Thanks to Mesotronik for this one. Taken from this thread.
Konstaninovka, Ukraine, June 2014 – “separatists” idiots, trying to rev up an old IS-3 tank, that has been there as a monument for god knows how long. Poor thing. It’s not going anywhere in this state anyway, just let it rest.
Trying to drive a monument… even Russians didn’t imagine to do it. ;)
Hungarians could start an old T-34 monument back in 2006
I believe that after some days of repairs this IS-3 would be able to drive ..maybe….. Question is..for how long? But what about spare parts?? There will be plenty things to replace in so old engine… And what about ammo? So it woul be nice to see this shootin euromaidan-terrorists but i dont believe that they will be able to make it work…
Revving it up in this bad condition surely won’t help. just makes it even worse.
It wasn’t a monument, it was a fully working display piece, which moved on its own tracks to the celebration. They even left the fuel inside, the protestors just needed to start it.
Piston rings have gone.
HAve they shite, it’s been sat for awhile, the oil is bound to be thick and full of crap, all russian tanks belch smoke anyway, dont believe me look for clips of the war and peace show.
That engine is done for, maybe they can make it move some meters, but thats it. That engine will need to be replaced, the damage is just too extensive. And the more they try to start it the more irreversable the damage becomes.
I dont think engine needs to be replaced.. It just needs complete restoration.
Run the engine for an hour or two and change the oil and it’ll be fine.
You’re right actually, replace the gaskets, patch up the fuel lines, replace the oil and fuel and it’s good to go. Such old engines rarely die off from being stationary, there used to be a ~60 year old bulldozer in a place behind the house. One day a guy just drove it away onto a trailer.
Let’s have hope
that natural selection works…
Natural selection works in reverse nowadays: Smart people use contraception, idiots do not…
I can just see someone using that phrase on a Meme photo, lol
this just made the water in my mouth burst out on my screen looooooooooooool
If they start it up and manage to destroy a BMP, WG can’t say that BMPs don’t fit into world of tanks at least.
Then BMP gets excellent camo rating, fires a guided missile with enough pen to make it point and shoot and goodbye every single tank in game.
yea ATGM would be fun from the other side of a map yelling “noobs” then kill the arty :)
I’m 99,9% sure that there are no ammo in the IS-3 (they can’t be this stupid to store ammo in a monument tank) and I’m also sure that finding compatible 122mm two-piece shells are also impossible for them.
Anyway the BMP would rape it anytime/anywhere with ATGM missile.
I’d venture a guess and say the gun breech has been cut so even if they had some 122 rounds the gun wouldn’t fire.
Eh…don’t know when the Russians put the monument there and I don’t know how their policy is towards such vehicles with regards to de-arming them. But IIRC the 122mm field gun is still common enough that if they have some…erm….*cough* connections…in the third world, they might be able to acquire some ammo.
It even comes with it’s own smoke machine. Not good for sneaking operations though.
Great for a Halloween decoration though… “Hey, look everybody, the Communists have invaded our yard!”
I’ll classify that as rape and they should be jailed for it.
I agree with you. Guilty!
I’ve worked with old diesel engines a lot. They’ll smoke like that after setting for a while, but if they start, they’ll usually clear up unless the rings are shot. Also, you usually have to pour some oil in the cylinders to free them up, so you have to burn that out as well. We bought a 59 model Cat bulldozer once that had sat for 12 or so years. It smoked like that for 2 hours til everything got re-seated. The old girl may take off.
I’d rather keep that old girl standing there instead of being driven around and handled poorly by idiots who know nothing about it. It’s like seeing classic car being driven relentlessly and without care – it hurts my heart.
It’s war… i don’t defend separatists (a.k.a. Russians) but when you fight, you use everything which can give you an edge. TBH if I was there now I wouldn’t give a shit if the tank is a monument or not. If it’s capable of destroying buildings and killing people – use it.
