Straight Outta Supertest – M41 Walker Bulldog Details

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

remember the M41 Walker Bulldog leak? A few more bits of information came out.

This however is
a) not 100 percent confirmed
b) could (and probably will) change
c) very preliminary

So keep that in mind. Anyway, according to the leak, the pre-top gun is going to have an autoloader. It’s going to be a 76mm gun with a magazine for 10 rounds, 2 seconds reload between each rounds, each round will do 150 damage and will have 175 penetration (so that’s 1500 damage per clip). The magazine reload time currently is 21 seconds. The top gun will be the same gun (175mm pen, 150 damage), but without an autloader and the reload time between shots will be 3 seconds and it will also have better accuracy.

The size of Walker Bulldog is quite large for a light tank – it’s almost as big as Patton/Pershing.

Edit: Updated the info based on my own sources.

Gun with autoloader (pre-top), 76mm, crew skills taken into account

Penetration: 175
Damage: 150
DPM: 1848,6
Module damage: 105
Reload time for the magazine: 30,685s
ROF: 12,324
Ammo carried: 70
Shells in autoloader: 10
Time between shots: 2s

Top gun (76mm)

Penetration: 175
Damage: 150
DPM: 2681,6
Module damage: 105
Reload time: 3,356
ROF: 17,878
Ammo carried: 65

62 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest – M41 Walker Bulldog Details

  1. So we are basically getting a medium tank that trade srmor for speed, alpha for burst damage?

  2. “It’s going to be a 76mm gun with a magazine for 10 rounds, 2 seconds reload between each rounds, each round will do 150 damage and will have 175 penetration (so that’s 1500 damage per clip). The magazine reload time currently is 21 seconds.”

    Seriously,So AMX 13 75 will be left over with it’s 20 s reload and 135 damage and 144 pen gun?

    They should give the AMX 13 75 a 12 round drum with the same drum reload then,Since it’s historical.

    And yes,I know it’s still a Supertest stats where it’s not yet tweaked,But if it is released with the same stats,I’ll see myself really losing my faith on this game more compared to the last patches.

    • don’t start on amx 13 and historical — loading this tanks took bout gunner and commander to go out of the turret and reload it from the out side and took around 15-25 mins and you don’t wont that in game not don’t we :) , and they had promised the amx 13 100 version whit vert. stab. but … BTW this is a good idea for a t9 tank and get to bloody lorri to t8 and make it a prem :) whit the 90 mm 212 pen gun :)

    • Are you an idiot? Why on earth would you compare a French tier VII light tank with an American tier VIII one? You need to compare it to the 13 90, as that is the tier VIII light tank, which it will be competing with. And the 13 75 is much MUCH smaller, so you’re less likely to, yk, die.
      M41 and 13 90 compares very well.

    • AMX 13 75 has a 16s reload, actually. You must be mixing it up with the AMX 12t

  3. So keep that in mind. Anyway, according to the leak, the pre-top gun is going to have an autoloader. It’s going to be a 76mm gun with a magazine for 10 rounds, 2 seconds reload between each rounds, each round will do 150 damage and will have 175 penetration (so that’s 1500 damage per clip). The magazine reload time currently is 21 seconds. The top gun will be the same gun (175mm pen, 150 damage), but without an autloader and the reload time between shots will be 3 seconds and it will also have better accuracy.

    1500 damg, RIP all tier 7, and all tier 8 med/TD

  4. They will not change it. 10 rounds in a drum might sound much, but keep in mind that you need to stand still for 18 SECONDS to unleash your full drum. Unacceptable if you are 1. Large and 2. not so nimble/well armoured. by comparison: assuming it will be a t8, the AMX 13 90 has 6 x 240 shells and the size/ speed to get away, sure the reload is longer if we compare dmg potential vs dmg potential, but it requires less time to deliver, ergo: much better for hit & run.

    I can imagine certain situation where the Walker Buldog would be superior, but i need more statistics for that.

    • I don’t think the autoloader on the m41 will work like a regular autoloader.

      I can see it being used like a regular gun with an insane ROF for a short amount of time, like a Chaffee that fires even faster, but has a clip; rather than “stand still and clip the enemy out before they can turn around and shoot you”

      It actually might be just as competitive as the “top” gun, which seems like it functions almost exactly like a buffed version of the Chaffee’s gun.

      • So basely a Chi Ri but with better camo, gun, and better mobility and maneuverability. Where do I sign up at?

      • YEah, it’s more like a gun with a high rate of fire, that has a cooldown period after shooting X shots. 18 seconds just can’t be called burst anymore.

    • Or you can circle the enemy and shoot at point-blank range (while enjoying the frustrated cries of the unfortunate TD or SPG driver you’re harassing)

    • T71 is a scout and has 175mm of penetration; same matchmaking. Amx 13 75 has 144mm of penetration and gets same matchmaking. How is the penetration not adequate?

