- Storm confirms that the alleged 9.2 IS-7 DPM buff promise is a photoshopped fake
- the feedback for 9.1 Test Hellcat and Jackson engine sound is very positive
- the 300 meter sound radius (changed to 600 meter in 9.1) cannot be set via editing XML files
- XP awarded for “tanking” (for potential damage)? “It’s not rumors, but I won’t give you any details”
Storm explains the infamous “28 bots” video: “It was an staged battle after the restart of the server, where there were practically zero players online. They gathered a few people, they ran a few clients with bots and they entered the battle on the count of three. And they achieved such an effect. We banned the experimenters.”
- Storm confirms there will be a second round of the test
Buff Is-7 aim time at least. Currently, tier 9 Chinese heavy has a better gun…
Cant wait for the TANKING bonus.
Finally, one more VERY important stat, that has ALWAYS been important for winning can be assessed.
This please! I played the IS7 until I got frustrated with the gun. Then I looked at the WZ111′s stats in a tank stat inspector, and found that it’s pretty much better in every way except the armor, and I’d rather have that gun at tier 9 with less armor than the same gun at tier 10 with mediocre armor.
The IS-7 has about the best and strongest tanking characteristics of the entire game combined with a slow reloading shit-penetration hellbend-accurate blunderbus of a cannon. In my experience the IS-7 will require a pretty serious hitpoint nerf or an armor nerf on the turret to make up for having a cannon with better penetration or faster reload.
Is-7 is still one of the strongest vehicles in the game hulldown or sidescraping if run by an experienced player. It’s just crap when the player is hit haha
It already has the lower hitpoints of any Tier 10 heavy other than the AMX 50B.
That means nothing when it bounces 70% of its incoming DMG
They nerfed the hp because of the tanking characteristics, just as u said. And they are true, my 2nd game in the IS-7 was already a steel wall ;). But seriously, im sad about the IS-7 buff hoax.
IS-7 armor is strong, but not strong enough for TX gold rounds except the turret, but even then the 155mm TDs HEAT/APCR can pen the less-angled part of the cheek.
For comparison, the ‘murrican E3… when hulldown, practically proof against everything not TX TD APCR/HEAT and even then they need to be aimed carefully. But no TX TD can snapshot better than the E3, so… ahem.
That’s not so bad, considering that though the E 75 is generally given the title of best Tier IX Heavy Tank, the WZ 111 is statistically superior in several aspects. This coupled with the fact that the inferior E 75 is armed with the same 12,8cm gun that is found on the Maus, which negates the “I’m a Tier X, my gun should be bigger and better!” argument would suggest that the IS-7 is fine as it is. People accustomed to the superiority of the KV-1S and (until the frontal armor nerf) IS-3 are just disappointed that after overcoming the IS-8, the IS-7 isn’t as overwhelmingly dominant as they feel they deserved. If you want a better tank that fills the same role, go get a T110E5.
I never played KV-1S and the IS-3 was NEVER OP>
Never said it was OP. I just said it was dominant. Which it most certainly was.
The KV-1S, though, certainly is.
Reminds me of these unlucky sods :)
North Korean officials responsible for the construction of a 23-storey apartment block which collapsed have reportedly been executed by firing squad.
To be honest, even with the restart of the server, only 30 players ?? Specially in RU ?? I believe Storm need a better excuse for this
You can do it during primetime and still get similar results for a rather high % of the attempts. Its not how many people are online that matters, its how many are in queue, in your battle tiers at the moment that you queue that matters.
Sorry this is not likely.
RU has huge number in QUE at all times. There off times have 40k players online and guess what if you are online at 5am you arent online to “Talk” or “Troll” you are there to play.
How could they know it was all a few players? My RUS buddies say this is crap.
No. Even than it showed it in prior patch in worst cases at rush hour on prem 8 the queue would be around 8-9k. (800-900k online).
And even at night when there like 200k online its possible to get in with your friend battle on 1 2 3. If player had like 60 bot friends/twinks, they are easy to synchronise via IRC, this scenario is rather possible.
I play on RU server. Your RU buddies are wrong. There are 8 RU servers and if the 28 bot guys timed it right when a particular server restarted (i.e. they all logged onto RU5 right when it came back online), ran the same tier (ex. tier 7), and clicked battle at the same time they definitely could wind up in the same battle.
Also, these off times when there are 40k players online: that is spread out over 8 servers…meaning average of 5k players on each server with some a bit higher and some lower than the average.
- XP awarded for “tanking” (for potential damage)? “It’s not rumors, but I won’t give you any details”
my kv-220 like this :like:
I take your KV-220 and laugh at it in my AT-2 :D
My T-25,Chi-nu Kai and sometimes T14 easily deal with the ATs fortunately for you most people are afraid of it and don’t know where to shoot it… the damned thing have 0 armor behind it’s soft gun mask and the commander cupola is big and easy to pen!