Same you saw in Syria where they were shooting old German StG-44 (MP-44) assault weapons…. Sell those to a museum and you can buy multiple AKs for that money 0.o
Because those were totally originals instead of knock-offs. (I understand Murricans occasionally pick up those things in Iraq, too.)
Its not war… Its just a few idiots trying to drive a monument.
Now we all know what we can do after the zombie apocalypse outbreak…
But it is still a monument that is not respected and used for killing each other. A piece of history to kill the offsprings of the people who wrote it, tragic.
A tank is not only its engine and fuel. It needs ammuntion, repair parts, heavy workshop… they have a lot of stuff to deal with until this thing is operational again.
serb, wake the fuck up! give these poor bastards a hand
Seriously? o_O)
Hmmm I hope these rebels find a worthy end, by burning inside that tank without being able to get out. :))
Ukraine’s military should deal with these treasonous scumbags on the most inhumane way possible for betraying their country. These Ukrainian rebels are so low, it makes suicide bombers look like saints.
Let me explain your logic: Euromaidan betraying Ukraine government = heroes. Rebels betraying euromaidan government = scumbags? Have you noticed that you are a brainless idiot?
Yea, I noticed. I would say it WOULD wierd, but there is only 1 thing.
THe entire Eastern ukraine smells like russians had they’r hand in it. And from the looks of it, they continue to prod the issue.
They probably have… But EU/USA had their hands in euromaidan revolution.. So its completely the same.
So the fact that the old government was full of corruption and their previous leader enriched himself so ludicrously that he had a palace full of riches and a big-ass boat, doesn’t mean that the guy had to go (preferrably to jail forever)?
Man…. you really believe that the new garniture will be different in this way??? I have seen this many times in my country….. government full of corruption …new government promissed the change…but have as many corruption scandals as former government…and then comes new government…. same problem…again and again…
Time will tell. But one thing make the difference is that Ukraine wants to take its country a different direction that it was on for decades. Have close economical and political treaties and projects with the west. Ukraine and its people are drained and tired of years of corruption and lawlessness. They want to move forward and leave the stagnated post-soviet system that had driven Ukraine to its knees.
They will be dissapointed very soon…. Its very sad how many people have to die just because some people need to see by their very own eyes that eu in its presentl form sucks too. Go to eastern Slovakia and ask people how EU changed their life.
I do believe you’ll have excuse Brussels for not being in possession of Sufficiently Advanced cornucopia technology to bring about a post-scarcity economy in every fucking infrastructurally neglected and economically retarded postcommunist backwater around.
But unless the poorfags of eastern Slovakia are quite substantially dumber and less enterprising than their peers everywhere else they’re presumably tapping every single EU subsidy they can think of to pay for more ale and whores, so eh.
Also would you like to discuss by way of comparision how much good for example the Russian state on the average does for its citizens, nevermind now outlying regions of little consequence? Because the last I heard Russian Karelia for example was in pretty appalling state, and that’s right by the bloody St. Petersburg…
So TELL ME WHY should be people happy about joining EU, if it can not bring them better life but it will bring them plenty of idiotic laws and regulations??? Tell me why…..
And tell me more about communism and economical retardation….. Those times EVERY SINGLE peasant in the most remote village in the mountains had job with good sallary …so please be so kind and tell me something more about how bad it is was those days just because some rearded artist couldnt do what they want to and some idiots were put into jail because they “betrayed” a regime…. tell me more about that freedom and opportunities shit… Nowdays, robbed TV host will be put in the jails because she was talking badly about gypsies which robbed her family during the floods…. that is EU and Brussels and their idiotic laws about something they have never seen! FU hard
You don’t understand shit about basic economics do you? Or the EU or, for that matter, the late and not very lamented Communist states.
But hey, no skin off my nose if the dirt-poor dickwads of Humbugistan are stupid enough to think they’re anything but a rounding error in the global economy nobody gives a flying fuck about unless they belong to an organisation with enough size, impact and aggregate resources to boast something teknik’ly known as “negotiating position”.
