Straight Outta Supertest: M41 Walker Bulldog

Hello everyone,

here are the pictures of the M41 Walker Bulldog, upcoming tier 7 American light tank. The pictures are in top configuration. Interesting part is that it is not made in HD.





84 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: M41 Walker Bulldog

  1. No matter how detailed these models are, in the end they all look like little toy tanks. That’s all thanks to the arcadiest gameplay ever and screwed up scale in this game. Great work, WG.

    • You one of those people that believe “arcade” gameplay is bad? Or less demanding then authentic or even realistic (ARMA :P ) gameplay?

      The tanks look well on lower FoV, HD models and good maps. WG must improve it still though.

      • If u want realism …. enlist in the army … a conflict zone will be better.

    • Oh my god, we had this kind of whine for so long already. This is WoT, it is made to be ARCADE and not 100% historicaly accurate. The historicity is bend for the sake of playability. WoT is a GAME about TANKS and not a SIMULATOR or HISTORY EDUCATOR.

      Now I hope I got rid of your misunderstanding. Have a nice day.

      • If WoT had been a simulator I dont think I would enjoy it at all. Im thankfull that WoT is an arcade game. I play for fun not to learn how to drive a tank.

        • I’d maybe play a simulator mode, but I wouldn’t want it to replace the standard modes.
          Then again if people want a simulator then they can go and play War Thunder, but personally I prefer arcade gameplay.

            • Exactly WT is for guys who want to pretend they play “Realistic” games but dont really wanna spend 25 minutes of driving just to make contact with enemy, then spend 30 secs after spotting them to enter a firing solution fire, wait for dust to clear and try to spot the target again and repeat, then instantly blowing up from the enemy redirecting fire.

              Tank sim=boring as hell just as real fight sims are and at least with real flight sims the takeoff and landing are very fun with a tank your just a tractor until theres something to shoot.

              • I played tank sims 8 years ago, and yes it was effing boring to travel 10+ minutes to the fighting zone and die within second.
                Or camp through the entire match to defend the crossing.

                WT is a near perfect blend of sim and arcade.

      • I think what you fail to see here is that there are differences in the fundamental intent behind the design of anime/cartoon characters, and tanks in a game whose main selling point is “historical accuracy”. I’m aware that Wargaming changes certain characteristics of the vehicles to maintain a decent amount of balance in the game, which is understandable; however, the dimensions of a tank is a defining characteristic, and should be represented as accurate as possible.

        While I’m personally not bothered by small discrepancies in scale in World of Tanks (and your point on the scale of anime/cartoon characters is valid), your stupidity and ignorance is worth noting and pointing out.

    • Oh no its a game and the tanks look not real because they aren’t real…argghhhh!

      • hay silentstalker why is the M24/t24 chaffee going to say at tier 5? and the t21 stay at tier 6?
        The M24/t24 chaffee came after and more modern than the T21.

        • Answer is simple – because US tree is messed up by Wargaming and they need to make serious cleanup there.

        • Because the m24 is a logical predecessor to the t37 and m41, while the t21 is the odd one out.

          Also, different branches. The Indien Panzer is more modern than the maus. Doesn’t mean they should be swapped. Or t92 and m55…

  2. If they implement this in that 2005 quality model it will be fucking ridiculous.

  3. Interesting.Didn’t they said that the last models to be added with standard textures would be the PzIV and StuGIII variants?

    Whatever…I don’t care about their shiny HD models…an unnecessary change IMHO…who the hell needs HD-es when the game is barely optimised…

    • They could be part of the new SD set of models which players will be allowed to choose between in 9.4

      That, or they have just been sitting on these models for a while

    • Well we saw they had the T37 model done a while ago on the Nat. Geo. special. Maybe they are finishing the HD model and are just using the old SD one to test tank balance and game play until it’s ready?

        • Looks like they got cocky and biten more than they could chew. They really outdid themselves and two-upped gaijin with the HD tank models, but in return now they’ll have it significantly harder to follow up on that with each subsequent patch, since there’s really no simple way to speed up the process, regardless of what WG might claim…

      • Well, I enjoy eye-candy in every game I play, but only as long as I can play it properly.
        While I can play the latests games on medium-high settings with decent FPS, I’m struggling to pull those FPS in WoT with low to medium settings with shadows and AA off, which isn’t normal.So I prefer the square tanks until they resolve the optimisation problems.