My KV220 is also much faster has a turret and depression….Ill take it anyday.
But my 2J will laugh all the way to the bank.
Probably to pay for the premium ammunition that you expended.
I wish them good luck getting the engine sound for the paper tanks because it doesn’t exist.
They’ll build them, like they restore the Maus in Kubinka :P
I dont see a probloem here. They can use similar tank.
As they recorded ALL gun sounds using the same gun.
I do not see Tiger 1′s engine sound the same as the Tiger P engine sound as the Tiger P is using a patrol-electric hybrid.
You think a 150mm exists? Or a 183mm?
These arent really all recorded, approx same size guns are used.
T23E3 is out now on EU for those wondering.
I confirm, seen one in two consecutive battles.
Storm’s trolling at finest levels.
Fucking bastard son of SerB.
Tanking… but is only with non destroyed tanks??? because guys that sacrifice them selves to provide a cover in cap (or in other situation where he do more providing a cover to teammates) or to block a road needs some kind of compensation… even when do it for enemy team hehehe.
“Tanking… but is only with non destroyed tanks???” I don’t see where you got that from. The XP you’d get would be based on your ‘Blocked by Armor’ stat; it wouldn’t matter if you lived or not. The reward is for absorbing shots without actually taking damage. Just taking damage should never be rewarded, otherwise tanks with more HP = more XP. The idea is to reward tanks like the E100 and Maus that can in some cases can absorb 30k+ damage. They impact battles significantly: every shot fired at them is a shot that an ally doesn’t have to take.
No, they do’nt need compensation. They’re retards, and they’re already compensated way too much by the victory bonus if somehow their team manages to win despite their death.
Jukelo you never have a situation where 3 guys in cap, 3 heavy damage, an enemy arrive with one tank to decap and one sacrifice covering the other 2 to finish the cap??? i dont call this guy retard oposite i call retards if the 3 try cap and die one after one for nothing something that is not rare… many guys to dont die made team lose and he die exactly the same but for nothing.
Yea i understand this but as i say sometimes a guy that die for team and give at least a chance to win using his wreck as cover for me needs some reward.
Couple months ago I was playing my Leopard (Tier V scout), and was pushing 60% cap trying to win the game. I’m frantically dodging fire from two tanks trying to simply score a hit so the other team can cap first.
A KV-5 come barreling in, and turns sideways to the opposition, sacrificing himself and providing me much needed cover, enough to finish capping and win the game. Guys that do that need some kind of recognition other than my “WTG!”
Meatshield award…
This is what “tanking” is you know…
“It was an staged battle after the restart of the server, where there were practically zero players online. They gathered a few people, they ran a few clients with bots and they entered the battle on the count of three. And they achieved such an effect. We banned the experimenters.”
Hahahaha, holy fokken shit. This Storm dude is the living incarnation of Gestapo and NKVD combined.
Storm explains the infamous “28 bots” video: “It was an staged battle after the restart of the server, where there were practically zero players online. They gathered a few people, they ran a few clients with bots and they entered the battle on the count of three. And they achieved such an effect. We banned the experimenters.”
Yes yes Storm… we trust u ;)
who knows, maybe they were all on 1 or 2 IP addresses, which he could see from the back end, similar to how the “employee” did something with that affair on EU (for get the name, started with D)
quote: “storm explains the infamous “28 bots” video ….”
how about this: no bots – no video; fucking moron
Lol so true
What he means is there were no bots UP UNTIL THIS POINT, but its still okay because he banned all 28 of them! ;D
“Storm explains the infamous “28 bots” video”
And then aliens flew by and crossbred SerB with a T-34.
28 bots still better than 28 siemkas.
Umm, no. If i want to play against machine, i have plenty of singleplayer games. It’s playing against humans what keeps me here…
Oh my fucking god my eyes bleed to what the fuck I have to see what those imbecile ‘humans’ do :D
They may well bleed, but they are still humans and there lays the pleasure in playing ;) . There isn’t any competition in playing against the machine.
Say that to chess players… or Starcraft pros who played against “probots”. :)
OFF Topic: I don’t know if this was asked before, but when does WOT Wiki get updated?? :/
- the feedback for 9.1 Test Hellcat and Jackson engine sound is very positive
Yes we are very happy with the feedback, that’s why we decided to remove them and postpone for couple of years.
Interesting that Storm inadvertently confirms what I’ve argued with WG about for a long time. This being the coordination of players exploiting the “Hunt me down” for gold event in random battles using a three count.
SS do you have a link for his quote?
Storm explains the infamous “28 bots” video: “It was an staged battle after the restart of the server, where there were practically zero players online. They gathered a few people, they ran a few clients with bots and they entered the battle on the count of three. And they achieved such an effect. We banned the experimenters.”
Because there are no other bots. Sure.