Kellomies (in our very ancient speech it means “the one with dick instead of head”) you are a bainwashed victim of your state propaganda and thus its pointless to try to talk to you… You probably believe in your countrys massmedia and think that everything they told you is dogmatic truth and everyone that doesnt believe it must be alien…. Just tell me something about terrorism, homophobia, economics and all this shit used to brainwash western people on daily basis…. I know something about it…. i live in country harmed with this kind of modern warfare too…but fortunatelly .many people of my country are much smarter than you and they doesnt believe that shit… they think free….. try to do it will hut your poor pre-programmed brain ..if you have some
Being full of shit isn’t an argument; it merely makes not knowing any that much more pathetic.
And FYI in *our* certainly quite ancient but actually living language “kellomies” literally means “clock/ watch man”, so be very afraid – you’re arguing with a particularly outré Mega Man Robot Master here.
Ukraine has not gain anything during all this decades to be close to the east. Just the opposite. Now the people whats to move from that and build ties with the West. But Kremlin doesn’t like that. Thats why Russia threaten, annex and inflame the crises in Ukraine.
It will take at list a decade before Ukraine would feel and see real visible change from having a trade and economical collaboration with the West. But it would be the right step for Ukraine to take from the stagnated post-soviet state it has been all this years.
No, the problem is like this:
Yanukovich betraying the people of Ukraine who voted for him after he promised economic agreement with the EU = Euromaidan protests are completely legit.
Yanukovich further fucking up the Ukrainian people in the ass by sending in Berkut over the initial peaceful protesters = Euromaidan has all moral rights to fight back hard against a would-be dictator.
Now sod off, worthless commie humper.
Sir, you are an idiot… As you can clearly see by events in eastern Ukraine, not all Ukrainian citizens want to be a part of EU…. If Yanukovich wanted to fuck ass of idiot euromaidaners, he would send Mi-24s and BMP to fire lethal ammo…not just few specops guys. On the other side…now those assfucked euromaidan idiots are sending those BMP which Yanukovich refused to use to eastern ukraine to kill civilians…. So who is the murderer??? Euromaidan..not Yanukovich….
Now, sit down and fuck your ugly assface!
You DO realise hauling out the military heavy metal against *protesters* on the streets of your fucking capital isn’t exactly a winning formula for an already shaky regime to earn any legitimacy points? IIRC even the Chinese gave the matter serious thought before they sent the tanks to Tiananmen, and *that* place is an out-and-out police state; for Yanu that kind of move would likely have been political suicide, plus it’s anything but a given the military would actually have gone along with it anyway.
Both for legal and jurisdicational reasons and the fact that the last I heard self-respecting soldiers tended to have a deep and abiding aversion for such ugly internal-security duties – there’s a reason the old Communist regimes had assloads of heavily-armed and carefully vetted internal security forces to handle such in their stead, too.
An outright armed revolt with the stated goal of compromising the territorial integrity of the state, to speak nothing of the blatant meddling of a less-than-friendly neighbour in the matter, is KIND of a whole different ballgame.
You re wasting your time arguing with people like RAS, sadly for them they re either completly stupid or have been brainwashed to a point of no return.
Brainwashed ?? Because i dont believe in good west and bad russian fairitale? Wake up man…..
I prefer the characterisation “stupid & ignorant”, personally.
And yeah, Russia kinda sucks as a matter of fact. Certainly it has done an awful lot for quite a while now to, as Terry Pratchett put it, “influence people without making friends”. And really doubled down on such efforts recently.
States don’t get detested by pretty literally every single one of their neighbours (moreso if those used to be parts thereof) plus sundry without a reason. And yes, there’s good reasons why Muricans aren’t always well liked abroad; there’s also good reasons why the US isn’t as disliked by the inhabitants of civilised countries as, say, Russia.
You re brainwashed, EU didnt stop any voting happening, they did not steal any territory, russian did both, I already know you re going to come up with some fucked up argument so don’t bother wasting anymore time.
