MM Post Removed from WG EU Portal

Hello everyone,

an interesting thing happened – a post about how the matchmaking mechanism works was removed from the World of Tanks portal. The original address of the post no longer works, it displays 404 page missing error. It is quite unusual for a post to be purged this way, although the discussions actually remain.

The google cache version however remains and so we can see, what was inside. At first glance, I can’t see anything really wrong with the picture. Sure, it doesn’t explain the process thoroughly and there are some ambiguous statements (the “extreme situations” happen during very low online number hours, like around 4-5AM, when the MM, having trouble setting battles up, can throw some of the rules out of the window), but overall there are no obvious mistakes I think.


88 thoughts on “MM Post Removed from WG EU Portal

  1. Maybe they realised that the last “rule” is often ignored, even during evening peak, and the number of top tiers differ.
    Idr if I took a screenie of that one game in Ruinsberg on Fire where there was just one Tier 9 tank (and of course in the enemy team), rest were 8-7.

    Maybe someone should write a little mod to calculate the MM weights (and their difference) and saving it to some log. Could provide nice material to test the MM with more than just individual samples?

    • I agree, someone should do it as soon as possible. Then we can have also luck rating based on the balance of matches which player gets into. Last rule is complete bullsh*t, the side with more TDs usually get more top tier tanks, sometimes 2-3 more.

    • yeah that last rule is a big fucking lie. I’ve often also seen a single tier 10 tank in a game consisting of nothing but 8s.

      But they took it down, which is surprising, usually they let their most stupid lies stand.

      • Actually the last rule should mean that, the first five vehicles have the same tier count. ( if there are 3 tier IX and 2 tier VIII in one team in the first 5 tanks, it’s the same in the other team.)

        However, I’m not sure if this is true…

  2. I think WG did the right desicion when they posted it. But few days later Russian WG saw that post and told their friends in France: “Remove it now! If players don’t know how MM works, they won’t complain about it.”

  3. Only the MC-1 instead of MS-1 stands out to me.
    (I know it’s because C = S in cyrillic.. a tiny error)

  4. I must say, the thought of a Maus vs. 15 tier 1s is kinda…hilarious. Can you say epic game mode, if the Maus was forced to battle with no ammo?

    • I would say it’s extremely boring. The tier ones would just go around Maus to cap, or the Maus would just sit in base for 15 mins to prevent that. Or maybe you’ll make it encounter or assault, and the Maus would still just sit in the cap zone (if it can make it there before the tier ones cap)

      • I think that they’d need to open up a map like Port for this…the T1s could use high ground to jump on the back of the Maus and eventually crush it with their weight LOL

    • Problem is: Maus needs 3000 ammo to be taken out. Which is circa 40-50 or so tier 1s…
      But as a separate gamemode (duck duck goose) it would be awesome :D

  5. the overall mistake in the poster must be “playerskill” – So far I know its not in the calculation at all…. otherwise, its clearly bugged due to all the uneven teams in skills :P

      • Actually, platoon MM is quite suspicious when it comes to purple-ish platoons. Often teammates are red-ier and enemy is greener.

        • That was my idea. We can agree that tanks on same slots are kind of equal – so after assembling two teams, MM should reshuffle them by rating to level out total “skill” level – within weight constaints of course.

  6. Well, the way it is described exactly matches my understanding of how the MM is supposed to work. The only reason I can think of for pulling such a useful and informative post is that it’s actually wrong and can be proven to be so…

  7. MM in WoT is screwed up, we can all agree on this. First, it doesnt take player skill into account – this is the most retarded thing. Because of this MM creates two situations that should be avoided in PvP Matchmaker. First, it creates totally imba teams. Team 1 has roster filled with unicums, pro players and some medicore guys while Team 2 is filled with retards, noobs, newbies and maybe 1-2 decent players. And second, it constantly puts good players into retarded teams. Seriously, playing 10 times in a row with retards/noobs and newbies is not fun. Loosing 10 times in a row because of MM is not fun. In short – MM is not fun

    And second – +/- 2 tiers in MM…I can understand it somehow on higher tiers. Its kinda fine, ok. Not that a tier 6 can hurt tier 9 much…but at least it can. But this rule should totally not be applied to one single tier in a game. And its a tier 3. Seriously, its the most retarded thing ever. Tier 3 tanks are often put into tier 5-only battles. What they can do ? Nothing. Or at least they can try to scrap some paint out of enemy tanks. There are only some tanks at tier 3 that can fight tier 5 and those are basically TD’s. With their 110 pen they can try to fight, thanks to this pen value a heavy tier 5 tank can be penned from rear and with some aiming – from side.

    • How can one side get almost only “greens” when (quote from you) “it constantly puts good players into retarded teams”? So unicorns are retarded? (a lot of them are, but they are good players tho that’s not the point) Or “greens” are retarded?

      About the penetration thing: try to go with any hightier scouts and weep blood. At tier 6 you realize that “Shooting means aggro. Aggro means the priest dies.”.

      • Lol no. Did I said that ? By “retarded teams” I meant the rest of the team. The unicum/pro/good player is a good player, the rest of the team is not

        MM will either:

        1) create balanced teams that happens very rarely

        2) create both teams full of noobs AND:
        2a) both teams will have lets say 1-3 decent/good players
        2b) only one team will have 1-3 decent/good players

        3) create team 1 full of noobs with maybe 1-3 decent players and the opposite team full of pros

        Also, WTF are you talking about ? What does the high tier scout has do to with t3 fighting t5 ? I’m sorry but if you mean that t3 job is to scout at t5 battles than sorry but that is retarded. Almost all t3 tanks are way too slow to be any use in scouting and has poor view range.

