
- Storm confirms: in 9.2 supertest patchnotes, there was a mistake, specifically in the part that says that HD model will display only on player’s tank – in fact, HD models will display on all HD tanks, but the textures will be at 50 percent quality on other tanks
- the change above was made so the textures do not overload graphic memory, Storm states that the difference is noticeable only on 1-1,5 meter distance
- will the change above reduce lags from HD tanks being scouted for the first time on the map that some players have been reporting? Storm: “I cannot say anything about that”
- FV215b (183) HESH pen was nerfed because other nerfs, such as DPM nerf etc. wouldn’t solve the issues with oneshots from this tank, there was even an exact internal calculation of what effect will this change have on heavy tanks when firing at them from the front
- Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics. The fact that everyone started using HESH shells was not expected by the balancers and it was our mistake. HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses against “paper” targets and when shooting enemies in the side or in the back”
- IS-3 will not appear in HD in 9.2, it was postponed
- there is no plan to merge Korean and ASIA server
- currently, VK4502(P) Ausf.B is being considered for Armor buffs of the upper and lower glacis plates
- the Sentinel Australian tank might be “introduced one day, not in 2014 though” (SS: according to what Chieftain said earlier, Sentinel will not be a part of the LL “Firefly” branch, so it’s possible it will come later)
- it’s possible the Australian units Kangaroo decal will appear in WoT

95 thoughts on “2.7.2014

        • “HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses..”

          YEAH, I need to ask enemy tanks to rotate around according to which shell I have loaded.
          “Yo IS7, could you turn 45 degrees to left? Thank you, I havent loaded AP yet you see xD”

          Or then sack HESH completely and bounce all critical AP shells because low accuracy and high aiming time. Don’t worry, its just another 24 seconds to wait for another ding or detrack.

          Don’t forget as the pen drops, so does the HE non-pen damage. No reason to play FV anymore MEANWHILE IN SOVIET RUSSIA Object263 gets even more DPM that it already has combined with insane speed and armor.

          • ‘Don’t forget as the pen drops, so does the HE non-pen damage.’

            What? HE non-pen damage = alpha/2 – nominal_armour_thickness (with some divisor for distance if splashing or exploding on spaced armour). Pen is irrelevant.

          • yea, better replace this piece of crap instantly and give to the WT E100 on journey.
            i only like this piece of shit when it oneshots a WT E100 … for this job the new pen in enough

      • I don’t really care about his answers anymore. He and his goons are postponing things again and again, and kicking their “magnificent tank version of Counter-Strike” project into a limbo phase.

        • - IS-3 will not appear in HD in 9.2, it was postponed

          Ok i think we can all agree the HD conversion is a complete and total failure. At this rate we will have all tanks in HD maybe after 10years from now.

  1. - currently, VK4502(P) Ausf.B is being considered for Armor buffs of the upper and lower glacis plates

    And the maddness continues… sigh.

    • IKR? I’d so much rather see the Panzer IX/X propaganda tank than this one =/

    • I’m willing to take a VK4502B buff for now, since its probably going to be at least another year before we see the “Maus prototype” replacement, if ever.

    • Put Maus II on tier X, historical Maus on tier IX and bring VK 4502s to something close to history.
      It’s a failed Tiger II design, NOT something competitive with it.
      Porsche design: 80mm armor all around and 88mm L/71.

      • We tried, and tired hard on that one…

        So many options, yet I think it is among the most futile thing around.

        With MORE armor buffing it is just becoming embarrassing to even hear about it.

  2. 2.7.2014, not 2.6 SS ;) OMG you ninja edited so fast! XD

    Shame about the Sentinel…. it’d make a LOT more sense if they just changed the UK Branch to the “British Commonwealth” Branch so it could easily and more expediently include Australian, and Canadian designs and not have to worry about nationally specific trees.

  3. Yeah , great – FV 183 is always flanking the enemy, taking shots to the sides or back. I propose also to reduce the dmg, reduce the ammo capacity to 8 rounds, reduce accuracy to 0.9 , and increase reload time to 120 seconds. This would solve the problem and nobody will ever play this vehicle ever again.

    • Sounds like somebody has been shot one too many times by a TD that has no respectable mobility, armor, reload time, and the wildest RNG damage rolls of any tank in the game.