Separatist are completly manipulated and brainwashed, this is actually really sad for them especially after what russia has done to them.
Sending armor for fight against civilians is really one of the worst things government can do…But present ukrainian government DID IT. So what else can you tell?
I dont see any difference between euromaidans revolt and separatists revolt… Only diference its opinion of western countries.
Demonstrating on the streets against the current regime and starting what amounts to a minor civil war with the more or less explicit goal of territorial separatism aren’t exactly the same thing.
It may amaze you to learn that the latter is one of the things sovereign states not only tend to deeply frown on but also have armies *for* in the first place.
You are not able to realize that all this shit are just thing of point of view….. Typical for Brainwashed people like you… But i am sure that you will find very idiotic-sounding excuse for everything in this world as a well trainder propaganda slave should do. When your media and autorities will tell you that wearing a blue color is bad and its a statement of terrorism you will surely hate everyone wearing blue clothes…just because it is correct to do it…. Yes..communism restricted freedom of mans body…they decided where you can and where you cant go…but this modern shit have enchained minds of people and kill freedom of thinking…. You are very good example of this crime against human rights
I’m actually kind of impressed by how plain incoherent your bullshit strawmen are, but that doesn’t make them any more relevant or topical.
And I’m actually talking about legal technicalities here which are *not* “just a point of view thing”. I quite understand if that’s beyond your trailer-trash faculties though.
Legal??? You cant be serious with this shit…. Imagine, what all would be legal if nazis managed to won the war you brainless idiot. Legal means just approved by actual governments
I can clearly imagine what you would talking if it all happened vice versa ..for example western ukraine leaded by euromaidan would fight for independence and yanukovich would send a army to kill those mindufcked idiots…. I can clearly imagine your whining about murderers and all that humanistic shit. Imagine this like in WOT match…you see all members of enemy team in RED as theyre BAD for you…. but dont forget that they see YOU as the RED-BAD one. Your opinion is accurate copy of EUs approach… EU needs prowestern ukraine… it needs cheaper workers, new markets for their shit, …its all about that… its not about opinion of some brainfucked idiots protesting on some square…. its about goals of those bussinesmen and politics…. Same with Russia…they want Ukraine as their very own bussines…. same as EU… This is what you cant understand with your brainwashed mind full of western propaganda like economics shit and legality and all that correctness….. But i quite understand that this is far beyond your forrest moosefucker understanding capability
You have no idea of basic legal theory do you? How very surprising. Please look up things like “rule of law” on Wikipedia or something, and ponder on the topic of internationally accepted legal principles. The fiat law of the Third Reich – and the Nazis AFAIK weren’t very good at sticking to even their own legislation – violated any number of fundamental principles thereof you know.
And things have become quite a bit more elaborate since WW2.
Again, sending in the Army almost certainly was never an option for Yanu both for legal reasons and simply because professional soldiers kind of tend to really dislike that kind of thing. That shit wasn’t what they signed up for or what the military is for in the first place, nor is it at all suited for the task. And to reiterate even the old totalitarian Communist dictatorships understood this and that they couldn’t rely on the military to curb civil unrest (also due to the very real possibility of the conscript rank and file sympathising with the troublemaker), which is why they had so numerous and heavily armed separate internal security forces.
An outright armed separatist uprising is a rather different thing, all the more so when it is blatantly fomented and supported by a hostile neighbour.
And you have no fucking idea about elementary economics, geostrategy or why either Russia or anyone else is at all interested in a run-down backwater like Ukraine in the first place. “New workers”? Are you actually retarded or something? The EU had no shortage of unemployed and immigrant labour the last I checked, nor of piss-poor postcommunist backwaters of low average wages and lower living standards people mainly want to GTFO of. And from what I hear Ukraine is run-down enough to not have much in the way of manufacturing infrastructure or purchasing power.
PROTIP: stop trying to argue from gross ignorance.
Owait, it’s not like you have anything else.
