Interested in playing Historical Battles? Well… one battle :) Check out the event Listy and Jingles are organizing! This Saturday, 1500 BST (1600 CEST) on EU1.
- Knopka confirms that the tank destruction sound was reworked in 9.1 based on player feedback
- the changes to OP and UP tanks (nerfs and buffs, previously planned for 9.1, are still coming in the future)
- Too little content in 9.1? Developer Fadalmahr reacts: “We can’t please you no matter what. If there are many features in the patch – you react like ‘what the hell did you stuff all in there, make it as it was before’. If there are few features – ‘nothing new, stop slacking’ Make up your mind :)”
- making the gun barrel solid would make the game “slightly unplayable”
- there is no corellation between ingame FPS and server loads
- camo factor of vehicles is hidden info and won’t be published
- it’s safe to delete the content of the Updates folder in the game folder (SS: it contains old patches installers)
- the camo mechanism was not changed in 9.1
- Stronkhold mode still has to be tested, it will come in following patches
- Ardennes, Kursk and Balaton historical battles were “removed in order to rework them” (SS: implying they will return)
- if you are having this issue in 9.1 – it’s mod’s fault:
- on Russian server, the Jove modpack function that shows the direction of enemy turret (gun) on minimap is not banned
- the TD camo “class bonus” is 25 percent (SS: if a tank X was redesignated into the TD class, it would get 25 percent camo bonus), this class bonus is disabled when shooting
- details on Stronkhold mode will come later, there will be a special test for them
- T23E3 being sold freely in a premium shop is “extremely unlikely”, it’s “possible in the future, but hasn’t been decided yet”
- the Sacred Valley map is in rework, it will most likely return in one of the upcoming patches
Question: How the hell will they be playing together because unless they’ve introduced a new feature, you can’t actually platoon in HB….unless of course they’re going old fashioned and queuing together?
Also, Listy wrote you’re gonna be there SS? Will you?
I probably will, yea. There will probably be just enough people to, you know, all of us end up in one HB.
True dat :-P
I think they are going to make a training room with house rules
well hope to see you there SS. gl
It was really cool when we queued up with qb at hb a while back. Looking forward to saturday!
Btw. The rules for mods aren’t the same across the servers then?
Yuki and his [url=]“fail platoon”[/url] will also join.. So that’s three more players.. (and I do know that platoons cannot enter, but the three of us will play) :)
I will join with my “fail platoon”!! (well, individually of course) So three more players in HB queues. :)
- Too little content in 9.1? Developer Fadalmahr reacts: “We can’t please you no matter what. If there are many features in the patch – you react like ‘what the hell did you stuff all in there, make it as it was before’. If there are few features – ‘nothing new, stop slacking’ Make up your mind :)”
Ppl are just ungrateful.
Jep, just like my opinion. The 9.1 patch is awesome for game performance. I do have 10 FPS more, with higher graphic level than before, I have no FPS-drops anymore when I switch to gunners view, actually the FPS increase now.
The patch is awesome, really, but strangely, once when i entered sniper mode, my whole game crashed :D NO-FPS DROP
But that might be due to the maybe insufficient cooling of my VGA (it even reaches 90-95 °C, not °F :D
dude ! take DAT freaking can of compressed air (idk how the hell is that thig called) and blow the fuck out of that dusty PC !
I had some problems with the heat but than blowing it solved all of my problems (that’s what she said)
I’m a lazy fuck you know :DD I rather reload the game 4x a week :D
srsly, i just always forget to talk to my dad to bring one :(
The game toasted my old laptop, it literally smells burning and I had the same problem all the time. I had to get a new machine because it was driving me crazy.
My 4 years old desktop PC is doing fine :)
And while they’re at it they can bring back Dragon’s Ridge, it was a lovely map…
…and delete the festering pile of rancid, maggot-infested camel droppings otherwise known as El Halluf too.
Have you actually played El Halluf lately? It’s not bad with the changes they’ve made. What’s bad is that the players refuse to accept the new terrain features that were added and stop camping base.
