Straight outta Supertest: Murovanka 9.2 Rework

Source: Wotleaks VK community

Hello everyone,

this is not a hundred percent confirmed information, but it looks like the Murovanka map will get an overhaul in 9.2 For one, it will be made bigger from 800×800 to 1000×1000, there will also be more houses for cover and the landscape was changed a bit as well. A minimap model was leaked:


43 thoughts on “Straight outta Supertest: Murovanka 9.2 Rework

    • It looks like the southern hill was also split into two, there being a small pimple of a hill between the north and south hills.

    • I see tho a death trap or more like a noob trap alá Malinovka South spawn. The rush covered with the hill elevation and spotting everything in the forrest. Dunno, but I can already see the medium/scout clusterfucks there. Overall the map expansion looks interesting.

  1. I hope they don’t break it :/

    Optimization is cool and magic forest could definitely use some of it. Overall though murovanka is fun already imho.

    • Murovanka is not balanced at all. What they have done is give the southern team a fighting chance on the left, and made the forest more balanced from both ends. The northern team generally had an advantage on both flanks, if the northern team was any good that is. Generally you could simply rush into the dip on the west, and rush to the hill on the right (if you were fast enough) and you would have great hull-down positions and great spotting positions, allowing you to win easily.

  2. Magic forest got reduced in size and the terrain is not flat. Cool.
    Sniper perch on the upper left is gone. Nice!
    The sniper position in the lower left has been nerfed with obstacles. Now it does not have a clear shot across the map.

    I like the changes. I like the map, but it is trying because many times teams decide to camp thanks to the open fields of fire. This way we can advance and at least have some protection. Very much like the changes made to steppes.

    • The forest wasn’t really shrunk. They added 100m strip around the whole map so it looks smaller. (I mean it is smaller but not by that much it’s mostly an optical effect as it takes up less of the map with the added space)

  3. Looks like they just widened the map. Just “unlocked” some terrain behind the red line.

  4. Yes! They finally gonna rework this unbalanced annoying campfest! I really hated all the lemming trains and tomato heavy campers in the forest…

    • As long as you know how to fight in the forest it was never that bad. On regular, if you have a quick heavy or a strong medium rush to the south hill, they can light the entire hill, while being relatively safe from enemy fire (enemy has to roll into sniper shots to shoot you)

      From the south you can sit just south of the forest in a low tank and be safe, then once the team has split, roll up the side of the forest and the tanks in the forest cannot shoot you because of the small ridge. A good passive scout can also just slowly roll up either side of the forest (inside it) and spot all the enemy 1 by 1.

  5. I like making maps bigger in general, any map smaller than 1000×1000 is not great for high tier matches. Saying so, imo this is not the worst map; sometimes I enjoy driving through the forest with a stealthy tank (e25, hellcat or scout). But as I said, making bigger maps in general is good.
    Something I miss in this map, in the top and bottom areas, in the centre, there should be a ridge going from N-S, in that way people can drive from E-W without having to cross those flat areas.
    Having in the patches new maps or re-worked ones is great, it just feels like we are getting a bunch of new maps every few months. Good job WG

  6. Is that a low ditch/sunken path leading along the edge of the south-eastern TD hill up to the southern edge of the now-not-so-magical forest?
    I like the look of it so far, expanding the borders and tweaking a few bits here and there. Will await more info with interest :-)

  7. no more monster games with patrol duties while starting from the south side? :(

  8. Finally they balanced out this map so we don’t have sitting matches. Still looks like good TD spots, I am tired of them taking away maps that TDs can actually work on. Makes them an almost useless tank the way the maps are changing.

    • Put away those TDs and arty and lets play the MTs and HTs which is much better ;-)

      • I’m sorry for being the carrier of the bad news, but they are not reworking maps to suit medium/heavy drivers and punish TDs/artas. They are reworking maps to benefit retards. If they balanced maps to favourize meds/heavies it wouldn’t be really a problem. They are balancing them for idiots who can’t watch minimap. Just channel them into three choke points and eventually even potato will find someone to shoot.

    • But this map is good, what do you think has to be changed? It is the perfect map for active scouts, hull down positions, arty like it and TDs have good spots. So it is good for everyone. Imo, if you know the strenghts of your tank, there is a good location for your tank in this map. I like it.

      Change mines instead, it is far too small, but the worst for me in high tiers is Ensk, also too small for high tiers.

  9. YEEEEEES… finally… this was very much needed.

    Murowanker is such a terribly boring and horribly unbalanced map, especially in Encounter mode.

    Looks like it’s getting the same treatment as the other recently changed maps, i.e. more paths, more hard cover, less soft cover. My medium tanker heart is crying out in joy ;)

  10. Sad news. This was one of my beloved maps, brawling in the hills was never boring and afterwards you could feast on the tomatoes in the forest for top guns and stuff.

    But not anymore. Oh well, guess WG has to cater for moronic 45% HT players and create chokepoints for their retarded 90 degree pekaboo on every map possible.

  11. cool, but am i the only one who thinks these improvements are making every map basically the same? 1-2 main route on the side, camping spot behind, jungle of hills in the middle. hard times for a starter, even for an active player to re-learn the maps. just a note, i dont like campfests either

    • But that is the point, changing the maps once a year is a sort of bonus. Imo it is great to get 3-4 “modified” maps in a patch.

      • He’s pointing out that Wargaming is making all the maps identical in terms of gameplay.

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