Civillinas? Stop watching RT.
“Civilians” are not armed with AK-74′s, Dragunov’s, RPG’s and MANPAD’s. “Civilians” dont kidnapped, assault, interrogate and hold captive journalists and OSCE workers. Dont forget all the “civilians” from russia and chechnya thats help and support the other “civilians” on the ground.
What are you talking about?? I dont have even possibility to watch RT…i live in idiotic EU
Bullshit Ras, we have compulsory education here. And you obviously are barely literate.
Another shit argument by Mr. “Dick instead of Head”
Yeah, you’re totally one to talk. An expert on the subject at least.
“separatists” idiots??????
Did your country admit independent of Kosovo, support that “SEPARATISTIC” MORONS called Shqiptarëts from Albania? Is your all country morons???
Why you put politics in this gamers blog???
Why you play that russian game if you hate them???
Read a little more. Kosovo is completely different case.
Because what? Because separation ov Kosovo was suported by Westerners? Oh man……………………
Because USSR declared Crimea independent in 90′s. Because people living on Crimea lived in peace until not so long ago Russia sent new immigrants who started riots.
Kosovo lost independence in 1989. since then Serbs living there were always threatened by Albanians to the point that they were protected by NATO forces. A solution was needed there very badly.
Go and see how Crymean people welcomed Putin…. Huge majority of Crymean people is happy about being part of Russia again. Where you see the problem?
Of course they are happy. Unhappy Ukrainians left Crimea, they want to live.
Any numbers?
What Crymean people? Those infiltrated by Russia itself?
Yeah, I’m sure the Tartars REALLY welcomed Putin’s forces… get a grip on reality, kid.
How many Russians live in Crymea? And how many Tatars?
Want to discuss *why* a good chunk of those Tatars currently reside in Central Asia?
I dont see and numbers of comparsion of tatar population with russian population in Crymea in yout topic……
Apparently we need to add Wiki-Fu to your already long list of shortcomings, Ras. That took me all of two minutes to find.
Nobody Sees it here, but the ‘Ukraine’ crisis has no good or bad guys. It’s not like Russia is the Hero or the West, because both are trying to get their best oppertunities out of Ukraine.
Remember Iraq wars? US has oil now.
Something similar happened now in Ukraine.
The US is losing influence and wants to do something about it.
At the same time, Russia took Crimea with quite a small army (1 solder per square meter).
The best would be for all countries to just leave the place, because it causes news-wars and people will never know what would have really happened.
Cold war wasn’t won, but just turned into something worse.
Only videos show truth that is easy to be proven.
Stop the useless US/the West VS Russia, because the fight is impossible!
The above examples are only just things news tell, they can be false.
One thing is this: Accept that Crimea is Russia. It is and it won’t be changed. Thinking about ‘those poor Tartars’ won’t change this fact, so leave it be and accept it.
Crimea was de facto Russian before Adi, but they were properly paying rent for leasing it from its de jure owners. Not like anyone’s going to be doing diddly squat about that fait accompli in any foreseeable future ofc, the place most assuredly isn’t worth that kind of pissing contest.
Directly, anyway. Putin has pissed away an awful lot of political capital, credibility and general legitimacy by now and shows no particular signs of putting his thing back in his pants anytime soon. It’s a quite safe bet this WILL be making Russia’s position that much more difficult in any amount of fields down the road – nobody likes a bully, and the “international community” most certainly doesn’t like brazen brinkmanship, reckless boat-rocking and general wilful disregard of sundry unwritten rules.
Oh and stop failing geopolitics forever.
You birng yourself your own Wiki FU…wahch those numbers..I DONT GIVE SHIT ABOUT 12% when majority is happy…We have too some idiotic minorities in our country and there are only problems with those..
Your odiously supremacist attitude aside, I take it you didn’t bother finding out *why* the Russians so outnumber the Crimean Tatars in the latters’ own homeland?
Hint: Stalin had a lot to do with it.
