the bright idea to face-hug or simply get too close for me to not have a significant chance of team-killing.

      Really, team damage is a good thing for game-play here.

      • In the cases where my ally is facehugging/being facehugged by an enemy tank, I’ll try and place my shot so at best it lands on the rear of the enemy tank, at worst it misses completely. You do still risk damaging your teammate, but usually for a minimal amount of HP at best provided you’re fully aiming your shots.

          • Not long ago I happened across the german autoloading alien TD when sniffing for arty in my 59-16 with an autoloader full of HE…I got the jump on him, circled him to almost death, then while reloading the last clip, arty killed him. At least arty commended me for my efforts…he had been watching the whole show and waited to steal my kill :/

  15. New sounds are really good so far, took me some time to adapt to them but their really nice. Only thing bothering me is the explosion fx

  16. - Storm on War Thunder: “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I hope they understand them all themselves.”

    He cant be talking about WTGF because tanks entered closed beta in December, not November, and I highly doubt WG had someone on closed alpha. Even if Storm is referring to WT planes the comment is complete BS

    • Gaijin showed off Ground Forces before it went into closed beta, WG commented on it waaaaaaay back in autumn

      • Which means they never really played it properly, at least SerB played WT planes and agree that WOWP needs a lot of work.

  17. About the camo:

    Option #1 :User created camo’s could work and not look bad. Either have contests where people create camo’s and people AND WG check them out vote for top 3. Then people could pick those. to use.

    Option #2 :WG could set up a “random pattern generator” when purchasing camo. It would make different patterns but in the same colors that you picked.

    Option #3 :Set up a new department that verifies camo patterns and either accepts or denies them. (Ie, user makes camo, sends to WG, WG either approves it rejects it). With this you have to set limits on how many camo patterns can be sent each weak. Lets say 1 per person, per week or 2 weeks.

    • Totally agree.
      And make the custom camo cost… around 500 gold for low tiers and approx 1000 gold for high tiers. Thus you can hire a guy from that money. :)

  18. I’d like the idea to be able to start your tank’s engine with “accelerate” any time you want during countdown, rev it up also with “accelerate” if you want, and watch as the thick smoke flies out of the exhaust pipes… It would give an incredible atmosphere of the crews slowly readying themselves and their tanks for the battle.

    Because now it looks like a start of a race: total silence… and everyone starts at the same time… :P

    Isn’t there a mod out there to make the early engine start possible?

  19. - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2

    Lol, I guess if you ask enough times, the developers will finally stop giving you the same answer.

    • That tank needed something, its mediocre in every category.
      It needs gun buff.

  20. - Storm on War Thunder: “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I hope they understand them all themselves.”
    sounds like Storm got it all figured out , first of all get your issues right then talk about others.
    PS: not a WT fanboy

  21. - the same gun on various tanks (unless it’s premium tanks) should not have different camo loss after shot from one another (SS: as in, for example D-10S will lose the same amount of camo factor after shooting on all tanks that carry it)

    Some tank has muzzle break on the same gun, while some does not. I believe this can make a difference.

    • Never going to happen, premium tanks must be inferior to elite tech tree tanks in WOT. WT premium tanks on the other hand are as good as elite tech tree tanks so they are always value for money.

  22. - the engine sound will not be heard during the battle countdown, the vehicle will fire up after the countdown reaches 0
    Yeah, I guess it would be too difficult to implement engine start up sound before the tank gets moving (for example with 1 second left)

  23. OFF TOPIC: I tryed WT GF
    There are too many bugs and driving really sucks hard… so the graphics cant make me play it more than two games per day.

    If they fix the stupid driving and all thouse glitches when you get stuck or slip off the bridge and drown, than it could be a decent game.
    Also research is really hard to understand (modules dont lead anywhere… too many random things in that research tree)

    • So you got mad cause you drove off a bridge and drowned?!

      That really is a nasty bug, let’s hope they fix it by introducing a special tutorial “how to cross a bridge – for dummies”. ;)

    • The driving is actually realistic because it has a transmission system which means the tank change gears to travel to higher speed. Playing with this mode and I finally understand why the KV heavy tanks are not really popular with the Russian military at that time as it too slow.

      The Tiger 1 on the other hand handles very well in this driving mode even when stock which means German tanks are far superior to Russian junk and that is why it is popular in WT at non RU servers.

  24. I actually like the new gun sounds. Not too sure about the hollywood tank explosions, a little too 8-bit for my tastes.

    • Agreed, guns and engines sound really well done. Just those explosions looks so exaggerated xD It looks like everyones getting ammo racked everytime

  25. - “28 bots in one battle?” – Storm: “No comment, haven’t seen the video”
    – other RU developer on bots: “We always banned bots, are banning bots and always will. But the issue is vastly overblown.”

    “We always ban bots that does not exist after we didn’t see them.”

    - it would be possible to implement a system where players would make their own camo and inscriptions, but it is not needed according to Storm, the battlefield would look terrible

    But the multicolored WG insignia and A BEAR’S HEAD on a tank is really fabulous.

    - bonus XP for “tanking” (soaking damage with your armor) – “we will implement it when we consider it necessery and when we finish working on it”

    You should have considered it since closed beta. People demanded it since 2012 (at least).

  26. IS-7 RoF will be buffed – ok.. nice.. but what is about Maus? I mean the very same Gun fires faster in the friggin little Rhm Tier8.. with only one Loader? Uhm…?? Uhmm…!!

    • You know, in the Rhm he can streach before he moves on to load the shell and it helps a lot.
      While the closed IS -7 turret causes claustrophobia to both loaders and they work slowly.

  27. Did you guys/ladies notice that WoT and WTGF is still DEVELOPING?

    Let them develop some more (3 months, at best) and we’ll be able to see who’s better than who, in terms of development. Personally speaking, I dislike both games, but for God’s sake let them develop a bit and see who’s better.

    • Wot has been “developing” for 3 years. Think that excuse ran out LONG ago. Wot should be refining at this stage.