
Sorry, practically nothing today.

- there will be arty in WoT for Xbox at some point
- apparently, SerB’s son, who is currently serving in the army, is too tall to fit into a tank (SS: told you, pointless info)
- according to Overlord, WG has several ideas on gold ammo rebalancing, including their “limitation” apparently. It is not sure if any of these ideas will be introduced.

51 thoughts on “4.6.2014

  1. Gold ammo should have a limit on how many you can carry or
    -increase the price
    -make its price back to gold
    -remove it all together
    -make shitty guns with shit pen get better pen. eg Pz.ll.J

    • ” -make its price back to gold”
      That would be Pay2Win, noone likes Pay2Win.

      ” -make shitty guns with shit pen get better pen. eg Pz.ll.J”
      Yeah, because, you know, Pz. II J isn’t OP at all…

        • But the option is there, and it’s not like it costs a lot of money to run some prem ammo anyway. Only about 6k per shot for mid-tier guns.

    • You can also balance it by reducing its damage vs normal AP shells.

      Bringing it back for gold is the worst idea possible.

      • actually , bringing it back is the best solution , at least when i get hit with gold ammo , the shooter is losing real money not ingame money which he can make with 1 round with his beloved premium tank, however , i have a maus and e100 in my garage and we all know why people play those tanks , cause of the armor , but take that away since everyone can spam gold , u get a useless tank.
        - apparently, SerB’s son, who is currently serving in the army, is too tall to fit into a tank .
        Real Tanks “working as intended”.

        • I would rather everyone spam it than it be pay to win. And I don’t even fire gold ammo.

          • Really, a reblance of it’s damage, maybe a limit on carrying as well, would be an answer.

            As Pay2Win is a really bad thing, and then top clans would still spam it, which could widen the gap in fighting ability for CW/Tournament much farther, when facing a top clan.

  2. - according to Overlord, WG has several ideas on gold ammo rebalancing, including their “limitation” apparently. It is not sure if any of these ideas will be introduced
    I hope they will nerf it :P

  3. Making price twice as high won’t help since some trolls play only with moneymaking tanks + prem. acc. to spam gold with other tanks all day long. Lower the dmg output of premium rounds to 70% of AP. And that’s it.

    • Lover dmg to APCR is good idea, but what about high pen low dmg guns? (Matilda) 55 avg dmg is already low

    • I agree with the lowered damage, if you reduce the damage by %70 – %75 then at least when you understand weak spots and how to aim, you have a fighting chance. If you can consistently pen a tanks weak spots then you will win in an open field against a gold spammer, mainly because you are out DPM’ing them.

      Of course, when you are facing a hull down E100, and have to secure or break the line then firing gold is a valid option, make them come get you, or make them start having to angle their armor so that they have to do something other than sit all day and watch you bounce. Even an E100 can bounce gold rounds on people that do not know how to hit weak spots, it just makes it more difficult for the person that is driving the E100 (How terrible…). The angles have to be perfect when facing gold, regular AP ammo is more forgiving.

  4. These ideas for gold ammo plain suck. Stop asking for damage reduction, this bullshit confuses players. Just cap the percentage of total ammo stores that can be gold ammo.

    • yup! just a limited amount of premium ammo! ~25%
      if you want to use more than 25% premium ammo It would have to cost gold :P
      Its not pay to win! but pay to not control your ammo supply in battle!

    • So strong ideas. Why can’t you people just for once imagine, that you own WG – if someone would come with idea to limit gold ammo capacity AND in the same time tell you, that in such case company will loose X% income, trust me – you will never ever implement those limits.

      And they will never remove the ability to buy them for silver too, as they said several times, that they don’t want to see their game in section of Pay-to-Win.

  5. I don’t get what all the hate is for gold ammo. There are very few situations in which gold will pen but standard will not (at all).

    There are very few tanks in which gold shells don’t have to be aimed at all to pen. Even with gold, just herping, derping, and using auto aim typically won’t work compared to aiming your shot.

    • All the gold ammo rage is from tier ten idiots who don’t know that apcr is standart ammo for mediums… And from frustrated hellcat drivers spammed randomly with gold from pom pom crusaders :-D

    • Because it’s pay-to-win mechanism. Player with the same skill but with large wallet will have much better chances to win because of gold ammo, i think that’s obvious.