      If you didn’t own one already, I highly recommend you play one in the next open test server and see how vulnerable and niche this thing really is, because it truly is one of those AFV’s that are only good on a handful of maps, but a liability on a greater number of maps than it is a benefit to the team.

      Personally, after these nerfs, if this thing proves to be a turd, it’ll just make me glad I kept my Tortoise since that TD is still very much a CW viable, high penning, and very high dpm alternative.

      • Tortoise should be renamed to “Monstroise” or something when it comes to PWNAGE capabilities, not only for the DPM alone, but also the permatracking ability.

        • LOL that thing was able to beat the hell out of most German tanks and it was designed for fighting under fire :D

          • …like in real life? or in wot, cause in wot tortoises are a joke vs. e-75s/e-50s

      • You do realise that he is using sarcasm and that he actually consideres the nerf as a bad thing?

        • Not really, I generally prefer my Tortoise to the 183 based on the 183′s well-known laundry-list of weaknesses.

          You can’t trust the 183′s damage rolls with HESH, it truly has the worse RNG damage rolls sweeping from 1 shot monster-kills to as low (this happened to me personally in a battle) as 7 hp on a T110E4 from a direct hit to the turret/mantlet gap.

          This nerf in general is basically driven by the “voices of the many over-ruling the more sensible voices of the few” because an army middle-schoolers are summer-pubbing it up at 41% and are getting sick of getting 1 shot by 183′s because they love to yolo-charge with the cruise control on while watching MLP on another screen.

          • Lol at MLP watching being an insult. But yeah, they shouldn’t do it during a game, what’s the point? you can’t focus on either thing!

            I also agree on the Yolo charge. I do not own a 183. however I have been hit by one, not died, and pwned him in retaliation. The thing kinda didn’t need 45mm pen nerf. however, 230mm is still one of the highest penning HE shells EVER. It’ll still have massive potential.(Yes I know it’s called HESH)

      • If you dont own with FV 183 you are just plain moron.

        Gold shels are OP, there is no point arguing with it.
        Problem is that its huge alpha/reload time and not great other stats make it another tomato camptank that can ruin the game for people who actually play actively.
        And yes, I have it.

        286 games , 3680 avg. damage, 3,05 damage ratio. And from this a lot of games were CW´s where you cant pwn T8 tomatoes.

        The HESH penetration nerf is what it needed and its absolutely fine.

    • OMG players will be have to fire AP from now on, ragequits incoming…

      Nobody raised an eyebrow when IS2 lost 330 or something pen HEAT btw. , but nerf HESH -> ermagerdimmaquitfuwg

      • The is2 gameplay isn’t based around it’s heat round. The 183 is highly concentrated on it’s HESH insta derp despite what storm says.

        Funny thing is the w/r on the 183 is poor now it’s going to tank after the nerf. Plus they still haven’t soled the insta derp problem, they just made it a lot more variable.

        • The actual problem is probably considered being 1-shot frontally, from full health. And honestly, it’s the thing I find to be the problem myself. Hell, some high-tier guns can pen side armor of some tanks with HE, so having HESH pen sides isn’t a stretch for me, considering it’s long reload and low ammo count, it makes the threat possibly minimal, but can on occasion occur, which I deem better.

          It’s no fun to be shot by the current HESH, and makes all but the heaviest and non-spaced armor useless, if things like that can essentially take out the heaviest of tanks, with only 1 round.

  4. “- Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics.”

    If by that they mean “Worse in every single way to the Jpz E-100 when firing AP”

    They aren’t even trying to hide it now.

    • FV is nothing like JgpzE100 and the whole comparison between those two just because of high alpha guns is retarded. One has no camo and is slow as shit, the other one has some camo and is much more faster and agile and has partially rotateable turret. Stop being fucking butthurted over your landarty nerf and deal with it. And if JgpzE100 is so much better than FV then sell the fucking 183 and buy JgpzE100 and play it.


      Now that i have checked your account, i think AP shells will actually do better for your scrubiness. Averaging 2k dpb in 183 with those broken HESH shells is like seriously shit.

      • I see the intricacies of good game design escape you, sir. As do the basic knowledges of how to hold an arguement.

        There’s only so many times people can lay the cold hard facts out to people who don’t seem to understand basic logic and how things actually work in game.

