- the KV-1S info about the split into tier 6 and 7 was apparently not correct, it’s possible the split will be into tier 5 and 6 (SS: at this point, we have two sources of high reliability contradicting one another, the 5-6 version however seems more likely)
- apparently, some players are still complaining about Maus mantlet – Storm said he can’t confirm it is shaped wrongly (SS: I investigated a bit and it should be correct – in one position, it leaves a “gap” at one part of the mantlet, it actually was like that historically)
- confirmed that some tier 10′s will recieve minor buffs in 9.2, the exact nature of these buffs is not determined yet, they will appear on the test
I think you mean KV-1S not KV-1
and what is the point of splitting them in 5 and 6, we still get same op shit with 122mm
The tier 6 version would have nerfed mobility and hopefully, historical depression :P
Doesn’t change the fact that 390 alpha + 175mm of pen at tier 6 is a little bit too much for a HT….
Wait for 9.3 – long 122mm will go away for sure.
Maybe WG changes that 122mm to a derp gun (no AP) :D
Either that or significantly worse soft stats (though tbh I’d probably prefer a 100 mm gun on the KV-1S anyway)
Su-100y, su-100 and kv-2 anyone?
SU100/Y are TDs, they don’t get the turret, are less mobile and have less depression and less armour.
KV-2 has pathetic armour for the tier and is very slow.
Not to mention its RoF is something like 2 rounds per minute, 3 tops. so if they miss that first shot and can’t get back into cover before the enemy counterattacks, they’re screwed.
If so, IS should get its historical depression too. RU server would explode :P
And historical accuracy comparable to 88 L71 )
And historical rof comparable to…..never?
Bad RoF. IS had the good RoF
You sure? Their ROF was 5 rpm at best.
What is the historical depression?
around -3 degrees I think
There’s such a little difference in the tanks anyways, and IRL they were practically the same tank with slight differences, like turret, gun, engine or armor.
KV-1 won’t be touched, but the KV-1S (A KV-1 with a different turret and less armor IRL) will be split into the KV-85 (a KV-1S with an 85 mm gun) and a KV-1S at tier VI (possibly a 100 mm gun or something). That would be logical, and it seems the most balanced way to go about it too.
It’s more likely that KV-1S will be tier 5 and KV-85 will be tier 6.
Tier 10 buffs? I smell IS-7 buff and I’m loving it! :D
Get your nose checked :P
Minor buffs (at least confirmed) are for AMX50B, Leopard 1 and FV4202 :D
50B needs huge clip reload time increase.
Leo1 – 0.5s reload time buff.
4202 – needs gtfo. And to be replaced, worst T10 MT.
It’s no M48 Patton, but it is still pretty godawful, I prefer driving my Centurion 7/1 in tier 10 battles :P
Yeah Patton need more love than any of the T10s MTs. Weak as hell, just on par with or maybe even worst than the 4202.
patton is miles ahead of Shit4202
What? m48 is faster, more agile, has better gun handling, can peek-a-boo better, both have terrible camo, both are huge, both can occasionally bounce shots, just gun depression and fully aimed accuracy are slightly better. It’s my first tier X, i can’t compare it to other/better mediums so it seems quite ok to me. As well as M46 Patton and Centurion7, both have some strength.
Just don’t understand why is track repair time on Fatton two times slower than on Patton (8 vs 4 seconds). I think they should buff it, cause any medium can keep you perma-tracked.
How to fix FV4202 in a few easy steps:
-You can’t
Autopen turret and autobounce UFP – make it T8 premium or something.
50b needs wat
T57 says hi :)
nah, all the thing the 50b needs is a turret called tbc :D
t57 has way better dpm, better armor overall. amx 50b only has better speed and better premium round
APCR premium is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than HEAT, but rest yep. 50b with 5 shots clip would be interesting btw.,
Woras, althought I love the Leopard.That RoF buff will make it OP.I’m already reloading at 7s.
