WG EU Content Department Sucks

Hello everyone,

okay, this is an issue, that I’ve been wondering for a while now. Why is it that WG EU content department churns out so little? Let me show you what I mean. First, we are going to have a look at the Russian World of Tanks portal.


Five posts only yesterday? But wait, there’s more (Billy Mays mode engaged)!


That’s right. Eight posts per day on the portal. And not just “here are few photos from a meeting” posts, check this out. A pretty detailed article on the history of the Super Pershing and how the name came to be. You know, because of the event. I’m gonna translate that actually – I think. And the EU server?


Oh yea. Five posts per week. Now, I actually know there is such a thing as content department in first place. Really makes me wonder, what are these guys actually doing throughout their days. Why not put together more historical articles, WG EU has staff with excellent history knowledge (Challenger, Tuccy, Hunter1911, Raptor_Fulcrum and others). I’d love to learn something more about tanks and I am sure many others would do too. So where’s the problem? Hell, I do that for FTR almost every day, it’s doable.

But that’s just one half of the content issue that I wonder about. Let’s have a look at the weekend events names. Last events were called:

- Stormy May Day
- Military Parade
- Size Matters!
- It’s Raining Shells

Yep, I get the references, the Military Parade – okay, but… why are the weekend events not war-themed, like on the RU server? After all, this is a game with tanks, not ponies. Why such generic names?

As you probably know, the three biggest communities in WG EU are the Germans, the Polish and the Czechs (and Slovaks of course). I will give you an example of what I mean – on my own community, the Czechoslovaks. The Czechoslovak forum section exists for years now. When was there ever an international event about the fighting on Czechoslovak territory for example? Some of the last brutal battles in the European theater of war were fought on Czechoslovak territory. Kurt Knispel, possibly the greatest tanker that ever lived, was killed in Czechoslovakia in fighting against Soviets armies – and he was no nazi. I get the Wargaming reluctance of mentioning Waffen SS members such as Michael Wittman, but Kurt Knispel was well known for his compassion with POW’s, his slow rise through the rank attributed to his reluctance to become a nazi poster boy.

Check this out – this is a weekend event from Russian server, called “Bratislava-Brno Operation” – an event from March 2014, it describes the spring fighting of 1945 around the Slovak capital of Bratislava and around the second largest city in current Czech Republic, Brno, where the Soviet army crushed the nazi occupants, securing the path to Prague. This is how I imagine a weekend event to be. First, it has a relevant picture of a historical vehicle in spring:


Secondly, it has quite interesting bonuses:

- 50 percent vehicle credit income
- 25 percent discount on consumables
- 25 percent discount on crew retraining
- 50 and 30 percent discounts for premium Churchill and Panzer IV Schmalturm (unrelated to the event, doesn’t really matter)

And two relatively interesting missions (not that easy – 100 battles in 3 days to get the binoculars, destroy 30 German heavies to get 15 gold consumables). And, most importantly, a description of the battle in real life (in this case the Brno-Bratislava operation), its importance and its outcome.


Surely, there was enough fighting done on the territory of Europe to provide enough material for every weekend event for years to come. This would also solve the issue of English event names such as “Size Matters” sounding idiotic or funny in other languages (unrelated, but try translating “Birds of Steel” in Czech, when the word “bird” is a slang word for penis).

On the same note – why not go even further, why not actually mention German successes as well? Before you go all riled up, I am not saying criminal organizations (Waffen SS), criminal units (Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger) or vile acts should be celebrated. Of course not. But it’s undisputable that in some battles, the Germans simply won, like the early deep thrusts into Russia or crushing the vaunted French army (which nevertheless was on occasion able to cause havoc on German units, such as the defense of Chateau de Quesnoy). I see no reason why these battles should be forgotten just because they were won by the Germans, because some of the German victories were tactically masterful.

Or the community from former Yugoslavia. Or the Polish community – they had their victories and great moments of glory as well (for example the 2nd Polish Armoured Regiment ripping into the Germans in the Falaise gap). These events should not be forgotten and since Wargaming claims to help the players “remember everything” (at least in Russia), maybe this approach could be applied on the EU server as well.