Not that any popular vote in Russia had possessed a shred of credibility for a good while now, ofc. Funny coincidence how the results tend to quite seamlessly fit the immediate needs of the Putin regime you know?
What you talking about, are you an albanian? You know my history better than me, are you nuts? Where was that albanian 100 years ago? Same shit they doing to Macedonia and Greece, they just go from Albania and buy houses to other countries, all muslims do same thing. Europe will be muslim for 100 years, look France, U.K., even Germany and all other countries….there is too much muslims and slowly they take piece by piece of Europe, just wait.
By 1989 I meant the decision of Milosevic of revoking Kosovos’ autonomy. But yes, it was probably going for years, just like with muslims in westeren Europe.
Take your Islamophobic bullshit somewhere else kid. Oh and for the record Helsinki has had a permanent Muslim minority since the early 1800s and a mosque to go with it – that Ebil Muzlem takeover sure seems to be long in coming though…
word “XXXphoby”…typical mark of western propaganda…. victim of brainwashing detected
Please do not use big difficult words like you actually knew what they meant.
So i will talk to you in way you deserves…. pojeb si hlavu ty arogantny kokot… you are very intelgent western asshole so you should be able to find a way to translate this …
I can readily recognise “arrogant” and make an educated guess about the rest, your point? Boorish manners only compound your prior grave sins of rank ignorance and gullibility… and awful spelling.
Also not gonna make excuses for actually being educated and erudite, unlike certain local analogs of the stereotypical American trailer-trash wingnut.
Another pointless blah blah blah blah….
I have very good mood now so i will gladly explain you, what does it mean kokot in some slavic languages. In its primary meaning word kokot is a quite expresive naming of a dick…but in common conversation it can be used to denominate someone like you… Big headed, yet brainless imbecile with mouth full of senseless shit about all around, in most cases living in false conviction about his superiority and geniality, but in fact being considered an asshole by most people around…Here you are… a glorious example of common kokot… In Hungary they use to use a word Fasz instead of kokot… I think your language have some similiarities with hungarian so maybe it will help you to undersand what hopeless existence you are……
I don’t remember asking for clarifications about your lowbrow heathen gabble you anti-intellectual caveman. But keep throwing poop at the moon, I’m sure your credibility among the audience can only go up.
And if you actually knew fuck-all about Fenno-Ugric languages you’d know that Finnish and Hungarian (or rather their ancestor laguages) went their separate ways awfully long ago and it pretty much takes an actual linguist to recognise the shared traits. (By the way I find the Finnish equivalents of that expression much more pithy and striking.)
It is a Belarussian game…
That doesn’t mean much in reality. Minsk is firmly under the Russian sphere of influence.
…which hardly equals Lukashenko wanting to touch the whole Pontic mess with the proverbial ten-foot pole. I was under the impression he’s mainly been laughing his ass off at Yanukovych & Co. for being too stupid and incompetent to even kleptocratize a corrupt third-world shithole properly.
On contrary, you can enjoy other countries entertainment while still despising them.
And then again, Wargaming is BELORUSSIAN. They might be Russian fanboy but so far not joining in their big brother ‘aggression’.
Look bro, he didn’t say all separatists are idiots, he said those guys ARE idiots. And heck THEY ARE. You don’t do that to history. And that tank is HISTORY.
….and that relevant with my post in what way…?
It is not guilt of those mans starting a tank…its guild of government in Kiev shooting civilians with BMPs instead of making public referendum about separation.. Why should be those people forced to live their lives under EU idiotic laws if they dont want to???
National Pride.
Seriously, what kind of government willing to cede its territory? Remember this little conflict called ‘American Civil War?’ Or maybe Chechnya, to give some example from Russian side?
1. Why you discuss politics on gamers blog?
2. I’m pretty sure he called them idiots just because they dishonored this monument.
Because SS want this, he put this shit on this blog, he want populate west idiotic EU.
He obviously doesn’t. Did you read my comment? Did you read any comment here? Why are you so dedicated to start flame war?