        • You just met a very very disturbed person who has a big grudge against arties and it spread not to large alpha TD tanks xD
          Medjed, take a chill pill already ;)

        • Oh damn I love this comment.
          You state another person’s logic and argument is false using childish logical fallacies and retarded ad hominem’s.
          I think it’s very obvious who here knows how to argue a point effectively. It’s the one who knows what an argument is.

      • You’ve ever seen accuracy while moving turret? Its like moving hull in an arty -_-

        • Dayum. The number of my fans are increasing on a daily basis here. Yes, i am the terrifiying asshole for calling out a shitlord who averages 2k dpb in a t10 TD and still dares to whine about it.


          You wanna straight cold hard facts? Let me tell you one. You suck at the game despite all the powercreep being available to you to abuse. YOU SUCK SO FUCKING HARD THAT YOU SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED TO PLAY IT ANYMORE. Faggot.

          • It’s also hilarious as hell how pubbies here are using the “Medjed is a bigoted cunt asshole” thing to cover up the facts they are shit and can’t beat an argument with their own, but instead are bullshiting around and accusing me as a source of their own problems :D FTR never ceases to amuse me :D

            • Erm, I’m not going to go against you, but I’m not exactly for you. I agree with you sometimes and others not.

              This time mostly not, do you really have to point someone’s stats out and mock them? If you wanted to point someone’s success in a tank politely you could say:
              “Your stats in fv 183 are not indicative of gameplay mastery..” Or something… anything but the arguing… please.

              Here, I have an offer, whenever you feel like mocking someone, please mock me instead. I know I don’t have great stats.

              Here: http://www.noobmeter.com/player/na/Kauris/1001698470/

              Please mock me instead. I won’t complain.

              • The point is that tomato player is complaining about nerfing OP tank, probably the only one he can do some damage with by camping behind, ruining others game by random oneshots and still sucking in it. There are no mild words for retardation.

                Those powercreep high alpha tanks must be nerfed to ground otherwise tomato trash will never learn how to play and still will be camping in these ruining others games by one killing/crippling them without NO skill.

              • @Kauris Azurai@
                No, i wont bash your for your stats. Wanna know why? Because you are aware of your skill and how good/bad are you at playing tanks while this shitlord complains about his 183 getting nerfed while he suck dicks at the game. There’s a difference between Dunning-Kruger’s suffering asshat and a guy who realizes he’s not the best player out there, but he is trying to improve and doesn’t bullshit around acting like a know all faggot. Everyone gets what he deserved.

    • 183 and all those powercreep bullshit tanks are toxic for the game. And balancing them against some other, equally retarded doomstars it makes the game more balanced sure, but no less shitty. I’m with Medjed on that one.

      And camping in one place, dealing 5000 damage with your 45 % WR noob account, not using any tactics at all (like maneuvering, going hull down, angling, sidescraping etc.) is not skill, it’s bad game design.

      Can’t wait for the nerf.

  5. - Storm confirms: in 9.2 supertest patchnotes, there was a mistake, specifically in the part that says that HD model will display only on player’s tank – in fact, HD models will display on all HD tanks, but the textures will be at 50 percent quality on other tanks

    Because how many times you can ACTUALLY see the enemy texture?
    Allies – yes, more often but then fight starts. Or camp :D

  6. “the textures will be at 50 percent quality on other tanks”

    What if I spectate a tank? Is it going to appear in full quality?

        • Not really, I think. 90% of the time, you’re looking at your own tank, and the detail level should be that noticeable, unless you’re just spending your time ogling the tank at the closest zoom, at the closest corner of the tank.

          It shouldn’t be that much of a difference, really. Hell, if they didn’t point it out, most people wouldn’t even realize things like this.

  7. Why don’t just remove the gold ammo, 230mm pen is useless if you dont have a decent accuracy to use it.

      • You do with HESH. If it doesn’t hit anything worthwhile the damage is beyond worthless for a tier 10 TD.

          • Then there is no point the the 183? The 183 is all about the HESH ammo. Without that you are driving a slightly more mobile less armored, less accurate with less DPM. It becomes completely irrelevant without the HESH. I don’t even have one and I am disappointed with the nerfs, now it is more likely to do 1000 dmg instead of me angling making him hit my tracks/heavy armor and only doing 600-800. So everyone whining saying “erh mah gawd 183 op it 1 shooted me” are people that are to shit to know how to handle a 183.

