
An interesting article by Listy about fighting the Adoo rebels in Oman

- apparently, it’s possible that FV4202 will be replaced by something else, while the FV4202 becomes a tier 8 premium tank with its historical 20pdr gun (SS: some sources mention the early Chieftain, others Vickers MBT). Whether FV4202 will be given “for free” as the T34 was ages ago (when it became a premium tank) is not known.

42 thoughts on “29.6.2014

      • It’s not that problematic…

        Tier 2 – Vickers 6-ton
        Tier 3 – Tetrarch (With LJ Adaptor to justify tier up)
        Tier 4 – Harry Hopkins
        Tier 5 – FV301 (Could be swapped to the Tier 6 with AV-R brought into tier 5 instead though)
        Tier 6 – AV-R
        Tier 7 – TV-15000
        Tier 8 – FV101 Scorpion

        They all match up with their general surrounding light tank tiers for the most part for a full tree. The Tier 8 even has basically the same general layout as the AMX-13 90 just without the autoloader.

  1. Man, going to have to grind the **** out of my Churchill line if that’s the case…

      • ^ Centurion Line (WG has said they considers the Chieftain a heavy but its a MBT so they can put it where they want)

  2. Ohhh fuck the Vickers.
    A cheap Leopard 1 knock off in gameplay terms. Inferior too.

    The freacking Action X Centurion with a modified 20 pounder C barreal (APCR, ultra RoF) or a 105mm (or both :) ) will do fineeeee.

    • that’s why i’m not buying cent 7/1 & t10 until they will change for something better than fv4202

      • That’s why I actually bought it recently.
        First, to see if it really is that bad (so far it seems not great, but not as bad as people say).
        Second so I can brag I played it when it was in its worst state :P
        Third, it’s not going to be a monetary loss, if they replace it I will find the new tier X tank researched and in my garage the moment the FV4202 is removed from the tech tree.
        Fourth, I still have a tiny little bit of hope left that I’m going to get it as a tier VIII premium (very tiny, but I doubt they are going to announce it until last minute, if they announce it at all).
        Fifth, the Centurion 7/1 was just too much fun to play once it had all modules, not a grind at all.

        • if its gonna be premium, of course im gonna grind it, there’s too much better t10 meds to waste time for..

          • I doubt it will be given as a premium. Expect it to turn out like the t-50-2

          • Well the fv is perfectly fine.. Id even consider it one of the better t10 meds and yes i nearly got them all.

            What does it lack? Speed? Okay thats true but still speed is not everything.
            Maybe turret armor too but well imo its better armored than the m48 or m60.
            And on the beneficial side is the maybe best frontalarmor for a t10 med ingame + decent dpm, -10 deg gundepression and a nice hesh shell (who the f… needs heat?)

            I WILL moan my 4202 if its gonna be replaced by some shitty vickers medium….
            The last t10 swap also went for the worse imo too. T30 was such a capable T10 tank, id sell my type59 to get it back as it was!!

            • Best armor is on E 50M…

              You are one of very few people that seem to like the tank. But its useless in organized play (all others can have SOME use) and dang, its completely uhnistorical for a real vehicle.
              Fuck the Vickers. I dont know why SS wants it so much. Give us something that continues the Centurio line!

  3. Holly crap !!!!

    Please give us a Chieftain !! or at least the Centurion Action X, the vickers MBT looks like a low cost tank :(. If WG would like to put the FV4202 as premium it would be the icing on the cake.

  4. What if you have the FV when it gets replaced? Will you get it as tier 8 premium tank for free (which would be great!)?

    Regards from Germany

  5. A pitty WG has refrained from givving out stuff when making changes, a long time ago, we were getting tanks whenever a change was made, these days, they just notify us of the change so we can “prepare” for it and we don’t get much in return.
    Not that I’m bothered, but just that they’ve made a nice reputation and then they did all the opposite

  6. Hmm,not really interested in the British medium line right now,but if there is a chance they will give us a free tier 8 premium MEDIUM than I should start grinding….

  7. I hope it’s not the Vickers MBT, leave being fast with paper armour to the Batchat and Leopard, give us something with a bit of armour! (By which I mean a whole lot of armour ;D)

  8. Whether FV4202 will be given “for free” as the T34 was ages ago (when it became a premium tank) is not known

    that would be nice :D, I was dumb enough for ignoring the T34 back in the day..