Your spelling is bad and you should feel bad. More to the point, the last I saw SS wasn’t exactly pro-EU…
World of Tanks is made by Wargaming (no shit), which is from Belarus :I
This wasn’t SUPPOSED to be politics…. It was just a few idiots starting up a tank wrong….
different case, why? You are so pro west man and too many watching west propaganda TV-s ;)
Oh, yes, kids don’t know difference between russian and belorussian ;)
I understand the diffrence. One is a pain in the @$$ and another is just another country.
You know, I feel sorry for you. The propaganda is on YOU my friend.
So what, you google it and what, photoshop working?
Read text:
So, how far, live in lies from TV and west propaganda, good luck.
Sure, US media is lying too. That’s why I always don’t take any news seriously and try to find a source myself. The problem is that Russian propaganda is so stupid and naive that it can be found easily everywhere. And yet stupid Russians believe it. That makes me sad.
“Oh, yes, kids don’t know difference between russian and belorussian ;)”
Says the one who thinks World of Tanks is Russian. LOGIC
It’s Russian and Belorusian. There is no two S letters.
The name has variously also been translitterated as “Byelorussian” and “Belorussian” actually – – so whatever, really. Damn moonrunes.
I just found it hilarious because of this statement he made: Oh, yes, kids don’t know difference between russian and belorussian ;) It’s so ironical :D Otherwise i couldn’t care less how someone wrote it ;)
The word you’re looking for is “ironic”.
Also, not really.
Because Ukraine didn’t invade Russia to take some teritory via military means. I’m all for Ukraine bringing the tanks out to wipe those shithead “rebels” that are trying to break it apart, organizing illegal referendums outside the constitution, occuping goverment buildings, harming ukraine people. You russian loving vodka guzzling turd.
Rebels killing rebels…..
Actually it would be a sovereign state deploying its armed forces to suppress wholesale armed insurrection attempting to challenge its territorial sovereignty and integrity which I believe is under normal circumstances considered pretty legitimate use thereof.
Not to mention that kind of thing is sort of what armies are *for*.
Is that IS-3 “Working As Intended” then???
If it was made by WG, then yes :)
Why everyone is blaming those people? I like to watch sitting tanks for years and run again. The engine start out nice,i like old engines start up after a long time abandoned..About the smoke,that’s a normal thing if a engine doesn’t start out long,and the weather was cold…
“A” for effort tho :)
i just wanted to post this vid :D
What on Earth are they doing…
if the IS-3 is dead or worse they better fix with spare parts…
Steam Tank!
Don’t be so sure that they wont be able to start it up. Here is another old video from Ukraine, they managed to get running ISU152 that was simply rusting in field for decades.
Love the bit at 8.06 minutes when they take out the orginial manual and begin looking at it!
manual says Sledge that Hammer boy on the engine ;)
Don’t blame these people! When will come the enemy, and you will have no weapons will cause the monuments to work! (sorry for English, this online translator)
At least IS-3 has trolololo spaced side armour against RPG.
Damn Humvees tend to sport that shit these days.
Well…..IS-3′s side armour is better than most modern MBT’s side armour(when no additional plate/ERA is added)
only if they(Russian? or all the Commies?) re-design the turret to be big enough to put 125mm smoothbore and new engine…..With ERA attached it would be pretty stronk :)
RPG-7 penetrations are 260mm up to 600-700mm with different grenades:
Good luck withstanding it with an IS-3.
If they attach some fence-styled spaced armor, (Stryker) their chance to survive will be much much higher.
The wartime Panzerfausts had some 200mm penetration; standoff armour that basically amounted to chicken wire virtually immunised the what, 45mm or so sides of T-34s against that.
Man, I sure hope they at least oiled up the parts and such before doing that. That poor thing just can’t get a good rest, can it?
if those fucktarded russian separatist want to be part of that shithole country russia, then let them be, they’ll get fucked hard by their new dictator, putin…