Straight Outta Supertest: “The Pit” – New Pics


Hello everyone,

remember that post about the developed small (400 x 400) WoT map “The Pit” for tiers 1,2 and 3? Three more pictures appeared Sorry for the idiotic water mark, wasn’t me. Also, it’s not the infamous “penis” map I think, it’s something else.




32 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: “The Pit” – New Pics

  1. Finally all kinds of… erm, players will learn to hide and wait….. i hope.

    • Nope they dont, if someone rushes into open field on a map with many hide spots they wont hide here at all they just stand like eeuuuhhhmm…. help??? i dont get it…
      PLOINK! enemy
      o hey enemy lets kill him
      moves to enemy starts shooting
      doing 3 hits 5 dmg or so then dies because of rain of enemy fire…

      yup they will learn it

      • I really hope they will. Now they just dont mind about unspotted tanks and then “omg invisible tank, noob team”etc. etc. On this map, they will see what killed them, and where was it. They wont have any excuses.

  2. hmm, some of those hills don’t look too high, I have a cunning plan involving a UC-2pdr and two platoonmates!

  3. This is WIP, they will add stones, bushes and whatnot to those slopes

  4. I wonder if this will be battle tier 1 &2 only. Because bytthe time you get to 3, you have TDs with big view range.

  5. BT-2 will have fun in this map…and probably the only low tier only map that T18 can’t do well because of the flanking around it :)

    Still, H35s would be a pain….

  6. Looks kinda imbalanced – if you check out the 1st picture, it looks, that there is an advantage for southern team in bottom left corner – that rock, at which you can hide at the beginning of the game. Northern base have only their spawn place protected.. But then again – probably in the middle of those open fields there will be some bushes and more rocks added, so it should be fine..

    And those capcircles.. I don’t see any scecario, when a game could be won by capping :)

    • Probably a good thing (making capping nearly impossible), help to encourage new players to actually kill tanks than just mindlessly sit in the cap… who am I kidding they are still gonna do that

      • how about cap circle very small and no buildings/hills around and in middle of the map.
        then everyone that tries to cap gets spotted, cannot hide, and DIES!!!
        but when theres a afk enemy and he cannot be found you can still cap if your last player on your team

  7. If you look at the 1st and 3rd pic you can see that it’s layout is almost identical to the “penis” map (a bit of rework have been done for sure, but the basic elements of it are still there)

    BTW would be great to see a map that “evolves” from scratch to something. :)

  8. SU-26 with stock gun will like this map!
    G.Pz. Mk. VI (e) will not…

  9. I wonder what will happen if you throw in all the t10 tanks in? Esp deathstar?

  10. Pingback: [WoT PC] Supertest-Leak: Karte “The Pit”

    • Hey, i see some Loltraktor legend :D I called mine WOTAN, what is the name of yours? XD