  9. well if info is accurate, means a t8 med premium, true they might decide not to give it for free! they will probably just take it down, and reintroduce it later as a premium! like the pz 4!

    • But the Pz4 was very popular, and (lets face it) OP in its tier, the opposite of the FV4202 although its not that terrible as people say

  10. Paying 65 Euros for 10k gold and some credits on a mobile phone game.. Made me laugh ^^’

  11. Why can’t they just implement an MBT line? Several ‘medium’ tanks in the game are already MBTs by definition.

    • The only thing it would change would be the crew class. Having yet another sub-class you have to retraining crew for would change anything for the better? I can’t see it being fun for the british who would only have 2 mediums tanks before the MBT’s ( and before those 2 mediums only lights, crew training will be fun there ) Most medium tanks are compensated with more health when they are more heavy tank like already so they won’t get a bonus there either.

  12. I doubt they’ll give it for free as a t8 prem. Last time it was T34 and they said back then that it was the last time they’d be doing something like that. My guess is those who own FV4202 will just get the new T10 replacement and 4202 will just be sold as a typical prem tank.

    • The thing is, that WG said alot over the years. Which means, i wouldn’t wonder if they give the FV out for free.

      • I hope they’ll give the FV4202 as a free premium for whoever owns it (but only announce it right during the patch, when it’s too late to go for it). If they don’t, I hope they have the economic sense to actually give some sort of deal for those who already own an FV4202: New T10 Medium + Discount on Premium FV4202. I’d buy it instantly (and instantly sell the Vickers MBT, if they’d give me that piece of shit).

  13. I really hope the FV4202 (as premium tank) won’t be given just for “free”. I mean, why would they do it? The FV4202 owners will get the new tank for free, which is supposed to be better. Isn’t that enough?

    • because compensation how shit the original is?

      Same deal with the T34, it was the worse T9 tank in game by far, the grind only to get it not as shitty (to unlock the 120mm gun) was just mind numbing.

      • When it got into the game it was already the worst T10 medium. Those who spent time getting it knew that, but they just didn’t care. That’s why I stopped at Cent 7/1.

        Compensation? It’ll be replaced with a better tank.

    • Two reasons:

      1) You’ve spent a lot of time, credits, and effort getting a tank and now they’re taking it off you. Sure they are giving you a different tank but who’s to say you want that tank, it was the original one wasn’t it?

      2) The rule of Obligation. Why do you think WOT is free yet make bag loads of money? Part of it is our in built desire to repay kindness, if someone does you a favour, you are more likely to do them a favour. This is often taken advantage of by various companies. Why do you think WG gives away so many premium tanks?

      Personally I won’t boo hoo if I don’t get the premium tank, but I hope I do, my t34 is my main money maker but I so damned bored of it.

      • WG has the right to change/remove tanks, because you didn’t pay for it. Might sound stupid, but WoT is F2P. Did they beg for your money? No, they didn’t.

        If you paid for the tank, they always give you something to compensate. When they nerfed the Super Pershing to the ground, you had the opportunity to get the gold back. When the normal TDs lost their camo bonus, the premium ones didn’t. Why? Because you paid for it. This is the “rule of obligation”.

    • If the new T10 Med is the Vickers MBT, it isn’t going to be better, it will be straight out worse in every regard and the british medium line would effectively end at the Centurion 7/1.

  14. Oh and if any devs are reading this and you do give the 4202 as premium please put in some anti boting measures.

    Something like need 200 games and 49% w/r on all the t5+ mediums leading up to the 4202.

  15. Wargaming makes most of their money not on premium tanks but on premium time. I bet more people would buy premium time to grind the t10 faster and/or convert free exp with gold rather than buy the FV4202 premium version, and WG knows that. Especially now when Gaijin is giving away premium tanks/plans every month in stupid-easy events.

  16. Whether FV4202 will be given “for free” as the T34 was ages ago (when it became a premium tank) is not known.

    Due to several earlier statements this is rather impossible. IIRC even here one of developers was quoted saying that free T34 was an error and they will not make it again.

    They can do this in two steps:
    • I – replace FV4202 with Chieftain / Vickers MBT / Centurion Action X / whatever — just like they replaced T-50-2 with MT-25, without compensation;
    • II – two or three patches later they can add of FV4202 as rebalanced and reworked in HD VIII tier Premium.