      • I don’t play Frenchy tanks but the super Pershing has 170 pen for tier’s only saving grace is armor lights lack that..and I’m not to fond of scouting to be a one hit kill specially if this thing is the size of a Pershing, then who the hell want’s to go drive that big bastard in the open or “hope” it makes sharp turns to avoid fire

        • Russian mediums have 175 penn, american mediums have 175 penn, the dam IS-6 has 175 penn. the fking kv-5 has 169 penn

          why the hell are you complaining.

          also, wow, the auf panther is going to be even more obsolete since there is now an autoloader version with better penn and alpha

            • all general lights in this game have no armor, and the auf panther is as big as an e-75

          • The T-44, KV-5 and IS-6 are crap, The pershing has 180mm of pen which is just good enough since most of the tanks they face have armor that is build to auto bounce 175mm pen shells at every angle.

            • T-44 is crap? Do we play the same game? 175 pen is sufficient for tier 8 frontal or tier 9 sides. What else would you expect from medium tank. One-shotting tiers 9? BTW KV-5 and IS-6 have limited MM, never get into tier 10 battle and very often top-dogs.

            • The Pershing is great not only because of 180mm pen, but because it can flank and get behind things. and T-44, KV-5, and IS-6 aren’t at all bad if you know how to use them.

        • The Super Pershing’s penetration is irrelevant because it’s can’t flank and is basically a heavy with “definitely a medium” written on the side.

      • Both of those tanks are quite horrible. But that’s mostly due to the horrible matchmaking and not the penetration. 175mm and 144mm would be quite decent for a T7 with normal mm.

  5. When i was a supertester and they had to tweak a tank, usually they didn’t touched the penetration/damage, they may however modify the aim time, mobility, hp, tiny bit of reload time.
    Also all tweaks were really minor, don’t expect to see a decrease in drum shells from 10 to 5….

    The release version of this tank will be really close to those details.

    • Well the gun would fit pretty nicely as a tier VIII scout, at least the penetration and damage :) Look at the T71, same gun. That seems to be doing great at tier VII, and it meets more or less the same enemies.

  6. So this will be tier VII right?
    For a tier VII it has impressive clip. Its like T71. It actually has better gun than AMX1390. It has more penetration, more clip damage, less reload time. People may think thats OP…

      • Also long as it has nice camo and view range, I can live with a big tank, seeing as I can scout the magic forest with a Obj 430.

        • The thing is size and camo are pretty much related. Bigger tanks tend to have worse camo and I don’t think the M41 will be any exception.

    • It is going to be tier VIII, like the 13 90. It has the same burst damage :)

      • Where are you getting tier 8 from? It’s long confirmed that this will be the tier 7.

  7. This looks over powered as hell if this is what it will be when it goes live, just ridiculous for a scout.

  8. Will play it with last gun. That DPM is awesome and the clip of the previous gun will take too much time to shoot all shells.

  9. Anyone saying this is too big for a light, just remember it is the same size as the type 64 Chinese premium. That tank is based on a duster hull which is a converted bulldog.

    • The turret is gigantic though, as SS said ‘the size of a Pershing’.

      • The whole tank is noticeably smaller than a Pershing. A Pershing tank is 40 cm longer (not including gun) ,30cm wider and 25cm taller.

      • Sorry what? I never mentioned what the M41 is based on. I am letting you know there is based on the same hull in game already mate, that is a fact.

        • You’re getting this tank confused, because the M41 in Taiwan is referred to as the:

          Type 64 (Experimental): Taiwanese development modified to local manufacturing techniques with improved fire controls, a 520 hp diesel engine, co-axial machinegun replaced with T57 7.62mm GPMG, and applique turret armors and sideskirts. Did not enter mass-production and is not to be confused with another M42-based light tank conversion bearing the same designation.

          Its designated as Type 64 but it has nothing to do with the duster hull conversion with the same designation.

          • the type 64 in game is the duster hull, it is you who is getting a little confused as there are two tanks called type 64 one experimental which is different from what is in game

            • After looking up about the duster, you are right. I thought the M42 was based on a completely different hull due to the fact that M41′s front hull is much much more sloped if you compare the M41′s model with the M42′s.

              With that said you are correct on the hull which are the same dimensions as the Type 64′s.

              Its the turret however which will be a different story. It is fairly massive about 2/3 the size of the hull itself.

              • True, it is about the size of the Patton second turret, though we do not know from the pics on FTR is how much of the rear of the turret is a hitbox

  10. From the looks of the stats, I think we can expect other light tanks will be on par with this as in the latest ftr post the developers stated that there is a light tank rework being planned.

    Light tanks are becoming less of a scout and more of a combat tank when you consider all the map changes that are scouting oriented.

  11. So much for historical accuracy. Everything I have ever read on the Walker Bulldog put its ROF at 12.xx rounds per minute, not 17.xx

  12. It also seems strange they modeled the M4A1 ammo load instead of the M41A2/M41A3. There were twice as many M41A2s and M41A3s produced/upgraded as there were M41A1s