What it might need is some module/crew protection…
And maybe some bling-bling…and some swagness with a bit of trollface.
I thought it was 8s :D
It has 8s normally.I got 7s on mine with BiA, Chocolate and other stuff.
Leopard doesn’t need DPM buff. What it needs is dispersion on the move buff, I have 500+ battles in that tank I know.
Agreed. Can’t hit a thing on the move, it’s Cromwell level bad, but four tiers higher.
Those are part of the buffs
Buffed reload for jpz would be nice 1.21 secs fewer and it will be able to fire three shots per minute (with bia vents and rammer).
one second is going to make such a big difference, yeah :P
It will
I would also propose changing alpha dmg for 1500, major mobility buff and LFP armor buff+70% so the retarded TD camppigs like yourself could camp even better and the game was fucked up even more.
Why are you mad about jgpz just because some noobie in 183 ruined your day. Jgpze100 imo is fine, but some buff wouldn’t hurt.
I just hate these camping no-skilled one-hit one-clickers. Ruins the gameplay, if there are more than 2 or so around.
The fact thatbyou seem to believe that being effective can be achieved with no skill puZZLEEs me
Why on earth does this thing need a buff? For tomatoes to camp more?
When people realize that these brutal alpha damages (WTE,JPZ,183) only support camping and ruin the gameplay?
Seriously, you work hard the whole game to get shot for 1000+ HP (one shot by 183, oneclip by WTE) by some braindead camp monkey at the end?
No, thank you.
Minor buff…..request 113 to be more dpressed :)
And buff soft stats of IS-4 ST-I…..those gluey tracks needs to be gone
Buff ST-I – are you out of your goddamn mind?
IS-4 buff? Yes, slightly. It’s good tank already.
ST-I buff? Nope.jpg It’s already one of the best T9 heavies. Together with E-75.
KV-122 at tier 6 would be fine… if it had -2 or -3 gun depression.
Then the M6 and T-150 will LOL at it all the way home.
The gun depression is just part of the problem. It’ll still excel in urban warfare where it can hide and safely reload after each shot.
That’s fine. The KV-1S ought to be good at *something*. Right now its too good at almost everything. Open, hilly terrain should belong to the M6. Right now the KV-1S and its -8 gun depression makes it way more effective in those situations than it should be.
The only solution: remove the 122mm OR give it a ROF of 2.5 and an accuracy of 0.6, combined with the mobility of the Pz.Sfl. V. Problem solved.
accurast numbers doesnt really matter cause if it russian welll bigger number better accurasy
so 0.6 will be a bless just look at the kv2 with the derp gun and it;s shit stuff that is doing
The KV-2 is essentially direct-fire artillery, so it doesn’t have to even hit you directly to do a lot of damage.
yes i know that the thing is
that it can hit unaimed shots with full speed and an aiming circle all over the screen and it will be dead on
that was i was talking about
1) real mantlet of Maus is really not like the in the game
2) KV-1S split to tier 5 and 6 is more reasonable than tier 6/7… who needs IS’s copy?
Objects 430 and 140 says hi.
Who is SS ?
SilentStalker, author of FTR ;)
Its StormShadow.
It is interesting that they may be splitting this into 5 and 6 as it is more likely that the tier 5 would appear in historical battles than a tier 7 would. But this leads to my point. In russia people are apparently playing the HB’s fairly often and now on the weekends Europe has you and jingles (as well as others) promoting them so that should help. However, here in the U.S. things are really pitiful. I love the idea of historical battles but there is literally never enough people playing them to actually make a match… its ridiculous… Even during this special promoting hist. battles we have no activity…
I know we are all pressuring Wargaming to get on the ball about a lot of things (HAVOK, European Tree, French branches, HD tanks etc), but I really want them to fix this NOW! its annoying and useless as it is. Can we please do something about it? I dont know what we would do… or how.. But I really feel that wargaming needs to know that this atrocity of a failure is unacceptable. Hist. Battles is a great idea and has a lot of potential to help with grinding lower tiers. This blog (and specifically SilentStalker), has much much more potential impact and influence than I can be on my own, banging my fist against the Russian Gates of incompetency. Please can we start something to pressure Wargaming to fix this?