            • You do realize that this still makes HESH a better pen HE? So it still can do full damage, just not as likely to do so frontally, now. Really, it could be considered a slight survival time buff, as people won’t have as much fear of the tank, so it won’t get focused as hard. Like goddam, my tier 9 tanks just might have an actual chance to run away, when they see a 183, now.

              And, if the 183 driver is any good in his tank with HESH, he’ll see that you’re trying to bait him, and either hold the shot, or put it where it’ll not encounter tracks…

            • Every crazy alpha damage vehicle ingame is bad for gameplay. You would see it if weren´t braindead.

              Bullshit tanks like JPZE100, 183 and WTE just give no room for you to react/fight back if you encounter them unexpectedly. And most often are driven by skilless tomatoes just sitting behind the corner and waiting for somebody to come. Its easy to deal with them once spotted but it is usually too late.

              If you consider this to be good for the gameplay I recommend going to see a doctor.

      • The KV-2 is also blessed by the rng gods, and since it’s normal HE it doesn’t do the wierd things that HESH does. HE is much more consistent in how it acts, while HESH is dependent on hitting flat surfaces to act properly. Also the KV-2 doesn’t have only 12 shots, so it isn’t punished as much when it misses. The 183 has no point without HESH as the JPE100 is just better

  8. Come on! IS-3 HD postponed AGAIN!! I have to get used to not fully trust WG

  9. why the hell is it taking this long to create some stupid HD models?? I know people able to create a fully detailed 3D model from scrap in just a few days… the mechanics behind “what we see” in the game are really that complicated it takes half a year to create just a small fraction of the entire tank base in WoT??! …I feel dissapointed

    • Because they have to actually find a relevant vehicle and 3D scan it, then reduce it’s polycount to manageable levels, then edit it’s textures, etc…

  10. ‘ Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics. The fact that everyone started using HESH shells was not expected by the balancers and it was our mistake. HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses against “paper” targets and when shooting enemies in the side or in the back”’

    So remove gold ammo for credits so that tanks can be balanced properly.

  11. I really don’t think the problem with the 183 is only the fact that it has an HE shell with the penetration to centermass quite a few Tier X HT’s and all Tier X MT’s.
    The thing is, not only it has a great penetration, but it doesn’t need to penetrate to hurt you. BADLY.
    You can shoot 183Mm HESH at a sidescraping IS-4 (The best sidescraper without sideskirts in the game, and second only to things like the E-100 that have the advantage of the sideskirts), and still screw it up. More than once I’ve been 360noscop’d by a 183 while sidescraping in my IS-4, at angles that’d deflect T110E3 APCR, and taken from 500 to over 1.000 points of damage. This means that even correct use of armor is useless against this tank.
    Yes, maybe he “Only” hit you for 1.000, but that’s 1/3 at least of your HP’s, and that is because the 183 driver took the worst kind of shot (Outside of misses) you can take in the game.
    The fact that it’s an HE shell means it’s rewarding poor play heavily. You don’t need to aim to do damage, crippling damage in this case, and that is ALWAYS a bad thing.

    Edit: Also, lol at their excuse. So they give it an awesome AP shell, but also a completely broken gold shell that has all of the advantages of HE, while having AP levels of penetration, and didn’t expect people to use that? I’ve seen smarter amoebae.

    • If you were sidescraping, and were dealt over 1000 damage, chances are they either penetrated with HESH (unlikely unless you were doing a horrible job of sidescraping) or firing AP. The nature of how HE (and HESH) damage is calculated, it is impossible for a non penetrating HESH round to hit the side of an IS-4, and deal over a thousand damage. In fact, given the 120mm sides of an Is-4, the most a 183 can possibly do is 962 damage, on a max roll, and 524 on a min roll, if it doesn’t hit the tracks.

      • Will be a 300 damage hit. I did “94″ damage with a HESH shell shot at a KV4 turret mantlet.

        People always thinks that HESH will do lot of damage even on non penetrating hit but in the reality a shot in a batchat track will do around 500 damage to him. And then it’ll screw you, shooting all his clip on your tank without aiming cause you are in paper.