        Playing any t3 in t5 battle is not the same as playing t7 dedicated scout in t10 battle…

        • NOT THE SAME??? lol nigga
          Do you understand the words: “bait”, “passive scout” and “annoying one”? Those are the basic tactics of the high tier scouts that can be (and so to say “must be”) practiced earlier (if you don’t want to spend a lot of credits on repairs later).

          • to be actually useful as a “bait” or “annnoying one”, your tank has to be somewhat fast and stealthy, which hightier scouts are. Tier 3 tank in general are definitely not. And apart from that, with the last trend of remodelling the maps, there are not so many left to be effective passive scout on, so the argument of tier 3 vs tier 5 is actually valid.

          • GL passive scouting with 300ish view range and in most cases not even 100% basic training crew let alone having camo skill. And no, t3 tanks in t5 matches are nothing like a dedicated scout in t10 battle.

            Btw Skarakien stronk pleyerer. Very scout, much good, so pro.

          • Either you are blind or you are troll or you did not understood that I was talking about low tiers…”nigga”

  8. IS-3 MatchMaking weight = 40… They are giving out secrets that someone in WG does not want public!!
    Also they miss a lot of information regarding platoons and the post in general is difficult to comprehend.

    • No it is not and anybody using this must have his/her account wiped back to Tier I.

  9. So, what the fuck about the 1 tier X and the rest tier Vllls battles? Or 1 tier X, 13 tier lX and 1 tier Vlll against 7 tier X and 8 tier lX?

  10. I see the error in the post.

    “The World of Tanks random battle matchmaker is constantly being revised and improved.”

    WG does nothing to make it better, that’s why it was removed :P

  11. I think they noticed that players won’t understand it however well they explain it. The forums community is already biased below reasoning (skill MM is the only right god, etc)

  12. I think its a good post would educate new players and people don’t have a clue on MM.

  13. So much work on a fancy graphic and all for nothing. The MM will always be crap until it considers player skill. I’m not even talking WN8 or anything, WinRate would suffice, which is an easy stat to compare for a bot. XVM does it for every game if you activate the option. It would still be far from perfect, but at least you wouldn’t see any pure bot/tomato vs green games anymore, which arent fun for either side.

    Most other online games have it, including War Thunder. Even Battle of middle-Earth had it (LotR RTS from a decade ago) and it worked like a charm. So all this talk about skilled-MM being too CPU-heavy is utter BS.

    • Somebody in the industry said that skill based MM is counterproductive in a F2P game. The company could lose a lot of subscribers because of it.

      Despite its failings, WG’s MM is among the best that exist. Match making is really difficult to code. Something that you can do in your sleep is actually really hard to write down as a set of discrete instructions.

      • Actually a league system is better then skillMM and randomMM in my opinion… BUT THAT’S JUST MY STUPID IDEA!

          • “I’m in a wrong league… my little sister played 300 games and the system had put me down here… take me up to the pro league!”

            “OMG i’m in the green league yet everybody is a moron! They must have bought their account! WG FIX THIS NAO!”

            Justified? :)

    • Exactly, this happens pretty often that top tiers are not equal eg one team has one or rarely two tanks more of top tier

  14. Removing stuff from a site only for it to be dredged up with google cache is just insulting.
    They really think everyone’s a blithering idiot who can have wool draped over their eyes.

  15. The problem is that I could make a better algorithm that puts less stress on the server and does a better job of matching players and tanks together (while at the same time getting rid of bots for regular players, since they would be playing eachother most of the time). I also know for a fact that I am not the only competent programmer in the world. So if WG wanted to, they could just hire someone to do it for them. (I would be up for it if they asked).
    BUT since they havnt done that, they clearly does not want to change it for some reason (There might be some underlying economig thing that has nothing to do with matching good teams together that they are considering here).

    Remember that WG are not stupid, even if it might seem like it from a players perspective sometimes. They are a bunch of good programmers and most of all they are a buisness that tries to make money as their first goal.

    So.. With this in mind, I think that the reason it got taken down was the fact that they know that it is not a good system if they only cared about “even teams”, but they want to keep it anyway (for some reason not told). That makes them want people to talk about it all as little as possible. And I guess that having “constantly beeing revised and improved” in the end will lead to people pointing out the obious problems and wanting to “improve” them.

    An option to be considered here (not likley though) is that they have decided to change the matchmaking system, and dont want people to read about stuff soon getting changed anyway.

      • WoT is a complex game with a 15 vs 15 setup where there can platoons of up to 3 players with different skills and tanks. I would not use an algorithm that is allready made, but would ofcourse construct something myself, fit for this game. Just using an algorithm from for example starcraft II without modifications just would not work. (Obviously)

        I have posted hints before here and on the forums of a basic starting point I would use (Took me like 5 min to make one up), so I wont do it again.
        Also. Describing an algorithm on a forum usually doesnt give anything, since half of the players missunderstand what it would do, and say stupid things like “wouldnt that lead to everyone getting 50% winrate and in the end there would be no way for the algorithm to know who is good and bad.”

        So.. Im not going to try again here.