Dragon Ridge was a terrrible map. El Halluf is quite playable now as long as not too many people camp the base ridges but enough still remain to protect the base against the random 1-2 medium tank rush, and be aggressive with their push at the heavy tank corner instead of just peekabooming all day.
Dragon ridge was perfectly fine for any tank with any amount of speed, any slow tanks should just stay near where they spawned and wait for the enemy fast tanks to arrive..
Learn to play the map and counter the enemy instead of whinging about it…
True. Then gain don’t you know? Europeans and Russians are a really whiny bunch. El halluf is fine, compared to Noobshire.
- the TD camo “class bonus” is 25 percent (SS: if a tank X was redesignated into the TD class, it would get 25 percent camo bonus), this class bonus is disabled when shooting
I honestly do not think they should get any sort of bonuses. The fact that those that are supposed to be stealthy are already stealthy, i.e. low profile like the 268, should be enough. Do the other classes get bonuses like this?
268 sucks donkey ass now.
268 is still one of my favorite TD’s, I had the Foch155 and I sold it, I think that the nerf’s to it destroyed how I played it. I used it as a front line TD, with the armor nerf and the speed nerf you cant play it like that anymore, and the Foch155 cannot hold a corner, everyone knows that after 3 shots you are out for 45 seconds, and they rush you. Since you cannot front line it, there are better TD for snipers, I sold that bitch.
268, still good with sniping, can hold a corner with good alpha still and a decent reload, all around one of the best TD’s and still the most mobile.
Scouts don’t lose their camo when moving
You are thinking stealthy as in lower profile so less to shoot at, I agree… If you are trying to say that they should not get the camo bonus because they are low profile, then I would disagree. I think that the camo bonus on TD’s is there because in real life, they would be physically harder to spot because they are lower to the ground and can find cover a normal tank would not be able to use. In the game though, it takes the human factor out of the spotting mechanic, meaning that if any part of the visible check spots are exposed you will see the TD light up, in real life you could miss it. A tank on the other hand would be less likely missed because of its size.
I agree with the TD camo bonus, and I agree that this should be negated when they shoot.
- making the gun barrel solid would make the game “slightly unplayable”
They still ask this question :facepalm:
I would love to see that one come across coms.. “Sorry guys, I am out of the game, I bent my barrel on a tree”… “Dude… WTF”
That’s no moon…
…. it’s a space station.
you mean thats what a WTF 100 looks like after removing the nano-suit?
” you react like ‘what the hell did you stuff all in there, make it as it was before’. If there are few features – ‘nothing new, stop slacking’ Make up your mind :)””
Well, he is right.
We are many in my clan to notice a “turret block”.
Don’t know from where it comes, but the turret block for 5 seconds (or less or more) and finaly accept to come back on your aiming cross.
When it happens to me, turret was blocked on a wall. Don’t know if it is linked with the fast shots when leaving a corner :/.
“- camo factor of vehicles is hidden info and won’t be published”
Good job pieces of shit, keep stats and game mechanics hidden so people would understand even less. Fucking retards.
Sounds like someone forgot their pills this morning…
there are tables out there with “worked out” camo values anyway…
…try google and then take Zweilicht’s advice……
How come turret direction indicators on minimap aren’t banned on RU? It should be obviously illegal.
- it’s safe to delete the content of the Updates folder in the game folder (SS: it contains old patches installers)
90% games and software can clean its shit right after the installation, why this cannot ?
I’m supposed to be “user” not janitor.
Easy Bugii…
Its for one reason… if you install WOT over the existing (or installing it new when you have those update packages) … it doesnt download it all together. Just that, what is missing. I do keep them for that moment i want to set up WOT fast.
It allows you to view older replays from the versions you have the content for.
still waiting for T26E4 buff…and havoc engine was supposed to be in 9.0 and were still waiting for that…GG Wank Gaming, 1v1 me on runescape
LOL, the T26E4 was already buffed…
top kek
T23E3 being sold freely in a premium shop is “extremely unlikely”
I want my Dragon Ridge back :(
when is na getting 9.1 update… I thought it was coming same day as eu server :(
Please people, just try to remember it’s a free game after all. You do not have to pay at all (lolol try getting past tier VII without premium). WG (as whole, fuck WG eu) has been doing a great job with the game for a few years now. Want realism? Join the army. Want Dragon Ridge back? Join Hello Kitty Online.
well, my first Tier VIII was the Tiger II and I don’t have much problems getting +credits without premium account in about 65% of my battles in this tank. And I am “only” a banana.