        • You didn’t shot his mantlet, but his gun barrel far enough from turret itself, so you did only those 94 dmg with splash. If you would actually hit the mantlet, it would still do at least 500+ dmg.
          I had a case when I had to shoot a JP E100 in the upper supperstructure part, so I tought – “To hell, if I can’t pen him, I will at least knock his gun out and do some damage”. And trying to hit his gun at the mantlet, I actually hit the gun in the Muzzle break and did zerro damage, because even splash couldn’t touch the tank itself..

  12. - it’s possible the Australian units Kangaroo decal will appear in WoT

    Can we hop with Australian tanks? :)

  13. It sounds like their think(concept of tier 10 uk td) about 183 was “the strongest AP shooting destroyer” except spg, right?

  14. “HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses against “paper” targets and when shooting enemies in the side or in the back”

    what a real retard this is… cos 25 sec loading makes it possible to load shells beforehand when you know there is a paper target coming or someone turning its side to you. srsly, some developers are just freakin clueless how their game actually works…

    • They are not talking about switching shells in the midfight. They are talking about the game situations where on enemy team rest of the alive tanks are paper armored(waffles for example) and then you will reload HESH in advance because you are 100% sure that the only thing you will possibly encounter are those tanks and not some high armored tanks.

  15. Hmm, well I’ll still buy the 183 and move my barracks Tortoise crew over, but, well… until they buff the ammo capacity, gun handling, reload time, or all of the above, playing it isn’t gonna happen, period.

  16. Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics.

    oh sure, no one takes in consideration time to aim and the chance for the shell to miss or bounce because it has a big f-in. target!

  17. I personally didn’t believe the FV215b 183 was broken with the HESH rounds. but maybe a “better” nerf would be to reduce the alpha of HESH to 1600 damage instead of nerfing the pen? FV players would still be able to do good damage if aiming properly and lower HP tanks would not be one shotted. or how about increasing the alpha of ap rounds to 1300 with the HESH nerf ? to create an incentive for AP rounds. I think a good “rebalance” is needed instead of a plain nerf. FV drivers need to find an incentive to use both rounds I think that’s the primary goal.

    As an FV4202 driver, I think apcr and HESH rounds are perfectly balanced in terms of when to use each. HESH rounds less reliable but if I understand the mechanics of HE then I can output very good damage. APCR is higher pen and higher shell velocity but with less damage. It’s up to the driver to understand the risks of using HESH and live with outcome. APCR lower risk steady damage. HESH high risk, high reward.

  18. Oh noes, a tank that requires skill to play. How terrible ™. Bitch some more please or get an E-100 and prepare yourselves for the HESH nerf, gold spitters.

    • E100 AP have 4 degree normalization when hitting armor.
      HESH have 0. So it’s not same thing.

  19. Cool, they could start a public test soon. Any ETA ?

    P.S. – SS, what is the reason for removing some of my comments ?

  20. - Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics. The fact that everyone started using HESH shells was not expected by the balancers and it was our mistake. HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses against “paper” targets and when shooting enemies in the side or in the back”

    I call bullshit. Giving something 275 pen HE shells on a 183mm gun won’t promote its usage for that reason? Give me a break.

  21. “- Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics. The fact that everyone started using HESH shells was not expected by the balancers and it was our mistake. HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses against “paper” targets and when shooting enemies in the side or in the back””

    This seems to indicate that the balancers are morons that have no clue at all about human behavior. If you give somebody an “I Win” button, such as the 270 mm pen HESH ammo, they WILL use it, with maybe a one in a million exception. That’s the problem that a lot of game developers don’t understand: there’s the element of human psychology that can’t be taken into account with a simple algorithm; you have to ask yourself “If I give the players X, what will they do with it?”, and based on your conclusion, if there is ANY possibility of there being a problem, address it BEFORE the content is added to the game!

  22. It seems the broken HESH was the only saving grace of FV 183 for both tomatoes and unicums alike.
    Your tears are delicious.

  23. I have deleted the game does not play
    Sucks very bad housing system
    Often encounter high efficiency while
    While inefficient
    How can this be a good time??
    8 heavy tanks are 10 rooms were occupied also how to play the position of a heavy tank
    Like tigerII VS E100 game designers would like to ask how you want to play
    To re-planning fairer thing does not make sense not to do only those things
    Many gamers have lost patience and very disappointed
    Game designers have a lot of online games as a serious review of gamers will not be lost
    Game designers cut tank data only hack game gamers