44 thoughts on “WG EU Content Department Sucks

  1. Without even mentioning that they didn’t announce the winners of the mini campaign yet, while gold and the tank was given out only yesterday.

    Of course russians and americans got it early :P

    I also saw that Ectar is on holidays until 2th of June. Do they stop because of that?

      • Does it make sense to you tho?

        On Ectar’s profile there is this:

        “Out of office from the 21st of May until the 2nd of June. If you have any urgent issues during that time please contact Brynd.”

        Does it fit the time frame in which news started to drop off more?

      • The first time i saw them on live stream from gamescom in Köln it was all clear.
        Ectar, Pixxy and this other UK guy with this big head. Like a bunch of superretards on a cosplay com. I even hate to talk about such useless tards but they are like a dog with three legs. You want to look away but you cant.

    • I didn’t get anything yet… They’ll probably say something when everyone gets everything, otherwise there’d be lots of whining.

  2. the EU team has a reputation for being uber lazy. they don’t even botter with details for the events, just until the last day, hours if possible. They must all be from france :-?

    • Like with one of their contests – 7 entries, 5 wining places. Took more than week to announce winners. Also more than that to get my share of gold (thanks to iScending for fixing situation with speed of light, compared to WG EU).

      • I know what you mean. Congratz on the win btw.

        Still think mine was better :p

  3. I’m beginning to think that EU department is filled with people protesting Russian attitude towards Ukraine conflict.

    • They must have started the protest in advance, because their lack of any enthusiasm to do something nice for the EU community is present since the moment EU server was established and Paris department was created.

  4. And did you notice, that Russian Content Departament works on weekends? They keep posting in saturdays and sundays while EU site is dead.

  5. The EU site is dead for 3 days already. The last announcement was made on 26. That’s Monday… ffs. Wish I had a job where I work only 2 days a week. They will probably post something about the weekend special and that’s it. A hard week is over.

  6. Worry not. Long time ago, when WG introduced calendar for the first time, it contained links to events.
    After few months stopped, so I’ve opened a ticket.
    Final response:
    Thank you for letting us know. We’ve already notified our content team about this and they should be on it shortly. Please note that this isn’t something that is high priority, therefore they may not get on it right away :)
    Fuck yeah. Instead of that, they made new, even more shittier calendar.

    • But new calendor is bester coz thei need to update it week by week DERP.

  7. WG EU has run out of excuses for its shitness. They are consistantly late with news, events and prizes. There are dozens of them working in that office every day (supposedly) and yet like you say, barely any new posts on the news portal or getting prizes out of the door for past competitions.

    I don’t mean to sound racist here but the French are notorious for being lazy workers, and having the office based in Paris probably explains a lot.

    I’m sure that there are some very hard working people at WG EU and its a shame their efforts are overshadowed by the general air of lazyness and sloppy work.

  8. i mention it everytime how much the EU department sucks only to be shot down with shit like “stop crying”…..

  9. Apparently the Minsk (?) department does not care, though. If they had cared, the entire WG EU office would have been replaced ages ago. Maybe we should bother those guys over there with some pointed complaints.

  10. WG EU has one big fail in their content creation: they want to post everything in every shity language that exists in Europe. Instead of posting everything ahead in English and translate it afterwards (or even wait for some players to translate it, if its “only” some gameplay wise unimportant, but historical interesting article). But instead they got a strict rule from WG EU management, that they have to post everything simultaneously in all languages, which leads to much time needed as, well they most likely start with the English article and then start translating it -> they need twice they time (real time not work hours) to get an article on the page and if one team is lacking a translator (could be ill or what ever), it will stop all post if they cant find a replacement for that day.

    Moreover they got like 6 or 7 languages, where WG RU only posts in russian. You can think about the extra personnel u just need for translating and how much more personnel u would need to do 8 posts a day apart from those ppl doing the research and writing on the original post.

    Moreover that shity rule is the reason why we dont have an Q&A Thread anymore. WG EU management said no to a real “ask the developers thread”, as this could only be done in english and they cant translate it in time for the other forums (no developer speaks all EU languages and see above: they want everything simultaneously for all languages).