      • BS… You can easily afford gold ammo whenever needed even at tier ten game and end with profit… Just penetrate and survive… No wallet needed… But sure it helps

        • You need a premium account though. Which doesn’t make you a wallet warrior but the sole reasons this game is free to play at all for the rest.

          • I don’t have a premium account and I run my Pershing 30AP/30prem all the time. The key is not to shoot it by default, and you should be in the clear.

        • You mad? Load only gold in your tank, however skilled you are, there are no chances you will end in plus at the end of the battle. IS-3 gold loadout is more then 100000 silver, that’s not average income even for the best players.

          • Tell me when did you run out of ammo in is3? 11k dmg without profit? I’ve battles in my e100 with 100% gold spam with profit on non premium column even when loose battle… And this games would appear even more frequently if i didn’t run it with prem consumables only…

  6. Much less information going around since the patch 9.0 came out. I believe they have finally silenced Storm. Most info coming from him was useless/incorrect/misleading anyways.

  7. Bringing gold ammo back for gold could likely be the best option.
    I mean, not like we had problems with goldspam before it was sprem… Why would we have them now?
    That, or maybe make them more complex. For a part, do less damage, for the other part, also give them the chance to overpenetrate and do nothing.
    Say, you shoot Hellcat APCR (+250Mm- penetration) at an ELC AMX… And it goes in and out doing nothing.
    It’d be very troll, and it’d screw pubbies that spam it thinking it’s Jesus cum and that it’ll make them good.

  8. Limiting the amount of premium shells is the only possible solution that will work at the moment IMHO.

    We had more options some time ago, but since Wargaming started balancing entire tanks around gold ammo (E100 topgun and T69 come to mind), everything else but a limit would also require heavy rebalancing of multiple tanks, which would then bring further rebalancing for the whole tier and so on – it’s a slippery slope.

    WG moved themselves into a nasty corner there, and IF something happens it will not be damage reduction or anything touching the tank balance. But we’ll see …

  9. It makes me laugh that all these people that want to nerf gold ammo even though it was and still is a real factor in tank warfare; yet, they want to play OP tanks that never entered production because of fatal flaws (i.e. auto loaders constantly jamming) and WG ignores for playability sake.

    • Please tell me more how irl tanks spammed HEAT/APCR all the time. Or how about we give tanks 50% useless HE shells that they used irl against infantry.

      • Regarding HE, I still don’t understand how artillery and howitzers are more effective against tanks than ammunition specifically designed to kill tanks. There is a reason that the Sherman was primarily armed with 75mm and 76mm guns versus the 105mm howitzer. Yet, game wise almost every Sherman is armed with the 105mm.

        Regarding the HEAT argument, HEAT, being a chemical energy round, was used for long range targets where it had better penetration that a kinetic energy round that loses its penetration over distance. The game does not have the range effect factored into it to any significant degree. So, technically, the AP rounds should be the better choice over HEAT rounds at the ranges we battle in the game.

        As far as the APCR, so what if the player spams it. He is willing to pay the costs whether it be in credits or gold. Also, with the match maker putting us into battles that prevent a particular tank from being able to do any damage to the opponents tanks or tank destroyers except by using APCR, why penalize the player due to the match maker’s lack of “fairness”. Have you not ever ended up in a battle that your gun was unable to penetrate the enemy’s tank except with the use of APCR due to either the tank’s all around armor or tactical situation?

  10. Same cost… Gold ammo has a 2% higher pen then standard, and dishes out 25% less damage. there, you want to penetrate, fine.. but don’t think that using a crutch due to ur inability to learn weak spots, makes u deserve some great bonus.

    • And, you with your expert gunnery, never found yourself in a situation where you couldn’t target the weak spots? Or, the RNG never worked against you in where your round flew?

      For me, sometimes the rounds go exactly where I aim every shot and in other battles the rounds hit everywhere but where the cross hair is.

  11. Limiting the loadout would be ideal sprem solution. That and maybe increasing it’s price slightly more, but that would be optional.

  12. SerB’s son too tall, that’s strange, SerB himself doesn’t look tall. Maybe SerB have tall neighbours. :D