You mean Tomato?
Banana = stats in yellow (average)
Tomato = stats in red (below-average to bad)
Learn the difference (what am I, you ask? Green currently, but if I spent more time driving my medium tanks instead of derping around in heavies and TDs, I could very easily be at or near Unicum level)
Tier 9 is perfectly do-able without a Premium tank or Premium account, T10 is possible…
I have never paid a penny into this game, only ever had the Fremium Account on specials or competitions… and the recent missions to earn 500k etc make T5 credit farming a thing of the past
..and yes.. I want Dragon Ridge back.. My WZs will have great fun there…
“- making the gun barrel solid would make the game “slightly unplayable””
Thanks god they aren’t solid. Otherwise, City CQB would be night impossible for higher tiers ( And would make it pretty hard for TD’s to move around).
Just to know, did they optimize the football version of Himmelsdorf ?
I just get twice more FPS (80-95) than in normal Himmelsdorf (30-40).
So sad football mode consists in detracking opponents during the whole game …
- on Russian server, the Jove modpack function that shows the direction of enemy turret (gun) on minimap is not banned
Well its banned on NA server according to the list they published awhile ago. But without a real checking system, this doesnt mean jacks.
Developer Fadalmahr reacts: “We can’t please you no matter what.
yes you can, by giving us eu tech tree
It’s not StronKhold mode, it’s StronGhold. :) That G -> K joke got stuck into minds a little bit :)
Nope, it is definitely, 100% Stronkhold.
If SS is so intent on using a spelling that makes him seem illiterate then there’s nothing we can really do other than complain about it.
I personally feel it’d be better if he just called it Stronghold, since Stronk is reserved (IMO) for Developer derps, like stronk spelling and stronk matchmaking.
And here I thought it stemmed from QUALITY players and their shenanigans à la “stronk pluton”… oh, and gutto engrishu.
I hope on 9.1 this issue will be fix:
I slide then that what happen I can’t even move. And I thought my tank gonna flip over. I still remain until I got destroyed by that IS.
I had the same exact freaking thing happen to me, on the same map, same side, and same tank.
“Knopka confirms that the tank destruction sound was reworked in 9.1 based on player feedback”
Before 9.1, I was getting microfreezes or lags when a tank was destroyed. On the 9.1 test server and 9.1 RU server, I don’t get these microfreezes anymore.
“- Stronkhold mode still has to be tested, it will come in following patches”
I honestly do not understand why this is such a big deal. Perhaps I simply haven’t looked enough into it… But why are people so interested in it? Isn’t it simply some sort of clan wars thing, where every clan gets a stronghold in the different zones on the clanwars map or something? I couldn’t care less about it, and it seems pretty silly implementing something like this.
it has nothing to do with CW and it gives bonuses for random battles…
gonna by there in HB on saturday, hope to see you guys
- the Sacred Valley map is in rework, it will most likely return in one of the upcoming patches
I for one am welcoming of this news.
tfw, wanna play HB with EU guys but I’m in ASIA.
Too bad I can’t be a part of the event (NA server ftw…). Seriously though, somebody needs to organize those kinds of events on NA.
I’d do it myself, but I’m not exactly what one could call well-known, so I’d need some volunteers from the NA server to help me out (but who am I kidding – how many decent players on the NA server are also well-known Youtubers? Not many)
- making the gun barrel solid would make the game “slightly unplayable”
“How terrible”
- Too little content in 9.1? Developer Fadalmahr reacts: “We can’t please you no matter what. If there are many features in the patch – you react like ‘what the hell did you stuff all in there, make it as it was before’. If there are few features – ‘nothing new, stop slacking’ Make up your mind :)”
Fadalmahr is an idiot i think. They produce LESS content when they say “BIG CHANGES & LOTS OF THINGS IN NEXT PATCH” and reacts like this? :S