        • Your statement would make sense if it was anyhow related to how WG works. The guys doing the optimisation are (not) doing their work while the graphic designers are doing theirs. The fault is both on their programmers and on the ancient engine, but it doesn’t mean that the game should stop evolving. There are people like me that can play without problems on maxed out settings and after switching from a prettier game are kinda let down by the square “wheels” on their tanks. Stopping the HD model rework will change absolutely nothing but make the game look even more outdated in the future.

          • Yeah, man, but people like you that can “play without problems on maxed out settings” are a minority compared to the majority of players like me, who either got a decent or a wooden PC.Not a sky-rocketing one.
            Even WG stated that most of their russian player-base use wooden PCes, and it’s a reason why they still kept the standard render.

            Yeah, evolving is a must in a competitive gaming era, but WG is evolving graphics-wise at the expense of losing it’s major player-base, if they continue evolving without optimising.

            And about the engine, when you know you got a crappy one, with the excuse that it’s perfect for server handling, you don’t just throw HD stuff and more and more shiny features without thinking about the optimisation.

            That leads back to my main point, that I don’t give a fuck about their HD stuff and other eye-candy features until they optimise their game.

            • Company isn’t a strategy game where you put universal resources into something and it suddenly gets better. Switching off a windmill won’t mean that the barn will do better.
              WG has various issues with the optimisation: shit engine, shit coders and retarded publishing department stomping on developers. And the problem is mainly in the third part. They just want stuff faster and better while not giving any shit about how’s actually the progress on the game. They rush patches full of bugs that they barely tested. Then you have the incompetent programmers that, being rushed by everyone, do even more mistakes. Not to mention that they ignore half of the reports from the test server, but then there’s again the “PATCH MUST GO LIVE NAO” from above, so what do you expect. Nothing to do about the engine, just suck it up.
              As I said, if the optimisation is going to hell anyway, then give me at least shiny, round tanks. You will be able to switch off HD stuff anyway.

      • WZ-131, AMX 13 75, T71, Aufkl. Panther.
        so what would WG gives it so that i would research this tank.

        • The M37 will play like current chaffee. This is going to be an upscaled version (my gut guess is bit better mobility, and obviously more penetration. Think of it as not retarded AFK panther)

          So yes, M41 should have it’s niche place among all the light tanks :)

  4. Tier 7? So this will be Auflfbsdjkagerkhehfwhfuqwhrerejfgj Panther’s competition… Yeah, ok…

  5. I’m not the only one to notice some similarities between the M41 and PZ III hulls, right?

    • There’s only so many different ways a metal box on tracks can look like.

  6. Pingback: [WoT PC] Neuer Tier 7 “M41 Walker Bulldog” aus dem Supertest

  7. just got a tamado yoshio medal today in my faithful chaffee , looking forward to a tier 6 light tank if its better than the chaffee will be awesome

  8. I just wanna know whatll happen to my Chaffee from all this. Hopefully it wont get nerfed. >.>

  9. It REALLY is however a shame to have tanks looking less real than the competition… I dont care much about the environment, but the tanks should look bad ass realistic in my opinion :-)

  10. So i heard that the M41 IRL was an autoloader, is it an autoloader in game too?

    • No its not, the autoloader was a different prototype model that never went very far. The Real life M41 that went into service did not have an autoloader.

    • Who ever told u that was talking crap,
      I vagly remember reading somewhere autoloaders when out of favour with the us army around the time the m41 was introduced because of logistical problems with the limited round capacity of autoloaders thus reducing overall combat efficiency.

  11. Looks …. suspicious! Notice that the lightning of the hangar itself is not “maxed out”. I reccomend to check the actual hangar in game, and compare to the screenshot one. Perhaps the graphics were not at max? Or mabe (lets hope so) WG invented an option to lower the ammount of polygons with the existing “Particle quality” adjustmet?
    Let me know in comments what do you sir/miss think.

  12. think they had this model before they started making them in HD.
    look the second french heavy tree. its done some years ago they just keep them in the drawer.

  13. Pingback: M41 Walker Bulldog Additional Info | For The Record

  14. What is going to be done about the conflicting names between the new M37 and M41 Light Tanks and the existing M37 and M41 Artillery?

    • It won’t be a problem, cause the game files will be named slightly different, something like for example M41_2(obviously this not following WG file naming sense)