  11. oh man too much translation for Eu office… it will take them a two-three weeks to simply google translate and then 1 week of spell check … and then syntax. OMG rly what do u wont more from them they work like slaves “5 posts per week it tooo much!”
    Eu office looks more like public administration in balkan countrys: they dont work shit, they always got excuse and they are uneducated but they think they are over overqualified for such simple tasks.

  12. I’m curious when they update their wiki. There are many new players and changes from last year are not reflected. German TD like missing (c’mon, they were introduced six or seven months ago), SPGs are compared with vehicles at that were on the same tier before 8.6 – this patch came about year ago. This is much more important than articles about historic battles and much less work demanding than creating perfect HD models.
    PS: Today’s resolution: send a ticket about useless wiki :-)

  13. It would be interesting to see the head of all that EU department – how is that guy looking, what does he do and how he reacts to all this shitstorm periodically thrown at them.
    From the side it looks like he reads all the bad stuff and is just like… ooh, whatever, who cares.
    And yeah, I think WG in Minsk doesn’t give a f*** about actions in WG Paris too. Otherwise something would have been changed by now.
    I don’t get this kind of ignorance in such a huge company..

    • Sometimes they get the other pill for breakfast and enrage. Then they ban and delete stuff they dont like on their forums where they got blamed and pointed to the shit they are doing reguarly.

  14. Oh if it only was the content department….
    I had one or two encounters with competent support people back before their only answer was
    “use ingame report system” apart from that they are mostly too young and inexperienced to know how to handle a community, too lazy to create something that can stand for its own and too inconsistent in communications.

    I am pretty sure the day the numbers of premium players start declining beyond the usual summer dip
    ( *cough* Armored warfare open beta *cough*) and WG HQ starts to tun its head we will see many “voluntary departures”

  15. “Wargaming claims to help the players “remember everything” (at least in Russia)”

    well… in Rusian version of history there was only a war between glorious Soviet Russia and devil fascist Germans. Russia won the war on their own and liberated the whole word… and now everyone should be grateful and accept their leadership till the end of time.
    If you have a different opinion you are fascist, American reactionist or at least bloody capitalist.

  16. Don’t think they can do it to SEA since we’re practically a navy-heavy region. The only tank I see in the Indonesian Army Museum Satriamandala (discounting the APC and amphibious AFV) is a M3 Stuart. You wanna push it, there’s a Panhard with the oscilating turret.

    And we have a ship on the front.

    Problem with Tanks in SEA is …..where are you going to use it? Europe is alot of land but SEA, even more land if all the sea is land.

    Prolly that’s why there’s not much Indonesian tankers out there. Too much localized Korean online RPG that all looks the same.

    • Battle of Balikpapan involve several Aussie Matildas.
      Battle of Surabaya, nationalist use Captured Japanese tanks to fight British Tanks (ultimately steamrolled, but its thought that count).
      When battling PERMESTA, Indonesian army also use several tanks.

      Outside Indonesia, there is Battle of Corregidor of Philippines when Japanese Chi-Ha shinhoto see its combat debuts.

      And we haven’t touch China-Burma-India theatre, the so-called ‘forgotten war’, or Chinese Nationalist force (Taiwan) contribution which still suitable for SEA server.

      Oh, and since Vietnam joins SEA cluster, there are bound some NVA vs USA tank skirmishes there.

  17. Recently we had the 70th anniversary of Monte Cassino capture. An important victory in Italy, yet no event in Wolrd of Tanks…was kinda dissapointed.

  18. Well it is WG EU after all they are a bunch of clueless monkeys that do crap all for the community and clearly don’t care for the player base. (There a few exceptions though cough Challenger)

  19. SS, you relieved them from duty of posting historical stuff. And q&a stuff. And even news stuff, since you can get them earlier. So, why so shocked :P ?

    More serious – if Paris office is so bad, move it to Warsaw. Polish playerbase is biggest anyway…

    • Only if you want to see siema pl as a title for every article. It doesn’t matter what nationality WG staff is or where the HQ is. What matters is whether they are competent or not.

      • Well, labor law is different in every EU country and French is probably the most communist one, so it DOES matter to a certain extent where the office is located ;) .

  20. I see no reason why these battles should be forgotten just because they were won by the Germans, because some of the German victories were tactically masterful.
    You meant Germany has never won any battle in WW2. Or do you want to go mine ore in siberian gulag?!