I play on the Russian server. It’s not working there either. I tried to get into the Tobruk battle today. My experience: I tried each server until I could find one with people in the queue and then I sat in the queue for 5 minutes until I got the “try again later” message. This happened with 18 queued for the British side and 10 for the Germans. I was one of the Germans.
With IIS at tier 7, it does not make any sense to split the KV1S between tier 6 & 7. But if the top gun is removed, it does not make sense to have another tier 5.
Maybe they should actually buff Leopard 1 rof. Only WG knows the LOGIC formula for giving STB-1 a better rof considering it also has better armor than Leo1. Which can actually bounce some shots. Especially the turret.
Paper T10 medium tank=shit rof
Decently armored T10 medium tank=great rof
WG logic at it’s best.
Shit Rof?…duh, 7s reload with BiA and Chocolate.
Meh, I justify the difference of Rof and turret armour between Leo1 and STB by the fact Leo has somewhat better mobility and it’s far more accurate.Both standing and on the move.Taking long range snapshots are much easier with Leo than with STB
STB-1 has the 2nd worst firecontrol of tier X mediums.
You can miss 5 shots in a row at 300m.
yeah, gun on STB-1 is so incredibly derpy…Shells are literally dancing across the screen.
And the aiming time sometimes feels like 3.4 seconds than 2.3..
exact reason i didn’t grind it, was super interested in it.
tried it on test, horrible bloom if you move a turret a lil. its like using a arty lol
Leo1 has much better speed and camo and gun handling. STB-1 has derpy gun, is less agile and lower top speed and worse camo. Overall both tanks are good and balanced i’d say.
LEOPARD doesn’t need ROF buff! This tank is too paper to shoot often. Too good ROF will mean you will be permaspoted and will die quite fast. What this tank needs is dispersion on the move buff to 50m levels.
Don’t split KV-1S.
Just nerf its depressipn, mobility and gun soft stats.
If it’s split into 5 and 6 and is keeping 122mm gun in one version; then what you wanted is going to happen…
Yes, but I have had it witg samey tanks everywhere
This is not.War Thumder…
IS-7 get buff.
i doubt it, they only buff tanks that are not common so people would grind for them.
Some kind of Maus RoF buff could be awesome….
As I said somewhere – WHOLE Borsig fits in Maus turret – and Borsig has 3-4 seconds better reload time.
What the fuck WG :D
It’s TD. :) TDs trade HP and armor usually for great gun. Same goes for Ferdi and JP2. All 3 of them have 128mm gun and have way better RoF than E-75 or Maus for example. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s game balance. That being said Maus really needs some Rof buff. Iirc it has the worst DPM of all T10 tanks. Even two tier lower tanks have better DPM. Since its armor isn’t as effective as it used to be some RoF would be nice.
It needs his turret front buffed – IRL it had small stripe of unpenetrable armor :)
Wait? TD are supposed to have less armor and lower HP than heavy tanks? Maybe you should call WG and call them about T10 TDs..
why make 2 of kv1s, as if the russian tree was not crowded enough with unused tanks.., just replace 122mm with 100, and its good
No, KV-122 HAS to be tier 7, I don’t care if they leave it at tier 6 with nerfed mobility, it’ll still pack the same punch.
How 100mm is same as 122mm?
Need a reason to make the KV-1S t7? how about that 152 mm howitzer mounted in the KV-1S’s turret that keeps on popping up everywhere?
Perhaps KV-122 Tier 7 premium?
See no one suggest a Maus buff, cry :(
Oh wait theres one :) silly me
Patton buff perhaps?
Yes please.
Even 4202 is better than it. The Patton got Nothing to excel and it does not do anything even decently.